You're My Injustice

By RileyMizfit

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Kayla Marie Montgomery is one of the biggest face Divas of the WWE. Despite all the chaos that's been going o... More

Raw After WrestleMania
Main Event, SMS & SmackDown Tapings
Girls Day
Injustice Solved
Tapings Before Tour
Glasgow, Scotland
Double Shows
SmackDown Taping in London
SmackDown Taping for May 3, 2013
Raw: May 6, 2013
SmackDown Taping For May 10, 2013
Raw: May 13, 2013
Main Event, SmackDown Taping for May 17, 2013
Extreme Rules 2013
Raw: May 20, 2013
SmackDown Taping for May 24, 2013

Raw: April 29, 2013

176 8 1
By RileyMizfit

Finally we're back in the states, and back to the normal time zones we're used to. Now I did promise Dean that we would be sharing a room when we got back to the states. And that's just what we did when we got into Columbus, Ohio for Raw tonight. It was a tiring check in, but we managed. As soon as we got our room, we took time to rest up for tonight. But as soon as it came later in the day we did have to get our things ready to go as we left in the afternoon to get to the arena. As we were pulling in, we saw some fans waiting of course in usual fashion, hoping to see their favorites before the show. I rode with Dean, Seth and Roman to the arena, our things in the back. As soon as we stopped, we got out and went to the back to get our things. As I was getting mine handed to me, I waved a bit to the fans, acknowledging them. 

"Hey, I'll meet you inside alright?" I tell Dean and the others. 

"Heading over there?" Dean asks me, motioning to the fans. 

"Yeah, but I shouldn't be too long. Promise."

"Alright. Well, meet you by your locker room?"

"Sure, sounds good." I nod. "And you'll get a kiss then." I add, grinning as I see his face light up.

Once we all have our things, they head in and I head over to the fans so I could sign some things and whatnot. While signing things for them, I do get the expected questions after being seen with Seth, Roman and Dean. I don't give anything away about Dean and I's relationship. So I strictly say we're all friends. I spend a few minutes signing things and taking pictures before I had to say bye to them all and I start to head for the entrance to head inside. After walking through the doors, I find the sign saying where the female talent go and I head in that direction. When I get there, Dean isn't there yet. So I head in so I can change for the show. By the time I finish though and walk out, he's there leaning against the wall across from the door.

"You changed." He says as I see him eye me up and down. 

"I did. For the show. Don't know if I have anything planned yet. But that's to be found out while we have time now."

"But not right now right?" He asks, his eyes still glued on me.

"Well no, I suppose not."

"Well good, because I believe you owe me something from earlier."

"Do I now?"

"Yes, yes you do."

"Care to remind me?" I giggle. 

"Gladly." He smirks, before reaching out and grabbing me, pulling me flush against him.

Before I know it, he spins us and has me pinned against the wall.

"Trying to get us in trouble at work are we?" I laugh.

"Now, why would I ever do that?"

"Oh I don't know...." I trail off before giving him a look.

"Point taken. But don't worry, I won't get us in trouble. Just getting what you owe me from earlier. That's all."

"If you say so."

He chuckles before he leans down and presses his lips to mine. Now I couldn't  wrap my arms around his neck like I normally would do because he kind of had my hands pinned to the wall as well. You could say I was in a predicament of some sorts, because he started the kiss out sweet, but  slowly started to get more intense, to the point where I had my hands squeezing his. Now he had total control of this kiss, so even if I wanted to pull away, I wouldn't be able to. I kind of whine in protest against his hold on me, and that just makes him chuckle and smirk against my lips. He only goes for a few more moments before finally releasing my hands and my lips. 

"Why we didn't start seeing each other before clearly baffles me." I remark as I'm still coming down from the high his kiss had me at. 

"Wanted to take my time sweetheart. Now what do you say we get out of here before we get caught?"

"Yeah, I suppose. Gonna go hang out with the others?"

"Yeah, pretty much. Unless you're gonna hang out with your girls. Nattie and them."

"I will during the show. Right now, my time is dedicated to you."

"Well then, in that case maybe we should spend more time right here."

