#35 - This is longgg

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#35 - OC Questionnaire - This is longgg

OC Questionnaire by Viralremix on DeviantArt




1. People don't behave the same way all the time. In fact, they generally have a mask for every social group -- friends, family, business. Sometimes they have a different mask for different groups of friends. How does your character act around different people? How does their personality shift and change?

         -Onity: Onity is genuinely friendly and open to everyone he comes across, even those he finds he might not agree with or like very much. The only people that Onity will show any negative emotion to right off the bat are people that appear threatening to those he loves. 

        -Tyler: Tyler can be very open and expressive when around Mike and Onity or his direct family (Mom, dad, sister) and close friends, but does not open up so much to others. He is more reserved around other friends and co-workers, often being uncomfortable to talk about anything relating to himself. If he does not like you, you will fucking know it. 

       -Mike: Mike is pretty reserved and quite towards everyone, but will open up and talk louder around those he loves. This pretty much includes Tyler, Onity, and Jeremy. He tries his best to serve a good impression on people such as family or co-workers/bosses, and will almost always keep his judgement and hate internal. 

2. Your character has been brought to a party and promptly ditched. They don't have a ride back home. How does this work? How comfortable are they around all of these strangers? Do they interact?

        -Onity: Though being ditched wasn't nice, Onity can work with this, no problem at all. He still enjoys the party and meets new people. Chances are he can find someone he can ask for a ride, but if not, he could literally just teleport. 

       - Tyler: Tyler gets pretty upset about being ditched at a party full of strangers, and spends a lot of the time texting or calling that friend in attempts to fix things. He tries to stay away from people, maybe hog some of their food, but he might get pulled into one or two conversations. He doesn't trust anyone enough to ask for a ride home, and will call for a taxi to go home.

      - Mike: Upon being ditched, anxiety hits and Mike steps outside in attempts to call his friend. However, with no success, Mike calls a taxi or another friend to pick him up. He does not feel comfortable enough to be at a party with nobody he knows at all. 

3. It's kind of awkward - what subjects are likely to make your character hesitate, flush, stumble on their words, etc.?

      -Onity: Subjects include Yvenity, his family, the kidnapping. 

      -Tyler: Subjects include love (Romantic, sexual, platonic, etc) and flaws (lack of good skills in cooking, being a role model, working out, etc).

      -Mike: Subjects include love (Romantic and sexual only) and himself (Any talk about him, his body, his skills, his actions, etc.).

4. Is your character more dominant or submissive to the people around them? Do they tend to follow others' orders and wait for people to give them instruction in life, or do they charge ahead and make decisions on their own?

      -Onity: Submissive in terms that he goes with the flow unless the flow goes against those he loves. Will follow orders until he believes the orders are morally or ethically wrong. Can easily dominate if he needs to, but does not like to, so holds back unless mandatory. 

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