Born in Black and White

By SaraRoseUrBoat

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Kairi Aria had been working for Scotland Yard for almost a year without incident. She had been very successfu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
The End
Did You Miss Me??

Chapter 19

760 29 12
By SaraRoseUrBoat

Lestrade had arrived on time to pick up Kairi. She was wrapped up in her calf length pea coat and a scarf as he guided her out into the cold night. They hopped in his car and were making their way towards a small italian restaurant that Lestrade was recommended by a friend from the Yard. Kairi made him promise that it wasn't Anderson who did the recommending and Lestrade just laughed and promised her as such.

As nervous as Kairi was, she had to admit it was always easy to talk to Lestrade. He was conversational, funny, and more outgoing than her so it was easy to sit back, listen to him talk and crack a few jokes here and there. The drive was filled with mostly simple chatter, probably saving more interesting conversation for dinner.

When they arrived at the restaurant and parked, Lestrade, ever the gentleman, opened her door for her and helped her out. They chatted some more about the restaurant itself which was a small and cozy single building with red awnings and a patio spotted with heaters. It had large windows and Kairi could see a few families and couples in the small dining area littered with simple yet solid looking wooden tables with white table linens, smallish candles, and small, fashionable decanters of olive oil and balsamic vinegar at the center. It looked like a classical Italian restaurant where their food would be made from scratch and recipes would be passed down from generation to generation, untouched for hundreds of years. She absolutely loved it.

As they walked inside, Lestrade approached the hostess and smiled, asking for their reservation. Kairi followed Lestrade and the hostess to their table as she began unbuttoning her jacket and unfurling her scarf from around her neck. They reached a small booth, tucked back in the restaurant and Kairi smiled as her and Lestrade pulled off their large winter coats.

Kairi eyed him appreciatively. He had the solid body of a working man, maybe a little later in years than she was used to, but he was in good shape and quite handsome. He was wearing a deep charcoal grey, two button suit that fit him perfectly and showed off the lines of his body. The material looked soft and had the slightest sheen to it to make it look silky. The shirt underneath the suit was white and plain, but crisp and he wore a simple plum colored tie. The colors were contrasting but subtle and made his skin look lively and his eyes shine. What lingerie did for men, suits did for Kairi. She would die for a man in a good suit.

She averted her eyes when she realized Lestrade would look back up at her and she pulled off her jacket and heard a sharp intake of breath. She glanced up at Lestrade and smiled as he eyed her with a look of shock on his face.

"May I say Kairi, you do look stunning tonight." He sort of chuckled along.

Kairi flushed and straightened out her dress, "Thank you. I have to admit you look rather dashing yourself." She was wearing the very comfortable lycra-cashmere-cotton blend dress that she bought over a month ago in a deep cool based red. The sleeves exposed her strong shoulders and contrasted perfectly against her pale skin and the black lines of her shoulder tattoo. Its thick straps and square neckline framed her collar bones and showcased the tops of her breasts in a modest yet sexy way. It hugged her form but draped beautifully along the curves of her body without being skin tight. It stopped just above her knee with a modest slit in the back to allow for greater movement. She even wore her only pair of simple peep-toed platform styled heels. The only non-flat shoe she owned.

They both sat down and smiled at each other for a few moments. Kairi was blushing and Lestrade was trying not to chuckle at her, "You know this doesn't have to be hellishly awkward."

Kairi let out a guffaw and then covered her red lips in embarrassment, "Its so like you to make me make an ass out of myself."

Lestrade just winked and chuckled, "I think you do fine for yourself."

She glared at him playfully as the waitress approached and began discussing the specials of the night and instructed them through the menu. Lestrade asked for a few moments to decide on their food and drink, but asked for some water to be brought to the table for them. Kairi nodded and smiled at the hostess and Lestrade turned his attention back to Kairi.

"So what are you thinking for wine tonight? Got any favorites?" He smiled.

Kairi chuckled, "Uh, the two dollar a bottle kind?"

It was Lestrade's turn to laugh at that, "Oh you're a classy one, I like that."

Kairi smiled genuinely and felt her nervousness dissipate slightly. "I only know good Whiskey and decent beer. It depends on my mood...and wallet."

Lestrade chuckled, eyeing the menu, "Well I don't see anything for two dollars on here, but get whatever you like. You deserve a nice night out."

Kairi smiled, rolling her eyes at his slight jab, "Okay, Mr. Fancy-pants, if you're so proficient, you can order my wine for me then. I'll decide my own food."

