The Tangled Assistant

By thefortforced30

16.9K 1K 47

They say opposite attract but hell she was a spit ball of fire. and he was about to get so burned. ~~~~~~~~~~... More

chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 6
chapter 5
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48

chapter 1

1.5K 61 2
By thefortforced30


Another day more stress.

This life style I choose to live into was slowly killing me.

This crappy apartment was about to fall down I was literally sure of that.

Removing the covers off me I walked in the bathroom to do my morning routine.

After brushing showering and doing other necessities for a morning I walked in my room to dry myself and maybe get some breakfast.

Walking down to the bathroom the wood was slowly coming out and to my horror when I opened the fridge there was no freaking food.

I was hungry and the job hunting was not doing me any peace.

To my couch I heard the message ding in my laptop.

What else was it to ruin my morning routine if not getting food has not done enough damage.

Lazily I walked to my couch and opened it.

From the Regonzili enterprise corporation.

What the hell.

I was given an interview two hours from now.

What the fuck!

A job I applied for like a month ago now it is when they are thinking of calling me hell not even calling but sending me a message that I have an interview in the next two hours?

It has always been my dream to once wake up and be like
I am working in the Regonzili but waking up and seeing that my interview was two a hours away from slipping out of my hand was a nightmare.

For a moment I froze not knowing what to do and time did not make it any better. It moved in slow motion then after five good seconds everything went back to normal an alarm ringing in my head.

Rushing to my small sized closet I removed a pant suit and a yellow blouse to go.
I walked to my shoes and chose to go with the black stilettos.

Which were easily simple.

If that didn't make me look professional enough then I didn't know what could.

I didn't have enough money on me to get myself a cup of coffee neither did I have the time.

Calculating all the time I would spend in these streets I groaned.

From where I was living to get to the Regonzili was one hour and a half ride if the train didn't delay or the bus.

To walk from where I was living to the gas station was ten minutes and the time to go in that line for a ticket was another so technically I was already late.

Getting on my conclusion I decided to go empty stomach and a humbling headache that was making me miserable for the day.

Walking in the subway was miserable I got people two bumped on me and some even pushed me which was hectic adding the fact that I had heels on.
Wherever they we're rushing to I hope they got there late after tripping and falling in mud because you just couldn't push a person without an excuse me or saying a sorry when you did so.

I stood there taking in the non ending tall building full of glasses that made it seem even more gorgeous.

The guard was looking at me the whole time
I didn't know if he thought that I was an idiot maybe or stupid but he did look at me weirdly until I decided to put my acts together.

When I told him what I was doing here he let me in and even gave me the directions to finding the reception.

Wasn't he nice.

"Uum.. Hi" I said to the receptionist who seemed to act as if I was not even there when she clearly saw me.

If I was not looking for a job here I would have given her punch for treating me so lowly.

She looked at me then went back to typing.

"Walk straight take your right there will be an elevator then press to the thirtyth floor" she said not even looking at me.

Almost giving her the middle finger I calmed myself down.

I was not going to go all crazy before I even talk with my employer.

I took the directions she gave me.

And let me tell you the elevator music brought some sleep in me.

It looked like I wasn't the only one there.

Like ten more people were occupying the waiting area which included both men and women and when I entered all the heads turned toward me.

I didn't look at them or give them the satisfaction that I cared if they looked at me badly or anything instead I walked with confidence and sashayed like a boss.

Confidence was always a way of showing that you weren't scared and the way to earn respect.

"Hi I am Anaïs Mayer" I said to the receptionist

"Hi you look so familiar" she said looking at me straight in the eyes.

Crap my cover was blowing away.

I smiled taking a step back.
She couldn't know me or else everything would go away.

"Uumm sorry mam but you must be mistaken we have never met" I said giving her an even wider smile.

She murmured something under her breath but shook her head.

"I am Liza here is your script you are number ten on the list.
Sorry for getting the last number but your arrival status is late" she said giving me an apologetic smile.

I mentally groaned but thanked her anyway.

Now I was going to spend my time here feeling like a dying frog.
Patience was my friend but it didn't mean that boredom was.

An hour passed and only half of them have gone I was getting bored each passing second.

I looked at the remaining ladies seated
one seemed to have an interest on the wall that was ahead of her
another one was busy typing on her phone
the typing was making noise in the quiet hall making everyone get annoyed and what amazed me was how she didn't seem to care.

The other one remaining was busy giving her glares.

The receptionist didn't even seem to care as she seemed to be busy and lost in the computer and work she was doing.

After another twenty minutes it was only me and the typing lady remaining.

Thanks to that but my stomach was so empty it seemed to make it's own drumming.

I didn't eat proper last night and I didn't eat breakfast.

I was going to go home and not have food again.
Gosh I was almost broke.

"Miss Mayers please go in it is your turn" she said looking at me like she was still trying to figure me out.

She was not going to know me that easily.

I took my purse then started walking toward the direction the others took when they were told that they were called.

When I arrived at the door it was the only one in that hallway and it didn't seem to be missed because on top it was written Regonzili in big bold letters.

I knocked the door twice then heard a come in in a masculine voice.

I slowly opened the door.

His chair was turned away from the direction of the door.

