#57 - Volunteer

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#57 - Headcanon - Volunteer

Onity doesn't get a job, for the most part because Tyler and Mike have anxieties about Onity being found in places without identification of any sort. Onity thinks they don't give him enough credit he could probably charm his way out of it or maybe use magic??? Whatever. His cute babies r worried about him.
But like, that doesn't mean Onity spends the entire day at home doing nothing but watching cartoons and documentaries. He does a lot of volunteer work/community service. He doesn't have money to donate but he enjoys spending time actively doing something in the human community. It allows for him to learn through exposure and make friends. He's gotten to know a lot about the people he lives around because of this.

One of the people he regularly helps is an older woman, who runs a small organization that collects food for locals in need. Onity's helped organize things and deliver. The woman has taught Onity some cooking skills showing him how some of the food they collect is prepared. The woman also has a 12 year old grandson who comes by now and then. He calls Onity "gay boy" all the time and hides when Onity looks at him and the woman apologizes but Onity's cool, he thinks its entertaining how the kid acts.

He also volunteers at the animal shelter because holy fuck animals are adorable and Onity wants to support them all.
He especially likes to help out with the reptiles and non-dog or cat animals people tend to care less about.

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