Lestrade eyed her over his menu and chuckled, "Well, what are you getting? That might help with the selection."

Kairi glazed over the food and found a delicious sounding tortellini with braised beef, shitake mushrooms, and asiago cheese in a sweet, cream based sauce. She pointed it out to Lestrade and he chuckled, "That sounds amazing. Now I don't know what I want."

Kairi chuckled, "You can try some of mine if you want. Just get something I wanna eat too and we'll sort of just scavenge off each other's plates."

He winked, "I like the way you think." And he glanced back at the menu, "How does this sound?" He pointed at a veal based meal and Kairi nodded.

"I love eating defenseless baby animals." She chuckled jokingly - of course she'd eat it.

Lestrade hid his smile and closed his menu, "Well, we just have so much in common, don't we?"

Kairi let out another laugh at that and the waitress came and took their orders. She brought out a bottle of wine Lestrade mentioned to share between the two of them. It was a delicious French wine from Gigondas a vintage from 2007. It was a very powerful wine, with a strong plummy, berry taste and a grounding finish. Kairi had to admit that it was ravishing to imbibe.

Their conversation deepened on how Lestrade came to know so much about wine. He admitted that his ex-wife had insisted on wine tastings all over the country but eventually became frustrated when her palate never truly adjusted to taste the signature notes. Strangely enough, Lestrade had such talent and ended up really enjoying the varying tastes of wines from all over the world. He wasn't haughty about it, but he was definitely a bit nerdy about his wine obsession. He enjoyed the research and the science behind it as well as the delicate processes for creating these signature tastes to grow and develop over the years. Kairi found that his passion about the subject, without being snobbish, made it actually seem pretty interesting.

Lestrade then asked about Kairi's hobbies which were primarily reading and taking apart and rebuilding and reprogramming technology. Lestrade had laughed because he was hopeless when it came to electronics. He listened to her go on a bout it for a while, sipping wine until their food was brought out and chuckling over this, that, or the other.

They ate during chunks of silence between conversation. Kairi discussed her schooling and Lestrade had told her about how he ended up in Scotland Yard. Kairi talked about living in Japan and New Zealand and Lestrade mentioned that his brother had gone to visit the country after seeing it in Lord of The Rings. They both laughed and continued talking about themselves and asking questions about each other. Their conversation was entertaining and hardly spotted with awkward silences. They finished off the bottle of wine over the course of an hour or two and decided to get desert to allow time for the wine to run through their system. It wasn't as if Lestrade was drunk at all, but since he was driving he preferred to make sure Kairi would get home safely. Kairi ate her tiramisu and Lestrade nibbled on some cheesecake. They agreed this restaurant was delicious and that they would need to visit it again. Neither of them commented on whether or not this was an official date between them or rather, two attractive friends having dinner and catching up. There weren't any long seductive glances or pettings beneath the table. They looked at each other with genuine care for the other person, but it didn't feel outright sexual in any way. It felt comfortable and it felt nice.

Dinner and dessert came to a close and they paid the bill, Kairi offered half, but Lestrade declined. She promised to pay for their next dinner and they smiled at one another in a knowing moment. Kairi felt an immense relief that she could sit with this man and talk, genuinely talk, without the pressure and expectation of romance or sex. It made it much easier for her to admit her attraction to him and to see their friendship grow into something else. The pressure of attraction, the pressure of romance made her automatically nervous and anxious. She never understood why she always felt that way, but it was present. The previous two relationships she had came from close friendships that evolved into attraction and devolved into lack of sexual and emotional attention. Most men were automatically turned off by her independence, or more accurately her stubbornness, and an inherent need for alone time. Kairi was very withdrawn for most of her life, lacked intimacy, and that was difficult for someone on the opposite end who craved her attention. Being young and being in relationships is hard. She hadn't been with someone for at least three or four years.

Lestrade didn't seem bothered by her lack of overt flirtatious behavior. He seemed content with jokes and interesting conversation and that was a huge relief to Kairi. They made their way to the car, discussing interesting cases Lestrade was working on that Sherlock was not involved in. At the mention of Sherlock, Kairi's chest constricted and she felt a deep sense of betrayal burning in her stomach. She pointedly ignored it and continued conversing comfortably with Lestrade.