"Name" he said in a rather flat tone.
He wasnt asking. No the man was demanding.

I almost grigged my teeth but did not out of respect.

"Anaïs" I answered.

"Do you have only one name? Are you an animal? Even animals have two names"he said his tone still flat maybe he was trying to calm himself or something.

I was taken back by his words which I did not take to heart but hey as long I get the job right.

"Anaïs Mayers" I said plainly.

Asking a person their name while not looking at them was something taken wrongly.

Asking them if they were animals was another offensive thing.

It was offensive to give an interview to your costumers facing away from them or not even giving them a proper greeting.

A moment of silence passed.

I kept silence along with him.

He slowly turned himself then looked at me.

What I saw made my breath hitch.
His face was of a greekgod let not even talk about his dark brown hair.

He needed to be painted on a canvas and be kept in the museum.

His jaw so sharp it could cut you.

A sports body.

What a human being.

"Are you done staring? " he asked in a bored tone.

That made my eyes snap at him.

And that immediately made me dislike him.
What did he think talking to me like that

All that handsomeness and hotness became unattractive to me when I remembered the kind if tone he used on me a while ago.

"Tell me why do you want this job? " he asked standing up walking to a table that looked like it had tequila and whiskey.


Wasn't it too early to drink especially while giving an interview.

"Are you going to answer me? " asked this time standing in front of me.

How he got there so fast I didn't know.

"I need this job because of my current living situation sir." I said to him.

If that was enough I didn't know.

"Really then why do you keep staring at me? " he asked me leaning I  a little bit closer to me.

Mister you better lean the fuck back before I punch you in your balls.
My hands were already in a fist.

"I am sorry what?" I asked again

The balls of this man.

"Do I really need to repeat myself wasn't I clear?" He asked annoyed.

"Did you just hint that I want you?" I asked in disbelief.

He blinked at me in an annoyed manner.
Like he was contemplating if it my hearing senses that were disappointing me or my brain being slow to process information.

He probably thought the later.

"Did you mean that I really want you?" I asked giving him a glare and maybe confirming his assumptions.

He was even closer.

What kind if interview was this.

"What the hell do you think you are? " I asked loudly standing up pushing him away.

My hands on my hips I was ragging.

"You came for this job interview because you want me.
Isn't that true?
Get out" he said looking at me with narrowed eyes.
When did I even say I wanted this man.

The balls.

Hell to the no he was not going to say that I want to sleep with him and then go ahead and disrespect me.

"Do you really think that I would waste my time to come and bed a man who would be my employer?
Do you thing I scoop that low so that I can get a job? " I asked my face daring him to say a yes.

I didn't give a fuck of who he was

I didn't give a fuck about how hot and handsome he was but he was.
He was going a piece of my mind and wrath all together.

"Yes" he answered calmly unfazed by my reaction.

Then I walked to him all the time he was looking at me.

I made sure to walk extra slow and when I was near to him enough.
I took the glass of tequila out if his hand slowly kept it on the table.

The whole time he was giving me a warrry eye.

Then I poured all the ingredients on his rich ass looking suit.

No one was going to disrespect me that much and then still act like it was a normal thing to do.

"You can take your job and shove it up your ass.
I don't give a fuck anymore" I said walking out.

Even while enraging I walked like nothing happened in his office.

With confidence and head held high.

I knew I was not going to get this job because of what I did but fuck it.
He was probably going to also sue me.

I walked out of the building then walked to the bus station.

I was going to get out of that house.
I was literally tired of waking up every morning and hearing a wood break or descend down the stairs and see a wood missing.

I took my home phone and typed the number in.
"Finally you are calling" she said

"Hey" I said smiling.
"Please don't be telling me that you have no grocery again because you know you have everything you need but I still don't know why you are still living there" she said

"It is called being normal " I answered smiling.

"Being normal is not living in a house that you know it will fall any moment that the wind blow" she said hissing.

"You know we worry a lot about you.
Seriously you are about to give me a heart attack"she said mocking a breath.

"Okay okay I will look a for a better one or maybe come home I don't know yet I'll tell you tomorrow " I said still hasn't made up my mind.

"Just come home." My mother said releasing a breath.

"By the way my fridge is empty" I said in my sweetest voice ever.

"Well tell Antoin to go get for you grocery I am tired right now" she said sounding stressed.

Drama queen.

"Can you tell him for me .
I don't think I have enough credit to call again" I sheepishly said not knowing if she would actually call him.

"Okay take care and come in that home of yours soon.
I love you" she said hanging up the phone.


What a great family she was.

Instead of waiting for Antoin to come I decided to busy myself and call Malia to tell her what happened today.

Then I remembered that I didn't have enough credit to actually make a decent phone call.

I walked to my cupboard then removed my  phone.
I didn't really use it that much since I wanted a low layed life but I did in cases like when I got bored and got nothing to do.

I looked through my contact and then saw her name.

"Hey gurl you finally decided to get out of your weird self and actually use a proper phone.
So what's up? " she said on the other end of the call making roll my eyes.

"Malia you wouldn't believe what happened today" I said removing the pin out of my hair making it go in all the right places.


First chapter up.

Tell me if you guys liked it or not.

Still first chapter you guys write your ideas about alisha so far what do you think?.

On the picture Malia

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