This is the New Year (Larry M...

By Casifist

62.1K 2K 267

Harry is a broke university student, and he'd do anything at this point for some extra cash. Louis wants a ki... More



1.8K 73 17
By Casifist

Louis acted exceptionally calm while Harry was asking him out, but he is exactly the opposite. Or at least he thinks he acted calm. At the moment, he's trying his hardest to put together an outfit that is fancy restaurant material, but he can't seem to find one he's happy with.

Eventually, he decides on his grey speckled sweater with his favorite black skinny jeans and some nice-ish black suede shoes.

"Good enough," he mumbles as he looks at himself in his full length mirror. He lifts up his sweater and smiles at him tummy, gently placing his hand the the middle of his stomach near his rib cage. He can't believe his future son or daughter is growing in his tummy, and he's never been more excited.

He also can't believe that he agreed to going on this date, because he just knows that it's going to end in one of two ways: Louis won't like Harry as much as he thinks he might, and he'll leave the date with no plans to ever see him again, which would be the easier option for himself, or he'll be completely infatuated with him, but then Louis will be the one who's ghosted when Harry finds out that he's pregnant.

He shrugs to himself and puts his sweater back down, tapping his belly and quickly making his hair look presentable enough to impress Harry, even though he's 100% confident that tonight is going to end in disaster. It's 7:30 already, so he shrugs his nerves away, grabs his coat, and starts walking towards Chez Francois. It's only about a 15 minute walk from his flat, so he'll get there slightly early.

The entire walk there, all Louis can think about is how much he hopes he doesn't like Harry. Which is strange for a first date, but here he is, hoping for the worst.

He arrives at the restaurant at 7:47, expecting to be the first of the two there, but just as he's about to ask for a table for two, he sees Harry stand up and wave at him from about 20 feet away. And Louis thought he was early.

His jaw almost drops at the sight of Harry. He's wearing an almost see through white button up with the top 3 buttons undone to show his toned chest and a multitude of tattoos that have Louis halfway hard already. Harry's sleeves are rolled up to just below his elbows to reveal even more tattoos, and Louis didn't realize how horny tattoos make him feel. He's got quite a few himself, but Harry's are just, wow. He's never seen him when his chest and forearms are exposed, and, to be honest, all he can think about is how many other tattoos Harry might have that are hidden from Louis right now. Harry's shirt is partially tucked in to a pair of black skinny jeans with cut outs where his knees are and a pair of worn brown boots are protecting his feet.

This 'maybe I won't like him' plan is already not working out in Louis's favor.

"Hey, Louis," Harry smiles, greeting Louis with a warm hug. It's then that Louis realizes just how much bigger Harry is than him.

'Holy shit, he smells good,' Louis thinks to himself. "Hey, Harry," he greets as Harry releases him from the hug. Louis could have gone for a longer one if he's honest.

"You doing alright?" Harry asks as they sit down across from each other at their table.

"Yeah, I'm doing pretty well, how about you?" Louis replies, lying through his teeth. He is full of nerves at the moment.

"Honestly, I'm pretty nervous," Harry laughs.

'Thank god it's not just me,' Louis thinks. "Me too," he confesses, breathing out a laugh. The evening goes on without a hitch, and Louis is cursing himself with how infatuated he is with Harry. He's never gone on a date and been horny the second he lays eyes on the guy. Harry's also probably the nicest man he's ever met, and he wishes he would have met him a couple of years ago, so that he wouldn't be scared away when Louis tells him that he's pregnant later tonight. Part of him wishes that he has said no, and the other part is so glad he said yes. Louis really doesn't know what he's going to do.

"The food is really great," Louis says, praising every god that anyone's ever believed in that his morning sickness isn't acting up today.

Harry nods. "The chef's absolutely amazing. Have you ever been here before?" he asks.

Louis shakes his head. "Never. My mum always talked about wanting to go, but I never got the chance to take her."

"Why not?" Harry asks, furrowing his eyebrows.