"You would like that wouldn't you? But no, you got what I promised you already. Plus, if I even give you the slightest bit more, you're not gonna stop. Surprised you composed yourself not too long ago."

"That's because we're at work. If we were back at the hotel I probably wouldn't have stopped. Have I told you at all today how happy we're sharing a room tonight?"

"Yes, multiple times." I laugh. "But come on, let's find out what we have planned for tonight and then go find Seth and Roman." I add, before starting to walk down the hall before him.

He doesn't follow right away, but I do feel him stare at me as I walk away. 

"You coming?" I call to him.

"Huh? Oh yeah." He nods, catching up to me.

"Enjoying the view for a bit?" I ask, giggling. 

"How can I not?" He grins, draping an arm around my shoulders as we walk down the hall.

We didn't need to find who we needed to in order to find out what we had planned for tonight, we were found by them instead. So what we found out was that I would be in a match against Brie and the guys have an in-ring promo, and they would be interrupted by 3MB. And they would be in the main event against John, Daniel and Kane. Once we find out all of that, we head to find Seth and Roman.

"Maybe I shouldn't have changed into this dress so early. My match is the third one of the night. But then again I'll be with the girls for the show. So when it starts I'll go find them and I'll change when I need to."

"Right. I think you look fine the way you are right now anyway. Don't go change yet."

"Alright, I'll do that for you."

While we're walking around the halls, we find Seth and Roman, greeting them.

"So did you find out what we're doing tonight?"

"Not yet. What's our plan for tonight?" Seth asks. 

"In-ring promo, 3MB interrupts us. And a 6-Man tag against Cena, Bryan and Kane."

"And you guys are so going to win that match. I mean Daniel and Kane have been having problems lately. And no offense to John, but he's injured."

"Right. What do you have planned out for tonight by the way?" Roman asks. 

"One on one match against Brie. Though I know Nikki's gonna be out there with her so it's really a two-on-one match because of their so called Twin Magic. Well they're not going to get away with it this time. Not by a long shot. But you know, since Nikki got her chest enhanced, that's the only way you can tell them apart now. Can't begin to tell you how much she irritates me."

"Getting the attention for the wrong reason." Dean remarks about Nikki.

"Exactly. I mean sure, I get that she wanted to be different than her sister, but still. Anyways, that's what's up tonight for me. When the show starts I'm gonna hang out with Nattie and them and see you guys later."


"Oh and sorry to steal this one away from you guys this week with the room sharing." I laugh. 

"That's alright. Even when you're not with us, he's almost up all night talking to you on the phone by texting you. It won't hurt to get a break from that this week."

"Of course." 

The rest of the time we had before the show, I spent with the guys. When it was getting down to the wire, I texted Nattie and asked her where she was so that I could go hang out for the show. She texted back and said she was in the Divas locker room. I text back telling her that I would be there shortly. 

"Alright guys, I'm off. Be safe in the match tonight."

"We'll do our best." Seth nods.

"See you at the end of the night?" I ask Dean, and he nods. 

Seth and Roman make sure to turn the other way before Dean leans down and presses his lips to mine in a kiss that will hold him over until the end of the show.

"Of course. Good luck in your match." He says after he pulls away.

"I don't need luck, but I'll take it from you." I grin, pecking his lips once before being on my way to the Divas locker room.

When I get there and walk in, Nattie's there with Naomi and Cameron for now, and I greet them, getting a hug from Nattie and Naomi at least. Cameron just rubbed me the wrong way, don't get me wrong. She and I barely spoke, and when we did it was short sentences. 

"So where did you come from?"

"Oh, I was hanging with Dean, Seth and Roman. Gonna see them at the end of the night."

"How's things with the boo?" Naomi asks.

"Good. Seth and Roman are relieved to take a break from Dean's late night texting to me after shows. Since we are sharing a room tonight." I laugh. 

"Sounds like someone has fallen head over heels."

"Just as long as you keep all this between us girls. You know him and his life being private. Gotta respect that."

"Of course."

