Born in Black and White

By SaraRoseUrBoat

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Kairi Aria had been working for Scotland Yard for almost a year without incident. She had been very successfu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
The End
Did You Miss Me??

Chapter 32

503 12 9
By SaraRoseUrBoat

Kairi tried not to fidget in horror as she sat in the back of a very expensive, very sleek, and incredibly ominous car that had to cost more than all of her expenses in her entire life. She sat next to Sherlock Holmes who was holding her hand in order to make his brother uncomfortable, but it also had the unintended benefit of having her skin against his. Mycroft was sitting across from them, pointedly staring out the window. Mycroft and Sherlock were silent, but Kairi wanted to scream. She had been trying to prepare herself for weeks, but nothing was helping. She needed whiskey and she needed a lot of it. What would be worse in the end: drunkenly throwing up on Mrs. Holmes' shoes or anxiously throwing up on Mrs. Holmes' shoes? Kairi couldn't decide. It was Christmas afternoon and she was on her way to the Holmes' family estate.

A week ago she had been sitting with Molly in a cafe in a shopping mall in London. It being Christmas, translated into the mall being well on its way to being over populated. Her and Molly paused their shopping for a break from the chaos. They were sipping their beverages, trying desperately to bring back their sanity.

"Why didn't we just shop online?" Molly groaned at Kairi. Both of them were laden with shopping bags full of presents for family and friends.

Kairi had both of her hands on either side of her face, a picture of instability, "I don't know. Remind me next year that this is not how we should be doing it."

Molly nodded, "Are we done then?"

Kairi shook her head, "I've got to find something for Sherlock. I have no idea what to get him."

Molly nodded, "He likes scarves." She said weakly and Kairi smiled at her.

"Yes, but you've got him one already." Kairi chuckled at Molly who shrugged.

"Gloves?" Molly added desperately and Kairi sighed.

"No we're in a relationship, I think it has to be personal or something." Kairi grimaced and glanced up at Molly, "What did you get John?"

Molly blushed, "Well, I've scheduled a weekend away."

Kairi beamed, "What a good idea!" She saw Molly going to open her mouth but Kairi interrupted, "No! Don't tell me! If Sherlock knows I know he'll deduce it and then he'll show up and ruin it. Protect this secret with your life!" She growled and Molly laughed.

"Well, do you know of anything Sherlock needs?" Molly asked, trying to help.

Kairi shrugged, "I don't know. He gets whatever he wants, whenever he wants it. I guess I could seduce the beautiful coroner at Bart's and convince her to give me a body part, but I believe that would go over poorly at the Holmes' family Christmas."

Molly chuckled, "Well, they are the Holmeses." She smiled and Kairi let herself chuckle, "God, you are the bravest woman I've ever met. You work for Mycroft, you're dating Sherlock, and now you'll be meeting his parents." She shook her head as she sipped her tea, "I didn't think he had parents. I thought he had been grown in a laboratory or something."

Kairi snorted, "Oh Lord, wouldn't that be something?" Kairi straightened, preparing herself for her best Sherlock Holmes impression as she squared her shoulders and raised a haughty eyebrow, "I would endeavor you to meet my parents, Donor 456 and Donor 927. This was my childhood home, a Petri dish, sample two." Molly eyes went wide at that, covering her mouth to keep her tea from coming out as she tried to breathe. She swallowed carefully and began laughing hysterically.

"Oh Jesus Kairi, you can't do that to me." She snickered, covering her mouth again and trying to breathe. "God Kairi, I still can't believe it." She leaned in, whispering, "Sherlock Holmes has a girlfriend." She gulped and sat up shocked, "And I actually like her!"

Kairi smiled wide, "It's hard to fathom isn't it? But I like you too, you're my best friend."

Molly looked a bit chuffed, "You're mine as well." She nodded and they both shared a smile.

"Which is why I need your help." Kairi sighed, "What in the hell am I supposed to wear?"

She sat now in the back of the sleek car wearing a very simple black dress. It had a peter pan neckline that sat just an inch or so below her collar bones; low enough to not bother her, but high enough to be modest. It had capped sleeves that covered most of her tattoos and a form-fitting bodice that fanned out at the waist into a pleated skirt that hit two inches above her knee. She wore a simple pair of black tights that were slightly sheer with a herringbone pattern on them. On her feet she wore a pair of red, sequined flats. She wanted to look nice, she wanted to look almost professional, but she wanted to remain herself, so her eye liner was still dark and her lips matched her shoes. Sherlock would most likely be upset with her if she tried to look too different. Just for him, she wore her hair down in her natural waves, aided by product to keep away the frizz.

She looked out the window, trying not to worry her lip between her teeth and she felt Sherlock's hand reach out and gently trace the pattern on her leg, just below her skirt. She grabbed his hand sharply and set it between them, but did not let it go. She didn't hesitate to glare slightly at Mycroft who seemed to snort at their interaction. She spared a look at Sherlock who seemed more morose than before. She had gone through it with him strictly, he was not to engage in any action he wouldn't do in public, just to spite his family. He had agreed when Kairi had told him that those actions would not only make her feel uncomfortable with the pressure of meeting his parents, but it also made her feel used. She laced her fingers through his and squeezed his hand quickly and she peeked over at him to see his lip twitch as he gazed out the window.

They were heading somewhere into the country side. Kairi had no idea where, but it was beautiful. They had been in the car for quite some time, but going through panic attacks and trying to focus her breathing had kept her busy so she hadn't been keeping track.

She tried to imagine who Mr. and Mrs. Holmes would be. In the few times Sherlock and Mycroft fought over their parents and the one time John mentioned that they discussed "mummy" it seemed she was formidable and they were both desperate to please her. If Sherlock and Mycroft couldn't please her, how in God's name could someone like Kairi?

And the father. Oh God the father. If he was anything like Sherlock and Mycroft he would be cold, calculating, and devastating. They never talked about him so what if he was some sort of monster? Sherlock and Mycroft disliked many people and insulted even more than that, where did they learn it all from?

