our fall in may||BWS (complet...

By subbykoo

31.4K 1.8K 329

STARTED: 5/7/17 COMPLETED: 9/13/17 She lost her sight at eleven. He lost his innocence at ten. Together they... More

Hoes Listen, its important
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42 (lmao help)
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 51

493 30 9
By subbykoo



"Mum?!" I choked out.

"No, it's Justin Bieber." Her voice dropped with not so subtle sarcasm. "Of course it's me, Bradley."

"W-What...why...where..." I tried to speak as I drove along the road.

"Linda was supposed to tell you that I'm coming - also the twins are here - and because I've heard of your improvement and I'm at Delta Gate 3A. Come get us."

"Be there in ten." I mumbled before hanging up. The airport was usually at least  two hours away, but since I'm already in the city I'm closer.

How could I have forgotten about my mother coming? Oh, yeah. Kind of had the thought of a child on my mind. I groaned in frustration and anxiety as the terminal came into view.

I spotted the three people that I knew immediately. A small red haired woman, a very tall blonde boy with nothing more or less than a chicken body, and a tan boy with brown-blonde quiffed up hair and Ray Bans with his phone in his face. My mother, Tristan and James.

I was never close with my mom after the accident it's been four years since our last in person encounter, but I somehow didn't feel the need to run up and tackle her in a hug while crying about how much I miss her. I didn't think Anne Simpson deserved that. (A/N Couldn't say Anne-Marie bc mama simp's too pure and amazing to put her exact address on to label it exactly as that specific mama. Idk if that makes sense. MAMA SIMP IS QUEEN OKAY)

I pulled up in front of them causing James to pull his nose away from his phone.

I got out. "Bradley!" My mother cheered and kept her distance.

"Hey, mom." I smiled before turning to my childhood best friends. "Tris, Jems."

"Hey, man." Tris nodded and James waved shyly. He was the one who mooned everyone who walked past, what happened?

"Hey...so I have to pick May up-"

"May? Who's May?" My mother's eyebrows furrowed.

I swallowed as my eyes went around the crowded lot until they landed on their bags. I grabbed them and started piling them into the car.

"Bradley? Who is May?" Her voice was more stern as she spoke slower.

"She's my girlfriend..." I mumbled and chose not to add in that she's pregnant.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Tris's eye lit up and I could almost see him trying to imagine May in his mind, but I wished him luck since her beauty is impossible to think up on a whim. I shrugged in response as I shut the trunk.

"We have to go pick her up...but there's some rules when talking to May, just as Anne probably already explained mine to you." I explained as everyone piled into my car. My mother sat in the passengers seat, Tris behind her due to his tall frame needing more leg room and James behind me.

"Bradley, this is a great car!" James admired, saying the first actual words since I saw him.

"Thanks. It's a Mercedes."

"How'd you afford a Mercedes?!" Tristan gasped. Everyone buckled their seat belts.

"I'm an artist and it helps me buy myself and May nice things. Now, back to her rules." I cleared my throat as I pulled out of the lot carefully. "Never, ever mention the news of war. Ever."

"What kind of news?" Tris furrowed his eyebrows and readjusted his blonde hair.

"Specifically terrorism. Just war in general, but definitely terrorism. Next, never talk about a view or a sight you've seen. This will make her upset and she'll try and hide it."


I bit my lip and rested my elbow onto the window with my fingers against my temple, my other hand tight against the wheel as I breathed in. "Let me finish and I'll explain. Three, don't touch her too much, but let her touch you. She needs to or she'll feel vulnerable and weak. It scares her. Don't make sudden, loud noises. That's probably one of the biggest next to views and terrorism. She will cry. Don't use her full name and that's really all.

"Now to explain this all, I have my...happenings...as does she. Do not mention views because May can not see those views. Don't talk about terrorism or made sudden loud noises because it trigger a flashback. And let her touch your face because she wants to know if she can describe the person she's with if they were to harm her in any way."

"She can't see views?"



"Oh, my god. She's blind! May's blind!" I clenched my jaw when I yelled this and the car went silent. "I was trying to drop hints about it instead of flat out saying it." I whispered.

"She was in a terrorist attack?" James asked softly.

I nodded once. "Nine years ago. Do not bring it up. She lost more than her sight in that attack and I don't want her upset, so please just act talk like your surprised if she brings up that she's blind."

