The purest - Chris Schistad #...

Από loveisweakness7

342K 6K 2K

"Have you ever been in love ? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens... Περισσότερα

Whoa, big crack !!!!
Act 1
Act 2
Act 3
Act 4
ACT 5.
Act 6
Act 7
Act 8.
Act 9.
Act 10.
Act 11.
Act 12.
Act 13.
Act 14.
Act 15.
Act 16.
Act 17.
Act 18.
Act 19.
Act 20.
Act 21.
Act 22.
Act 23.
Act 24.
Act 25 -Special Christmas-
Act 26 -Special Christmas-
Act 27 -Special Christmas-
Act 28 -Special Christmas-
Act 29.
Act 30.
Act 31.
Act 32.
Act 33.
Act 34.
Act 35.
Act 36.
Act 37.
Act 38.
Act 39.
Act 40.
Act 41.
Act 42.
Act 43.
Act 44.
Act 45.
Act 46.
Act 47.
Act 48.
Act 49.
Act 50.
Act 51.
Act 52.
Act 53.
Act 54.
Act 55
Act 56.
Act 57.
Act 58.
Act 59.
Act 60.
Act 62.
Act 63.
Act 64.
Act 66.
Act 67.
Act 68
Act 69.
Act 70.
Act 71.
Act 72.
Act 73.
Act 74.
Act 75.
Act 76.
Act 77.
Act 78.
Act 79.
Act 80.
Act 81.
Act 82.
Act 83.
Act 84.
Act 85.
Act 86.
Act 87.
Act 88.
Act 89.
Act 90.
Act 91.
Act 92.
Act 93.
Act 94.
Act 95.
Act 96.
Act 97.
Act 98.
Act 99.
Act 100.
Act 101.
Act 102.
Act 103.
Act 104.
Act 105.
Act 106.
Act 107.
Act 108.
Act 109.
Act 110.
Act 111.
Act 112.
Act 113.
Act 114.
Act 115.
Act 116.
Act 117.
Act 118.

Act 65.

2.3K 42 14
Από loveisweakness7

I strongly advise you to listen to the song with this chapter !!!

I wrote it while listening to this song ;)

I think it's really the song of  the relationship of Chris and Céleste !

Tirsdag 14:45

I nodded my head here and there as Olivia and Ivanna shared their experiences of the best hooks up they had had making me simply smile at their idiocy.

In a sense, they reminded me of the girls at home and I realized at that moment how much I missed them.

In particular Noora.

To be honest, I didn't even know how I was going to do without her this year. She had become my rattle and my best friend in such a short time.

It was just as if we had found the other one when I sat down at that table.

However, I was soon to be pulled abruptly from my thoughts as Ivanna knocked my knee to get my attention. "Bitch stops fantasizing on your loverboy and jump his bones already."

"Oh my god, for real Ivanna ?"

I gave an equally outrageous look at Olivia as she giggled with Ivanna making me immediately shake my head in boredom before getting up from Olivia's bed.

I rolled my eyes as they made kissing noises calling Chris's name between each as I made my way out.

I immediately took a turn on the left just to let a long sigh tired beyond my lips as I let myself fall flat on my bed shared with Chris.

I didn't really know where he was. The last time I checked, he was with Maksim, Enrik, Noah and the fake twins around the billiards.

Seriously, this game had become their gathering place.

Anyway, I immediately took the elastic around my wrist to tie my long loose loops in a messy bun on the top of my head before rolling on my back.

I loved spending the holidays with my family and even more with Chris but they were sometimes fucking exhausting.

Not Chris of course but ... you had understood my drift.

I gave a tempted look at the adjoining bathroom by venting with my hands since it was warmingly hot today before I straightened in on an impulse.

I was heading towards our multitude of bags and suitcases before kneeling to get my toilet bag and spare clothes.

I immediately made my way into the bathroom before lighting the shower as I dropped my belongings on top of the island.

I undressed quickly before jumping under the water without even waiting for the room temperature.

The chilled water against my overheated skin felt like a release as I rejected my head back before taking extra time to wash my hair and my body.

Finally after a good twenty minutes, I put out the valves before wrapping a towel around my body.

I was lighting my playlist on my phone as I was now facing the wide mirror above the sink.

I started to hum in Machine Gun Kelly's rhythm, Camila Cabello - bad thing as I was taking my moisturizer from my toilet bag.