Images of Freud were dancing in her head and she felt herself begin to shake until she felt Sherlock squeeze her hand gently. She tried to take another breath, wishing she could have a cigarette or twenty before they arrived. She glanced at Mycroft, brow still knitted and deep in thought; she looked at Sherlock who finally looked at her and smiled in a sad way.

She tried to calm her heartbeat, what on earth did he know that she didn't?

A few minutes later they pulled up to a very nice and very large home. It was rectangular, two-storied and painted a rather bright red, weather worn, but similar to Kairi's lipstick. She smiled at that. There was a fence around the front, built from grey stone and rod-iron pikes for the gate. It looked very nice, but also quite normal. She was expecting something Victorian or something with white marble and lots of columns. She glanced at Sherlock who was staring at the home with something between disgust and longing. It really was quite odd.

The car finally pulled to a stop and both Sherlock and Mycroft seemed to sigh dejectedly, but quickly recovered and put on their best stony expressions. Kairi tried to keep in her grin as Mycroft looked to his brother.

"Ready, brother mine?" He smiled sickly.

Sherlock nodded, a cold stare set to his eyes, "Not in the least."

Mycroft almost chucked and then turned to Kairi, "This is our childhood home Kairi, welcome." He muttered, a little distastefully and then opened the door, "Its time we get this over with."

Both men seemed very unsettled - at least for them. Mycroft opened the door with a jolt and got out of the car with a huff and Sherlock followed, reaching his hand out to Kairi who let him help her out. She took a good look at all of them now, staring at Sherlock, dressed in his tailored suit, fitting him perfectly, with a crisp maroon shirt; Mycroft in his three-piece suit with a white shirt and navy blue tie; and Kairi in her black dress and red shoes. If not for Kairi's shoes, she would have thought they were attending a funeral instead of Christmas dinner. The grim look on the Holmes' brother's faces did not help either.

At that moment, the door burst open and a woman with a light and colorful shirt unbuttoned and flowing over a black camisole came rushing out. Her eyes were bright and happy alight with the sight of them arriving. She had light blonde hair, going ashy and grey, but it was swept back in a simple chignon. Her eyes were clear in this moment, a very cool minty green that made Kairi step back slightly. Sherlock had his mother's eyes.

Behind her was an older gentleman, standing in the door frame with a timid smile on his features. He was dressed simply, with a buttoned cardigan, a striped shirt and a bright red bow tie adorning his neck. He resembled Sherlock greatly and it made Kairi's heart warm instantly, seeing kindness in his eyes and a gentle smile on his lips.

"Oh my boys!" The woman squealed and reached out, grabbing Mycroft into a vicious hug which his face said he despised, but his eyes were soft. She patted him generously on the back and then moved to Sherlock who she squeezed so tightly he let out a huff of air and she riddled his face with kisses which he didn't protest, but also refused to enjoy.

She took a step back, gripping both of their arms and staring at them with profound love in her eyes and both of them looked horribly uncomfortable, "Merry Christmas my beautiful sons." She smiled and then turned to Kairi who couldn't keep the grin off of her face. Sherlock looked to her and he scowled and Kairi's face only beamed brighter.

"Hello dear, you must be Kairi!" Sherlock's mother said softly with a kind smile on her features, "It's an absolute delight to meet you." She walked over and placed her gentle hands on Kairi's arms and smiled at her brightly, looking her up and down, "Oh you've done well Sherlock, she's a looker!"

"Mother!" Sherlock hissed. Kairi chuckled softly and Mycroft actually gave a quite unique and genuine smile at his brother's discomfort.

"Oh, you." Mother flapped her hands at Sherlock to wave him away and then focused back on Kairi, "It's a pleasure dear. I was beginning to think I would die and rot before one of my boys brought home someone special."

Kairi smiled wide, "It's absolutely my pleasure Mrs. Holmes. Thank you very much for inviting me to Christmas."

"Oh please darling, come on in and get out of the chill," She smiled and hooked her arm in Kairi's, "I can tell you aren't accustomed to our weather still. From California then?"

Kairi nodded, glancing at Sherlock with a huge beaming smile and he looked absolutely furious, "Yes, Mrs. Holmes, that's correct. San Diego and L.A. mostly, but I've traveled quite a bit as well." It seemed to Kairi that Sherlock and Mycroft got their intelligence and their vivacity from their mother and their handsome features from their father. She was dying to see who he turned out to be.

"Oh Kairi, please call me Wanda," She smiled wide and Kairi was enamored, "Mrs. Holmes was my mother in law," She glanced at her husband who was standing in the doorway, looking pleased, so she whispered, "She was detestable." Kairi snickered slightly at that as Wanda pulled her into the home. "Go say hello to your sons Timothy." Wanda muttered to her husband, "Then you need to come in and give Kairi a tour." Kairi was getting pulled along and she glanced back at the Holmes brothers who looked pained and uncomfortable standing in the front yard. Timothy, their father, walked over to them and extended a hand to welcome them home.

Wanda pulled Kairi inside and helped her remove her jacket, hanging it up on the wall that lead to another room. The lounge she was standing in looked like it came straight from a Home and Garden magazine. The ceilings were relatively low and the walls were a forest green, covered in art and photography. There were Christmas decorations all over, garlands and lights and statues, and a wide christmas tree lovingly decorated with hundreds of lights and ornaments. As Wanda walked to the door to call the men in, Kairi couldn't help but walk over to the Christmas tree to see a circular ornament made of plaster with the footprint of a very small child in the center, painted to look like a reindeer. Kairi felt her heart clench, looking at the tiny foot, with writing underneath that said Sherlock's First Christmas. She touched her finger to the small footprint and she felt her ovaries give a good tug. She had no desire for children at this point in her life, but damn if that little foot didn't just about break her heart.