I didn't even realize we were pulling into CS's parking lot until my mother gasped.

"This is a great school. She got in?"

I rolled my eyes. "Yes, she got in. She's intelligent and she want to become a teacher. Don't ruin it for her. I'll be right back." I parked the car and put my sun glasses on as I searched for May.

I saw her sitting under a tree, staring forward with a smile gracing her already blessed face, her fingers delicately tracing over her brail book in her lap. I made my way to her.

"State your name Sargent!" May giggled as I kissed her forehead.

"Major Bradley Will Simpson, ma'am." I stated boldly and she continued in the little fit of her own giggles. She snorted once which caused her to laugh harder.

"Damn, what are you high on?" I laughed as I helped her up.

"Memes." She snickered and I rolled my eyes.

"Come on, comedian." I helped her put her bag on her shoulders.

Mama Simp (hell ye bitchez)

I stared out the window as Bradley made his way across the yard of the perfectly trimmed lawn. He looked better. So much better. I didn't expect him to be thrilled to see me, and my expectations were correct. He barely even looked at me.

When he said he had a girlfriend, I fought the urge to laugh. A girlfriend? The one who can't be touched or even looked at the wrong way? I'd believe Jesus Christ was going to rise again and drink whiskey instead of wine before I believed that boy had a girlfriend.

But when he started talking about her, I noticed that this was no joke, he truly had a girlfriend. From there, my assumptions jumped into the thousands range from zero about how she would be. Either hideous and incompetent or gorgeous and no brain or sexual needs. But when he said his girlfriend was blind, I felt the guilt slowly rise into my chest.

"Do you think she's hot?" Tristan whispered to his other half in the backseat.

"Brad's a good looking-" James started and I cleared my throat. "Bradley," he corrected "Is a good looking guy. He can get a girlfriend that's decent."

"Shh! He stopped walking and bent over to someone by a tree." Tristan took out his phone and I guessed he was trying to zoom and see it. I rolled my eyes.

"Aw!" James cooed.

"What?" I whipped around to stare at the boys.

"They're so cute." James admired. Sometimes I wondered if he's gay, then remember him and his fiancé broke up. She was a looker, so probably. (A/N DONT BASH ME MAMA SIMP IS JUST A JUDGMENTAL THINKER NOT ME. #LGBTQPROUD. MY IBF IS IN LOVE WITH ME AND IM GOOD WITH HER SO  I SUPPORT 🏳️‍🌈)

"He's helping her up! Let me see her!" Tristan swung an absent arm back as if bracing for impact and hit his brother in the face.

"Asshole." James grumbled, readjusting his sunglasses.

"Oh...she's tense now." I whispered as I could see the girl's outline next to my son stiffen.

"Probably told her we're here." James suggested.

"Obviously." I rolled my eyes. I don't know why I'm being so snappy today? Maybe nerves? Then, the girl did something I never thought I'd see anyone do to my son.

She hugged and kissed him...and he did the same right back without screaming. I put my sunglasses on my head and narrowed my eyes curiously while leaning towards the window to see better.

"What's the blood..." I whispered as he continued to kiss behind her ear to calm her, fiddling with the end of her long, blonde pony tail at the base of her back.

"Holy shit." Tristan gawked, knowing the rules already.

"Still don't touch him, McEvans." I shot at Tristan and he sunk back into his seat as Bradley kissed her once more, her standing on her toes in her little brown sandals - another unnatural thing about them was she was shorter than him - to kiss him back before they made their way to the car, his arm around her shoulder with a pure white retriever in front of them on a tight leash.

"Act natural." James whispered harshly when they neared the car and went back to his regular position. Tristan opened his legs and I glared. He shrugged and I shook my head, my natural stance being annoyed.

"...baby. Just put him in the back seat and James will sit in the middle. Taurus can lay across their laps." I heard when the back door opened.

The way he talked to her was heart warming. His tone was soft and gentle like he was comforting her at all times. I could hear the happiness laced through his words and knew immediately this was the love of his life. Hell, he talked with her better than Derek has ever talked to me. (A/N I feel like such an asshole I love mama simp and Derek ugh kms I hate insult my in laws.)

"Alright." Her voice was sweet with that one word. It almost sounded like singing in a way.

"James can you move over a bit for May?" Bradley asked kindly, his tone different from earlier but not faking, as if seeing her for five minutes changed his whole attitude.

