Last Voyages

By TheBlondeAdventurer

158K 7.4K 3.6K


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
I got challenged!
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 42

1.9K 115 13
By TheBlondeAdventurer

Isabella's POV:

One attack from General Judo and I was nearly on the ground. I was hardly able to defend his blow, his wild eyes filled with enthusiasm and enjoyment as he attacked.

I couldn't even glance over at Harry to see how he was handling all of this, but I was hoping he was doing better than I was.

I blocked another attack of Judo's before I tried to retaliate, but to my dismay he knocked it away, and he quickly delivered a kick to my back, making me gasp as I fell forward, my face hitting the ground hard. 

I coughed up blood, pushing against the sand in an attempt to get up, and I heard Judo's laugh from above me.

"The great Lady warn down already?" he sneers at me and I give him a glare, seeing him smile.

"But you still have fire in your eyes. Good." he says, to my surprise, and let's me get up on my own, not attacking me. 

"You need to have a better sense of urgency, Lady Bella. I need you to be attacking me seriously," he says with a sigh and I grit my teeth together, wiping the blood off of my mouth with one hand. I am... I think silently. "It seems a little change of tactic is due." General Judo says and my eyes widen as he lets out a loud whistle.

I turn around, shocked to see General Zaizo backing off of Harry, who was breathing heavily, but in much better condition than I was. 

But our relief of not being attacked didn't last long. Men began to charge at us and I feel my heart sink into my chest.

"I want to see your sense of urgency, Lady Bella," General Judo says before shrugging his shoulders. "If not, you'll be dead in minutes. And my job is still accomplished." he says and I take in a deep breath, shoving myself off the ground and getting to my feet, gripping my sword tightly with both hands.

I soon felt Harry behind me, both of us back  to back as men charged us. "You know what to do." he says and I nod, both of us taking off, clashing with the men who were ordered to attack us. 

Harry was taking them down faster than I was. But he also hadn't been poisoned like I was.

That didn't matter though. Not right now at least. The only thing I needed to focus on was defeating these men so I could live to see tomorrow.

I swung downwards as hard as I could, knocking a sword out of one man's hand. Digging my sword into the sand, I use the momentum I gathered from my swing and jumped in the air, swinging my leg around and nailing him in the face, sending him to the ground with a thud.

Landing and taking my sword out of the ground, I jump to avoid another sword swung at me, and I slice my sword at the man. He dodges my blow and I jump backwards, landing on the man I kicked to the ground, making him cough up blood as I landed on him.

I stabbed him in the stomach as I stood on him before jumping off of him, kicking his arm up in the air, making the soldier coming at me trip over it. As he fell to the ground, I sliced a long cut down the back of his spine, immobilizing him instantly. He would die soon from the wound.

These soldiers were nothing compared to the Generals. General Caius...General Judo...none of these soldiers are as tough as they are. 

I turned around, gripping my sword tightly, seeing two more men coming at me. My body ached with every single movement I made, but I couldn't afford to let my exhaustion take hold of me now. 

Running towards them, I grit my teeth together, charging sword first, thrusting my blade at them, and they blocked my attack at the same time, making me smirk.

I forced myself into the air, landing on their crossed blades, the sting of the metal digging into my feet making me wince, but I jumped again, turning as I did, slicing the back of both of their necks as I turned, landing on my feet before falling to my knees. The metal of their swords cut a little deeper than I expected, and it made it hard for me to stand.

A yell made me turn my head, my eyes widening as a soldier stood over me, but before he could do anything, Harry tackled him to the ground, stabbing him in the stomach.

Harry tried to stand up, but as soon as he got close to me he fell to his knees, holding his side painfully. I looked over at him, my eyes growing wide as I saw blood dripping from a wound.

I looked ahead, seeing General Judo and General Zaizo standing before us, looking very impressed.

"Very good, you two. I thought you would've died after that." Judo says, his voice sounding truthful and I grit my teeth together.

"Harry I don't have much strength left." I whisper and Harry grits his teeth together, looking up slowly at the two Generals in front of us. 

"We don't have a choice Bella. We have to fight them." he whispers and I try to move but my body screams in pain and I feel tears gather in my eyes. That burst of energy to kill the soldiers tired me out fast. There was no telling how much I had left in me.

"Bella, remember why we are fighting." Harry says and my eyes stay on the sand in front of me, not wanting to risk looking over at him. 

"We came here so our family would have a chance of living. They've taken a lot from us. We can't let them take our freedom as well," he says and I swallow hard, squeezing my eyes shut, nodding my head. "If we lose here, everyone we've lost will have died in vain. And Layla's waiting for us." he says and I clench my fists closed, taking in a deep breath.

"Yeah, you're right." I whisper and I hear him let out a small chuckle. Looking over to the side, I see him put one foot up, forcing himself to stand, although he stumbled to the side slightly as he did.

