Born in Black and White

By SaraRoseUrBoat

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Kairi Aria had been working for Scotland Yard for almost a year without incident. She had been very successfu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
The End
Did You Miss Me??

Chapter 29

640 19 0
By SaraRoseUrBoat

Kairi and Sherlock finally limped their way into Bart's. Kairi was exhausted, more than half the day was gone and all she wanted to do was go home and take a bath alone and go to sleep. She smiled to herself, glancing at Sherlock who looked slightly cross, but otherwise put together. Kairi felt like earth's gravity had increased exponentially and it tugged her down with every step.

When Lestrade had arrived at the scene of the very minor explosion with Donovan in tow, she was surprised by Lestrade's reaction, trotting over to her side and pulling her into his arms. He hugged her tightly and Kairi relished in the comfort he provided. Lestrade was her very good friend and it felt very nice indeed to be showered with such attention. It was not something that she sought after constantly, but she was not Sherlock, she did enjoy some human interaction. The presence of a friend still comforted her. She had her face buried in his neck when she finally let herself begin to shake and heave in reaction to her past hour. It wasn't everyday that you almost got blown up. Granted the blast wouldn't have killed them, but it would have maimed them severely if she hadn't gotten them out of the way and that factor was terrifying. Its one thing to be vaporized instantly, its another to be blown to bits and then survive as bits. Once her tears had subsided, she was surprised to look up and see Sherlock staring at her and Lestrade embracing, the strangest of expressions on his face.

After being questioned and recounting the story with painfully exact details, Lestrade had been happy to trolly them over to St. Bart's to meet up with Molly and John so they could discuss the body and the case. When they got in the car, Sherlock surprised her by wrapping an arm around her shoulder to hold her closely. Kairi wasn't sure that it was a comforting arm, it seemed possessive and the look on Donovan's face was worth a month of her salary from Mycroft. The idea of Sherlock Holmes, holding a woman close to him, protectively, was not something she could process. Kairi tried to relish in it, but Sherlock didn't seem close, he felt distant and cold. His arm felt almost uncomfortable the way it was grabbing her. For a moment, she thought he may actually be in shock. The drive was intense and silent.

Sherlock seemed to stiffen when they arrived at Bart's. He pulled his arm away and put a distance between them shortly before the car stopped and he got out, leaving her behind. She wasn't all that upset by him leaving her. She had gotten most of her shock out in the form of tears and quivers while in Lestrade's arms. As she scooted towards the door to exit, she froze in the middle of her seat with a sudden realization.

Sherlock was jealous.

She let out a bark of laughter, that caused Donovan and Lestrade to glance back at her as they went to exit the car.

"Alright?" Donovan asked as Lestrade exited with a chuckle on his lips. Kairi nodded, trying to keep her manic laughter inside. Donovan only nodded and said something under her breath, Kairi thought it sounded something like "Completely fucking batty."

Lestrade was walking around the open door as Kairi scooted the rest of the way across the bench. She glanced up as she put her feet out and saw Lestrade's hand extending to her, she opened her mouth to dispel the need for his courtesy, but was interrupted.

"Excuse me, detective." Sherlock growled the word like a curse. Kairi glared up at him as he nudged an absolutely appalled Detective Inspector Lestrade out of the way. Everyone thought he was already inside Bart's. Sherlock stood in front of Kairi extending his hand. She stared at him for a moment, trying to assess him in the best way she could. Her eyes narrowed when she met his gaze. He was not being caring, he was being possessive of her and she wasn't sure she appreciated it - especially when coming in the form of vehemence for her good friend. He had already stated that he didn't mind their friendship, he was not allowed to change his mind on that as nothing would ever happen between her and Lestrade - not in that manner anymore.

So she scowled a bit more and slapped his hand away, "I'm not a child, I can get up myself, thank you."

Now it was Lestrade's turn to let out a guffaw as Sherlock turned to glare at him while Kairi pushed her way through the both of them. She glanced at Lestrade, her face directed away from Sherlock and she winked but kept her voice cold, "You aren't helping either."

Lestrade nodded, pursing his lips to keep them from smiling as he glanced at Sherlock who looked smug. "I'll take Appa back to your place Kairi." She turned her head, flashing him a sweet smile and he let out a chuckle.

As Sherlock went to follow Kairi, Lestrade let the smile seep back onto his lips as Donovan came to his side, "What is that all about?" She muttered as they made to get back into the car. Lestrade watched Sherlock, stiff as a board but trying to edge his way closer to Kairi who wasn't allowing it.

"Dear God," Lestrade chuckled, wiping a hand at his face, "Sherlock's being a tit, that's what this is about." Donovan stared at him, confused and Lestrade just dismissed it with a shake of his head.

Kairi glanced up at Sherlock, she was miffed but amused. The man was capable of jealousy. A lot of it, it seemed. His eyes narrowed and his cheek twitched with the tension in his jaw. She tried to keep the smile off her face as he glared ahead, looking dirty but composed. She probably was in quite a state, but she didn't care. She leaned over and slid her arm around his and he glanced down at her, emotionless. She smiled a little, looking forward and squeezing his arm tightly as they walked, leaning into one another.

"Childish." She said quietly and Sherlock glanced down at her, seeing the smile on her lips. He couldn't fight the small grin that lifted the corners of his mouth.

When they arrived in the morgue, Molly was deep into her autopsy, John sitting by the side, watching her work diligently as she recorded all of her findings.