I quickly slipped my underwear under my towel before unrolling it to take back my cream.

I applied a dab of product in the palm of my palm before rubbing my hands together.

I started to rap at the same time as the part of Machine gun when I suddenly raised my eyes to the mirror just to let go a breath with a start at the sight of Chris. " Oh my God ! Chris! "

The brown left a giggle as he leaned his head, crossing his arms on his chest obviously taking advantage of the sight in front of him immediately making me rolling my eyes before continuing my ritual.

He had seen me more times than I could count in a swimsuit so I assumed that there was not really any difference now.

Plus, I assumed there was nothing wrong with giving him a little insight.

I gave a glance as a question mark on the brown as he finally pushed himself from the wall before walking slowly in my direction with his eyes riveted on my buttocks bounced and that famous smile on his lips.

"Damn, you're fucking hot." He whispered to my ear as he tucked his torso against my back before dropping a slow kiss on my uncovered shoulder, letting my head fall against his shoulder.

I hummed with a smile on my lips to his compliment before grabbing his dark brown eyes through the mirror as he traced the curves of my abdomen with the temple of his fingers.

He barely touched me, just with enough pressure to bite me on my lower lip to hold a short breath.

My eyelids fluttered closed to the sensation of his touch before a wider smile was drawn on my lips to the sensation of his lips giving ghostly kisses along my neck, shoulder and scapula.

However, I soon tightened slightly to the sensation of his hands taking a peak towards the belt of my shorty.

At first, Chris tried to warm me to his touch as he noticed my stretched posture but he soon withdrew his hands with a low sigh supposed to be inaudible.

I frowned immediately as I picked up my clothes to get dressed before I quickly followed Chris into our room. "Can I know what the problem is? "


"You sigh, Chris."

Chris immediately rolled his eyes with annoyance before turning to me, waving his arms in frustration. "And? Is that a problem now ?"

"Yeah !" I replied, raising my tone as I could feel the bubble of anger build up along my veins to his indifference. "Yeah, it is when you start to sigh because you don't have what you want."

" What I want ? What I want !" Chris gasped as he widened his eyes before shaking his head with a disdainful sniff. "I'm your freaking boyfriend. Do you know how it feels when I want to make love to you and you stiffen right away ?"

I stood for a moment speechless to his shine before giving him a black look in frustration and complete annoyance at this point. "I never hid my beliefs ! You knew what you were getting when we got together !"

"Oh please, I just thought you'd end up giving up this stupid promise."

This time I was clearly looking at him in shock, not definitely believing what I was hearing.

Again, he was Christoffer freaking Schistad ! I had been wrong to think that he would suddenly change overnight.

And just like that, the last stressful days and all my insecurities exploded in my head.

"So that was the plan ? That was what you had planned from the beginning ? "

Chris turned at once to me, frowning with an indignant grimace before shaking his head."The plan ? What the hell are you talking about now ?"

"From your damn fuckboy attitude ! After all, I was an easy target. That's what you said once, right?"

Christoffer immediately froze in his steps before turning to me with his jaw clenched visibly as irritated as I was. "You can't be fucking serious now? My attitude-my-five months, Céleste! Five freaking months that I respect you and that I do all for you. You would have been any girl, I would hardly have deigned to look at you after I had what I wanted."

"So why are you still with me ?!"

" Because I love you !" Chris burst into my face causing me to jerk before biting on my lower lip to keep me from cracking.

I was fucking nervous right now and maybe I was not thinking right but I just couldn't control my next few words. " Really ? Do you really love me Christoffer or is it just to get in my pants ?! After all, fuckboy one day, always fuckboy, right ?!"

"You have to be fucking kidding me, right now !"

" Why ? Because I discovered your little game ?"

At this point, Chris and I were both red with anger, our breasts were panting with all our cries and I was sure that if my family had not yet heard us then it wouldn't be long.

Chris ran his hands through his hair in an attempt to keep his explosive temper under control before turning to me again with his jaw snapped further emphasizing his angular jaw."You know what ?! Fuck you! Fuck you, Céleste! You're a fucking bitch who thinks she's above everyone else! I'm not perfect but you're definitely not either!"

I swallowed trying to take his hard words without showing how much they affected me.

"In that case, go find Iben or any other easy girl !" I barked, throwing my hands in the air again feeling that disappointment and pain in my chest that I hadn't felt for a long time for Christoffer."At least they'll want to sleep with you !"