They arrived at Baker Street and Lestrade parked to walk her up and inside while they chatted away about silly things. No one was around and so they stayed focused on one another until they reached the door of her flat. Kairi pulled her keys from her purse and they descended into an awkward silence. Kairi shifted on her feet and Lestrade tried not to smile at her being nervous and cute.

"There's no pressure you know." Lestrade said, moving closer and putting his hands on her arms.

Kairi smiled and him and laughed at herself, "I'm not real good at this whole dating thing."

Lestrade chuckled, "I haven't been on the dating scene in quite some time," He laughed loudly at that, "Just calling it the dating scene makes me seem ancient."

Kairi laughed as he dropped his hands and pushed one through his grey hair.

"I really enjoyed tonight, Greg." Kairi smiled.

He smiled back and reached up to cup the side of her face, "So did I. You're a really clever and beautiful woman Kairi. I think you deserve to know that."

Kairi blushed heavily at that. Rarely did people call her beautiful and smart. "I - Thank you."

Lestrade's thumb brushed her cheek very gently and Kairi's breath hitched slightly. He moved closer to her and she didn't shy away as he bent slightly to press his lips against hers. It was a modest, very sweet kiss that made her stomach flutter just a bit. A warmth spread through her limbs and she placed her hands on his chest as Lestrade intensified the kiss very subtly by taking her bottom lip between his and sucking it gently.

Then he pulled away slowly, smiling softly and brushed his thumb against her skin again. Kairi was smiling nervously at him, honestly not knowing what to do at that point, but tempted to lean back in for more.

Lestrade was searching her eyes for something, but she didn't know what. He smiled again and dropped his hand from her cheek and pulled her in for a hug, kissing the side of her head and inhaling the smell of her hair. "Thank you for a wonderful night Kairi. I hope to do it again."

Kairi pulled back and looked up at Lestrade, his eyes clear and kind, not hiding a thing. "I do too, Greg."

He smiled and nodded and made his way back to the entrance of 221 Baker Street, leaving Kairi to get inside her home alone. She put her key into the lock and walked inside, throwing the latch as she removed her jacket and placed her keys on a hook by the door. She hung up her jacket and she paused, realizing that the light in the room wasn't coming from outside. It took her a moment to realize that her fire was lit and tendrils of fear snaked up her spine until she realized that Mrs. Hudson had mentioned getting her some fire supplies from a friend. Mrs. Hudson knew Kairi was on a date tonight and Kairi believed Mrs. Hudson had started one up just a few minutes before she arrived home, making sure her flat was warm for both Appa and any visitors she may bring around.

She heaved a sigh of relief and flipped on the light by her door.


Kairi let out a blood curdling scream as she turned around and Sherlock Holmes was on her in a flash, placing a hand over her mouth to stop her from shouting and a hand at her lower back, pulling her close to him so she wouldn't falter in her heels and break her neck. His face was close to hers and his eyes were serious and dark, full of some emotion Kairi couldn't identify.

"There's no need to scream." He growled at her.

Once she realized it was him, his hand over her lips and the other pulling her close, holding her against his warmth from the fire he'd been sitting by, she shoved him away. Kairi was breathing heavily and placed a hand over her heaving chest. Appa's tail started thumping from his place by the fire. She shot him a glare, realizing just how useless he was being while Sherlock practically attacked her.

"What the fuck is your problem!?" She growled at him as he adjusted his suit from being shoved so violently. "What are you doing in my flat?"

Sherlock glared at her, with narrowed eyes and a hard set to his jaw. His dilated and dark eyes were roving over every inch of her body and she suddenly felt self-conscious.

"Your date went well." He said scathingly.

Kairi looked down at herself, only disheveled from her struggle with Sherlock and she glared at him, "Excuse me?" She growled taking a few steps forward, to stop in front of him, but Sherlock was unmoving.

He began to walk around her slowly and Kairi didn't give him the benefit of shifting under his gaze. She stared ahead, trying to feel bored while her heart was frantic in her chest and her stomach felt sour. "Dilated pupils, ever so slightly swollen lips," His voice was thick and deep and it coursed over her and she shut her eyes tightly to ignore him. She felt his breath on her ear, "Goosebumps covering your flushed skin."

Kairi huffed and turned to face him her lips close to his that were inches from her ear only a moment ago, "You just scared the ever-living shit out of me Sherlock, of course my pupils are dilated and my skin is flushed! You practically gave me a heart attack!"

He leaned back, scowling at her, "Did you enjoy it?"