Kairi froze at the door as Sherlock tried to trudge forward, stopped by the vice-like grip that Kairi had around his arm. He looked down at her, dust and dirt covering her face, wrapped up in his long coat, looking like a scared child wearing her father's clothes. His eyes narrowed at this deduction, it must be why she found so much comfort in his coat. She probably used to do the same with her father's clothing and now she had become accustomed to it. The thought nagged him, how she found comfort in his clothing and yet she had dissolved into tears and sought out comfort from Lestrade. Perhaps she would prefer wearing his clothing. He shook the dark and absolutely insipid voice from his head and examined her features: taut, horrified. She was not ready to see the corpse in real life.

He cleared his throat, trying to clear his mind of the obnoxious thoughts that clouded his mind a moment before, "Kairi?"

She shook slightly and then looked up at Sherlock, a confused tilt to her head, "Huh?" Sherlock only motioned with the smallest flick of his head, a clear question in his eyes as he gazed at her, "Oh," She let out a shuddering breath, "I'm alright. I just, I don't know why I didn't think I would be seeing the corpse." She said the last word with an odd gulp, her eyes glancing forward and resting on the beautiful coroner, elbow deep in all sorts of innards. This was a drastic contrast in Kairi's mind, watching Molly work would be fascinating and horrifying at the same time. Someone so sweet and caring, so very, very muddled in a dark profession.

Sherlock nodded, "If you aren't prepared -,"

"No!" She said vehemently, "No, I'm part of the case, aren't I?" She looked up at Sherlock and saw his nod. He didn't look pedantic, only affirming her because what she stated was fact. He wasn't trying to comfort her or encourage her, she would need to make her own decision. She enjoyed this about Sherlock, he was always straightforward and she needed that. "Then I need to see the body."

He seemed a bit proud of her in that moment and they continued into the autopsy room, Molly looking up, blood up to her elbows and some gore on her coroner's apron. Kairi tried not to flinch, it was such an opposing image, Molly's bright and excited face as she smiled and waved, covered in the guts of a murder victim.

Kairi almost laughed if it weren't for the smell. The smell was most difficult, she tried very hard to pretend the rest of the scene was a movie set, meticulously engineered to look like the real thing. She felt her gut drop when she realized that the scene before her was almost exactly that, with the video and all, and it made her cringe.

"What do you have Molly?" Sherlock slipped his arms from Kairi who stood a ways back as he walked over to the body and began inspecting it. "Kairi, I need my kit. Left inside pocket."

Kairi jumped a bit, hearing her name, but she obliged, reaching into Sherlock's coat and pulling out the small wrapped kit. She had seen it before, when he cleaned and disinfected the items - a quite meticulous process he liked to do on her dining room table since it was clear of all of his experiments. She walked closer, handing it to him, trying to avert her gaze from the mangled body on the table.

She took a step back and her eyes flashed to John who was finally taking her appearance in.

"Jesus," He looked to Sherlock who was too busy inspecting the body to bother with John's observation, "What happened to you two?"

"Explosion." Sherlock said distractedly, as if it were commonplace.

"What?" Molly sounded frantic, almost bringing her blood soaked hands up to her face, until she thought better of it. "Are you alright?"

"That is a ridiculously obvious question Dr. Hooper. We are here aren't we?" Sherlock replied scathingly and John and Molly both rolled their eyes.

"I wasn't asking about you, Sherlock 2.0. I'll go wash up." She hissed and Sherlock froze with the realization that Molly had actually stood up to him and insulted him - or so he assumed. There was a tiny smile on his lips as he continued his inspection of the body.

Kairi chuckled as Sherlock worked and Molly began cleaning herself up so she could come back and talk to Kairi about the explosion. John made his way over and began inspecting her. "I'm fine, really. A few scratches here and there, but nothing a good bath wont fix." She saw Sherlock halt slightly at that and she had to fight her sigh and her desire to add alone to her sentence. She looked back at John who seemed concerned.

"Why on earth were you near an explosion? Weren't you just checking up on the video?" He asked and then shook his head, "You were with Sherlock though, I shouldn't be surprised. He seems to enjoy his companions mixed with explosives." John grunted acerbically over his shoulder to which Sherlock replied with a hitch of his lips.

Kairi let a tired smile form on her lips, "Well, it's a long story." She replied as her and John went to sit on some stools by an empty table. "We found the location where the video was posted - thanks to some fancy-shmancy computery type things and Mycroft's super powered computer - and we went to investigate it. Sherlock figured we might be able to get some information from the clerk. It was just a upscale Internet cafe, but behind the scenes they had a rather interesting set up with private computers, loaded with software and impressive enough hardware even Mycroft would have been surprised to see. It was probably only a step or two below the type of stuff he uses in our department, believe me when I say these computer were high-powered and well protected. Color me impressed."

Molly made her way out, glaring a bit at Sherlock who was staring at her corpse and looking like he wanted to start poking things, "Hands off that one. No experiments allowed." She pointed a sharp finger at Sherlock's pouting face, but she ignored it and walked over to Kairi and began her own inspection, "You should really let me clean you up. You covered with dust and bits."

Kairi smiled at her friend, "I'm alright Molly, I just need to go home for a shower and then a bath and some wine and forget the world for a little." She looked over Molly's shoulder to glance at Sherlock who seemed busy and lowered her voice, "How in the hell do you two keep up with him? I feel like I'm going to keel over."

