Headcanons of Onity and Frien...

By NinjaNekoAru

31.5K 3.2K 1.1K

A book full of headcanons and AUs and stuff regarding Onity, Unity, Tyler, Mike, etc. Sometimes I have ideas... More

About this Book!
Meet the Characters!
#1 - Onity's fear of water
#2 - Travel
#3 - Nightcore
#4 - Lady Gaga
#5 - The Cat
#6 - Pets
#7 - Drinking
#8 - Time
#9 - Royalty AU
#10 - Confidence
#11 - Fingers
#12 - Little Ball of Fire
#13 - Faults
#14 - Lyrics
#15 - Marriage
#16 - Old
#17 - Appearance
#18 - After
#19 - Cooking
#20 - Texting
#21 - Gaming
#22 - Love Triangle
#23 - Grinning Munchkin Theater Child
#24 - Reality TV
#25 - Nicknames
#26 - Email
#27 - Dads
#28 - Not ready
#29 - Parents
#30 - Fashion
#31 - SU AU
#32 - Yvenity AU
#33- Siblings
#34 - TV
#35 - This is longgg
#36 - Fusion
#37 - Heart Break
#38 - Outed AU
#39 - Alex's Story
#40 - Evil Onity AU
#41 - Museum
#42 - Witch
#43 - 2p AU
#44 - Diet
#45 - Grandpa Diego
#46 - OTP Questions
#47 - Oni life style
#48 - Halloween
#49 - Unity's friends
#50 - EMT
#51 - Closet
#52 - The Sims
#53 - sympathetic
#54 - Micheal
#55 - electrical socket
#56 - Hilarious Croissant
#57 - Volunteer
#58 - more questions

#59 - Rae

259 28 4
By NinjaNekoAru

#59 - headcanon - Rae

After Diego and Amy had Rose, they had a baby named Rae. Rae only lived two weeks before they died, leaving Amy and Diego very heart broken. They tried again with Tyler, making his middle name Rae, and upon learning about Tyler's heart problems at the age of 7 or 8, Amy and Diego were willing to go through any kind of debt to make sure Tyler got the medical attention he needed to live.

Tyler nor Rose have any idea about their sibling and likely never will.

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