"Iben ? Why are you talking about her ? She never had anything to do in our relationship !"

I widened my eyes in disbelief before rushing on the brown to push him back with all my strength as I could feel the accumulation of warm tears behind my eyes.

"This bitch has intimidated me for over a year ! She posted comments on some of our photos and dare you say she has nothing to do in our history ?"

"Fine! Do you really want to include people? You really want ?" He barked furiously in return as he steadied himself before giving me an icy look. "At least I stopped talking to Iben. You keep talking to this bastard when you know how foolish it is for me to see you with him! "

I laughed coldly before squeezing my fists at my side to keep me from pushing him again."Adam and I are just friends. How many times will I have to tell you ?!"

"Friends. Friends ! Open your damn eyes! Stop being fucking naive. All he wants is to fuck you!"

I jumped as he suddenly cried in my face before backing back as I supported his icy brown orbs.

I swallowed by plunging my nails into the palm of my palms before gauging him with contempt."Right ? Because that's not what you want to do ?"

Chris widened his eyes in realization as I felt the first tear slide down my cheek making me immediately sweep my hand against my cheekbones before nodding my head with a sob.

I kept my jaw tight to prevent me from collapsing in front of him before grabbing my phone and my cap on one of the night tables as I was heading toward the door.

"Wait, what are you doing now ?"

I tightened my grip on the handle at his visibly conscious request of the strain of emotion in his tone only I was content to respond in an exhausted murmur."I need a break. I can't stay here with you in the neighborhood. "

I immediately opened the door just to shrink my eyes in exasperation this time.

I looked at the guilty expressions of all of my cousins ​​and my brothers visibly spying on our fight before pinching the bridge of my nose in exasperation. "Seriously ?! "

I struck my shoulders with Enrik and Maksim as I rattled in the corridor ignoring my family's calls before crossing furiously the living room.

I took the keys of one of the cars before making my way outside.

I immediately climbed behind the wheel of the Jeep of Maksim to light the contact with my trembling hands before making a sudden pause at the passenger door agreement.

I cast a scathing glance at Olivia as a warning only the red-haired girl merely gave me a persistent look before attaching herself in impatience. "I wouldn't let you drive alone in this state. So either you leave now or you go back in there."

I sniffed in frustration before just giving in backing down the aisle probably much faster than the authorized speed.


Twinny She's fucking pissed rn !!! As I literally had to beg her to have her be a positive sign 😲 😲

Tagged: @bekind

@Loglady99 What's going on bae ?! ❤

@Evamohn2 Are you okay ?! What's going on? 😲

@sana_bakkoush I'm here if you want to talk !!! 😉

@williammagnusson ...?!

@Americanboy97 Come back to Norway, I could give you a hug 😉 ❤ ❤

@Iben_girl So cute !!! Does Chris know about both of you ?! 😝 @americanboy97 @chrisschistad

@bekind Wow you're such a slut as always right ?! @Iben_girl

@Evamohn2 WTF ?! @bekind

@Iben_girl You're a fucking whore !!!!

@Williammagnusson Wow just back off Iben !!!

@Loglady99 Yeah stay away from her !!! 😐

@Bekind and you're a crazy bitch! !!!! Go fuck yourself @Iben_girl

@Stae_vaere_Chris OMG this was so good! !!!!!!!

@ellevillevilde Celeste ?! It's really you ?!

@Ivanna98 Oml I love her so much when she's like this 😲 😲

@Chrisschistad Fuck off !! @Iben_girl


Bekind When you need to take time for yourself and think for a while ...
(Thanks for coming with me Livia ❤ ❤ Even though I was a real pain in the ass ^ ')

@tagged: @twinny

@Loglady99 Seriously Céleste, what's going on ??????? 😲

@bekind Nothing to worry about ...

@Evamohn2 Fucking liar! You're like Noora, you're always good when it's not right - - '

@Loglady99 Really Eva ?!

@Evamohn2 Sry I don't want to offend you but it's true

@Egil2000 Can you come back now ?!

@Mathiasbesttwin Yeah, it's depressing without you and Livia ...


@Twinny I don't think this is the best argument now @bodyboy

@williammagnusson Wait! Something wrong with you and Chris ?!

@Twinny2 Ow way to be sutbile buddy @williammagnusson

@Sana_bakkoush do I have to plan to assassinate this fuckboy ?!