"Let's show them the real power of Captain Styles and Lady Bella. Just like old times." he says and I nod my head, gritting my teeth together as I make my arms push me up, slowly getting to my feet, my body shaking as I looked up.

A smirk grew on Harry's face and I grinned, both of us standing somehow, swords up, determination in our eyes. 

"Just like old times." I say and the two Generals look at us surprised, not expecting us to be able to stand on our feet.

Both of us glared at the Generals, who stood staring at us for a few seconds before raising their swords, smiles coming to their faces.

"Looks like you'll actually make this worth our time." General Zaizo says and I take in a deep breath, sliding my eyes over to Harry.

"We can't attack one on one. Both of us have to attack the same one." I say and Harry nods his head in agreement. 

It had been so long since I've fought alongside Harry like this. The thought made me grin and I felt strength surge into my body and I gripped my sword, both of us taking off at the same time, our bodies in sync with one another as we charged the two Generals.

There were no words spoken between us, but we both aimed our attacks at General Zaizo, catching him by surprise as he blocked both of them with his sword, flinging us backwards. General Judo tried to come up from behind us and attack, but I ducked quickly, slipping underneath Harry's outstretched arm as he blocked Judo's attack.

I moved swiftly, coming up and attacking Zaizo, not letting him attack Harry's back. Our movements were fluid, not wasted, not withheld. It was as if there were never any gap between us, like we never were apart at all.

I kicked Zaizo in the leg before bending down, and Harry jumped over me, putting both knees into Zaizo's stomach, crushing him into the sand. I looked up in time to see blood gush from his mouth as he landed in the sand and I turned my head, seeing Judo charging us. Gripping my sword with both hands, I lunged forward, blocking Judo from interfering with Harry's assault on Zaizo.

"What the hell? I thought you were weak." Judo growls as I absorb one of his attacks and attack back. A small grin came to my face as we come to a standstill, my battered body standing against his firm one.

"You messed with the wrong family, asshole." I snap, taking a cheap shot and hitting his knee, making him stumble backwards, cursing as he did. 

While he was trying to get his knee back in place, I turn around, running back to help Harry finish Zaizo off. 

Zaizo had managed to get Harry off of him and now Harry had blood running down the side of his face. Harry's eyes slid to the side as he saw me run towards him, and a grin came to his face as he nodded his head to me. 

Knowing what he was meaning, I run as fast as I could right at Harry, and right as I'm about to run into him, he crouches down. I put a hand on his back and propel myself off of him, kicking Zaizo in the face as Harry sliced his sword at his legs, making him drop to the ground in an instant. 

"GET THEM!!" Judo yelled from behind and I glance over my shoulder, my eyes widening as more soldiers began to head our way.

"Harry!" I say urgently and he nods, standing over Zaizo's body and impaling it, finishing off the third General. 

"Now there's only two." he says quickly, both of us now focusing on Judo's men who were now charging us. There were around ten to fifteen men and I took in a deep breath.

"Don't give up yet. We still have work to do." Harry mutters and I nod my head, a small smile coming to my face. "If you're still standing, so am I." I say stubbornly and he chuckles, nodding his head to me.

Both of us ran towards the men, my body screaming at me, but my will to survive was stronger than the pain in my body, and I propelled myself forwards. Harry and I were inches apart, staying close together so that when we attacked, we wouldn't be separated.

The men tried to surround us, but Harry and I stayed close together, our blades slicing through the air, soon mixed with blood as our blades made contact with their skin. Harry ducked and I rolled over his back, taking out a soldier as he sliced one man down, both of us in perfect harmony as we attacked together.

A stab of pain made me wince as I look down, seeing my leg bleeding from a wound that appeared. I quickly dispatch the man who injured me, but the new injury, along with all the others I already had, was in intense pain.

Harry and I finally finished off the soldiers, breathing heavily, blood dripping from wounds, our bodies bruised and battered. It was a wonder how we were still standing. I believed both of us were going on pure willpower and stubbornness by now.

Both of us stared over at General Judo, who actually looked a little frightened as he stared at us. "This...this is impossible..." he mutters, swallowing hard as he holds up his spear-like weapon. 

Harry and I narrowed our eyes, focusing all of our energy and concentration on the General in front of us. From here I could see the sweat forming on Judo's forehead, obviously not expecting us to be this strong. 

"You should be dead." Judo says and I scoff. "I don't die that easily. I was supposed to be dead hours ago. If Caius can't kill me, neither can you." I snap and his eyes widen.

"Caius was taken down by you? With that trap..." he trails off and I give him a wry smile. "Don't underestimate me." I say, not wanting to go into any details. That sentence alone seemed to do justice, because Judo swallowed hard, pointing his weapon at us, his eyes narrowing.

