*completed* A Kindergarten Pr...

By liamsstagram

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Becca was 5 and she was his best friend Louis was 6 and he was her best friend They made a kindergarten promi... More

A Kindergarten Promise (One Direction/Louis story)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
CHapter 25
Chapter 26
A/N (: I promise an update soon!
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
you and i
Chapter 32
I promise a chapter
and the winner is.......
Chapter 33
One shot and laziness
Chapter 34
Be mad at me
Chapter 35 (last chapter?)

Chapter 29

2.1K 65 9
By liamsstagram

*Louis POV*

*******Week Later******** (yes i know but i didn't want to keep going day by day it just drags onnn ya know? this'll be short because im in math class and i have bad grades D:)

"So where do you want to go?" I asked El, my clever nickname for my soon to be girlfriend Elenour, i say soon to be because i'm planning on asking her out soon. When i called her last week I asked her if she wanted to hang out this weekend, because she had a lot of studying last week and now she said she had an easy week, 'we can go eat lunch considering it's like what" i glanced at my watch, "12:30 in the afternoon?". Elenour pondered the idea for a moment then nodded.

'ya i could really go for a pizza... hint hint" she nudged me in the side. I smiled at her childish action, i pulled my hoodie over my head and grabbed my sunglasses. El looked at me wierdly and i explained to her about the Papparazzi, and if they ask her anything she shouldn't answer.

"My disguise is very wierd, i know, but it works" i shrugged. She pulled out sunglasses from her purse, a pair of pink aviators and slid them on her face.

"Well then i guess i'll look wierd too"

I grabbed my phone and texted security and the other boys where i would be becuase i didn't want them to worry, or not know where i was in case of an emergency, "ready to go El?".

"Where are we going?" she laughed, "we never decided... oh wait i was hungry..". She is so wierd, she reminds me of Becca. Becca. I really need to talk to her. But i will do that later, all i wanna focus on is the beautiful Manchester University student in front of me. She ran her fingers through her hair and adjusted the skirt she was wearing. I guess i was staring at her for too long because she startled me with her voice, "Louis.. are we uh gonna go" she said quickly, blushing.

" Oh ya of course.." i chuckled and we left her flat, where i came to pick her up at.


"No way! Louis you fell out of a tree?!" Elenour burst out laughing when i told her the story of how i fell out of a tree, but i didn't mention Becca, because i didn't want to offend Elenour, "That's hilarious because i fell out of a tree too" she said sipping some of her water she ordered. We were sitting in a pizza joint that Elenour told me about, she comes up to London when she is on break because she says Manchester is same old same old. London is a good 3hours from Manchester so i'm surprised she comes down here as often as she does. I took a slice of cheese pizza that was in front of us and bit into it, moaning at the wonderful taste, El laughed.

"What you think it's funny?" i teased, she shrugged her shoulders and giggled.

"No no i don't not at all Mr. Tomlinson.." she knitted her eyebrows together and made a face, it is so wierd how she is almost exactly like me, " you're actually.. pretty...". I waited for her to answer but she took a piece of pizza and bit into it. She knew what she was doing, and she knew it very well.

"Oh so that's how it's gonna be, El?" i asked, "hmm... okay..". Her eyes narrowed and a small smile creeped on her lips. I have no plan and i have no idea where i am going with this.

"Well i'm waiting" she said, crossing her arms and smirking. I grabbed her hand across the table and laid a random pound bill down, she gasped in surprise, "Louis what are you doing?!" she laughed. I dragged her outside of the pizza joint back on the streets.

"I'm actually..pretty what?" i asked, she looked at me.

"MM.. pretty lame.." she stuck her tongue out at me before running off, oh i see what game she's playing. I chased after her and eventually into a fro-yo joint here, i love this place. We found a table in the back, and sat down. Thankfully no fans have found me...yet, El and I can have a uninterrupted. 'hang out' this afternoon.


"Boys?" i called into our flat that we all shared, anyone here?". I heard some faint replies from one of the boys' rooms. I walked in and Harry was on his laptop sitting on his bed. I walked up to him and say next to him, "Hey Haz"

"Hey Lou" he said absentmindedly, "how was your thing with El?". I thought back to the lovely lunch we had. And the fun jokes we made to each other, i think i'm gonna ask her out soon.

"Good. i think i'm gonna ask her out soon" i said, Harry stopped typing on his laptop momentarily, then started again.