"What? You trying to frighten me to death? Of course fucking not!" She growled at him and pushed him out of her way, "Get the fuck out of my house you psycho! I have absolutely no desire to talk to you right now." She started stomping into her bedroom and kicked off her heels into the open closet with a bang. She was absolutely furious at Sherlock for not only invading her home, but invading her personal and emotional space. She had just gotten home from a lovely night with Lestrade that actually had made her feel confident and this bumbling, insipid fool had to go and ruin it. She stood with her hands on her hips, staring at nothing, and seething until she heard the softest scuffle of his shoes behind her.

She hadn't bothered turning on the light, she was so flustered. So she turned to see him leaning on the doorjamb, his eyes narrowed slightly but not out of anger. She'd say they were hooded, almost sensual, except that Sherlock was a robot. "What do you want?" She spat scathingly.

"I'm not a psychopath." He stated flatly.

"You could have fucking fooled me." She growled at him and reached up to take the pins out of her hair so she could run her fingers through it in frustration. There was always something soothing about her fingers lightly pulling her hair during a panic attack. The quick sensation of pain to refocus.

She felt him behind her, reaching up to grab her hands and spin her around and force her against him, "I am not a psychopath." He was deadly serious and his breathing was heavier than she had ever seen it, she could feel the depth of his chest expand against her own.

She stared up at him in utter confusion, "Then pray, tell me, what the hell are you doing sitting in my darkened apartment while I was out on a date with Greg?"

He scoffed and practically threw her hands down, "Oh its Greg now, is it?"

She rolled her eyes, nose to chin with him, "That's his goddamned name, you imbecile! And you didn't answer my question."

His eyes narrowed at her again and she stared back at him impetuously. He let out a ragged breath and his hands snaked up to hold her neck and cradle her face. Where she feared his hands would be rough or angry she was surprised when his touch was tender and gentle on her skin. His finger tips pressed into the flesh of her neck and jaw and it took her too long to realize just what he was doing.

He pulled her lips to his, possessing her mouth and nipping at her lips with his teeth and tongue. Kairi wanted to fight back, she swore that she did, but her body responded quicker than her brain. Her hands pressed against his chest and she gripped the lapels of his suit and brought him infinitely closer, pressing her entire body into his. She felt the twitch beneath his waistline, bulging into her stomach and gasped lightly against his mouth and he pressed in further, his tongue delving in and challenging her own. She dueled against him, tasting his breath, his need, as it set a fire to her system and coursed through her veins. His hand was still holding her neck and head in place, the other had lost itself in her hair, gripping it gently at the roots and titling her head ever so slightly to open her mouth further to him. She moaned against his mouth, feeling his entire body pressing into hers, his passion and fury enveloping her in the chaotic nature of her own desire.

He walked her back towards the bed, until the back of her thighs pressed up against it and they stayed there for a few moments, their mouths clashing and fighting for purchase and dominance. Their breaths were ragged and heavy as they embraced and held each other in place to complete their assault on one another's body.

In Sherlock's mind, he was absolutely possessed by Kairi. He had been consumed by her presence for as long as he could recall knowing her. With his mouth finally pressing into hers, he felt an unfamiliar ache registering in his core, an unwarranted and absolute need for her, her mouth, and her touch. As his fingers splayed across her skull, he trailed them down the back of her neck, his fingertips pressing into the flushed skin and dragging them down between her bare shoulder blades and causing her to shiver in his arms. His lips detached from hers for only a second as he kissed and nipped at her lower jaw, hearing her light and ragged breaths leaving her barely parted lips. He pulled her closer now, pressing against her back, pushing her deeper into his chest as his lips descended upon the rare skin of her neck. His mouth found her pulse and he snaked his tongue over it as he felt her hands forced up and over his shoulders, her fingertips traveling for what seemed like an eternity up his neck and into the curls at the base of his skull. He felt her breasts pressing into his chest and the pit of his stomach dropped completely and he growled as his teeth bit into the sensitive, pulsing flesh. He was delighted to hear her whimper into his ear.

His lower body was almost completely out of control and his hand fell from the side of her face and traced itself down the length of her neck, his fingers tracing the line of her collar bone, and slowed as he grazed the side of her heaving breast, down her stomach and finally to her hip which he grasped, his fingertips tempting to bore holes in the fabric as they pulled her even closer, pressing her body against his need. His fingertips trailed to her lower back and held her in place as he bit and nipped her neck, his breath, his voice, lost inside the taste of her skin and the smell of her utterly encompassing him.