John chuckled, "Your body will adjust to the adrenaline eventually." He smiled at Kairi who was just chuckling, looking like she was indeed about to fall out of the chair for a nap on the cold morgue floor, "You'll probably have a heart episode by thirty-five but you wont be bored."

Kairi let out a laugh at that, wiping a hand down her face, "Well," She sighed and hopped off her chair, "Molly, want to walk me through the corpse stuff?"

Both John and Molly looked surprised, "A-are you sure?" Molly wondered, "You look - well, like death warmed over."

Kairi chuckled, "Well, I just want a quick look at the body, a fast run down, then I'm going to go home and sleep for a week." She poked at Molly's shoulder and she continued in a whisper, "It's why I wanted you to do it and not Sherlock. If I asked him to do it I'd be stuck in here for hours. He'd start going on about how when the corpse was nine years old he enjoyed skipping rocks across the family pond or something. My brain is too tired for that."

Molly nodded and smiled, "Alright, well come on over here, you can check out my transcribed notes instead of fussing with the body."

Kairi was grateful for that and followed Molly to her desk as John stepped over to Sherlock and began discussing the corpse with him in hushed tones. Molly handed her the freshly printed pages and Kairi began to page through them. Molly's observations were all sorted and organized very effectively and though Kairi had no knowledge of real-life coroner work, she read the pages with an excited air. She had always been fascinated by pathology, but knew she didn't have the stomach to face the numerous battered bodies from violence, death, or worse, a misguided sense of love. As her eyes scanned over the meticulous document, mesmerized by Molly's methodology and her inspection of specific wounds, giving insight to the investigators about possible tools used to make such cuts, Kairi found herself in awe of Molly's obvious prowess. She faintly heard Molly mentioning that she would need to close up the corpse soon and Sherlock grunted in agreement.

"This is astonishing work Molly!" Kairi beamed up at the blushing pathologist.

"Oh, you know autopsies well?" Molly asked, genuinely confused.

Kairi shook her head, "Not one bit, but it sounds brilliant and your insights will be incredibly helpful for the investigation."

Molly smiled at her, "Well, thanks." Molly glanced over her shoulder and scooted in closer, leaning into Kairi, "So how are things with..." She trailed off, tilting her head towards the consulting detective and his doctor as they donned gloves and began poking about the corpse. Molly frowned at them.

Kairi smiled, "They are good. Though I think he's a bit miffed with me about Lestrade."

Molly looked back to Kairi, raising her eyebrows in surprise, "Oh, what happened?"

Kairi shrugged her shoulders, "I went into shock after the explosion, had a bit of a melt down when Lestrade arrived and he was the one hugging me."

Molly's eyebrows sunk this time, "Really?" She sounded astonished, "You think Sherlock's bothered by this?" That entire sentence tasted odd in her mouth.

Kairi sort of squinted at Molly, "Well I'm not sure, but he was acting very...I don't know, possessive after the fact. To be honest, I'm a bit riled at him for it."

Molly pursed her lips in thought, "Well don't be too rough on him, he's an idiot when it comes to human nature."

Kairi chuckled, "I wont, I'm merely surprised."

Molly smiled, "To be honest, I bet he is too." She shrugged and then went back to the case, "So this whole explosion thing, you believe it to be tied to the case?"

Kairi nodded, "Well, seeing as how the video was posted from that location, hidden behind a lot of subterfuge to make us think it was really in Egypt, plus the creepy message we received before the damn thing blew up, with me practically nose to nose with the tower, yeah, it's got to be."

"God, a message?" Molly solicited, "Honestly, a message? Cant he ever have a normal case?"

Kairi let out a light snort, "He wouldn't bother with it."

Molly smiled, "Well I guess that's true, the brilliant git." She chuckled. "What was the message then?"

Kairi frowned this time, a chill seeping into her bones, remembering the song from her childhood. Her father was always a fan of "Golden Oldies" as he put it. She definitely enjoyed some of the mo-town and doo-wop groups from that era, but her appreciation leaned more towards classic rock of later years, "It was strange, a song that I knew from childhood. He used the lyrics to convey a message. It would have gotten us completely singed if I didn't catch the whine of the explosive before it detonated."

"Oh dear," Molly sighed, "That sounds terrifying."

Kairi shrugged, trying to keep the smile from her lips, "It was honestly pretty exciting until the almost blown to bits part."

Molly smiled, "Well damn, now both of you are hooked."

Kairi laughed, "No I don't quite think I could be like John. John thrives off of it. I just don't mind it, you know, infringing on my life and all. I don't know if I want to be running about England all the time trying to save the world. Here and there maybe, but I don't think I need the excitement every day. I'm not a soldier like John. I'm not an addict like Sherlock."

Molly nodded, "But you need him."

It definitely wasn't a question and Kairi looked up at Molly, her eyes full of understanding. If anyone knew what it was like to love Sherlock Holmes and John Watson it was Molly. She knew what it meant to love a man who was maddening and brilliant and exciting, someone who you spent hours and hours thinking and worrying and pining after. Kairi felt a stab in her heart, realizing just how much it must hurt Molly to see her and Sherlock together, "Oh God Molly..." Kairi sighed, seeing the tiniest wetness in Molly's eyes, Kairi's words were loaded with remorse, "I'm so sorry."

