The purest - Chris Schistad #...

By loveisweakness7

341K 6K 2K

"Have you ever been in love ? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens... More

Whoa, big crack !!!!
Act 1
Act 2
Act 3
Act 4
ACT 5.
Act 6
Act 7
Act 8.
Act 9.
Act 10.
Act 11.
Act 12.
Act 13.
Act 14.
Act 15.
Act 16.
Act 17.
Act 18.
Act 19.
Act 20.
Act 21.
Act 22.
Act 23.
Act 24.
Act 25 -Special Christmas-
Act 26 -Special Christmas-
Act 27 -Special Christmas-
Act 28 -Special Christmas-
Act 29.
Act 30.
Act 31.
Act 32.
Act 33.
Act 34.
Act 35.
Act 36.
Act 37.
Act 38.
Act 39.
Act 40.
Act 41.
Act 42.
Act 43.
Act 45.
Act 46.
Act 47.
Act 48.
Act 49.
Act 50.
Act 51.
Act 52.
Act 53.
Act 54.
Act 55
Act 56.
Act 57.
Act 58.
Act 59.
Act 60.
Act 62.
Act 63.
Act 64.
Act 65.
Act 66.
Act 67.
Act 68
Act 69.
Act 70.
Act 71.
Act 72.
Act 73.
Act 74.
Act 75.
Act 76.
Act 77.
Act 78.
Act 79.
Act 80.
Act 81.
Act 82.
Act 83.
Act 84.
Act 85.
Act 86.
Act 87.
Act 88.
Act 89.
Act 90.
Act 91.
Act 92.
Act 93.
Act 94.
Act 95.
Act 96.
Act 97.
Act 98.
Act 99.
Act 100.
Act 101.
Act 102.
Act 103.
Act 104.
Act 105.
Act 106.
Act 107.
Act 108.
Act 109.
Act 110.
Act 111.
Act 112.
Act 113.
Act 114.
Act 115.
Act 116.
Act 117.
Act 118.

Act 44.

2.7K 54 22
By loveisweakness7

Warning : This chapter will contain strong scenes that couldn't be adapted to sensitive souls !

More precisely, there will be violence and strong language :)

This part is noted by flashback and italic writing :)

I hate to hurt our little Chris and Celeste like that but I really wanted to give a story to Chris so here we go...

Again thank you for all those who are always faithful to this story !!!

Be prepared because this chapter will be loaded with emotion ^^

Torsdag 10:23

I sighed faintly as I stopped in front of the door of my room with a feeling of sadness and worry in my chest.

I was holding a glass of water in one hand and two pills of analgesics in the other. I gave a disturbed look at the latter before finally opening the door to my room.

I spotted the familiar brown sleeping peacefully under my duvet with his nose in my pillow.

Especially the one I used to sleep.

I was careful not to make too much noise as I dropped my supplies on top of my bedside table before returning to my door to cross my arms on my chest while leaning against the gap.

I merely observed him to reassure myself that he was safe before swallowing the strain of emotions along my throat as flashbacks of the last night threatened to resurface.

He seemed so calm and peaceful in his sleep and yet he had literally experienced hell. I didn't even know how he'd done to fall asleep. I knew for sure that I would have been unable to do so.

I had already been unable to close my eyes last night. In the end, I had turned on the flank before jamming my hand under my pillow as I watched Chris sleep.

I knew this could be classified as scary but I was just trying to reassure myself that he was okay.

A hand on my shoulder made me suddenly startle before the reassuring voice of my mother sprang feebly behind me. "It's okay, honey. It's okay. "

I immediately turned around pulling my door towards me to close it before looking nervously at my mother as she gave me a long, worried look.

"How is he doing?"

" He's sleeping." I whispered before letting a heavy sigh as I leaned against the wall with my head back collecting a worried look from my mother.

She immediately approached me before putting her hand on my shoulder to hold me. "Honey, you have to tell me what happened. "

"Nei. I made the promise." I immediately objected, shaking my head in a rush, raising an even more worried look from her, letting me take her hand before giving it a slight pressure. "He'll be okay, mom. It's just ... he just needs to rest right now. I'm also worried but he promised me he was okay."

"You know people are not always good, honey. Sometimes they put on false smiles and false words reassuring."

I lowered my eyes knowing full well what she was doing letting me squint my eyes on her in mistrust and suspicion now.

"If Chris tells me he's okay then I trust him. I trust him, Mom."

I held her gaze as she let a weak sigh go through her lips before she tried again to reach me. "I know he's counting heavily for you, Céleste. And honestly, we love Chris but sometimes, some people need help. "

"Need help ? "


"Don't !" I interrupted her dryly as I passed her before making my way into our kitchen before leaning over the sink to the sensation of my spinning head.

Obviously, my mother hastened to join my side as she called for my first name before taking my face in her hands to look at me with an anxious look.

"Oh honey..." She puffed in defeat before rubbing the dark circles under my eyes. "You also need to rest."

"I'm fine." I replied, shaking my head before pulling back from her embrace before agitating nervously as I was looking for a drink in the closet. "I just... I... ugh... why is there so much things in this cupboard ?"