The show would then soon start, opening with Del Rio coming out for an opening contest with Ricardo. A Triple Threat match between Zeb, Big E. and Ricardo. Big E. of course would dominate the match, but Ricardo was able to capitalize on his momentum and he would actually work together with Zeb for a short time, but Big E. would re-assert himself into the match. When it came time for Zeb to get his at the hands of Big E, he would feign a knee injury, distracting the ref. Ricardo takes advantage and nails Big E. in the back with a metal bucket, which didn't do really anything besides anger him.

"Oh Ricardo, you're stupid." I remark. 

Ricardo would then use the bucket a second time, tossing it at Big E's head. Del Rio would become a factor as he got involved and hit Big E. with an enziguiri, followed by Dolph sending Del Rio out of the ring with a dropkick. Swagger than jumps into the fray, tossing Del Rio over the top rope before Big E. sacrifices himself to take Swagger out as he takes himself and Swagger to the outside with a clothesline. In the ring, Zeb would crawl to Ricardo, but before the ref could make the three-count, AJ gets into the ring and grabs the ref's arm to stop the count.

"I don't understand that girl's logic sometimes."

After she exited the ring, Ricardo would roll Zeb up and get the three count to win the match. So Del Rio gets to handpick the stipulation for the triple threat match for the world title at Extreme Rules.

"Oh boy. Should be a good stipulation though."

"So how do you think John's gonna fair in the match against The Shield?" 

"Well it's gonna be one of those matches where he does what he does best. It's definitely going to be a good match." I nod. "I think I'm gonna get ready for my match though against Brie tonight. It's pretty early so I should be ready now."

"Oh you have a match? Want some backup?" Naomi asks.

"Sure. Keep an eye out for their 'Twin Magic'."

"You can count me in too." Nattie remarks. 

"Great." I grin, before getting up to change.

After the break, they played a video for World Wish Day and John's wish to three kids, before bringing them out onto the stage in front of everyone, being is guests to Raw.  He says that the three kids are going to be made honorary superstars. He goes to each kid where they give their Superstar names. Shortly after that, they all head to the back. That's when Randy is seen walking backstage, heading to the ring for his match up next against Cody.

In the match, Randy would go for the RKO on Cody, but Cody would counter, hitting him with the Cross Rhodes, but Randy was able to kick out. That sent Cody into a rage as he threw a tantrum in the ring. This gave Randy time to recover and when Cody went for the Disaster Kick, Randy catches him in mid-air with an RKO to pin him. After the match, Matt Striker would enter the ring to get a few words from Randy, asking him about WrestleMania, where he was knocked out by Show. He says that what happened at WrestleMania fuels him, saying that he has never felt so extreme. Cody then tries to get the jump on him, but he senses him and quickly hits him with a second RKO. The cameras cut to backstage where Brie was in the hall, stretching and getting ready for our match, until Nikki came up. 

"Cute battle royal last Monday, right Brie?"

"Didn't look cute to me."

"Well, we were too busy walking the red carpet for our new reality show with E!, Total Divas."

"Yes, and the so called other Divas know nothing about that world because...well I mean, look at them..."

"...and look at us." They say in unison, before heading down the hall.

"Psh. Time for a rude awakening." I roll my eyes. "Don't need to be on a reality show to get attention. No offense to you girls of course." I say to Nattie and Naomi at least, Cameron can take that as she pleases. 

"None taken. Ready?"

"I was born ready." I nod, before the four of us head out for my match.

They went out during the break as we were heading to the entrance. While they were in the ring, they played a Total Divas promo of what's coming at least, the news stories and such. But once their music faded, mine went off and the four of us went out. After stopping on the stage for a few poses, we head down the ramp and to the ring, where we all get in. It wasn't long until my music faded and I got hugs from Naomi and Nattie before them and Cameron exited the ring and stood outside. Now I knew Dean would be watching, of course so I decided I was going to show off just a bit. Brie and I met in the middle of the ring, and she wasted no time in locking up with me, only to kick my leg out from under me, before grabbing my head and throwing me back against the canvas. She grabs me by the head again and helps me up, only to knee me in the gut. She then takes me and throws me out of the ring by Nikki. But of course, Naomi, Nattie and Cameron come over to make sure she doesn't do anything as I try to get to my feet as the ref starts the 10 count. They make sure I'm okay before I get to my feet. I nod and then slide back into the ring, right when Brie turns around. Before she could get me, I quickly take her down and start to throw punches left and right and then slam her head numerous times against the canvas, before having to get away from her. I then proceed to hit her with a few clotheslines, finishing that off with a dropkick.

