
By lovejoon

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How long a relationship is doesn't define the strength, if there's no loyalty and trust, it won't last long... More

PROLOGUE: First Step to the Future
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Author's Note
EPILOGUE: Our Future

Chapter Nineteen

425 25 36
By lovejoon

The van was pulled over in front of Seoul Station. Jimin, Jungkook, Taehyung and Yoongi picked up their bags before pulled the van door's open. "Bye hyung, see you soon. Take care!" Jimin said after stepping out of the car.

"Happy Chuseok, hyung!" Jungkook wished them from outside of the car and they waved their hands and wished them as well. "Happy Chuseok, guys. Stay safe, let us know when you've arrived in Busan and you two, Daegu," Seokjin said.

"Alright, mother," Taehyung jokingly said, followed by giggles from the other members. They thanked the manager for sending them to the station before shut the van's door closed.

It was down to only Seokjin, Namjoon and Hoseok left. The journey to a nearby specific station to drop Seokjin off since his hometown was the nearest to the town took only a several minutes. Manager-nim had offered to send him straight to his house since it will only take approximately twenty minutes but he refused for him to so as he was afraid if the traffic jam would be like hell since it was a holiday season.

"Thanks a lot, hyung. Happy Chuseok," he let his arms out to shake his manager's hand and stepped out of the car. He was the only one left since his manager had sent Namjoon and Hoseok to Yongsan Station just after they left from Seoul Station.

He took a light step walking down the stairs to the underground subway station. He turned to his left and walked over to the entering machine.

'Place your card here,' the machine spoke in a robotic voice. The gate opened as soon as Seokjin placed his card on the machine. He took light steps walking down to another stairs again, which brought him to the railway and he stood behind the yellow line. It was surprisingly not as crowded as he thought it would be as tomorrow is going to be Chuseok.

Despite all of that, he could feel eyes watching him. He started to feel a little bit uncomfortable since he was still quite unfamiliar with this whole people staring at you situation, he pulled his phone out and immediately, he felt a vibration on his palm as a text from his mother popped up in the notification bar.

'Seokjin, where are you? Are you coming home today? Tomorrow?'

Seokjin giggled as the thought of his mother shouted his name from the kitchen came across his mind. He thought it would be too boring if he said the real situation, and went to the opposite answer instead. His fingers moved swiftly typing words before sending it to his mother.

'I'm sorry, mother. I don't think I'm going home today or tomorrow. I'm very sorry. Happy Chuseok, to both you and father,'


His eyes were moving up and down, looking for a drink that Taehyung was asking him to buy for him. He let his hand out of his pocket and grabbed two tins of Coke and shut the fridge door closed. He grabbed some others snacks, especially the snack that those maknae line had always been loving and had always been fighting over it. Yoongi being a guy with genuine heart himself, bought six packets of their favourite snack before heading to the counter to pay for the foods and drinks he was buying.

"It's thirteen thousand four hundred and eighty won," the cashier said, as Yoongi pulled notes out of his black leather wallet and handed it to the cashier.

"Thank you," the petite lady gave him the balance, and Yoongi replied with a smile before turning around and crashed himself to a body figure.

"I'm very sorry," the guy said in an apologetic voice. He was quite tall, absolutely taller than Yoongi which made his face bumped onto the guy's shoulder. "It's okay. I'm the one who should apologise," he giggled despite the pain he was feeling.

He looked up to give a friendly smile to the guy, and he cannot seem to take his eyes off of the guy.

A familiar face was standing in front of him. His eyes moved to the person next to him. It was a girl he had once seen before but he was afraid if it was too long, he could not recall the last time he saw this girl.

Yoo Minseok.

He whispered under his breath. It was slow enough that Minseok could not hear what he was saying.

"Pardon?" his eyebrows raised, as he saw Yoongi mouthed something that he could not hear. "Ah, it's nothing. I'm sorry again, sir," he smiled and walked away from Minseok and out of the convenience store with a confused mind.

Their hands were intertwined to each other. Did he break up with Sojung? It could not be.


