The Yin-Yang Complex

By ThatPotatoWhoWrites

100K 2.7K 469

Barry and Sebastian are twins? Disclaimer: The Flash and it's characters belong to the CW. Glee and it's char... More

There Are Two Of Them?
Fortunate, Unfortunate Meetings
Payback Time
Cases, Files and Dead Bodies
Race To Search
Evidence Galore
How'd That Happen Then?
I Didn't Mean It
Half Empty
Attack On Francisco Ramone
Talk The Talk
Entering The Danger Zone
The Enemy Behind Borders
I Promised
If We Don't Learn, We Are Doomed To Repeat
Bang Bang Bang
Take A Deep Breath
It Is Me
Meowlo From The The Other Side
Can You Hear Me?
Fly On The Wall
Tweet Tweet
Kit Kat
The Bracelet To Cure All
All Done
If Only He Could Have Seen It
It Begins
Guilty Party
Top Of The World
Good Bye (God Be With You)
Closer Than Before
Help From Another
Another One
Recover And Help
Please Stop
Chains and Chairs
Again and Again
Tools And Stiches

Blood Bath

2.7K 70 17
By ThatPotatoWhoWrites

Barry peeled open his eyes and he was surprised to see that none other than Sebastian was crouched in front of him with a thick steel bar that had a sharp point that seemed to have taken the bullet, "Findlay, we agreed there would be no casualties!" Sebastian barked in a commanding voice as he rose to his feet and dropped the bar. Barry was stunned to silence, he had so many questions, he wanted to hug Sebastian and slap him, but now wasn't the time.

Findlay narrowed his eyes and grudgingly threw his gun to the side, "I can't believe you actually came," he mused.

"Neither can I," Sebastian laughed. The two men met in the middle of the warehouse, they were mere meters from each other, Barry held his breath, what was going to happen? Both men moved at the same time and before Barry knew what happened they were hugging each other, "I am sorry that you feel like you have to do this," Sebastian mumbled as he let go of Findlay and took a few steps backwards. Barry was so confused, did they hate each other or were they friends?

Findlay's expression sharpened as he sneered, "shut up, don't pretend like you ever cared," Barry studied Sebastian, his hair was a mess and there were dark bags under his eyes, he looked beaten down and miserable, it broke Barry's heart to see him like that after all he had just learned. His shoulders drooped from the pure hatred the Findlay was spitting at him, yes, he must have been bi-polar. The next thing Barry knew, Findlay punched Sebastian square in the face, he fell like a tonne of bricks and hit the floor with a sickening thud that sent chills down Barry's spine. "So you've decided to just let me kill you?" Findlay asked the man that was crumpled to the floor.

"I suppose so, I mean, you have always wanted to end my life and you won't ever stop trying, so what better time to just give up," Sebastian huffed.

Findlay's face light up with darkness, "then I will make it quick," he picked up the metal bar that Sebastian had before and made his way over to his fallen friend's body.

"NO! Please don't kill him! Sebastian, please don't give up, please!" Barry cried. Sebastian turned to Barry, the image of his little brother begging him to try pulled at his heart strings, but it was his time.

"Shush Barry, you said you wanted me dead anyway," Sebastian laughed jokingly as Findlay stood over him, Barry on the other hand felt guilt crush his chest. He hadn't known that Sebastian would actually care or remember.

"Sebastian, please, I am sorry, I didn't mean it, please," now that Barry knew what Sebastian did for him he felt like a hole in his heart had been filled, "I want us to be brothers again," Barry screamed, he felt tears well up in his eyes, all this time he had hated Sebastian, when all he wanted to do was protect Barry. He felt guilt and hope claw at him. This caught Sebastian's attention, the idea of being a family again gave him just enough hope to move as Findlay brought down the metal pole. Unfortunately he didn't move enough because the pole became deeply embedded in Sebastian's side. The disgusting noise of a squelch was seared into Barry's mind forever. Sebastian cried out in agony, blood began to pour out of his side, "SEBASTIAN!" Barry yelled.