She rolls out of the ring and tries to compose herself. But I wasn't having it. I get out of the ring in a hurry and sneak up behind her, taking her and throwing her into the nearest ringside barricade. Nikki tries to come up and come after me, but the girls step in between us, ready to strike when needed. 

"That's right, not so tough now are you Nikki?!" I scream at her, before helping Brie up and throwing her back into the ring. I go for the cover, only for her to kick out. 

I then get her in a side headlock, holding her to the canvas. After a while of that, she starts to get to her feet and gets out of the hold by elbowing me in the side a few times. But once I let go of her, I grab her by the hair and throw her back onto the canvas.

"Come on Brie!" Nikki screams from ringside.

Since she was near the ropes, I use those as leverage and jump up, stomping on her midsection.

"Come on Brie..." I mock Nikki, before stomping on her again.

"What's wrong? Fight back!" I exclaim, now starting to mess with him, shoving her around. 

That actually sets her off and next thing I know, she trips me and starts to wail on me. I get to my feet shortly after with her help and she throws me into the ropes. I come back only for her to kick me in the gut before hitting me face first on the canvas. She rolls me over and goes for the cover, but I kick out at 2 and 1/2. She screams out in frustration, before getting me in a hold which was very painful.

"Ask her!" Brie shouts. 

"Come on Kayla!" Nattie cheers for me, before the three of them get the crowd going to get me back into the match. 

"Ask her!" Brie shouts again.

"Kayla, what do you say?"

"No." I shake my head, and then use the crowd's encouragement to get to my feet and out of the hold.

I stomp on her feet before elbowing her in the face, and then sweep her feet out from under her. I help her up before getting her in position for a signature DDT of mine, hitting her with it. I then went over to the corner and climbed to the top, where I saw Nikki out of the corner of my eye starting to head for me. But Nattie beat her to it and took her down, allowing me to hit one of my finishers off of the top, pinning Brie to win the match.

"Here is your winner, Kayla!"

Brie at that time had rolled out of the ring, and Nikki helped her out and around the ring and to the ramp as Natalya, Naomi, Cameron and myself celebrated my win. Of course Nikki and Brie were a bit angered by my win, but too bad. As we were getting ready to leave, they showed that The Shield would be coming out next. Hopefully I would have enough time to get back so I could see. Once the Bellas were gone, we were gone as we were heading up the ramp and came back through the curtain. The girls knew that I wanted to be back in the locker room so that I could watch whatever Dean and them had in store, which was most likely their promo of the night. So we wasted no time in getting back to the locker room. After getting there and settled, we made it there just in time as Raw came back on the air with them just getting to the arena floor. They made it to the barricade and waited for quite some time before hopping it and entering the ring. Seth demands a mic and they're all handed one before they're standing in the middle of the ring.

"When we arrived in WWE, we said we were going to bring justice to an unjust world, and that's just what we've done." Dean starts off.

"Brick by brick by brick, we have torn down the wall of injustice that has been building up in this company for years. From the moment we began our crusade at Survivor Series until...well right now. Not a person that has stood in our way has been able to stop us! As a matter of fact, we changed the course of WWE history. When we stopped Ryback from becoming WWE Champion." Seth adds, and they show a picture from that very night at Survivor Series.

"That there? That was just the beginning. No one can stop the Hounds of Justice. Not the Great One." Roman says, referring to his own cousin The Rock as the second picture shown was them Triple Powerbombing him as well.

"Not even a Giant..." Seth continues as a picture of them triple powerbombing Big Show is shown.

"Not a Warrior..." Roman goes on, and a picture of them doing the same thing to Sheamus is shown next.