"That's.. uh great" he said, "so..Louis do you still like Becca?" he asked out of no where. Well to be honest, i will always love her... but if we aren't meant to be.. i mean we aren't meant to be... maybe best friends is what it should be. Anywho, El is a new chapter of my life, well maybe she will be, we will have to see.

"Well, yeah i mean... i haven't talked to her in a while... i probably should though" i pondered, i need to set things straight with Becca. Confront and apologize about the absence of me for 4 years and she needs to explain her dumb, failed, revenge plan. Harry pulled out his phone when it chimed and read the text, "who you talking to?" he had a smile on his face when he replied back.

"N-no one.. just a girl i'm going over to her house later" 

"A girl?! Who?" i wanted to know now, i practically climbed on top of him trying to grab his phone. He pulled it farther away.

"Lou quit it!" he screeched, slightly laughing.

"Nooo i wanna knowwww" i said, almost reaching it.

"Seriously stop!" he said, but i licked his cheek causing him to drop the phone right into my hand. I smiled in defeat and ran to the bathroom in his room and locked the door behind me. He started banging on the door, "Louis seriosuly gimme my phone!"

I read through his recent texts and couldn't find any girls names all i saw were "Ed", "Lou", "Gemma", and a wierd one "@122693" curiosuly i clicked it.

From: @122693

Ayee.. r u coming over? we need to tlk bout the other day.. txt me k?

Who could @122693 be? I know he replied back so i went to sent mail, "Louis i swear i will get Zayn to fricken beat this door down! Don't go through my stuff!". All i did was laugh at him.

"Hold on Hazzy im gonna read your lovie-dovie texts from @122693" i said, the banging stopped. I heard him sigh behind the door. I went to the sent mail and clicked on the recent sent text.

To: @122693

Coming over n 10... Lou just got home btw... c u in a few Becca :)xx

He's talking to Becca. He's flirting with Becca? He likes Becca? Even after her stupid lie and revenge plan?A slight anger was boiling up inside of me, and whats this 'other day' crap! What happened the other day. Now i definately need to go see her. Oh, i will be seeing her, instead of Harry, after a long talk with him, this is gonna be fan-fricken-tastic.

"Louis  gimme-" Harry was saying before i opened the door quickly, and made my face emotionless, and pursed my lips. 

I held the phone in front of me with her text open, "You've got a hell of a lot of explaining to do"


**Becca POV**

I ran my fingers through my hair as i was catching up on my social media. I scrolled through Tumblr and Twitter, which was full of Louis birthday party pics still, and then same old same old rumors of stupid stuff. One thing caught my eye, a picture of Louis with some chic- wait is that Elenour?

"New girlfriend for Louis Tomlinson? Who is the mystery girl?" is what it read. She's pretty, i must admit, maybe even prettier than me. Louis is in his typical disguise, hoodie and sunglasses. Elenour has sunglasses on and her hands stuffed in her pockets. Louis is smiling, he looks happy, i hope he's happy. He deserves to be happy.

It was nearly 4 in the afternoon now and i literally have been bumming all day. Harry was supposed to come over but he hasn't showed yet. I pulled my phone out to text him.

To: Harry

Ayee.. are u coming over? we need to tlk bout the other day... txt me k?

I wasted a few seconds by grabbing a granola bar and munching on it. I sat on my kitchen counter until my phone beeped.

From: Harry

Comng over in 10... Lou just got home btw... c u in a few Becca :)xx

I decided it would be best to make myself somewhat presentable, i brushed my hair out and put on a pair of sweats, and a fitted T-shirt. Then i did no makeup because, well, it's Harry, no need to impress. I stood in front of the mirror and recited some things i would talk to Harry about in my mind.

"Haz, it's nice to-" i started, but then facepalmed myself, no that won't work.

"Harry so i'm glad you came here so that we can-" i said to my reflection, but that didn't sound right either. I went on for a good 10 minutes of how i could talk to Harry,

"Harry Styles we need-" i started to say in a sassy, authoritive voice, but was interrupted by my doorbell to my flat ringing. Oh Harry is here. I went to the door and unlocked it, then opened it up.

"Hey, Harr-" i stopped mid-sentence because my mind finally registered that the boy in front of me was not Harry, 



If anyone's confused message or comment, because i feel that this might've been confusing. idk maybe its just me...

anywho.. WHAT DO YOU THINK LOUIS IS GONNA SAY TO HERE?! ALSSSOOOOOO Bouis or Elounor? (hermmm herrm.... ship name sucks ik... but i'm thinking of Elounor.... but maybe Bouis... hmm hmm) 

Comment and Vote!xx ^thanks for 4K reads btw ilyasm^

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