@Enrik97 Wow Savage ^^ 😃


23: 34

I parked slowly in front of the large family mansion before cutting off the headlights and the engine.

I let out a long sigh as I leaned against the seat before looking anxiously at the facade, chewing the inside of my cheek.

"You know you're not going to be able to avoid him forever, right ?" Olivia finally made me amplify my feeling of nervousness.

I would tighten my grip around the leather steering wheel before passing my hands along my face in exhaustion and frustration. I was relatively calm now but I still had this ball of anguish in the hollow of my chest.

I didn't think a simple argument could escalate so quickly between Chris and me. It was as if a flood of emotion had assailed me and the next thing I knew, Chris and I were screaming at the faces of each other.

Olivia thought it was because we were fucking in love that it became too much for us sometimes.

Personally, I wasn't so sure of that fact. I loved Chris. Independently of all, I knew that I loved him as I had never loved anyone before.

When I was away from him, it was as if I were suffocating. My thoughts were not so clear and my heart rate was faster, more irregular.

If he had the gift of driving me crazy with a simple touch, his absence was much worse for me.

And that was perhaps the problem.

I shouldn't feel so attached to anyone. It wasn't rational.

And the non-rational things tended to make me forget my choices.

It was a theory to which I had thought many times during the last days.

I was so in love with Chris that I was thinking of removing this damn ring from my finger and giving him my most precious. I wanted him so badly. Every part of my body shouted for his touch.

However, I could not help but question this thought as I thought about our altercation.

This was the first time we had discussed the subject with Chris and I assumed that we had obviously chosen the worst medium for that.

A fact that Olivia thought was true.

It was no surprise that I had taken the fact that she and the rest of my family had heard all of our argument.

I was more ashamed.

Nevertheless, I assumed that it had been easier to approach the subject with Olivia. At least I did not have to tell her the incident like I had to do with the girls group.

I bit my cracked lip at the thought of my best friends before swallowing. "I don't think I'm ready to go for an another fight tonight. "

"In that case, sleep with me." I gave an uncertain look on Olivia before forcing a faint smile on my lips to her companion shoulder shrug. "We'll do as we did when we were little. Do you remember ? "

I let out a laugh at the memory before taking a hesitant look again as I lowered my eyes on my hands. "Isn't it going to be awkward?"

"Yeah, as fuck!" Olivia immediately agreed with wide eyes in exaggeration before putting her hand on my shoulder to support my gaze. "But it can also be an evil for a good. You may need to be alone."

I frowned as I raised my eyes on the front through the windshield of the Jeep before I just sighed between my lips as I unclogged my belt.

Olivia soon did the same before following me outside.

I immediately brought my naked arms around my chest since I was wearing a simple white crop-top with the matching shorts and a lace-up checkered shirt around my hips.

I had not planned to stay so long outside but Olivia had insisted that we take advantage of this moment to have a real moment of reunion between us.

Plus, she thought I needed to cool down. Especially after my little altercation with Iben via Instagram.

I had to acknowledge that I didn't really know what had taken me. Throughout the year of intimacy, I had never had the courage to stand up for myself until it was over.

Plus, I was really upset so I assumed that it had helped.

Anyway, I didn't really know how my last year in Nissens was going to happen on my return but this time I was ready for all that she was planning to do.

I wasn't going to hide behind my oversize clothes anymore and I was even less likely to let her reign over me.

I heard the sound of the television on the move before Olivia and I stopped in the lobby of the living room to face my whole family and better yet, Chris.

The latter didn't seem to have noticed me yet but I could see that his eyes were anxiously delayed between the watch around his wrist and the screen of his phone.

I knew he hadn't called me out of pride because I had felt the same way in the afternoon.

Nevertheless, to see him at this moment was enough to make me weak in my knees like the first time.

I wanted so badly to hug him right now but I was still hurt and needed time.

Eventually, a throat rattling echoed around us forcing Chris to lift his eyes from his phone just to freeze on me in realization.

I immediately turned my eyes towards the rest of my family before pulling the keys from the Maksim Jeep to throw it on my way through the living room.

I didn't need to look at him to find out that he had caught up with it and let me continue on my way without a look at me.

I was taking the corridor to our shared room with Chris knowing that Olivia was following me before I headed for my travel bags once we were inside.

"Wow, I just realized I've never been in your bedroom before." Olivia said, throwing herself flat on our bed before pressing her chin on her palms. "It's much prettier than Noah's and me."