"And not even the champ." Dean says about John when they did the same thing to him 2 weeks ago. "But those men were mortal. Last week, we looked immortality right in the face. We force fed justice to The Undertaker. Deadman, Phenom, call him whatever you want, but call him a victim. For too long, The Undertaker was the symbol of justice in WWE. Generations have bowed down to his legacy, well The Shield bows to no one."

" peace." Roman adds, before they show a video from SmackDown last week and what they did to The Undertaker.

"Thing is, justice doesn't care if you're undefeated at WrestleMania. It doesn't care if you're the champion. Justice doesn't care who you are. When your number gets called, justice strikes without warning and without mercy."

"And John Cena and Ryback, justice has not forgotten about you. Because despite our repeated lessons, you see...." Seth's cut off by 3MB's music.

"Wait one minute. Shield shut up!" Heath exclaims.

"Oh how original." I scoff. 

" think you got business with John Cena and Ryback? Uh uh! You got some unfinished business with 3MB tonight!"

"Yeah okay." I roll my eyes. 

"Who the bloody hell do you three think you are?" Drew questions. "We were mere seconds from showing Triple H exactly how we rock and roll. But no. You, The Shield, decided to crash our party."

"And now we crash your party and rock your face!"

"Why can I never take him seriously?" I snicker. 

"Because of the ridiculous taste in clothing?"

"Possibly. And Dean is trying so hard not to laugh right now, oh my god."

Just like they would do, 3MB surrounded the ring, climbed up onto the sides and then got in and a brawl broke out. They all were taken down as expected. Just then Kane's pyro went off and he and Daniel came out to help. Once they got into the ring, the guys ditched through the crowd. Kane and Daniel ended up brawling with 3MB themselves. Kane chokeslams Heath as if to send a message to The Shield, and Daniel got the crowd chanting 'yes'. But as soon as the pyro went off on the ring posts, the guys were out.

"Well good. They don't need to deal with the demon and the goat right now. They didn't even really needed to deal with 3MB." I remark. 

"But their reactions to 3MB were just priceless."

"Definitely." I nod.

John is backstage getting his foot taped up. Ryback comes in and says Cena can tape it up all he wants but he's still hurt. Cena says hurt, not injured and he can still go. Cena says he is more effective on one leg than Ryback is two. Ryback says he will take that chance and walks off.

"John is crazy to have this match tonight though being hurt. Though we all know he's just that kind of person that doesn't back out of anything, hurt or not."

As we're waiting for Raw to come back on the air, my phone goes off and I get up and retrieve it. I see a text from Dean who congratulated me on winning the match.

"She's smiling, that means only one thing. What'd he say?"

"Oh nothing. Just congratulated me on my win is all."

I text him back before putting my phone back and then going back over and taking my spot as we watch the rest of the show. Nattie had gotten up because she needed to go to where Kaitlyn was, because they had a segment talking about Kaitlyn's secret admirer. Up next after Jerry and Cole plugged Domino's pizza, was Dolph Ziggler with AJ and Big E Langston, against Kofi Kingston. There's lots of back and forth action to start the match. Kofi goes for SOS, but gets blocked and then there's a commercial. After the break, Dolph was in control. There was more back and forth acton between them until AJ distracts the ref and Big E gets onto the apron and Kofi sends him to the floor. That allowed Dolph to roll Kofi up, but only for 2. Kofi counters with a 2 count. Kofi catches Ziggler again and catapults him into the corner. Kofi misses a big shot from the top rope. Ziggler hits Zig Zag for the win. After the match, Big E hits two of his finishers on Kofi as Dolph cheers him on. 

"Of course." I roll my eyes. 

After the break, AJ, Dolph and Big E were walking through a hallway, until they came upon Nattie and Kaitlyn.

"Oh hey. Excuse me, do you need more room to get by with your giant man arms?"

"Dolph, could you get your uh...crazy little tramp out of my face and back into a straight jacket?"

"Hold me back Ziggy."

"Oh, you think I'm scared of you because you were in the Battle Royal? Newsflash AJ, you didn't win...Kayla did. You want the title? You're just gonna have to go through Kayla first, because she's always going to be my first title defense."

Just then, a backstage attendant came up with a gift bag.