She heard the commotion of the Holmes family as the men came bustling in, mostly Sherlock and Mycroft grumbling at each other while their mother tried to mediate. The father just followed quietly, a happy smile on his face watching his beloveds all bob and weave around each other, ducking questions.

"Putting on weight Mycroft?" Wanda would ask.

"Mummy it doesn't look like you've vacuumed in weeks. Do you need a live in?" Mycroft would reply snidely.

"Sherlock your hair is much too long and shaggy, you look homeless!" Wanda would utter, pawing at him.

He'd slap her hands away like a child in a huff and growl back, "Mummy, that shirt again? Can't you buy new clothes?"

"I would if I didn't have to keep buying news papers to find out what's going on in my youngest child's life!" She would snap back and begin pawing at them both.

The diatribe continued much to this vein with the Holmes brothers snipping back at their mother who had absolutely no fear of them whatsoever.

Kairi felt Timothy side up to her, a simple smile on his face. He nodded to her, remaining quiet. "Is it always like this?" She smiled up at him and met his happy eyes.

"Yes, just about." He chuckled, "I never could keep up with them."

She giggled, "Oh I know how you feel." They both glanced back at the scene, Wanda chasing around Sherlock, threatening him with shears, bossing Mycroft who was supposed to look out for his brother who simply rolled his eyes and looked pained. "My god this is brilliant." Kairi chuckled.

Timothy glanced down at her and nodded, "It's always quite amusing. Would you like some tea in the kitchen?"

Kairi smiled wide, "Yes, I think I would."

They walked into the kitchen, leaving behind the din of the mother doting over her sons who refused to be adored. Timothy pulled out a chair and Kairi sat, looking around, smiling at the perfect kitchen. Things were used and well-loved and everything seemed so comfortable. The rooms she had seen were bright and comfortable and warm and cozy. It was what a small cottage in the country should look like, though small definitely wasn't the word to describe it. The kitchen was rather large and full of spices and smells and utensils and pictures adorning its sea-foam green walls. Kairi just shook her head as she glanced around taking it all in.

"Your home is beautiful Mr. Holmes." She nodded as he prepped the tea.

He chuckled over his shoulder, "Please call me Timothy," He instructed and Kairi nodded as he set a pot to boil and then started gathering snacks, "I'm afraid I haven't much to do with it. The Mrs. is the one who took charge of all the decorating. We've collected a lot these past 40 or so years together." He looked around the room fondly and Kairi felt herself warm to him automatically. He glanced back at her and smiled again. "So how did someone as lovely as you end up with my son?"

Kairi blanched and cleared her throat, "Well, I, erm," She paused fidgeting with the hem of her skirt and she stared at her hands. She wasn't going to lie to his parents. Sherlock would obviously be truthful and if she weren't they would probably figure it out anyway, "Well, he insulted me and I sort of punched him and then we worked together briefly on a case and then I was a client and soon we became friends. It all just sort of never stopped snowballing." She winced and there was silence. She looked up at Timothy who had a hand over his mouth, chuckling heartily.

"Oh my," He tried to quell his laughter by shaking his head, "Oh, you must be spirited, then." Kairi nodded, "Well, its no surprise. They grew up with England's resident genius. He would be compelled to find a woman just as strong and smart."

Kairi's eyes were wide, unsure of how to respond to such a compliment, "I - uh, I don't know what to say." She shook her head.

Timothy grinned, rocking back on his heels as she'd seen Mycroft do before if he were feeling cheeky, "Well, a thank you might suffice, but it's hardly needed." He nodded and Kairi chuckled, "Sherlock wouldn't just bring any old girl round home. We're delighted to get to know you."

Kairi grinned up at him, "I'm pretty ecstatic to meet you two as well. Working with Mycroft and being friends with Sherlock has given me an interesting view of the world. I'm delighted to see where it all came from."

It was Timothy's turn to look surprised, "Oh dear, you work with Mycroft?" Kairi nodded, concerned, "Well, formidable indeed. Handling both of them every day? My Lord..." He trailed off with a small smile.

At that moment, Sherlock burst into the kitchen, narrowing his eyes at his father and looking at Kairi who was smiling back at him, genuinely and no longer nervous. "What are you talking about?" He sounded grave.

Timothy grinned, "How you two met."

Wanda pushed in past Sherlock, "Oh! I'd love to hear it again if you don't mind? Timothy dear, the tea is ready."

Mycroft walked in behind her, "It hasn't whist -," He began but was interrupted by the tea pot letting out a long whistle. He rolled his eyes at his smug mother.

Sherlock sat next to Kairi at the table, eyeing her suspiciously as she grinned widely at him, the smile hadn't left her face since his mother had come out of the house exploding with her outrageous sentiment. His mother was looking at Kairi expectantly so he interrupted, "We met at Scotland Yard. I deduced her -,"

"Incorrectly." Kairi added with sass and Sherlock sent her a withering look which made her grin again.

"I deduced her," Sherlock intoned more dramatically, "She punched me. We worked a case. She started for Mycroft. She became a case and then we became-," He paused, looking at his expectant mother, a grinning father and an amused Mycroft, "- friends and colleagues." Kairi chuckled at him.

"Tea time." Timothy chimed, walking over with the tray and setting it out for the family.

Wanda started first, setting out all of the cups and making them to the specifications that her family enjoyed. She doled out cups to Sherlock, Mycroft, and Timothy and then looked to Kairi, "Cream or sugar, dear?"

Kairi replied, "Both please, I'm afraid to admit I'm not very well versed in tea."

Wanda smiled, mixing up the tea for Kairi and handing it over, "Well you are American dear, we wont hold it against you." She winked and Kairi just chuckled as she sipped the tea and she recognized the delicious taste. She looked at Mycroft who avoided her gaze - he drank his mother's tea. She just smiled knowingly into her cup. She was gaining so many insights into the Holmes brothers it was making her head spin.

"Thanks for that." She smiled.

"So Sherlock, tell me about your cases. I do love John's blog but it misses the technical aspect I do love to so much." Wanda smiled as she sipped her tea.