Kairi moaned again as Sherlock held her so close to him that she felt like he would never let go. At some point, the fury and anger had ebbed and been consumed in complete and spastic passion that could not be differentiated between hers and his. Her fingers were in his hair, nails gently scraping the skin as he bit at the base of her neck and her shoulder. The hand at her upper back reached up and tugged at the thick strap of her dress and bra and she felt it stretch against her neck and chest as his mouth claimed that skin as his own.

The backs of her legs were still pressed against the high bed and she felt as if she might topple over. Sherlock sensed her unease, the shift in her feet and pushed one knee between her legs and then his hands and mouth disappeared from her body, much to her chagrin and she frowned as her eyes finally met his in her dimly lit bedroom. The double doors that lead to her room were wide open and the light of the fire was casting enough lumination into the small room so she could see his features. His mouth was open, deep breaths coming out ragged, his face almost completely relaxed, but his eyes almost frantic, with pupils blown wide. She looked down at his mouth and suppressed a giggle, seeing her red lipstick staining his lips and at odd splotches around his mouth.

It didn't take much time as Sherlock inspected Kairi, her hair a voluminous mess, framing her face and shoulders and reflecting the red and orange glow of the firelight. Her pupils were as wide as they could possibly go, her lips, stained with red from their frantic kisses, only seemed to entice him more in this state of disorder. Her chest was heaving, he was pressed up against her and it seemed as though her breasts were threatening to burst free from her dress that he had practically ripped from her.

Kairi couldn't help but smile at Sherlock and he returned a small grin leaning down, almost crouching until his face was even with hers. Kairi leaned forward to capture his mouth again and before she could, she felt his hands slip under the length of her skirt, find purchase on the backs of her thighs as he lifted her, her hands shooting to his shoulders, legs widened and dress hiking up to the tops of her thighs as he sat her on the bed. Though they were at different heights Sherlock now leaned down, his palms flat on the bed on either side of Kairi, closing her in, and she felt herself place her hands behind her, leaning back in response to his body. They were staring at each other in silence, their eyes searching for something in the other's. Permission? Submission? It didn't really matter in the end.

Sherlock's face was level with Kairi's and they remained silent, untouching, just breathing in each other and watching the desire behind their eyes. Sherlock swiftly stood and silently stared down at Kairi. Her chest was starting to heave a little less now and she was staring back at him attentively. She wasn't expectant or demanding, she was simply staring at him, wide-eyed and beautiful, with her mouth a slash of crimson, her hair falling in curls along her shoulder and back, her skirt inched up to the tops of her thighs and her legs spread gently to make enough room for him to stand between them.

Kairi stared up at Sherlock, towering over her, inspecting every inch of her flesh, and inflaming her desire with each flick of his eye. He pulled a handkerchief out of his suit pocket and wiped at his mouth, ridding it of most of the lipstick transferred from Kairi. He reached out, handing it to her and when she looked at him, confused, he thrust it forward slightly, "I want to taste you, not your lipstick."

Kairi's eyes widened and his deep, resonating words sent a burning, rolling shot straight to her core and she accepted his handkerchief and wiped at her mouth as best as the night without a mirror would allow. He watched her during this time and began unbuttoning his suit jacket and peeled it off of his wide shoulders, staring at her the entire time and Kairi felt herself tremble.

She handed him his handkerchief and he took it and placed it back in the suit jacket, folding it delicately and tossing it into the corner of the room. He leaned down again and Kairi felt her body respond to his movements without a thought, making it so it was easier to get closer and his mouth found hers again with ferocity. He picked up right where he left off with his mouth on her and Kairi panted and her arms shook as he attacked her neck and shoulders, teeth clashing against her collar bone.

His right hand found her thigh and he dragged it slowly from the outside in, inching it further and further up her leg to find the apex of her thighs. Kairi whimpered slightly, feeling his fingertips gracing the edges of her underwear and she shut her eyes, trying to drown out the sheer panic of the realization that Sherlock Holmes was the one to make her feel this way.

"Sherlock," She whispered and he hummed against her skin. "Sherlock, please listen."

His fingers pressed into her gently and she gasped and her hand shot out to stop his and he pulled it away, stroking her thigh and continuing his kisses on her neck and jaw with less ferocity. Kairi had to place her hand back on the bed to steady herself. Ferocity from Sherlock she understood, these slow sensual kisses were doing something entirely else to her insides. He placed a gentle, sensual kiss on her lips and gazed into her eyes, "I'm quite proficient at multitasking. Listening to you, kissing you," His eyes skimmed across her flushed skin, "And touching you are quite simple to do all at once."

