#20 - Texting

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#20 - Headcanon - Texting


The three will text in a group message during the day. Onity likes to use the image emojis, Mike will use emojis made by the keyboard keys, and Tyler doesn't have a preference.
Mike does not text as much as Tyler and Onity and sometimes during the work day Mike has to silence his phone and put it aside incase his boss comes by. Sometimes it'll be almost constant back and forth texting between Tyler and Onity. Most of the time its not even a proper conversation. Sometimes Onity texts emoji  stories and Tyler tries to decipher them. Sometimes its a bunch of dank memes.

Very rarely one will have to go on an overnight trip, Tyler once for a family emergency and Mike once for a work opportunity. When that happens the other two like to text the other as much as they can, staying up past 12 at night, using face time, etc.

Headcanons of Onity and FriendsWhere stories live. Discover now