"Next station, Gwacheon. Gwacheon,"

A female voice spoke up from the speaker next to the seat Seokjin was sitting on. He pulled one of his earphones out when he heard the location was mentioned. He grabbed his bag's cotton handler that he put in between his legs on the floor and stood up while his other hand held the silver pole to stabilize himself as the subway was slowing down to reduce the inertia.

He could feel the cold breeze of autumn brushing against his face as he stepped out of the subway.

It's good to be back.


"Is he coming?" Mr.Kim asked just as soon as he saw his wife's back in the kitchen, cutting ingredients to make a lunch for the family.

"No," she answered short without turning around. Her voice came out hoarse as if she was about to cry, though she wasn't but still, it was a disappointment.

"Our son really is busy now," he sighed and turned to his back and heading to the grey and old-fashioned sofa in the middle of the living room.

Ting ting ting!

The door's bell sound could be heard around the house. "Check who's at the door, Kim Seokhwa," his wife called his name out from the kitchen. He stood up to his feet and turned the door's handle and pushed the door opened.

His heart dropped to his stomach when he saw his son's face in front of him. A face that he had never seen for the last few months, probably years. "Aigoo, our Kim Seokjin!" he squealed and laughed the fatherly type of laugh before closing the distance between both of them.

"I miss you, father," Seokjin said while being in the warm embrace as his father gave him a tap at the back.

"I miss you a lot more, Seokjin. Your mother said you're not coming home, though?" he said after letting go of the hug.

Seokjin giggled as he told his father how everything was just a lie and he did it on purpose.

"Who was at the door, honey?" Mrs.Kim walked out of the kitchen still wearing the floral patterned apron as she stood in front of the sofa she once saw her husband sat on from the kitchen awhile ago.

Her eyes went from clear to crystallized, her heart sunk in just as soon as she saw his son standing in front of her. "Hi," he pulled his hand up and gave a small wave with a smile on his face.

"Oh my god, our Kim Seokjin!" she sobbed as she moved closer to him and opened her hands, just before closing the distance between both of them with a tight hug.

"Aigoo, you said you couldn't come, I was so disappointed. But you're here now, do you even know how much I have been missing you?" she said through her tears while being in the tight hug.

"I'm sorry, mother. I just wanted to do a little surprise for you. Are you surprised?"

"Of course, I am!" she said as she playfully hit his arm after letting go of the hug.

Seokjin sniffed his brand new shirt and let out a long sigh.

"Ah, mother. You smell like onions, and now my shirt smells like you," he shrugged.

"Alright, I'm sorry. Our celebrity Kim Seokjin is allergic to smelly stuff now," she raised her eyebrows like she just dragged someone with her words.

"Mother!" he whined, making the living room echoed with their laughters soon after.


His delicate fingers strummed the brittle sound of the acoustic guitar that he had bought since the early days of secondary school, as he hummed along a melody.

"Kkwak jabajwoo~" he hummed a sentence with an unstable melody but still thought it was good, maybe there's a chance for him to give the melody to the rapper line for them to think of putting it in a song.

"Seokjinnie," he felt a hand gesture placed on his shoulder. He looked up with his eyebrows raised and saw his mother staring down at him with a smile.

"Kim's family has invited us to attend their Chuseok neighbourhood dinner. Go and get ready," she said with a smile. Kim's family? You mean, Kim Sojung's family? No way.

There was a high possibility Sojung was going to be there because she hadn't debut yet and she will absolutely get a break for Chuseok.

"No thanks, I'm not going," he said as his head moved away from looking up at his mother and continued strumming his guitar.

"But Seokjin, it's not nice of you to do that," her voice was very soothing, very motherly like. It was obvious that she was indirectly trying to coax her son for going and meet other neighbours since the last time he met them was more than three years ago.

"Just tell Mrs.Kim that I didn't come home this year," he said, without looking at his mother.

"But I already told them you're coming," she squeezed his shoulder gently.

"You did? Okay, but you can still tell them that I didn't make it,"

"Kim Seokjin," his mother called out his name courteously but anyone can sense the coldness as she was mad with his son's behaviour. It made Seokjin shrugged as it was not like her to be mad at something, she was usually pretty chill and at times like this he knew he can no longer say no.

"Okay, fine. I'm going," said Seokjin as he put his guitar away from his thigh and took heavy steps walking up the stairs to go to his bedroom.