"Y-Yeah." He stuttered and I heard him move. I didn't want to look at her until I got to know her. I don't want to judge before I listen to her personality. I heard James and Tristan grunt, signaling the dog jumping across their laps.

"I'm sorry, he's a bit of an eater." Her giggle was beautiful even.

"It's fine." James murmured from under the dogs weight.

"Home we go." Bradley sighed after we all had buckled in and he drove off.

"So, May. You're studying education. Any specific grades?" I asked curiously.

"Uh, I want to teach either middle school or high school." She answered nervously.

"Why not younger?"

"When I- If I have kids, I don't want to have my job ruin the fun time when I get home."

"Do you want kids?" I pressed.


"Mum, calm down." Bradley put his head against the head rest.

"Sorry, sorry. How long have you two been together?"

"Close to two years. I was eighteen, he was twenty. Support group." She sighed happily, as if support group was Disney Land.

"The first thing I ever said to her was 'Why aren't you looking at me' and then 'Can I pet your dog?'" Bradley laughed.

"It was awkward but it got better." The girl had a smile to her voice.

"Hmm..." I thought for a moment and stared out the window.

"May, what do you want for dinner?" Bradley asked her softly.

"They can choose."

"I want take out to be honest." James shrugged and Tristan agreed.

"Alright." I answered and we all decided on pizza.

My eyes bugged out of my head when I saw the house we pulled into. It was practically a small mansion.

"Who's house is this?" I gasped, admiring the perfect lawn.

"Ours." Bradley answered flatly, his tone completely changing.

"You have a house?"

"Yes. For about two months." The girl answered. The car parked and we all piled out and grabbed our bags before walking into the huge front room, made completely of stone.

"Welcome to our home!" May's voice was happy and excited. I finally decided to look at her. She was not what I suspected.

Her straight blonde hair was in a perfectly neat high pony tail. Her face reminded me of those beautiful elves for some reason, it just screamed elegant. Her figure was petite and her green-blue eyes were wide and shining while she smiled i the perfect white teeth. She was easily one of the most beautiful people I've ever seen in my life. May untied her dogs leash and skipped to me, wrapping me in a warm hug. I awkwardly hugged her back.

She turned to the boys and hugged both of them, standing on her toes and them hunched over.

"Ugh, it's so great to finally meet you!" She muttered and held out her hand. "Do you mind if I...um..." she blushed.

Tristan grabbed her hand and placed it on his face to make her more comfortable. She sighed with a smile and felt his face gently, then James then mine.

"Okay, I feel better now." She laughed and Bradley wrapped his arms around her before kissing her temple. He stared at her like she was the only thing in the world. 

"I'll take your bags in the guest rooms." Bradley mumbled and grabbed our bags.

"Who am I sharing a room with?" Tristan asked.

"No one. There's five bedrooms." May explained and I was astonished. Five? 

"Alright!" James cheered happily which caused May to laugh and Bradley started up the stairs.

"Follow me, everyone." May announced and grabbed onto one of the small black ledges against the wall, discretely hidden. She followed it and I released the small raised dots on it; brail. 

"What does that read?" I asked curiously as we followed her.

"It means kitchen. Bradley set them up for me so I could get around easier."

"Wow, he did the for you?" 

She smiled shyly. "Yup. He's incredible." Wow, he must really love her.

"So, here's the kitchen. Help yourself to anything you want or need. The bathroom is down the hall to the left fi you need it. I'm just going to make Taurus his snack." she clapped twice and her dog came bounding into the room. May stretched behind his ear and laughed as he panted happily. "Hello, my handsome man!" she cooed and kissed is nose. 

"May, where's the cups?" Tristan questioned, looking around.

"Top shelf left to the sink." 


I watched her intently. She wore rose colored skinny jeans and a white V neck along with flats. Such a simple outfit. No makeup was worn on her face and she had earrings in. She was naturally beautiful. I smiled at her.

"So, May...how old are you?"

"I'm twenty." she answered and my smile faded when she reached up to get something and her shirt rose up a bit. I hope I was hallucinating and didn't just see a small bump there.


Mama simps gonna fReAk or be happy

I dont know

So I know it seems a little fast paced, but her getting pregnant has a crucial part to this story. I know it seems a little crazy and fanfic like, but trust me, its important and is far from that


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