Kairi bit her lip, moistening it with the tip of her tongue and she saw Sherlock's entire body roll and flex, like a panther ready to pounce. "I-," She gulped, trying to steady her shuddering breath, "I understand that, but I need to be honest with you." He simply nodded, his eyes boring into hers and watching her lips as she spoke, his tongue and teeth taking in his bottom lip and Kairi almost forgot how to breath. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes and then spat it out as quickly as she could, "I'veneverhadanorgasmduringsexualintercourse." She held her breath for a beat or two and then opened her eyes to look at Sherlock who was still staring at her and grinning slightly. She frowned at him, "What?"

He raised an eyebrow and smiled, "Its my understanding that the female orgasm is harder to achieve during penetrative sex." Kairi found those words oddly sexy, "I myself have never had an orgasm during sexual intercourse either, though, my experience with sexual intercourse itself is completely null. Relieving myself of sexual tension is a rare occurrence, but I still am, as you say, human." His voice was so low that she could feel it vibrate within her chest and down deep, deep inside her. "I'm sure-," He began as his fingers trailed up to her center, "That with enough experimentation, observation," He placed a thumb against her clitoris and put the slightest bit of pressure on it, gently moving against it as he watched her eyes flutter closed, "And trust, that you and I can have a most fruitful sexual experience."

Kairi felt herself smile, her eyes closed and biting her lip against the sensation of Sherlock touching her. It had been so long, "You sound like a science teacher and its driving me mad. I'm seriously deranged."

She felt Sherlock's hold transfer onto the back of her neck and steady her, "Open your eyes, I need to see how this affects you."

Kairi opened her eyes lazily as his fingers danced upon the cloth of her underwear and she sighed, heavy-lidded and biting the corner of her lower lip as he stared into her eyes, extreme desire and focus tainting his features. He forced her underwear to the side with a slight rip and his fingers met her wetness and Kairi let out a gasping moan and her eyes flew shut at the sensation.

"Open, please." He said, a slight demand to his voice and Kairi did her best to oblige, focusing on Sherlock as his finger played with her clit and ever so gently pressed into her opening, curling inside of her to apply pressure to the approximate location of her g-spot. The heel of his hand pressed against and rubbed her clit with similar pressure and cadence of the finger inside her. She moaned again, shutting her eyes tightly and then forcing them open to look at Sherlock who was rapt with attention his eyes flickering over her features, over her body, to see how she was reacting.

The knowledge itself was in Sherlock's mind to physically manipulate Kairi in a sexual manner, but he wanted to see how it truly affected her. Chemicals and muscle reactions aside, he needed to see her face and look into her eyes as he pressed his finger inside of her, slowly at first and tantalized her skin. He watched as the muscles in her legs and abdomen contracted beneath the cloth of her dress and he wished that she had been naked before him so he could truly witness her body's movement in reaction to sexual stimulation. He listened to her moans and realized quickly that her breaths were a better indicator of his successful manipulation than only the intonation of her vocal chords. Her mouth would fluidly change from smiles and gasps, teeth applying pressure the the plump curves of her lips, involuntarily revealing the depth of his affect on her. He found that a certain pressure against her body and speed of his finger entering her and pressing against the sensitive flesh inside of her caused her hips to respond, curving themselves in response to his touch, his inflection, and his speed. Her wetness increased dramatically when her hips began to respond to him involuntarily. He felt a burning pleasure in his chest and deep in his gut to see that his fingers were causing her body to react so aptly, his body was responding in turn, aching against the fit of his trousers.

He held her neck and shoulder to support her while his fingers played inside of her so he could watch her face and features. Her head would dip back occasionally, exposing her neck and he could see her pulse racing just for him and it made the speed of his fingers increase and she cried out, her hips moving frantically against his hand and one of her hands shot out, gripping his forearm that lead to the hand inside of her, "Please don't stop." She whimpered at him and he happily obliged, pressing his finger into her and refraining from pushing in another to ruin her rhythm. He didn't want to hurt her, as he could tell it had been quite some time since her last sexual encounter. The tightness of her around his fingers was intoxicating.