Molly shook her head smiling and pushed at Kairi's shoulder, "Never apologize for it Kairi. I was never meant for Sherlock Holmes and that's ok. Part of me hurts of course, but its a small and stupid part that loved him in the first place. I care for John greatly and he's just what I needed in my life. I am happy to see the two of you together. I am happy to see Sherlock Holmes being somewhat happy, back to his old self.

"Since he's returned he's been almost impossible with me and John, completely exhausting. He kept up airs for everyone else, made them believe just how Sherlockhe could be, but the ones close to him saw it. I could see how far away he was from the rest of the world, even further than before." Molly smiled wide though, her eyes brimming with a sadness in seeing her friend so very hurt, "It wasn't easy and I felt like I was mad for so long, noticing these small things, but he was so different Kairi. Before he left, he was happy with his life and with John and with murders and saving the world, but after Moriarty, after whatever he did those years he was gone, he came back just a little bit emptier." Molly shook her head, her voice wavering slightly as she cleared her throat to look back up at Kairi.

"Kairi, John introduced him to humanity, taught him how to blend in, showed him the value of friendship, but Moriarty," She paused, her breath catching in her throat, "He ripped it all away from Sherlock. He tore Sherlock to pieces, even if the idiot doesn't want to believe it. Sherlock pieced himself back together, but whatever he went through while he was gone had changed him. John Watson saved Sherlock Holmes, he showed him humanity again, showed him friendship, but you, Kairi," Molly sighed again placing her hands on Kairi's awestruck shoulders, "Kairi you made him want to be human. He sought you out, practically hunted you down for companionship among all others!" She laughed nervously, "Kairi, what you've done for Sherlock Holmes is something I can never thank you enough for."

Kairi's jaw was slack, staring at her teary friend, "What? What have I done? I gave him cigarettes and a bloody nose.."

Molly pulled her into a hug and Kairi squeezed her back, "Kairi you've given Sherlock a bit of heart none of us thought he had or ever needed. The best thing about you is that you love Sherlock for exactly who he is. You don't want him to change. I didn't think anyone could love him that way, not even me."

Kairi's breath caught in her chest as she sighed, holding back tears and she held Molly closely. She didn't know Sherlock before his death, she hadn't seen the way he once was, better or worse than who he was now. Kairi knew it didn't matter, she just wanted him; brilliance and beauty and splintered pieces of humanity. She knew that she loved him, she loved him very much, but now it was painfully apparent that Kairi was, absolutely in fact, in love with Sherlock Holmes. That simple inflection made a world of difference.

"Are you two quite done with your emotional display?" Sherlock said, his voice indicating his disinterest, "The corpse is ready for you Molly." They could hear the smile in his voice. He was keen on this case.

Molly and Kairi pulled back, a few tears spilling onto their cheeks as they glanced at John and Sherlock who both looked absolutely perturbed. The girls began to laugh as they held onto each other in a knowing way. John and Sherlock exchanged a confused look and Sherlock was disappointed to see that John had no idea how to interpret it.

John noticed Sherlock's frown and he chuckled, "What Sherlock?"

Sherlock rose an eyebrow, "I was under the assumption you understood human interaction."

John frowned at him, "Well I've wasted most of my time trying to understand you, so I may be a bit rusty." He chuckled and Sherlock let a small smile escape.

The girls continued to laugh and Sherlock made his way over to Kairi and placed a hand on her shoulder that wasn't leaning into Molly, "We should return to Baker Street. You probably should rest and I need to review some case information before approaching Lestrade."

Kairi nodded and chuckled, she let go of Molly and stood, leaning in and kissing Molly on the cheek with a loud smack, "Love you Molly."

Molly smiled wide and nodded, a little shy Sherlock assumed by the blush on her cheek, it was not a very British thing to do to profess your love for someone so openly, "Love you too." She added with a squeak and Kairi smiled as she looked up at Sherlock, her eyes wide and full of happiness and adoration. He assumed it was for Molly until she reached up and wrapped her arms around him, pulling him so very close and holding him tightly.

He was shocked of course, he could smell death on himself and yet she wrapped herself around him, holding him closely as she pressed her face into his neck and let her lips press gently into his skin as he wrapped his arms around her waist and tightened his grip. His stomach seemed uneasy in this moment and he wondered if he may be hungry. He glanced at Molly who was smiling brightly at him, no shred of anything else in her eyes, she watched him and nodded.

He leaned his head into Kairi's, adjusting so that his mouth could be close to her ear, "Let's stop and get some food shall we?"

Kairi nodded her head in the crook of his neck, the heat of her breath tickling his skin before she pulled away slowly and smiled up at him as if he were the only thing she could see. Sherlock swallowed gently, looking back into her eyes and he wasn't sure how to react to it. In all honesty, it made him a little nervous, almost giddy.

She let go and Sherlock just watched her as her hand went down to grasp his as if the task was nothing to her at all, a natural impulse just like blinking or breathing. Her small hands wrapped around his palm, her fingers pushing themselves between his own, so their hands joined together, impossibly close. The rest of the world seemed dull as he looked back up at her face, talking to Molly and John about something, but muttering her goodbyes and waving. She seemed so happy and so alive and it made Sherlock's chest want to burst, but he tried to hide it, tried to quash it. She had the most unnerving effect on him and as he glanced back to John, staying with Molly as she closed up the corpse it seemed, John just nodded and waved as Kairi tugged on his arm.

For once in his life, Sherlock was not the one dragging someone along to a new adventure. This time, he was the one being guided.