Sherlock rolled his eyes, "Mother its boring to recount old cases."

She pouted at her son, "Oh Sherlock, please?"

He sighed dramatically and sipped his tea, glancing at Kairi and began to recount the last few months of cases. He was gracious enough to leave out Kairi's case, as it wasn't his to tell and it wasn't precisely over. Kairi could see why Sherlock didn't want to retell his stories once he got started, because Mycroft would chime in with a snide comment, Timothy would ask questions for clarification, which Sherlock found tiresome, and his mother would pipe up to compliment him which made his cheeks go slightly red. The dynamic was absolutely insane and Kairi could see just how exhausting the family could be. There was a lot of love there, but three geniuses in such a small space all stubborn and fighting for the last world would make anyone lose their marbles. She wondered how often Timothy snuck to the liquor cabinet for a top off, but when she looked at him, quiet and quite serene as he gazed at his family, she couldn't help but want to give him a giant hug. He loved it and it was as obvious as the nose on your face. Kairi couldn't help but look around with amusement at them. It was vastly different from her family, from any family she'd met, but it definitely wasn't as terrifying as she expected. It was fascinating and it was fun, watching the Holmeses trying to keep up with one another and outwit each other. She would imagine it would be an exhausting day for Sherlock and Mycroft as their mother was possibly sharper than the both of them.

"So Kairi," Wanda began which snapped Kairi out of her thoughts and observations, "You do something with computers then?"

Kairi would ask how she knew it, but it was probably something like the muscles on her thumbs, so she just nodded, "That's correct. I have experience in web programming as well as computer science."

Wanda smiled, "Oh that sounds fascinating. I haven't much invested time in computers, I rather like the serenity of living away from busy London, but I've been meaning to brush up on it a bit. Every year its harder and harder to get a damned mobile with buttons on it, so I best get with the program."

Kairi chuckled, "I would be happy to help anyway I can. I know Sherlock and Mycroft don't exactly like computers either."

Wanda tittered, "Yes I'm afraid that's my fault. We didn't raise them with much technology."

"Any technology, mummy." Mycroft added and Sherlock sniffed bitterly.

"Well it's all good in moderation," Kairi shrugged, "When we were children there wasn't that much happening anyways, other than TV, and most TV is rubbish." She saw Sherlock smile slightly at that and she kept the soft smile on her lips.

Wanda nodded sipping her tea, "I'd have to agree with you there."

"I do like Bond and Doctor Who though, as far as current media goes." Timothy added.

Kairi turned, smiling wide, "Sherlock mentioned you were a James Bond fan. My father was and I ended up reading all the books. I've seen the movies as well, but trying to talk to him about current media is like head butting a brick wall." She pointed at Sherlock who glared at her playfully, but continued to listen.

"Yes, well, us Holmeses do have our stubborn side." Timothy grinned as he placed his hand on his wife's arm.

"That we do." Wanda smiled up at her husband with admiration.

Kairi took a second to flicker her gaze at Mycroft who looked slightly disgusted, but only slightly. She chanced a look at Sherlock who was staring at his parents with a soft expression, his lip twitched in what she thought was a smile. She grinned widely and Sherlock's attention refocused on her and a mask of distaste completely overthrew his features in an instant. She chuckled softly and directed her attention back to Wanda and Timothy who were still smiling at each other. They broke their gaze almost as if they forgot the world around them was still present and smiled at the people around them.

"Well we've got dinner in a few hours, but I'm thinking that Sherlock needs to see Kairi about the property. Mycroft, I'm sure you need to tend to business. I'll be getting the meal started. I do hope you like Italian Kairi. I'm not sure how it started, but I refuse to do turkey on Christmas, its like Thanksgiving re-do." She sighed and looked at her children and then back to her husband, "And Timothy here is allergic to ham, so that's not an option."

Kairi's eyes widened, "Oh I don't mind at all! I love food, any food. I'd be happy to help if you need any. I'm sure you have it all down to a science, but if you need it, I'm willing."

Wanda laughed heartily at that, "Oh my, I never thought, in all my days, I'd actually have help in the kitchen!" She smiled at Kairi and reached over, patting her hand, "God knows Timothy is hopeless in a kitchen and the boys were just spoiled. Not that I don't love to cook, but trying to get them to make their own sandwich was almost impossible."

Kairi smiled wide, "Yes I'm sure." She glanced at Sherlock who was scowling and Mycroft looked like he was undergoing torture. "I bet you had your hands full."

Wanda rolled her eyes with a dramatic sigh, "Oh you haven't the foggiest." She stood slowly, collecting tea items to clear the kitchen so she could get started, "The stories I could tell you about these boys when they were younger."

Kairi's eyes widened eagerly, "I'd love to hear them!" She saw Sherlock and Mycroft noticeably stiffen in her peripheral vision. She leaned forward as Wanda opened her mouth to begin speaking.

Mycroft interjected, "This is your fault." He growled quietly at Sherlock who practically hissed at him like a cat. "Do something." He growled.

Sherlock stood quickly, his chair scraping back as he got to his feet, effectively silencing his mother and Kairi who he was glaring at. "Kairi, I wish to show you around the grounds."

Kairi frowned, "She was just going to tell me about a child-Sherlock. I can't miss out on that." His only response was a glare, but Wanda interrupted their staring match with a laugh.

"Go on Kairi, he's got all sorts of little hidey holes around the property. He can't keep us apart all day." She said sweetly with a sing-song tone and Sherlock growled impatiently.

He reached out his hand to Kairi, "Come." He spat and Kairi glared at him and pointedly crossed her arms. He rolled his eyes and sighed, "Please?" He said with a little more sincerity and desperation. She still glared at him but she stood and took his hand.

