#6 - Pets

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#6 - Headcanon - Pets

Speaking of pets....

Mike is definitely the Dog and Cat kind of person. Though he grew up without pets, he was a dog lover as a kid but as he grew up be began to enjoy the simplicity and independence of cats.

Tyler is a reptile kind of person. He grew up with dogs but at one point got to take care of his friend's snake and loved it and ever since then he would always ask for a snake or a lizard or something of that nature.
(As an added note, his older sister Rose is definitely a bird kind of person.)

Onity is an insect/small rodents kind of person. Spiders, ants, beetles, lady bugs, butterflies, centipedes, rats, mice, whatever is small and somewhat creepy to "normal humans" and can be easily hoarded. In the attic. Don't tell Mike or Tyler.

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