They reached Baker Street and now Kairi was the one practically being dragged along by Sherlock. They made their way inside and Kairi went straight for her flat, with Sherlock following her a bit unsure. She was quiet as they entered and Appa came rushing forward to greet them. He spent a few minutes whining at Kairi and sniffing her as if to ensure that she was alright. He then came up to Sherlock and began doing the same. Sherlock reached down and gave his head a reassuring pat. Appa seemed pleased and then followed Kairi into the bedroom where she began to disrobe.

She first slipped off Sherlock's jacket, a bit painfully it seemed by the way her arms stiffened and halted as they moved. He unbuttoned his jacket and removed it, feeling some similar strain in his own muscles. He watched her movements, gingerly removing her shirt and then sliding off her pants and he followed in suit. She was making her way into the bathroom, silent and tired and Sherlock slowly followed her.

She turned on the shower and then rounded back, coming face to chest with a very naked Sherlock, "Oh!" Kairi muttered sheepishly, a blush growing on her cheeks.

Sherlock raised an eyebrow, "Did I frighten you?" He asked jokingly.

Kairi chuckled, "Sorry my mind was miles away." She looked him up and down, blushing again, "So you'll be showering here?"

Sherlock kept his features stony as he looked down at her, trying not to focus on the body that was calling out for his fingertips, "Unless you prefer I leave."

Kairi smiled at him softly and shook her head, "Never Sherlock." She grabbed his hand and pulled him into the shower with her. They stepped under the piping hot spray and let it do the work for them. Kairi wrapped her tired arms around his neck and he held her there as she swayed against him out of exhaustion. The dust and the grime washed away quickly, swirling along the bottom on the tub as the water escaped through the drain.

Kairi tilted her head back, pulling her arms away to run fingers through her hair to get it perfectly saturated. This action caused her to arc her back slightly, pressing her breasts and stomach against Sherlock and he did his best not to let his breath falter at the sensation and sight. Her nipples were hard against his skin, tickling him in a feather-like fashion as she sighed against the water. Sherlock tried not to be aroused, but it was incredibly difficult.

Before Kairi could realize, he bent his head down and pressed his mouth against her neck, pulling her out of the spray and forcing her body against his. She gasped slightly, awkwardly wiping the water from her eyes as Sherlock's mouth licked and nipped across the skin of her neck and one hand moved against her back to pull her closer, the other snaked down to cup the cheek of her buttocks. She almost wanted to protest, almost wanted to ask him to stop, but the genuine desire growing in her belly told her that she wanted him to continue. Who was she fooling? Every bit of her wanted him to continue even the tired part.

With his lips against her neck, trailing up to her earlobe, he pulled the tiny bit of skin into his mouth and sucked it gently, when his teeth released it, his breath was hot against her ear, making the water beating against her back seem like ice as it ran down her spine, "You are on birth control, of course."

Kairi frowned slightly, her arms wrapping around his shoulders and her fingers splayed against the skin on his back, "Yes of course, IUD."

Sherlock grumbled his assent, his mouth traveling along her jaw, "Yes that was my assumption."

Kairi chuckled as he continued to nip against her skin, "Oh was it? Why is that?" He always had the weirdest discussions when he was aroused, but this one of course had a point.

"Lack of pill-form birth control containers in your home. I've spent more than 24 hours straight with you without seeing you take a pill and if you were on birth control pills that would be extremely irresponsible of you since you're sexually active and don't desire children yet." He muttered as his lips pressed into hers, claiming her mouth in a hungry fashion, which Kairi easily responded to. "I've not seen a patch, did not feel a ring inside of you, nor did I notice a doctor's appointment in your schedule every three months for a shot. I see that you use condoms out of habit, preferring them because it's what you are accustomed to. However when I was inside you before," He growled in the back of his throat at the memory, "Without protection, you seemed comfortable, almost reckless in your reception of me."

Kairi chuckled, swallowing heavily at the sound of his growl, "Well, you did have me up against a wall."

She watched Sherlock's smile as he captured her lips again in a soft, yet passionate kiss, "I was hoping to do so again."

Kairi felt flustered as his hand traveled from her bottom, to her hip, and slowly descended down to press between her legs, "There's still a chance at pregnancy." She muttered through a moan in her mouth.

"It's highly unlikely since your ovulation cycle was last week." He said quietly against her lips as he nipped the bottom one.

Kairi paused, a hand reached down to grab the one that was so very effectively playing her like a fiddle, "I'm sorry, you track my ovulation cycle?"

Sherlock looked at her as if she were questioning that he noticed her hair was blonde, "Of course I've noticed your ovulation cycle. Mood change, temperature change, your cervical mucous -"

Kairi put a hand up, chuckling at him, "I think that's enough about my cervical mucous." He moved his hand to her hip and he pulled her closer again, just holding her against him, his erection pressing against her belly as the water beat against them, "I should feel that my privacy is violated," She began and he looked a bit shocked, "But I'm not. I guess that's kind of nice to have my own personal ovulation assistant."

"Well the texture of your cervix was also very different last week compared to-"

Kairi put a hand against his lips to silence him and she laughed, "Yes, thank you ovulation assistant." He seemed to smile against her hand and he kissed her fingers, "Well, it's not something I've done before, let someone come inside me. I've never really had that sort of commitment."

Sherlock raised his eyebrows at that, "Commitment?"