"Then it'll be an honor for me to finish dispatching you." he says lowly, a serious look on his face and I hold my sword back up, having to wipe blood off of my eyes. 

"Let's try it then." Harry says, holding his sword up as well, and Judo looks at both of us before charging. 

Harry and I charged at him, meeting him halfway in a flurry of attacks and blocks. Judo was a lot stronger than Zaizo, and he was a much better fighter. I could tell that when I first faced him.

Both of us tried to take shots at him but he was expecting them, blocking each attack and even thrusting his own at us. 

A stab of his cut my arm, making me wince as I jumped away from him, blood splattering on the sand as I moved, looking over at Harry, who had the same wound. The only bad thing about those spears was their reach, and the double-blade made it nearly impossible to dodge an attack.

Harry and I gave each other a look, nodding once before we both ran at Judo, taking a wide berth so he couldn't focus on both of us. Judo's head swiveled around, trying to keep track of both of us as we ran. I darted in first, drawing Judo's attention, but he wasn't fooled. 

He blocked my attack, looking behind to see Harry, and cursing as he saw him about to strike. I dropped to my knees, throwing Judo off balance as his sword no longer made contact with mine, and he barely had time to block Harry's attack, but I was able to knock him over. He hit the ground hard and let out a hard gasp.

Just as Harry and I swung down at him, he rolled to the side, forcing himself up and giving us a glare. He was injured now as well. We were beginning to do some damage to him.

Judo doesn't give us time to rest, but we weren't expecting one. Harry charged forward first, slicing down at Judo, but he was able to block Harry's attack. I followed behind, gritting my teeth together as I jumped on Harry's back, using him as a launch pad as I jumped in the air, right over Judo.

He looked up with wide eyes, seeing my blade coming right for his head. Judo barely pushed back in time, and by the time I came to the ground, I only cut his shoulder, not his head. A curse left his mouth as he held his shoulder, which was pulsing blood. 

I struggled to get back on my feet, but I did, staring at Judo, who was trying to evaluate us. "It doesn't make sense. How are you standing?" he asks in a pained voice and Harry smirks.

"The same reason we haven't died yet. We have something to fight for." he says and I glare at Judo. "You won't get away with hurting our family. You'll pay the price." I say darkly and he grits his teeth together.

Harry and I go at him again, not wanting to give him a rest. Judo curses again and holds his spear up, blocking our swords and I take in a deep breath. As long as he had the spear, there was no way we could deliver a fatal blow...

We needed to take a gamble...

And that's exactly what I was going to do.

Without a second thought, I drop my sword on the ground, leaving myself wide open, ignoring Harry's shocked yell. I grab the middle of the spear so I wouldn't be cut, gritting my teeth together as I yanked as hard as I could. 

Judo and I toppled to the ground, him landing on top of me, the spear's head landing right by my ear, nearly impaling me. His eyes were wide as he stared at me before he cursed my name. Judo grabbed me by the throat and I squeezed one eye closed, trying to keep him from choking me, but it wasn't working.

"NOW!!" I shout as loud as I could and I hear Harry curse, but he stabs Judo in the stomach while he's on me, and I wince as I feel the tip of Harry's sword pierce my stomach. 

Judo lets go of my neck and I force him to the side, standing up in great pain. I hold my stomach but try not to let Harry see. Blood covered my entire front side, but most of it was Judo's from the stab wound. 

Judo groans, but to my surprise he gets to his feet, making both mine and Harry's eyes widen.

He gives us a glare, staring at us weaponless, holding his stomach. "You're tough, I'll give you that," he says angrily, pulling out a knife and pointing it at us. "But I won't stop until I'm dead, just like you." he sneers, running towards us.

Harry and I both run at him, dodging his knife, and in synchronization, both of us slammed our fists into his face, sending him flying backwards, hitting the ground hard. Before Judo could stand up again, Harry walked over to him, slicing his neck open with his sword. 

Harry stumbled back over towards me, breathing heavily. We stared at one another, our bodies beginning to droop as our adrenaline began to fade away. 

"Dammit...I have nothing left..." Harry mutters and I grab my stomach as I fall to my knees, squeezing my eyes shut as pain enveloped my entire body. There was still one General the Emperor.

"We'll have to leave the Queen." I strain and Harry holds his head for a moment before cursing again and falling, hitting the sand face first. "The rest is..." he begins but can't finish.

As I fall forward, all the strength leaving my body before I pass out, I finish the sentence he began.

"...up to you, guys." 

WHOO!! Long chapter so it's legit. I really hope you like the chapter, and the epic fight Bella and Harry had!! Sorry it's been awhile since I updated but I've been super busy and all that. But I hope this longer chapter makes up for it. Please let me know what you think!!

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