"Please let me know if I can help, Wanda." She smiled to Sherlock's mother who was busy humming along and prepping her kitchen, nodding to Kairi and Sherlock as he swept them out of the kitchen and back into the lounge where he grabbed her jacket and pulled her outside where the sky was actually rather clear. It wasn't very sunny, but it also wasn't extremely gloomy, but the crisp air made her pull her jacket a little tighter.

Back in the kitchen, Wanda was beginning to wash vegetables in the sink and she looked out the window to see Sherlock holding Kairi's hand as he pulled her a little roughly down the entrance path. She chuckled and turned to Mycroft and Timothy, "I like her."

Timothy nodded, "Well to catch Sherlock's attention in the first place, she's got to be pretty damn decent."

They looked at Mycroft and he shifted uncomfortably, "Ms. Aria is..." He grimaced again, "She is intelligent. Not outlandishly, but she's quite remarkable. Strong enough to put up with Sherlock and to stand up to him when necessary. I've yet to see her back down from him when she truly believed she was in the right."

Wanda smiled, winking at her eldest boy, "When will you bring someone home Mycroft?" Mycroft groaned and pulled at the paper on the table and flapped it open, signaling he would not be discussing the question further.

As they rounded the house, which was larger than Kairi initially expected, Sherlock tugged on her hand. The property was vast, with a very large connected plot of land that trailed off into hills and patches of trees. She couldn't see another house very close, but she was unfamiliar with the countryside, so she elected to follow Sherlock around like a puppy. She really should have worn jeans and tennies if Sherlock was going to be dragging her on a hike.

She cleared her throat, almost to the point where she was breathing heavily trying to keep up with him, "Where are we going?"

She saw Sherlock smile faintly, "My hidey hole as mummy so lovingly put it." He glanced back at her and she chuckled at the sparkle in his eye. He seemed like a child at this moment, his curly hair bouncing and flying in the wind as he dragged her along the grassy patch of land towards the trees.

"I'm in a dress, I should have worn proper walking gear!" She laughed as they edged closer to the trees.

"It's not very far, it's just secret." He muttered over his shoulder, "Your attire should be perfectly adequate."

Kairi rolled her eyes, looking out at the countryside as Sherlock guided her. The entire scene looked to be out of a movie or magazine. It was perfectly serene and clear, the sounds of life surrounded them, but not the shocking sounds of London berating your ear drums, it was the wind in the trees and animals squeaking here and there, collecting food before the real cold set in. The rich blue sky was littered with bright white clouds that reflected the sunshine they were trying to hide and the air was clean and peaceful. She had to admit that compared to London, living out in the country sounded quite nice. She didn't necessarily mind the constant beating heart of the city, but at the same time, the serenity of solitude always called to her in a way. One day, when she was tired, she'd find a place out in the middle of no where, maybe closer to the equator so she could live on the beach, and live out the rest of her days. She didn't know who she would do it with, but she'd do it. And in the end she'd be happy.

Sherlock guided her further into the trees. She gasped with the intensity of the scenery around her. Bright sunlight filtered through the trees, shining in spot lights along her path as she followed behind Sherlock who seemed eager, even happy.

She smiled, a memory warming her heart - she had so many more these days - the light coming through the leaves and shining onto fallen stumps and dark mossy stones. She sighed heavily, looking around, being consumed by the scenery. She thought of a movie, a silly movie that reminded her of childhood, Darby O'Ghill and the Little People. Sean Connery singing as they ran through the forest, talking to leprechauns and then there was something dark and sad, but she barely remembered it. She just tried to focus on the men playing a fiddle, trying to not imagine Sherlock Holmes dancing around the forest playing his violin.

She snickered as she followed him and he lead her through the branches, deftly, excitedly. He stopped finally and Kairi ran into him hard. She let out a whoosh of air and he turned on her sharply, grasping her face in his gentle hands and leaning down to kiss her soundly. She sort of melted into him, their lips engaging in a sensual exchange as his fingers played in her hair. When he pulled back he had that same boyish look in his eye and a simple grin on his features.

"Your family is amazing." She smiled at him and he seemed to frown, "I mean I'm sure there have been problems, but your mother is brilliant and your father is kind. I can see how they created someone as wonderful as you."

He kissed her again sharply, murmuring into her lips, "Stop complimenting me, its driving me mad."

Kairi chuckled against him, "Sorry, I'll start insulting you again." They continued to kiss for a few blissful, silent moments, "However, last time I called you a coward you jumped me."

He growled into her mouth, his arm snaking against her lower back to pull her closer and press their bodies together, "We shouldn't talk about things, I might do something indecent."

Kairi smiled, "You probably should stop kissing me like this and show me around."

He huffed and pulled away, their faces inches from each other and their heated breaths showing in the brisk air. "That is a disappointing notion." Kairi chuckled and peeled herself from him, making her way to navigate through the rich forest. She inhaled, the scent and taste of damp wood and flowering plants tickling her imagination. She would have loved growing up somewhere like this, it was meant for adventure.

Sherlock cleared his throat and joined Kairi as they walked through the trees and around bushes, "I used to come out here to be alone." He stated simply as Kairi watched him, his eyes glistening in patches of sunlight. They approached a very large downed tree, covered with moss and rotting away. Sherlock placed his hand on the cool moss and Kairi followed suit, wanting to experience what was going on in his mind. "Childhood was difficult. My mother is a stubborn and brilliant woman and I always thought my father was meek. Mycroft was a complete prat, berating me for my stupidity." He spat with a little bitterness.

Kairi tried not to smile, "You're right about your mother. I think I can imagine how difficult it is to be with someone smarter than you who seems to be able to know and predict every move you make." She added a bit sarcastically and he looked down at her with a small grin. "Mycroft is a big brother, they tend to be jerks. I'm sure he loves you in his own twisted way." Sherlock grimaced at those words, but Kairi continued, "Your father really interests me. I can't imagine it would have been easy living a life where everyone is smarter than you. You may think he's meek, but I think he's a strategist. He probably had to choose his words carefully at all times, always be hyper aware of his actions. I think that would drive most people mad, but the love he has for all of you, it exudes from his pores. It must have been difficult for all of you, but its amazing, its interesting, just how normal and not normal you all are."