Kairi rolled her eyes as his tone which seemed, almost, disgusted, "Yes commitment. I don't tend to have sex with people who I'm not committed to. I'm not saying marriage and babies and diamonds, I'm just saying exclusivity and intent to be with one another." She looked up into his eyes and he seemed to be contemplating, "Perhaps this is a discussion for another time?"

Sherlock's eyes took hers in, "No, no this is fine. I assume we should have this discussion, to interpret our relationship." He sounded irked by the word.

Kairi let out a small laugh, "Well that's one way to make a girl swoon." She added sarcastically and Sherlock opened his mouth to reply but Kairi stopped him, "Okay," She said a little indignantly, "So let's have at it." She stepped back into the spray and grabbed her shampoo, "So Sherlock, what should be the parameters of our relationship? What do you wish to gain from our interaction?"

Sherlock scowled slightly, "I feel as if this is a trick. Isn't this usually some sort of female trap?"

Kairi laughed, "Again with the swooning." She smiled, "No this is an honest question Sherlock, what do you want from me? From us?"

Sherlock took a moment, steepling his fingers beneath his nose to think. Kairi tried not to giggle, watching a fully naked and erect Sherlock Holmes in his thinking stance in her shower, discussing their sexual and emotional relationship. He began to speak, "Well we have been engaging in sexual intercourse or variations for approximately five and a half weeks." Kairi nodded as she rinsed her hair of shampoo and reached for conditioner with Sherlock's eyes appreciating her body, "We have been companionable for quite some time now, months in fact."

"Yes, that's correct." Kairi nodded as she lathered up her limbs which Sherlock found grossly erotic.

"I'm under the impression that you have not had sexual partners other than myself for the last few years," His eyes ticked up and down her frame quickly, "Four to be precise."

Kairi rolled her eyes at him, "And?"

Sherlock exhaled heavily, "I do find myself concerned with your welfare and desiring your company." He watched the soap rinse away from her skin, carried by hot water that seemed to leave streaks of pink in its wake, causing him to swallow heavily.

Kairi tried to hide her smile, that was probably as much as Sherlock would compliment their relationship. "Anything else? Do you desire to be with other women? Or men for that matter?"

Sherlock frowned, wondering why she would ask such an inane question, "No, I do not desire sexual contact with other people. Desiring sexual contact with you almost seemed to be a fluke."

Kairi narrowed her eyes at him, "And you were doing so well."

Sherlock seemed confused, "Not good?"

Kairi shook her head, "Try not to claim that sleeping with me was an accident."

Sherlock pulled her back to him and wrapped his arm around her waist, "Well it was in fact an accident, I had no intention of developing sentiment towards you. I am only slightly disappointed in this fact, since I had believed myself to be immune to such inane desires. I find this accident, however unintentional, quite fortuitous and quite...welcome." He placed a hand on her chin and lifted her eyes to meet his, "I am most pleased to have met you Kairi."

Kairi tried to hide her smile, "Oh, you are good with words." She got up on her tip toes and kissed him deeply for that, she turned them and he stepped back into the water and began to wash his hair and body, "Fine then, companionship of sexual and friendly nature and exclusivity. Am I missing anything?" Sherlock seemed to shake his head, "Okay then," Kairi continued, "For me, I feel very similar. I desire to be in your life Sherlock. Not the centerpiece at this point, but at least a part. I know your devotion to your work comes first and I have no desire to change that focus. I simply want you in my life and I will take what I can get from you. I have no intention of being with anyone else, but I will stand firm when it comes to my friends, especially Lestrade," Sherlock grimaced, "Now stop, he's my friend and he's special to me. If we are going to be companionable, as well as having sex, I need your trust as you have mine. I care deeply for you Sherlock. I feel like I always have, maybe it edged more towards loathing every so often, but I have always held you in high esteem. You are special to me." She reached up again to pull his mouth to hers gently. "I have no desire for a grand romance or flowers everyday, but it would be nice, if you found your own way, to express to me your care - even if it is something as overt as telling me directly or vague as, I don't know pulling on your ear," He stared at her, bemused, "You can figure this out, experiment with it, whatever it is you do to organize your methods. As long as you find a way to tell me, I am fine with it."

He looked at her oddly, "So you desire my trust and some sort of affirmation of my affections on a relatively constant basis?"

Kairi nodded, "In concordance with all of what you said as well."

Sherlock nodded, "I see. And sexual intercourse and orgasms do not count?"

Kairi pursed her lips to keep her smile from coming out, "Well, they do count, but there are other ways to show affection." Kairi reached behind Sherlock and turned the water off. He seemed to pout slightly as she turned to grab towels for them. They dried off quickly, Kairi wrapping the towel around her body and Sherlock securing his around his waist as they padded from the bathroom, finding Appa lying at the foot of the bed.

Kairi sat on the bed, toweling her hair dry and looking at Sherlock, "So does this seem fair?"

Sherlock glanced at her, his skin slightly moist and his curls leadened by water. He nodded to her and they bounced slightly which made her smile, "It seems tolerable."

Kairi chuckled as she squeezed out excess water and then handed the towel to Sherlock so he could dry off his own mane. He watched as she walked back into her bathroom and he heard the roar of her blow dryer. She was intending to lay down then. She usually only dried her hair when she was intending on going outside or lying down to rest. She did hate a wet pillow.