"Oooh. Baby, you didn't have to." AJ gushes. 

"I didn't."

"Wait, what was that now?"

The attendant says it's actually for Kaitlyn and she takes it from AJ. She, Dolph and Big E walk away while Kaitlyn opens the gift to find a hat.

"Oh my god."


"Nat, look, it matches my bracelet. It's a hat. It's like my style, I love this."

"Really? Who's it from?"

"I don't know."

"It's not bad, it's kind of..."

"Uh, you've come so far this past year, that every step of the way, I fall in love with you more. I wish I could tell you in person no matter what anyone says, always know there's someone out there that thinks your beautiful." Kaitlyn reads the note that came in the bag. 

"Oh my god."

After that, a video about Triple H and Brock Lesnar was shown. That led to Vickie backstage in her office with Brad Maddox, when Ryback bursts in. He says that he won't face The Shield alone again. Vickie says there will be a six-man match now - The Shield vs. Ryback, Kane and Daniel Bryan. Ryback says he's been there, done that, and doesn't trust either of them. He shouts no and walks off. Up next was Swagger against Zack, and we all kind of knew how that match was going to go....Jack ended up winning. After the match, Swagger finally breaks the Patriot Lock hold. He lets Zeb taunt Ryder for disrespecting him earlier. Swagger knocks Ryder back with a right hand.

"Poor Zack. He really deserves better. It gets bad when you know what the outcome of his matches is gonna be every single time."

"It really is."

After the break, Mark Henry is out with a big rope and a microphone. He says he's here to prove he's the strongest man in the world. He's asked Vickie for two opponents, and to bring them out. Out first is Tensai. The ref officiates a tug-of-war, where Henry pulls Tensai over the line and wins the first round. Out next is Brodus, and he loses the tug-of-war as well. Henry celebrates until Sheamus comes out. He taunts Henry, saying let's get it on and heads to the ring to battle Henry in the tug-of-war contest. Henry almost wins, but Sheamus lets go and Henry falls back. That ended up with a very angry man and Sheamus nails him with a Brogue Kick. 

"Have to say, that was a waste of time. I think we get it, he's stronger than most people."

After footage of John's special segment from World wish Day, Brad and Vickie are backstage with Daniel and Kane. Ryback has left the building apparently. Kane's upset and is ready to battle the Shield no matter what. Vickie says they can have the match and they walk off. She then whispers something to Brad as there's another commercial break.

"So that's how the match came about. I see."

After the break, John is getting ready to head out to the ring when Brad walks in. John says he's not letting Team Hell no face The Shield without a partner. Brad says John's hurt bad, but John says he's not but Brad will be. He continues, saying he's fighting tonight and Brad leaves. That led to the next match of the night, which was Del Rio against Cesaro. In the end, Del Rio wins with the cross armbreaker. After the match, Del Rio picks a Ladder Match stipulation for the Triple Threat at Extreme Rules. During the match, Nattie had left because she had to be there with Khali for a dance off coming up next. We saw them, along with Fandango and Summer Rae heading to the ring for the dance off. 

"If Summer thinks that she and Sparkle Pants are winning that dance off, they can think twice. Between Khali and Nattie, you know the crowd is going to pick them."

"Obviously. Between us and Nattie, we've got more dance skills than Summer." Naomi agrees. 

"No kidding. I wouldn't mind a dance off in the future. I'd totally wipe the floor with her."

"We all would, definitely."

"Next time there's a dance off scheduled, we suggest one of us, if not all of us be in it against Summer."


Back from the break and Fandango comes out with Summer while Khali is in the ring with Nattie, Jerry hosting it. He asks Khali about Dancing with the Starts and how Jericho did. Khali says he's better. Some music hits and Khali dances with Nattie. Once they were done, Jerry asked Fandango the same thing and Fandango says that Jericho was clumsy before proceeding to dance next. The crowd cheers for Khali and Nattie more, and they do in deed win the dance contest. Fandango attacks Khali from behind and takes his knee out. He hits him with a sweep to take him to the canvas. He then goes to the top and hits Khali with a leg drop. But regardless of that, the main event would be next.