"She actually, um, passed away in December," Louis replies awkwardly. "Leukemia."

Harry's eyes become sad and regretful for asking. "I'm so sorry, Louis," he says, reaching across the table and taking Louis's hand in his.

Louis immediately gets butterflies in his stomach when Harry touches his hand. "Let's not talk about that right now, yeah? Dessert?" Louis asks, changing the subject.

Harry smiles. "Get whatever you want. Although, I must say, the raspberry cheesecake is absolutely amazing."

"Perfect," Louis grins. 'I am completely fucked.'

They finish their dessert about 15 minutes after it arrives at their table and Harry somehow makes Louis laugh more than he's laughed in one sitting in awhile. He doesn't even know why he finds Harry so funny. All he's done is make puns and tell him knock-knock jokes, but Louis can't seem to get enough of it.

"Can we have the check, please?" Harry asks their waiter between laughs. The waiter nods and Harry thanks him.

When the check comes, Louis automatically reaches for it.

"No, no, no, I'm paying," Harry says, removing the check from Louis's grasp.

"Harry, you're an unpaid intern and a student," Louis reasons. "I can get it."

"I asked you out, therefore it's my treat," Harry smiles, inserting his card into the slot and handing it back to the waiter.

"You're impossible," Louis laughs.

"You like it."

Louis shrugs. "Maybe."

By the time they're done with dinner, it's almost 10.

"Did you walk here?" Harry asks as they exit the restaurant.

Louis nods. "Yeah."

"Can I take you home?" Harry asks. "I won't stay if you don't want me to, but I don't want you to walk home all alone in the dark."

"Sure, Harry," Louis smiles, trusting Harry more than he probably should for someone he's known for a total of probably, like, 3 1/2 hours.

Harry grins and opens up his passenger seat door, waving his arm to signal Louis to get into his car . He closes the door once Louis is in and skips over to the driver's side with a huge smile on his face.

"Will you direct me?" Harry asks, putting his car into drive.

Louis nods. "Turn left at the end of the street."

It only takes about 5 or so minutes to get to Louis's flat. "Y'know, I only live like 2 or 3 blocks away."

"Really?" Louis asks, surprised.

Harry nods, taking his seat belt off. "Small world," he smiles. He hops out of his car and runs over to Louis's side, opening the door for him once again.

"What a gentleman," Louis jokes.

"I try," he shrugs.

Harry walks Louis to his front door, 'accidentally' brushing their hands together on their way up the stairs, making Louis blush.

"I had a lot of fun tonight," Harry says as they stop at Louis's door.

"So did I," Louis says, chuckling slightly and unlocking his door.

Harry's eyes flicker from Louis's eyes to his lips, and Louis's breath catches in his throat.

He can't believe someone like Harry might actually be about to kiss him right now.

"Can I kiss you?" Harry asks meekly, and Louis could die happy right now.

Louis nods, and Harry begins to slowly move in closer and Louis swears he can't breathe right now. Before he knows it, Harry's lips are pressing against his, and oh my god, they're soft. Harry pulls away faster than Louis likes, and he can't help but connect his lips to Harry's once more. Harry gasps, taken aback by Louis's sudden forwardness and rests his hands on Louis's hips, grabbing slightly. He moves his lips in sync with Louis's and raises one of his hands to Louis's face, pulling him closer to deepen the kiss.

Louis accidentally moans quietly into the kiss, causing Harry to freeze for a second. Just as Louis begins to think he's really blown it and gone and freaked him out, Harry backs Louis into his front door and kisses him harder. Louis moans again, this time embracing it and reaching behind him to open his door. They stumble inside, swinging the door shut behind them. Harry pushes Louis against the wall and bends down slightly without breaking their kiss to pick him up by the back of his thighs. He carries Louis over to his living area and lays him down on his couch, climbing on top of him and bringing their lips back together.

Louis thinks this is quite possibly the best time he's ever had making out with someone, and he wants with all of his heart and soul for this to go further.