Sherlock rose an eyebrow, "You think we are normal?"

Kairi shrugged, "You're talking to the wrong familial expert here." They shared a chuckle at that, "I just think it's a fascinating dynamic. A doting mother, two independent young men, and a very caring father. That's what a lot of people would call a good family, maybe even a great one."

Sherlock frowned, "It wasn't always. We made things difficult on my parents, Mycroft and I."

Kairi put her hand in his and squeezed, "We all make things difficult on the ones we love Sherlock. We all have expectations and desires we want to be fulfilled, sometimes its hard not to project those things on the people we care about. We also have so much to deal with inside our own heads, you and Mycroft and your mother most of all, I can't imagine its easy inside that big melon of yours."

His lip twitched as he glanced down at her, "Are you implying I've got a big head?"

Kairi smiled wide, "Catch that did you? You really are a detective." She feigned astonishment and he let out a deep laughter. "So what did you do out here as a child? Bring out unsuspecting females and kiss them into submission."

He shook his head, admiring her, "No, this was my private place." He looked a little nervous, "You're the first person I've brought here."

Kairi looked taken aback by that, "Oh." She looked around again, this was Sherlock's personal place, his refuge from his complex life, this is where he came to feel at peace and feel happy and he brought Kairi to it. This held a lot of implications and Kairi felt her breath hitch and she remembered what John Watson had told her: Sherlock was just about as in love as Sherlock could get. For some reason, the implication of their relationship, their discussion over terms and boundaries of their interactions, and their sexual compatibility just finally hit her square in the chest. To Sherlock Holmes, Kairi mattered and she mattered greatly. Her eyes began to water and she did her best to keep the happy tears from pouring out of her eyes. She looked up at Sherlock who was watching her expectantly and nervous and she smiled at him and threw her arms around him, "Thank you for bringing me here."

Sherlock seemed confused as he wrapped his arms around her, "You're welcome, Kairi." He stated timidly.

She pulled back and stared him in the eyes, "I love you Sherlock Holmes." He looked surprised and then he stiffened slightly, trying to think about what to say, "Don't say anything. I'm not expecting you too. I feel what I feel and that's that." She kissed him gently and he responded to her slowly at first, but his lips changed pace and moved frantically as he pulled her closer, his mouth devouring hers as he walked her backwards until she was pressed up against a tree. Kairi tried not to moan and enjoy the primal feeling of Sherlock, aroused and pressing up against her. "Oh Sherlock, I miss you." She said quietly as his mouth moved down her throat and neck, pushing aside her heavy coat as his arms snaked inside to feel the heat of her.

He continued kissing her hungrily, but managed to speak between his assault, "How can you miss me I'm right here?"

Kairi chuckled and she felt his hand move to her backside to cup her bottom, "I was being delicate." She whispered in his ear and he growled deep within his chest, his fingers digging into the fabric keeping them apart. She felt his other hand trace down her thigh and dip beneath her skirt, only to be frustrated by the tights blocking him access to her skin.

"You're wearing far too many clothes." He grumbled against her and she felt his teeth sink into her flesh and she gasped.

"Its cold, its Christmas," She panted and moved her hands to grip his face and bring it closer to hers, "We need to stop. We can't do this here." He kissed her fervently and growled deep in his chest, pressing his forehead to hers in frustration. He pulled his hand away from her back side and under her skirt and placed them on her hips, squeezing them tightly as they held each other close. "I'm sorry, you know I want to Sherlock, but we cant."

Sherlock sighed, "I understand." He replied quietly, but his grip tightened on her, "I dislike it greatly, but I understand. I would prefer to have some time with you, though the allure of taking you in the forest, in the most treasured place of my childhood," He punctuated this by pressing his hips into hers and she felt him stiff against her, "Is overwhelming."

Kairi chuckled against him, trying to subdue the absolute need that was coursing through her veins, "One day maybe," He looked up at her with surprised eyes, hooded with lust, "But not on Christmas and not on the first day I meet your mother."

He chuckled at her, "Your silly little mind that cares so much about what others think of you. How bothersome."

She pushed him back gently and they began adjusting their clothing, "I agree it's hellishly bothersome, but unfortunately, my tiny mind can't stop itself." She smiled at him and he helped her pick off bits of tree that attached themselves to her clothing and hair.

Sherlock smiled, pruning her, "I'm amused that you've invested in a new lipstick. It doesn't smudge like your other one."

Kairi chuckled, "Yes well, when I first started wearing red lipstick I didn't imagine I'd be snogging someone quite so often."

He reached out a hand and she took it gingerly and he walked her back over to the fallen tree and they sat next to each other, just absorbing their mystical surroundings.

"I used to pretend to be a pirate." He said quietly, just gazing around with a soft grin on his face.

Kairi imagined that he was replaying all of his old games in his head: reenacting his favorite sword fights, his most daring rescues. For a man who claimed to despise sentiment, he sure held a lot of it for this place in particular.

"It's so beautiful here, Sherlock. I can see why you like it." She smiled up at him and his lip twitched in a grin, "It's amazing to me, watching you. You've got the mind of a scientist and the heart of an artist. You are right and left brain all the time. I love it."

He gazed down at her, unsure of how to respond, "You know, you pay me an awful lot of compliments." He sounded guilty, "I don't believe I do that for you."

Kairi shrugged, "I know I'm awesome, its all right."

Sherlock chuckled, looking down at the forest floor, "Yes, you are." Kairi looked up at him a little surprised, "I find it difficult to discuss the way that things affect me. I never wanted things to affect me and they always did, until I learned to shut it all off." He paused and looked into her eyes, a sense of comfort surrounding him in his secret place, "For most of my life, I was plagued by the overwhelming amount of sensations and stimulation that everyday life provides. I find it distracting and uncomfortable. Caring about things, having things matter to me other than a case, other than facts and evidence, it muddles everything that I am and everything I can be." He inspected Kairi's face closely, her lips parted gently and her eyes looked concerned. She held so much emotion for him and it was confusing, "I find myself rather focused when I'm with you. You calm me in ways I didn't think possible without the aid of highly addictive substances." He chuckled and Kairi smiled at him, "I still don't know what to make of you, but I can't stand the thought of removing you from me."