"Finally. The match I've been looking forward to all night."

Of course before the break, John, Daniel and Kane come out first. And then after the break is when The Shield come out. A brawl starts the match before Kane and Dean go at it in the ring. Back and forth until Seth comes in. Kane works him over in the corner. Kane is upset and grabs the ref by the throat. John then tags in and calms him down, before going at it with Dean who had just tagged in. John's bad leg buckles and he tags in Daniel. Daniel unloads on Dean with kicks in the corner, followed by more offense. Kane comes back in and keeps control, getting a 2 count when he goes for the pin. Daniel comes back in with more kicks at Dean, followed by a surfboard submission. Kane tags back in for some double teaming and a 2 count. He goes to the top rope, but Dean moves and Seth tags in for some double teaming on Kane. Seth goes for the cover and gets the 2 count. He works over Kane, before Dean tagged in and Daniel tagged in, and Dean is in control for now. Daniel fights out, but Dean knocks him down for a 2 count. Seth tags in and hits a big kick to the face for a 2 count as well. He taunts John and works Daniel over, before hitting Daniel with a submission. Daniel tries to hit all three members of The Shield, but Seth drops him with another kick for a 2 count. That's when Roman comes in and keeps control of Daniel for now. 

He fights out, but Roman nails a Samoan drop for a 2 count. Daniel sends Roman to the floor and then tags in Kane as Dean comes in. John looks upset that he wasn't tagged in. Kane unloads on Dean with clotheslines in the corner and a big sideslam. Seth gets shoved out of the ring by Kane, and Kane goes to the top and comes down on Dean with a big right hand. Kane then tosses Dean out of the ring and follows him, taking apart the announce table and grabs Dean.

"Oh don't you dare." I say at the screen. 

Seth comes over and Kane lets Dean go to fight him off. Dean comes back and then DDT's Kane on the floor. 

"There you go! Now that's how it's done!"

They make it back into the ring, and Kane finally nails a chokeslam. John gets the tag and unloads on Roman, hitting the usual moves and then the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Seth nails a crossbody on John, but he rolls through, John's leg going out as he attempts an Attitude Adjustment and Roman spears him for the win.

"Yes!" I cheer, though John is a friend of mine, but I had to go with Roman, Seth and Dean on this one.

After the match, Ryback appears on the stage as John sells the injury in the ring. The shield have already left through the crowd and a trainer checks on John's injury as Raw then goes off the air. I stuck around in the Divas locker room for a while, because I had to change for one thing, which I did. And I also had to wait for Dean to text me, telling me when they were ready to go. So I had plenty of time to talk amongst the girls for now.

"So, what are you gonna do tonight?" Naomi asks. 

"Well depending on what the others want to do, it's either sleeping at the hotel for a few hours and getting up really early to get to the next city for SmackDown, or leaving from here since we have everything with us and just head right to the next city. I don't mind what they decide to do. I'll get some sleep in eventually."

"But either way you'll be sleeping next to your man."

"Yeah, true. He's happy about it. I think it killed him that I wasn't in the same room as him overseas. I roomed with Nattie."

"Right, of course."

We engaged in more conversation, before my phone went off and Dean told me they were heading out to the car now. I texted back and told him that I would be right there.

"Alright girls, I'm heading out now. See you tomorrow? Maybe we can do something before Main Event and SmackDown."

"Yeah, of course."

I then give everyone hugs, before gathering my things and heading out of the locker room. I then make my way through the halls and to the exit to the parking lot, where I see Dean and them already loading up the car to leave. I soon reach the car and load my things into the back with everyone else's.

"Great job out there." I remark, leaning up to kiss Dean quick. 


"I'm so beat and ready to get out of here. So what are we doing? Going right to the next city or heading back to the current hotel to sleep for a bit?"

"Gonna head right to the next city. Better to get on the road there now."

"True." I nod. "Well then, let's go. Wanna try and get some sleep somehow on the ride there."

"As you should, it was a long night, for all of us actually."

"It was." I remark as we all then pile into the car.

Dean and I get in the back while Seth and Roman get into the front, and then we pull out of the parking lot and head to the next city.

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