Her eyes closed again, against his wishes, but he did not vocalize them this time because he could feel the strength of her vaginal muscles tightening around his fingers as her wetness increased again. She was gripping his arm now, writhing in front of him, breathing in shallow, raspy breaths, while her face was a mask of intense pleasure and focus on his touch. He bit his lip, watching as her body's automatic system began to initiate her orgasm, her muscles tightening, her breath almost caught in her chest as he felt the muscles around his finger clamp down, and Kairi let out a shocked yelp of pleasure. He felt a warmth spread entirely over his hand, soaking him and enveloping him in the intoxicating scent of her arousal and her downfall. He stared down at his hand, against her, inside her and his heart beat quickened immeasurably.

He looked up at her, licking his lips and noticed that tears were falling down her cheeks as she gasped and panted, practically slack in his arm, her head staring up at the ceiling, eyes wide and unbelieving, his hand slowed and she whimpered against the sensation and he brought her closer to his face and kissed her gently, "I just want to make sure that you are alright." He whispered against her mouth. Kairi could barely breathe but she nodded, her legs quivering around his hand in tempo with the walls of her vagina pulsing around his finger that was slowing more and more. "Good." He said slowly, deeply and withdrew his hand gently, bringing the finger to his lips, as Kairi's eyes watched him take his finger into his mouth and suck off the juices she had deposited there.

Kairi whimpered watching him. The overwhelming weakness she felt was consuming her, but she could see that Sherlock was not entirely done with her yet. He smiled at her, seeing this revelation in her eyes and she returned his grin. Though her orgasm had been completely overwhelming and shattered her against the wall of her loneliness she leaned forward and grasped Sherlock's shirt and pulled him in for a deep kiss, tasting herself on him. His hands dropped to her sides, steadying himself on the bed.

Kairi willed herself to scoot further back onto the bed, shucking his shoes and he leant into her, she pulled a crawling Sherlock along with her kisses and slowly unbuttoned the shirt still on his body. Once it was undone, Sherlock kneeled between her legs and removed the shirt and returned his mouth to Kairi, kissing her neck and shoulders and she quickly pulled him down on top of her completely, her skirt around her waist at this point. Sherlock rested between her legs and rubbed himself against her, causing her to groan and her legs to shake ever so slightly at his pelvis pressing against hers.

It was her turn to lay her mouth on his body, kissing his neck and chest and he perched himself above her, breathing deeply and trying to maintain control. She took this opportunity to press against his chest and shoulder, rolling him onto his side and then his back, climbing on top of him and straddling his waist. Her dress was completely useless at his point so she pulled Sherlock to sit and guided his hand to the zipper along the back. They kissed and embraced as his fingers pulled down the metal zipper and Kairi did her best to quickly pull it up and over her head and toss it off the bed, leaving her on top of him, in his painfully tight trousers, and her, in only her underwear. The simple, black lace items hugged her curves in a way that made Sherlock's breath hitch and his hands went to touch her skin, letting his fingers grace over her stomach and breasts, his thumbs whispering against her nipples and he saw her eyes close tight with focus on the sensation. She leaned forward, pressing her entire body against Sherlock's skin and he reacted almost as if he were burned, his fingers digging into her hips and back and pulling her closer against him as their lips and tongues tangled in their desperation for taste and passion.

"I must admit, I do not know how long I will be able to keep myself from having an orgasm once I'm inside you." Sherlock murmured against the top of her head as her mouth moved down his neck and chest.

Kairi looked up from her ministrations, smiling, "Who said I was letting you inside me?" Sherlock frowned and Kairi smiled against the smooth and hard skin of his chest, she flicked a nipple with her tongue and she felt his stomach contract beneath her and a sharp intake of breath passed his lips. "I'm not that easy, Sherlock." She said jokingly and Sherlock was about to respond scathingly about her most recent orgasm at his hand until he felt her kisses descend further down his chest and her teeth nip gently at his abdomen.

Kairi guided her hands to his belt buckle and slowly began to undo it as her mouth and tongue played across his skin and she felt his hands move to her hair. She smiled against him, hearing his breathing increase and the muscles of his stomach tense under her touch. She undid the button of his pants and slowly pulled the zipper down and opened his trousers. She bit at his hip bone and she heard him hiss out a breath as she reached her hand into his underwear to touch the smooth skin of his painfully erect penis.