I hummed absently as I pulled a strand of hair off my ear while continuing to cross my sports bag.

In spite of myself, I took one of Chris's t-shirts with short shorts before I straightened up just to freeze at the sight of Chris hovering in the entrance.

His gaze drifted to Olivia, calling the redhead as she put her green eyes on me expectantly."You want your pillow?"


The redhead just nodded her head by wrinkling her lips in awkwardness before grabbing my pillow while jumping out of our bed.

I watched her as she passed in front of Chris giving a reassuring smile in his direction before disappearing from the sight.

Chris frowned at my missing pillow and turned to me reluctantly. "Why did she take your pillow?"

"I..." I bite anxiously on the inside of my cheek before lowering my shoulders in defeat as I walked towards the brown. "I'm going to sleep with Olivia tonight. "

I tried to pass the door only Chris's imposing body blocked me.

I could already feel his soothing odor invading my nostrils making me jump my jaw in the challenge.

He was so close and so far away for my taste. I could see that Chris also seemed frustrated by our lack of connection but he finally let an inaudible sigh before taking a step aside.

I lowered my eyes to my feet as I slowly made my way down the corridor before heading for the stairs leading to the second floor.

3: 03

I assumed that I should have foreseen my inability to sleep.

I had slept with Chris over the past few weeks and as in London, I simply could not close my eyes without his safe and reassuring touch.

I could hear Noah and Olivia's deep, deep breaths telling me they were deeply asleep.

However, this time it felt even more heartbreaking for me. For some reason, I couldn't take away the anxiety that Chris and I might be coming to the end.

Maybe Chris really couldn't stand my choice. Maybe he wasn't ready for it. Or maybe he had never been.

I didn't think he had foreseen that it would become so deep between us. At least, I doubted he had considered anything similar between us.

To be honest, I didn't think we would go that far, but I was more than pleasantly surprised to find that he could make me fall in love with him every day.

I closed my eyelids tightly turning on my side as I prayed my brain to rest before frowning immediately at the sudden flash of light from my phone.

The latter rested on the night table on my side forcing me to reopen my eyelids before I straightened to retrieve it.

My heart sank at the sight of Chris's message notification on my screen and I was eager to open our conversation despite myself.

Baby boy 😍🔥 :

You're asleep ?!

Mine 😘❤ :

No ... I can't

Baby boy 😍🔥 :

Neither do I...

Mine 😘❤ :

Baby boy 😍🔥 :
Come back to sleep with me ...
I missed u ❤

Mine 😘❤ :
But... if we fight again ?!

Baby boy 😍🔥 :
I don't wanna fight with u
I'm really sorry!

I pressed the top of my phone against my upper lip as I closed my eyelids in hesitation before releasing an inaudible sigh.

I slipped out of the blankets watching the twins on my way to the door before grimacing slightly as I could hear the squeaking of the door on my way.

I relaxed the breathing that I held only when I was in the middle of the corridor before continuing silently my way through the house plunged into the darkness.

I guided myself using the light from my phone before finally stopping outside the door of our room.

I took a breath to give myself courage before turning the handle by opening the door.

I could spot Chris on his side of the bed as he passed through our conversation visibly waiting for my answer before he suddenly lifted his head at my entrance.

He remained silent as he kept his eyes riveted on me until I slipped under the blankets before rolling on my side to face him.

He immediately adjusted his head against the pillow before advancing slowly towards me to give me the opportunity to retract me.

When he saw that I wasn't making any movement to repel him, he hurriedly pressed his arms around my waist before taking in my smell as he hid his head in the hollow of my neck.

I immediately returned his embrace by squeezing my hands around his bare back before laying a chaste kiss on the top of his shoulder. "This is not healthy. I can't even stay apart from you without feeling this pain in my chest. "

"I know what you mean. I... I cry today. "

I re-opened my eyelids with my lips against his thin skin before moving closer to his bare chest by placing my head flat against his shoulder as he rolled on his back with his arm around my waist.

"You know we're going to have to talk about it again... I mean... about... sex ... and Iben and-"

"Adam ..." Chris sighed, knowing where it was driving before he dropped a long kiss on my forehead letting my eyelids close as I already felt sleep catching me in his arms. " I know. But for now, I just want to stay here. And sleep with you. "

"Sounds like a good plan." I yawned before I readjusted my head on his torso laughing at Chris.

"I love you."

"And I love you more. "

Don't forget to to comments !!!!

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