Sebastian began to whimper and he slowly sat up, yelling as he did, Findlay took a few steps back, amusement was clear in his eyes. Sebastian looked down at the pole began to choke on words he wanted to say. Barry felt his heart ripping to shreds as his brother slowly became drenched with blood. The stench of iron was thick in the air, if Barry could have, he would of gagged. It felt like he was watching his mother die again, that same shock, the same disbelief, the same despair. It was all too familiar. Barry felt tear prick his eyes, "Sebastian," he whimpered.

Findlay looked like he was bored, "so you've decided to fight? Then this isn't going to be easy for you," he chuckled. Sebastian glared up at Findlay as he walked towards him slowly with malicious intent, he knelt in front of Sebastian and placed his hand on the end of the pole. Sebastian's eyes widened in fear as he watched Findlay jerked the pole roughly to the side. Sebastian screamed as crippling pain ran through his body. Barry was horrified. More blood spluttered out of Sebastian's side. Findlay burst out laughing at his apparent friend's misery, "why couldn't you just lie down and die?"

"Because thats no fun," Sebastian spluttered, with a boost of adrenaline he was on his feet, he yanked the pole out of himself.

Findlay raised an eyebrow, "okay then," with that he swung at Sebastian, but Sebastian ducked and grabbed Findlay's arm, with a quick twist and a deafening crack he let go of Findlay's arm fell limply to his side, it was very clearly broken. Sebastian groaned and pressed down on the gaping hole in his side with his left hand. Findlay screamed in pain, his arm might not ever work the same if he wasn't treated quickly. Sebastian picked up the metal pole from the floor, it was dripping with blood, and he smacked Findlay over head with just enough force to knock him out.

Sebastian fell onto one knee, he was breathing hard and bleeding out. Barry immediately gained back his ability to move, "tell Wally to come get Findlay," Barry said down his communicator. He didn't get a reply but he knew that his team were working on it. Sebastian fell backwards onto the floor, he was still profusely bleeding, Barry was by his side in an instant, "hold on, I am going to take you to a hospital," he pressed his hand onto Sebastian's injury and hoisted him up, slinging his brother's arm around his shoulders.

"Don't," Sebastian spluttered, "it's okay, it's too late," Barry stared stared at him in disbelief, he couldn't believe what he was hearing. He had gone into shock.

"Stop being ridiculous, it's not okay," Barry wanted nothing more than to hug him, tell him everything was going to be alright, but he knew better.

"I've completed my mission, to keep you safe, so I can die now," Sebastian laughed bitterly, Barry ignored him, he ran on route to the nearest hospital, however he only made it to the park before Sebastian pushed himself away from his brother. He collapsed onto the wet and cold pavement. Freezing cold rain was pouring down around the pair like drops of ice and Sebastian's breath clouded up in plumes around him. His breath was worryingly soft though. Barry could make out the details of Sebastian's face perfectly despite being under the intense light of the street lamp above them. He sighed in defeat and knelt down next to his dying sibling. He couldn't work up the courage to say anything, he just sat next to him in shock. Barry had no idea how long he sat staring at the soft rise and fall of his brother's chest, but he knew it was too long, he could see that Sebastian was dying, he had lost too much blood. Barry just couldn't understand why he didn't want to be saved.

"Please don't," he finally managed to utter, "I know the truth now, Findlay told me, listen, I forgive you, please don't go, you are the only family I have left," Barry begged his brother. Sebastian just smiled. Barry knew that this could be his last moments so he gingerly pulled Sebastian's head onto his lap as he spoke to him.

"That's good, thank you for forgiving me... but... you still have family, Joe a-and Iris... West, C-Cisco.... Caitlin..." Sebastian's eyes began to droop as he gazed up at Barry with pride, "they are your family now... they seem... like good people,"

Barry watched in horror as he could see Sebastian dying before his very eyes, "no... please, Sebastian, don't go, I miss you," Barry felt hot and sticky tears roll softly down his cheeks, "please,"

"Barry... I'm sorry I put... you through so much... just remember... I always.... have... and always... will... love you... no matter what you do... you will always be... my little brother," Sebastian's smile began to fade and the light in his eyes dimmed until it was completely gone.

"No," Barry cried, he ran with Sebastian, everything became a blur, everything went in slow motion, he couldnt focus, he couldn't concentrate. He vaguely remembered getting changed, but he was mostly blacked out. He only came to when a doctor with a solemn face approached him and reminded him that it was too late. Barry was too slow. He well and truly was the last Allen.

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