A knitted burgundy sweaters was paired along with a pair of black jeans was his outfit for the night. Kim's family house was only a few steps away from his, and all four of them walked together heading to their house.

"Are you nervous?" Seokjung, his older brother asked as he tried to catch up and walked next to him.

"Why would I?" he asked laughingly, trying hard not to show his nervousness that was slowly taking over himself. "I can see it in your face, Jin. You can't fool me," he smirked. Seokjin decided to not say anything to avoid any speculations that he would mention.

"Tell me about your breakup soon, yeah? I feel lost about everything," he raised his eyebrows asking Seokjin if he wanted to tell him the story behind everything.

"Okay," Seokjin answered slowly just before he took a deep breath of the cold but not enough to make you shiver weather.


"Aigoo, our Kim Seokjin! It's been forever since the last time I saw you! How are you?" Mrs.Kim being her friendly self approached Seokjin without hesitating and opened her arms for him.

Our Kim Seokjin? Our? I'm afraid not anymore.

"I'm good, thank you, auntie. How's your family doing?" Seokjin put on a friendly smile.

"We're doing fine as always. I saw your debut stage, it was amazing! Did our Sojung come for a visit that day?" she asked with a big smile, as it if was not a sensitive topic to talk about. Okay, it was obvious that Sojung didn't tell her mother anything about them yet.

If she didn't do it, I'm going to give her a hint.

"Oh and how are you and our Sojung doing? Fine?" she asked out another question, just enough to make his heart broke and changed his entire mood.

"Yeah, she did come for a visit with a friend. And yeah, we're good. Good friends," he showed a fake smile, but she was quick to notice the tensed situation between them, as her expression changed immediately.

"G-good friends? Wh-what do you mean by that?" she stuttered and her eyes were starting to twitch as she was shocked with the sudden news after years of not meeting him.

"I guess she didn't tell you yet. But, yeah, we are no longer together," he looked down to his feet, too embarrassed to meet his supposed to be mother in law's eyes.

She gasped and sighed multiple of times. "What happened, dear?" she placed her hand on his shoulder.

"I think she had found someone better than me, and I think it's better to ask her yourself. I'm not in the place to tell anything, afraid she would accuse me of lying," he smiled before excusing himself to join the others for the dinner.

He walked over to Seokjung who was enjoying a glass of sikhye while chatting with a good friend of him in the neighbourhood. His eyes moved as fast as lightning as he felt Seokjin's appearance moved closer to him, and met his eyes.

"Where did you go?" he asked.

"Sojung's mother asked me some questions. She was unaware of our current status, so I told her a hint," he smirked. Seokjung's jaw dropped as his hand gave a tap on Seokjin's stomach and he clinched at the sudden touch.

"You see? I told you you can at least say something to Mrs.Kim. Come on, don't worry about anything and enjoy the dinner, kid," he smiled.


"Jjanggu! Come here," he called his dog with an aegyo and he immediately ran towards him and jumped on his body to lick his face.

Seokjin put some of his favourite treats into his food bowl and he seemed to enjoy it really well. As he was watching Jjanggu eating, he could hear chatters coming from in front of his house and the sound of it was starting to get louder and louder as if those people were getting closer to his house.

He took a peek as his hands moved the flowers branches away from his face for him to take a closer look at who was coming.

He saw two people walking together just passed by his house with their backs as the view. The guy was tall and had a fit body and it seemed familiar, same with the girl who was walking next to him.

The guy suddenly turned his head around as a scooter was coming to their way and he pushed her body slightly to move to the side of the street so that they won't get hit by the scooter.

That was when he saw his face.

A very familiar face.

Yoo Minseok.

If Minseok was there, it was obvious that Sojung was the girl walking next to him. He could not believe his eyes seeing both of them walking around the neighbourhood together. Not only he was starting to feel sick as he thought about the neighbours rained him with thousands of questions when they saw them walking together, but also the idea of Sojung introducing him to her family.


new update yay! took quite some time bcs i have been studying for my mid terms and i only have four papers out of twenty four papers left :))

anyways thanks for waiting and now! i know whos going to be yoo minseok!! its park seo joon!!!

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