His thoughts toiled over their conversation and he tried to organize it effectively in the room of his mind palace where his knowledge of her resided. All of the information seemed straight forward and understandable. He admitted to his affections for her and his intentions, which were true. They did not identify the possibility of a future, but they did solidify what they intended to do with the present, which made Sherlock feel more comfortable with their arrangement. He would receive her companionship, the advantage of their sexual encounters, her friendship, and trust in exchange for the same from him. It seemed to be a rather fair deal and an effective communication. He did not go so far to assume this meant everything would slot easily into place over the course of their engagement, but at the same time, he understood that there were expectations set that needed to be respected. He could manage that and learn the rest along the way.

Kairi returned, her damp locks now brightened and fluffed, her skin smooth and pale, but almost luminous. She crossed in front of Sherlock supplying him with a shy smile that warmed him and she went to turn the light off as he finished mopping up his wet curls. Kairi shooed Appa off of the bed.

He resigned to lay on the floor, feeling as if this arrangement did not benefit him one bit.

They removed their towels and climbed into bed, Sherlock wrapping his body around Kairi's, her smooth back pressed against his front, the curve of her buttocks pressing into his groin in a comfortable yet invigorating fashion. His fingers splayed across the skin of her stomach and he felt her breathing deepen as he brought her closer to him. She moved her hair from her neck which Sherlock appreciated and he let his mouth brush against the sensitive skin there.

"A few nights ago," He murmured into her ear, "You said something to me." His voice was low and serious but laced with a hidden passion. "Something that perturbed me."

Kairi nodded as his fingers gently stroked the small tuft of hair between her thighs, "Yes?" She tried to keep her voice steady.

Sherlock swallowed, his lips pressing against her ear as his hips involuntarily pushed against her backside and she squirmed against him, "You told me that you loved me," He said softly and he felt her stiffen momentarily, "Did you mean that?" He said quietly, almost a whisper against her skin.

Kairi nodded, nervous, she replied, "Yes, I did."

They were silent for a few moments, Kairi tried to relax in his arms, but she felt tense. She wasn't looking at him but she could feel him holding her tightly. She was honestly surprised she wasn't thrown from the bed on her admission. But slowly she relaxed and Sherlock turned her gently, putting her onto her back as his arm underneath her moved to hold her against him.

His eyes were concerned, maybe confused as she looked up at them. She reached her hand up slowly and cupped his cheek, smiling at him gently. He leaned down and pressed his mouth to hers in a most chaste fashion, though his fingers began to move against her swiftly, causing her to moan deeply against his lips.

"I would very much like to show my affection in the form of an orgasm Ms. Aria." Sherlock said gently, smiling coyly, his eyes roving her face as she gasped and sighed at the movement of his hand against her.

"Oh alright." Kairi said in an air of nonchalance, though her closed eyes and the teeth taking in her bottom lip indicated her pleasure.

Sherlock smiled and his mouth fell upon her neck and chest with fervor, holding her in place with the arm around her shoulder. She gasped against him as his mouth bit into her skin and she felt his tongue soothe away the sharpness of the pain.

His mouth lowered, taking in a puckered nipple and toying with it between his teeth and lips. Her hips rolled against his hand and he could smell her arousal wafting up to him and it was most enticing. He watcher her hips and chest, writhing beneath his minstrations and he watched her hand reach out from grasping the sheets and wrap her delicate fingers around his length, eliciting a groan from deep within his chest.

The sensation of her skin, her tight grip stroking him gently as he pressed against the heat inside of her, was overwhelming and he detached his mouth from her nipple, pulling his hips away as she sighed in frustration, wanting to hold onto him for a little longer.

He took this chance as she looked up at him to roll himself on top of her, his hands moving to support him as his pelvis ground into hers and her thighs tightened around him as he lowered his mouth to steal an impassioned kiss. Their tongues rolled against each other in familiarity as well as desire, tasting one another and their intentions through their kiss. He pulled his mouth and his hips away, leaving Kairi groaning in disappointment and he tried not to chuckle as his mouth lowered from her neck, licking the taut tendons that were tense beneath her skin, to the dip in her throat where his tongue circled, and down between the valley of her breasts where his mouth so desperately wanted to stray. He moved slowly, his finger tips following the trail of his lips as Kairi rolled beneath him, desperate for his touch. His mouth descended further, nipping at her belly and hips and Kairi sighed as his lips brushed against her inner thighs, feeling the heat of his breath tickle at the hair between her legs.

His hands trailed down the inside of her thighs and to her knees, spreading them gently to widen his access to her most sensitive spot and he leaned in, licking his tongue along her slit causing a deep shiver to caress her body. He smiled, diving into her folds, tasting her desire in the most perfect way. The fragrance, the taste, it was intoxicating, maddening, as Kairi cried out, her hips gently curving themselves against his mouth, adding to the pressure and her sensation as his tongue pressed against her clit and undulated in deep waves.

He felt her fingers raking through his hair, tugging it gently and he growled deeply in his throat, the vibrations carrying across his tongue and causing a very deep reactive moan as Kairi gripped his curls. He watched her as his tongue swirled around her opening, dipping in gently, causing her back to arc and her breasts to push up, rounding gloriously in her pleasure. He reached one hand up to take a nipple between his fingers and he twisted it in the firm way that he knew Kairi enjoyed. She let out a very audible moan and he couldn't help as his finger found a way to her opening and curled itself inside of her causing her to moan his name.