Deciding to be kind, Kairi sat up and helped him shimmy down his pants and tossed them over her shoulder, freeing his erection and he let out an audible sigh when the air of her bedroom graced his skin. Kairi sat on her haunches between his legs, watching Sherlock as she took him into her hand and wrapped her fingers around his length. It wasn't that Kairi was highly experienced or even a highly sexual individual, but something about the dark man lying before her, the reflection of the fire's glow in his eyes as her hands stroked his hardness, made her yearn for his release. She wanted nothing more than to pleasure him and it gripped her rigidly and refused to let go. "Keep your eyes open when you can," She smiled, knowing full well that he may have never had someone go down on him before, "I want you to watch me."

He simply nodded and swallowed as Kairi bent down and took him into her mouth. She felt the slight pressure on the back of her head from his hand and looked up at him, his eyes shut and his mouth making a soft 'Oh' as his hips bucked to meet her lips. He removed his hands from her hair and gripped the sheets by his hips and Kairi realized that he was afraid to be too controlling of her mouth on him. She moved her hair out of his way, so he would be able to watch as she moved her mouth up and down his length, her hands on his thighs and feeling the powerful muscles ripple beneath her fingertips, as she let her tongue undulate across the bottom of the length in her mouth. She could only hear his breathing as she glanced up at him, slowly raising her mouth until just the head of his penis was inside her lips and she swirled her tongue around the tip. She felt his hips thrust up gently as her eyes watched his and she saw him desperately trying to regain focus and control. She smiled at that around the tip of him in her mouth and she decided to torture him just as effectively as he had tortured her. She took his entire length into her mouth, the tip of his penis pressing into the back of her throat in a relatively uncomfortable but tolerable sensation. As quick as she did it she retracted and continued in such a vein, alternating between shallow and deep acceptance of him, his fists clenching at her bed linens, and only his breathing audible. With each lick and stroke of her mouth and tongue, his hips were no longer able to resist moving up to meet her mouth and his abdomen clenched in torrents of pleasure as he growled deep within the back of his throat while Kairi continued her assault. The hand that was resting on his thigh moved up to cup his testicles, kneading and rubbing them gently as her mouth continued to stroke him and she could hear the loud gasp come from his mouth. She looked up again and he was staring back at her, his brow furrowed in pleasure and confusion for the things Kairi was successfully making him feel.

He groaned deeply and Kairi knew that he was close. She did not let up, did not stop pumping her mouth up and down along his length, holding his testicles in her hand and brushing her thumb gently over the sensitive skin. She felt his body stiffen, his testicles tensed in her hand and she felt Sherlock's penis twitch in her mouth right before he let out a guttural groan. His fists, white knuckling the sheets at his side, his hips thrust up off the bed and into her mouth and another groan came, and with it, his release. Kairi took it into her mouth and swallowed easily, sucking slowly and gently until his muscles stopped pumping. When he was done, his body a shuddering mess and his chest heaving, she retracted her mouth slowly and placed a gentle kiss on the tip of his penis and looked up at Sherlock.

He was smiling lazily at her, a hand running through his hair and Kairi crawled back up to him and laid next to him, her hands lazily tracing circles on his chest.

"Though your lingerie compliments you, I find myself feeling odd that I'm the only naked one" Sherlock murmured against her hair line, kissing the skin there.

Kairi chuckled and looked up at him, his face resumed its usual sort of impassive glare, but there was a softness in his eyes Kairi had never seen before. "Well get up off my bed and lets get under the covers. I like to sleep naked anyways."

Sherlock hid a sort of impish grin and stood off the bed with shaky legs and Kairi smiled as she pulled her underwear off of her body. Sherlock watched her hungrily, "Do not mock me. That was my first experience with fellatio."

Kairi rolled her eyes and helped him pull back the sheets so they could lay down, "Do you want to stay here and sleep?"

He looked at her oddly, "I'm rather tired from that exertion." He admitted.

Kairi chuckled, "Of course you are." She climbed into bed as his eyes followed the length of her body and she pulled her covers up, "Well? Get in! This has been one of the longest and oddest days of my life."

Sherlock climbed in and scooted closer to Kairi and they were hesitant to wrap their arms around each other, though they lay naked in post orgasm bliss. They watched each other for a while, the realization of their relationship being completely and utterly changed flashing through their minds. Kairi reached up and touched Sherlock's face, her fingertips gracing his cheekbones, gazing at him intently, and trying to understand exactly just what happened and what it meant for her and her detective. Sherlock's fingers hesitantly reached for the hair draped over her shoulder and he played with the ends, his eyes distant and deep in thought as he stared at the bleached locks.

They laid in a companionable silence, gazing at each other and thinking until they fell asleep.

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