Kairi's breath hitched and she smiled wide at Sherlock, taking his hand in hers and squeezing, "That's good enough for me Sherlock. I don't want to lose you either."

He smiled a little ruefully at that, "It's almost annoying."

She chuckled, "Yeah, I love you too." She joked and poked him in the side and they sat in a comfortable silence, leaning against one another. She was surprised by how different Sherlock seemed in his hiding place. She didn't think that the persona he presented almost all the time was fake, she knew it was very, very real, but seeing him here, truly hidden from the world, brought out a softer side. She found it comforting, the dichotomy of Sherlock Holmes. She didn't expect a man as brilliant as him would be one-dimensional, but she was vastly enjoying experiencing Sherlock Holmes in the fullest way. Knowing him was an adventure.

"We should probably start heading back." He muttered, "Mummy will be needing help with dinner."

Kairi smiled at him, "Of course. Let's go." Sherlock hopped off of the log and grabbed Kairi by the waist to help her stand. She pulled him in for a hug and held him close, relishing in his warmth both physically and dare she say it, emotionally.

They held hands as Sherlock guided her out of the forest, back into the presence of prying but approving eyes. As they walked down the path, the sun was beginning to set and the sky burned with glorious reds and oranges that faded into pinks and purples. Kairi had to admit she was slightly disappointed with the fact that it didn't snow for them, but after a lengthy discussion with Sherlock, evidently snow in London wasn't all that common. She wasn't really all that put out to be honest, cold was still cold and wet-cold made everything worse.

They got back into the Holmes' house and Sherlock helped Kairi with her jacket before removing his own. She wandered over to the book shelves and let her fingers trace across the bindings of all sorts of colors and textures ranging from incredibly old to brand new. She paused as she came across a litter of books all with Sherlock's mother's name on them. Titles ranged from high level mathematics to physics to engineering. She gasped and looked at Sherlock who was standing there looking disinterested.

"Your mother wrote all these?" Kairi stared in disbelief and Sherlock nodded. "Oh my..." Kairi didn't get a chance to finish because Mycroft burst into the room.

"If I'm meant to suffer, as are you. Get into the kitchen, now." He growled and Sherlock smirked.

Kairi chuckled as she pushed past Mycroft into the kitchen to see Timothy sitting at the table, sipping on a glass of whiskey while Wanda fussed around the kitchen. Kairi didn't realize how long they had been gone, but almost everything was ready for dinner. A fat dish had lasagna piled inside of it, there were loaves of bread prepped to be put in the oven, dusted with garlic and butter. It all smelled heavenly.

"Need any help?" Kairi questioned and Wanda turned, a bright smile on her face.

"Hmm, possibly." She nodded and took stock of her progress. "Boys, could you go and set the nice table with linens and my best china? It is Christmas after all."

"Yes mummy." Mycroft and Sherlock said at the same time.

"I'll go supervise, keep them from stabbing each other with salad forks or something." Timothy grinned and nodded to his wife and tipped his glass to Kairi.

"What can I do?" Kairi smiled as she watched Wanda's eyes follow her husband.

She giggled, "Nothing actually. It's all done. I just wanted to get rid of the men." She walked towards her cabinet and pulled out a bottle of red wine. "Would you like a bit?"

Kairi nodded, "Yes thank you, that would be wonderful."

Wanda pulled out some glasses and then sat, Kairi followed her and sat next to her as she poured glasses of wine for them. "I figure after 40 years of dealing with that lot, I deserve a little one on one time with a lady."

"Yes, I can imagine you would." Kairi chuckled and sipped her wine. It was very good. "What kind of wine is this? I'm hopeless when it comes to wine, but I've got a friend, Detective Lestrade, who is a wine buff. I'm sure he'd love this."

Wanda smiled, "It's a 1997 Domaine de la Romanée-Conti. One of my favorites, we have a bundle of it down in the cellar. I try to pull it out on special occasions such as this."

"I'll have to look it up, I'm sure he'd be delighted to try it if he hasn't already." Kairi nodded behind her glass as she sipped.

Wanda waved a dismissive hand, "You can take one for yourself. Us Holmeses aren't big drinkers. I've got enough wine down in the cellar to keep us satiated for a hundred more holidays."

Kairi's eyes widened, "Oh so you actually have a wine cellar?"

Wanda nodded, "Yes, as much as we don't drink we still rather like it," She chuckled and Kairi beamed. "I'm glad you've come Kairi. When I saw that picture in the paper, I thought I had died and gone to heaven. My Sherlock, gazing at a young thing with that much emotion. I could barely believe it."

Kairi blushed, "He means a great deal to me."

Wanda nodded, "I know." She sipped her wine delicately and sighed, "I have no illusions of my sons and their capabilities. It was a mixture of over stimulation and sensitivity that lead them both to become who they are, brilliant as they may be. They've had to reign themselves in quite a bit and Mycroft seems to have an easier time with it - though I wish he'd give himself a break now and then." She sighed, "But Sherlock always worried me. Mycroft may think he has his brother beat, but Sherlock has a wider berth of understanding and desire to learn. Intelligence doesn't mean much if you don't have the passion to learn."

Kairi nodded, "I honestly couldn't put that any better an I whole-heartedly agree. Its one of the reasons I love Sherlock, he's brilliant and I always learn something new when...I'm...with...him..." Kairi's voice faded. She had just unintentionally told Sherlock's mother that she loved him. Wanda had heard it as well because she was staring at Kairi, inspecting her with wide, wet eyes.

"Oh, you mean that." She sighed heavily and placed a hand on her heart.