Louis brings his hands in between the pair and begins unbuttoning the few done-up buttons on Harry's shirt, sliding the white fabric down his arms and throwing it onto the ground. He looks at Harry's chest and let's out another moan when he sees the butterfly on the front of Harry's rib cage. Harry chuckles at this. He lifts his head so that Harry will continue kissing him as he undoes his belt and throws it next to his shirt, as he unbuttons his pants and begins to push them over Harry's not-surprisingly firm ass. Harry kicks them off when they get to his knees, so that he's left in only his black boxers.

Harry lifts Louis's sweater up and over his head, immediately attaching his lips to Louis's jaw and then his neck and his collarbone and his chest.

Louis is in absolute heaven.

He only remembers the reason he was hesitant to go out with Harry in the first place when Harry's mouth makes its way to Louis's stomach. Louis immediately gasps and grabs Harry's hands which are currently trying to undo Louis's jeans. "Harry, I'm pregnant," Louis blurts out, causing Harry's gaze to shoot directly up to Louis's face.

"Louis, we haven't even had sex yet," Harry says, partly joking.

"No," Louis sighs, sitting up and moving his bottom half out from under Harry. "That's why I almost didn't go out with you in the first place."

"Wait, so," Harry momentarily closes his eyes to try to grasp what Louis is telling him. "You're already in a relationship with someone?" he asks, confused.

"No," Louis answers quickly. "It's kind of complicated."

"I'd be happy to try and understand so I don't feel like I've been completely used," he laughs dryly.

"Well, okay," Louis suddenly becomes aware that Harry is still almost naked, and he can see the imprint of Harry's dick underneath his boxers, and it's not helping him focus on the topic at hand. "Um, do you maybe want to put some clothes on? Especially since you're probably just going to leave after I tell you anyways."

"I'll put clothes on, but let me just hear what the hell is going on before I decide to leave or not," he replies, standing up and picking his jeans off of the floor, sliding them over his toned legs. Louis realizes he's basically drooling and quickly diverts his eyes away.

"Basically, I really want a kid, and I'm getting old, and I didn't think anyone was going to show up and decide to date me anytime soon, so I went to a sperm bank and got inseminated," Louis says in one breath, nervously awaiting Harry's reply.

Harry's eyes are wide as he finishes buttoning his pants, and he nods his head to let Louis know that he understands. "Alright then," he laughs. "So I guess that means we have, what? 8 months now to figure out if we'll work for any long period of time?"

Louis stares at Harry in disbelief. "Excuse me?"

"Look, Louis," Harry starts, sitting back down next to Louis, both of them still shirtless. "This is only our first date, but I really like you, and I would like to see where this can go."

"Are you kidding me?" Louis stares up at Harry with wide eyes.

"It takes a long time for a baby to actually be born, right? Basically 10 months if they make it to 40 weeks. That's almost a year. By the time the baby is here, we'll have a fairly good idea of where this relationship can go. And who knows?" He throws his arms out to the side. "We might break up next month, but I feel a real potential here, and I want to try to make it work, baby and all," Harry laughs.

"Really?" Louis asks, not believing what's happening in front of him.

"Yeah, why not?" he shrugs. "Also, you're not old, by the way, you're 25. That's only 2 years older than I am."

"Old enough," Louis quips.

"How about we just take this a little slower than it was going about 10 minutes ago, alright?" Harry asks.

Louis sighs. He was really looking forward to the events of 10 minutes ago. "I guess," he shrugs, still in disbelief that Harry is okay with him being pregnant with someone else's baby. Especially since Louis doesn't even really know who the father is, nor will he ever.

"Let's watch a movie, yeah? Where do you keep them?"

"Second drawer on the left of the TV stand," Louis replies.

Harry looks through Louis's movie collection. "These are awful," he laughs. "Do you have any rom-coms?"

Louis smiles sheepishly. "First drawer on the right."

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