That small act, the intonation of his name through her passion driven voice was enough to drive him mad and abandon him. He continued his assault, Kairi crying out over and over again, moaning and writhing as he caressed her breast and his tongue lavished her clitoris. He felt her quivering around him and he was tugged by the roots of his curls up to her face.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry for yanking you, but I need you." She moaned against him, pressing her mouth to his in haste and tasting herself on his lips and tongue.

Sherlock returned the kiss, his finger still deep inside of her, slowly curling against the speck of skin that would drive her perfectly into bliss.

"No." He growled most aggressively and took her mouth again fiercely as his finger danced inside of her. He pulled away sharply, grinning down at the mad woman below him and he reveled in her intoxication. She whimpered and released his curls quickly grabbing his neck and pulling him tightly against her mouth, but Sherlock would not allow it. "No, you will not have me." His voice was so deep it sent vibrations through her spine, making her lose her breath in the madness of his fingers. "I want to feel you crumble around my tongue." He snarled and then lowered himself, kissing his way down her front and allowing his mouth to ravish her.

He had never heard such moans escape Kairi as his tongue danced between her folds, a finger curled inside of her, and his other hand rolled a nipple between his fingers. Kairi seemed to be lost in the sensation, her yelps of pleasure only inspiring him to continue his assault on her sanity. She rolled beneath him, her hips frantically pressing against his mouth and hand.

He felt it then, her insides quivered against him, he felt the heat inside of her rising, her voice seemed caught in her throat before she let out the most enticing and devastating groan in the form of Sherlock's name. It sent a spike straight through his core as he tasted her orgasm, lapping up the juices of her desire for him and only him. Her muscles pulsing against his tongue causing a shiver to go down his spine. He lapped at her gently as she came down from her perfect high, whining and groaning at the sensation as her fingers danced within his curls.

He kissed his way up her body, leaving traces of her orgasm on her skin in his wake until he found her lips, capturing them with ferocity as he settled between her thighs and pushed inside of her with a swift thrust. She cried out against him in wild abandon, her fingers gripping his curls tightly as she lifted her hips to meet his thrusts. He growled into her ear as her nails scraped along his back, his elbows positioned above her shoulders, pinning her in place as he gripped her long hair to force her mouth to open near his ear. He wanted to savor the sounds of her pleasure while he delved inside of her.

She panted and gasped and whined and he felt her closing in all around him, little yelps of pleasure escaping her lips as her entire body arced to meet him in a furious passion. One hand strayed from her blonde waves, sliding beneath her and pressing her lower back to keep her body pressed into his as he relentlessly drove himself into her. Her knees pressed into his sides and he pressed his full weight against her body, flexing and arcing his upper body while his hands moved down her sides to spread her thighs wide and allowing him deeper access. She let out a cry which rippled down his spine and a guttural groan escaped his lips with a gasping breath as his body released into her in a violent way ripping away one more scrap of defense Sherlock had built against sentiment and emotion.

They collapsed into each other, their muscles relaxing as they rocked against one another while their orgasms pulsed in perfect symphony. Kairi brought his lips to hers in this moment, their bodies winding down and their mouths seeking comfort for the almost violent end.

"Oh Sherlock..." Kairi sighed, her voice tight.

Sherlock finally met her eyes and noticed the tears that were falling down her cheeks, he reached up, wiping them away and kissing her gently, "I'm sorry, did I hurt you?"

Kairi only chuckled, kissing him gently, "No, no. Sorry its such a weird reaction to an orgasm." She flushed, looking embarrassed.

He smiled at her sweetly, "Don't apologize. You are..." He paused, taking in her features, "Breathtaking." He said softly and she sighed, kissing him gently.

Kairi smiled against his lips, trying not to chuckle again but he noticed, "I'm sorry." She sighed, still feeling him pulse inside of her as he leaned his forehead into hers, "That was incredible."

Sherlock nodded and kissed her lips gently, "Well, we did almost get maimed by proxy today by a psychopath."

Kairi snickered, "I see what you did there." She pressed her lips against his cheek and held his face in front of her to stare at. She smiled wide and mischievous and it made Sherlock nervous, "So..." She began.

Sherlock rose an eyebrow, "So?"

She looked down at them in their position, still quite wrapped around one another, "I guess this means we're boyfriend and girlfriend?" She bit her bottom lip to keep from laughing.

Sherlock groaned and rolled from her slowly, flopping onto his back dramatically with a huff. He let out a sharp breath as he rolled his eyes at Kairi who was cackling like a maniac at his reaction.

"Isn't this what people call ruining the moment?" He growled distastefully and glanced at Kairi who rolled to her side to look at him, a coy smile in her eyes.

She merely rose an eyebrow in response.

"Fine." He growled rolling his eyes, "But I refuse to acknowledge it in public." He spat.

Kairi started laughing throwing her arms up in victory as she laid on her back, "Fine!" She rolled back onto her side, a bit gingerly, "Does that mean I can call you some soppy nick name in private?"

He glared at her, "Not if you want to see your next birthday." She smiled wide at him in her playful way, "When is your birthday? I guess if you're my girlfriend," He said stupidly and with utter annoyance, "Then I should know that."

"January 6th." She smiled.

Sherlock's eyes widened, "Oh."

Kairi looked at him suspiciously, "When's yours?"

He shifted uncomfortably, "It's the same day." He mumbled.

Kairi let out a guffaw of laughter, "Oh my, aren't we twinsies!" She said exaggeratedly.

"Oh shut up." He growled at her playfulness, rolling on top of her and kissing her just to keep her quiet.

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