Kairi nodded, clearing her throat, "Erm, yes, I do. I haven't told anyone else," Wanda blinked back a few tears, "Except him of course and that was more of an accident, just like now." She finished uncomfortably.

Wanda shut her eyes and took a deep breath, "Did he-?"

Kairi shook her head and sipped her wine, "No, but I've never asked him to. This is all new to him. I don't want to break his brain."

Wanda chuckled, "Oh, the patience of a saint you have!"

Kairi smiled, "For certain things, yes." She shrugged and Wanda laughed.

"How did he find you?" She asked quietly, a little amazed.

Kairi shrugged and sipped her wine, "I don't know, but there's no turning back now."

Wanda smiled knowingly and they finished their wine in a companionable silence.

Dinner went off without a hitch. They sat and ate and talked, though most of the silence was filled by Wanda and Timothy recounting stories of the Holmes boys growing up and adventuring. Sherlock may have wanted to be a pirate when he was younger, but Mycroft had wanted to be a ballroom dancer.

By pain of death, Mycroft had sworn Kairi to secrecy and she had chuckled along with the rest of the family. Stories were punctuated by frustrated moans or aggressive growls from the mouths of the Holmes boys as their mother described, in painful detail, all of their accomplishments from potty training to graduating college.

Once dinner finished, they gathered into the lounge to sip on their preferred beverages, whiskey for Mycroft, Timothy, and Sherlock, and wine for Wanda and Kairi. Kairi and Sherlock sat by the fireplace together, Kairi's legs curled to her side and Sherlock's stretched out in front of him as he leaned back on his palms, Mycroft and the parents sat in their designated chairs. They began to discuss literature, something Kairi felt comfortable doing since her and Timothy had some shared genre favorites. It was interesting just how amusing the man was, with his wry humor and unassuming intelligence. Though he married a genius, he was no slouch. She could see many of Sherlock's features in their faces and it was amusing to see the same pursing lips on his father or the crinkle of his nose in his mother's smile. Sherlock actually had an origin story, he wasn't carved from marble or grown in a laboratory, he was a man and an interesting one at that.

Kairi cleared her throat after her sip of wine and glanced at Sherlock who nodded his head, "So I wasn't sure if we would be doing gifts or not, but I didn't want to come over empty-handed." She stood slowly, with Sherlock's hand to help her up. She walked over to the front door where a bag was sitting, holding wrapped presents inside, "It really isn't much, but I wanted to thank you all for a wonderful time." She muttered as she walked back into the sitting circle and knelt down, pulling out packages and handing them out.

"I've got yours at home Sherlock. I figured we could open them up tonight when we return." He simply nodded, a little astounded.

Kairi had spent some time trying to figure out just what to purchase the Holmes family, who she assumed had just about everything they'd ever wanted. She went with interesting and sentimental gifts, hoping and praying that she wouldn't be laughed out of their home. For Mycroft, she had found a unique vintage fountain pen which was carved from a dark wood, with burned designs. He actually looked a little scared when she had handed him a gift, not sure how to react.

Once he opened it, an amused glint flashed over his features before he quashed it and replaced it with his stony exterior, "Many thanks Kairi." Was all that he said, but it meant a lot to her that he seemed to smile as he inspected it.

Kairi was nervous while watching Wanda and Timothy open their present. She hadn't spent a lot of money in it, but now that she knew the Holmeses, she figured that the sentiment would actually mean quite a bit to them.

Wanda gasped, holding the item in her hands and showing it to Timothy who grinned proudly. Sherlock realized that his mother was holding a picture frame and cold dread gripped his heart. He didn't recall taking any pictures with Kairi, so he knew it wasn't that.

"What is it?" Sherlock and Mycroft both chimed, glaring at each other a moment before their mother spoke.

"Oh my..." Wanda stood up and handed the frame off to her husband as she knelt down next to Kairi and wrapped her in a very warm hug, "Oh thank you."

Sherlock scowled, flashing a look to his father who held out the frame. Sherlock grabbed it and took a look, groaning as he practically tossed it to Mycroft, who sat up straight, looking shocked.

"I'm sorry boys, but I couldn't resist." Kairi chuckled as Wanda stood and walked back over to a shocked Mycroft to take the picture from his hands.

"Oh I'm sorry, silly old me." Wanda chuckled, wiping at tears, "You've no idea how long its been since I've had a picture of the two of them." She looked a the photo again, "And they're even smiling at each other."

Sherlock glared at Kairi who just shrugged. She had taken the photo a few weeks ago, candidly. She couldn't remember the conversation they were having, but they almost looked like they were having fun - probably trying to tease each other into submission. The end result was a photo of Sherlock and Mycroft facing each other and grinning at one another. It almost looked like they liked each other.

After a couple more drinks and polite conversation, with Wanda gushing over her new photograph which she didn't let out of her sight, it was time to head back into London. With lots of hugs and kisses and promises to visit that would not be kept, Kairi, Sherlock and Mycroft loaded themselves back into the car with left overs, old post from alumni organizations wishing to get the Holmes boys to donate, and a bottle of wine for Lestrade. Sherlock would have canned it all automatically, but his mother preferred he pretend to care. With a base desire to get out of his old home and away from his vivacious mother, he would promise anything to be back in Baker Street, lying in bed with Kairi with nothing in between them.

The ride home was uneventful, peaceful even. Mycroft and Sherlock seemed spent and Kairi was a little drunk. She mostly felt tired as she snuggled into Sherlock and closed her eyes. Sherlock looked down at her, a smile creeping onto his lips as he watched her get comfortable against him and a warm feeling spread through his limbs. It was probably the whiskey he drank with his father, but something was knotting in his stomach as he looked at her.

He took a second to look up, seeing Mycroft staring at them with a confused and possibly jealous tilt to his features. When their eyes met, Mycroft shook his head quickly and Sherlock just sighed, closing his eyes and resting against Kairi for the long ride home.

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