My mother stopped me by taking my trembling hands before throw a sharp look on my side forcing me to take a deep breath before stepping back a few steps as she looked for a drink for me.

I leaned back against the kitchen island before giving a grateful look to my mother as she handed me a glass of water. "Takk. "

"I think you need to get out of the house. You should go back to the class. I'll watch over him."

"Are you serious ?" I exclaimed in disbelief, surprising my mother by my high tone before shaking my head firmly in negation. "High school is the last thing on my mind right now."

However, it would seem that my mother had lost her patience as she soon crossed her arms on her chest before giving me a long look of reprimand. "First, drop the tone, girl. Then, I understand that you worry about your friend but you have to go back to the high school. Your father and I left behind for the last night and this morning but we will not tolerate more of this."

I looked at her in silence visibly not accustomed to hearing her raise her voice on me before squinting my lips in a thin line while lowering my eyes on my shoes."He's not my friend."

"What ?"

"He's not my friend." I breathed, raising my head to meet my mother's confused gaze before catching a breath. "He's my boyfriend and I love him, mom. So much. "

A look of realization crossed her face as she left a breath surprised before retreating of some step visibly taken unawares. " Oh ! Uh ... right. "

"Right ?"

"I mean... I suspected there was something between you two but..." She paused, frowning before giving me a long, observant glance. "You're really in love with him, aren't you ?"

I bite nervously on my lower lip as I supported her silver blue orbs before slowly nodding my head in shyness nevertheless generating a slight smile on her lips.

She hastened to join my side to take me in her arms letting my eyes close as she affectionately caressed my hair. "I'm really happy for you, honey. Although now I think back to the fact that your father and I let you sleep in the same bed. "

This will relieve me a low laugh despite my mood at the lowest before she laid a long kiss on the top of my hair.

I took advantage of her tenderness definitely necessary at the moment before finally detaching me to give her an undecided look. "Will you watch over him ?"

"Promised." She assured, pulling a lock behind my ear before taking my face into her hands."You swear to me that you haven't been in any dangerous situations, right?"

I nodded my head reluctantly before lying straight to her face. "Chris just needed to get away from his family for a bit."

If only she knew the truth.


I glanced at Chris's door at the beginning of his aisle before quickly frowning at the screaming agreement coming from inside the house.

I immediately took quick steps towards the entrance in a bad foreboding before suddenly stopping to the agreement of a serious male voice.

"You dirty little shit ! I'll teach you to respect me! "

And then there was this huge commotion.

Now I knew it could just be nothing but after what I knew of William and Chris, I could not ignore that.

So on an impulse, I opened the front door and thanked the skies since it was unlocked before I quickly rushed to the noises of struggles.

Only, I was not slow to freeze in my steps at the sight before me.

Chris ... Chris was held against the wall with a powerful hand around his neck. His face was red and blistered with the lack of oxygen, and yet the man-the monster in front of him didn't seem the least bit worried about it.

I noticed a duo of people in the corner seeming curled up on themselves making me broaden my eyes further before turning my attention back to the scene in front of me.

Chris's gaze soon landed on me and I could see the horror and fear settling in his eyes already beginning to become glassy.

This was probably what put me in a state of action again, as I rushed at once upon the man.

"Stop! Pleease! Pleeeeeease stop! "

I was trying to undo his arm out of Chris only the man was much stronger as he soon threw his elbow backward sending me down abruptly to the ground.

Nevertheless, it seemed enough to pull him away from Chris as he dropped him almost immediately to give me a look of death.

He was probably taller than William and definitely more constructed. He had dark brown hair, even browner than Chris and his hazel-green eyes seemed to burn with rage and hatred as he looked at me.

"Who the fuck are you? His little whore ?"

I felt stiffened to the agreement of his insult as my heart accelerated before I looked at Chris in horror as he tried to catch his breath by sliding down the wall in impotence.

However, my attention was soon back on the man as he suddenly took a step in my direction.

Frightened and completely panicked, I tried to push myself on the ground away from the man.

"Robert! Stop!" Suddenly shouted a female voice before one of the silhouettes in the corner came forward in fear. "She's just a teenager. "

"You! Shut up!" He barked, pointing at the woman with his finger shaking me in fear in his tone.

I wanted to cry or even beg him to stop but I was simply prostrate on this floor and my eyes couldn't just leave Chris.

The latter looked at me with such horror and fear in his eyes that I could literally feel my heart tearing from my chest to the pain it gave me to see him like that.

He was so confident, strong, arrogant and stubborn in the high school but now, now, he looked like a defenseless and completely abbotu child.

However, it would seem that I was still far from discovering the horror reigning in this house as the second silhouette, definitely smaller and frail soon emerged from the shadows.

The latter darted into a sprint out of my sight letting me focus again on the horrifying man in front of me.

I had lost all use of my senses as I remained frozen on the ground awaiting the next move of the brute.

I soon began to widen my eyes in fear as he scorned me with disdain before turning to Christoffer.

The latter immediately stumbled back against the wall, sending a death-rattle in the direction of the man I assumed was his father before suddenly widening his eyes.

"Stop !" Cried a little female voice probably barely older than those of the twins making me straighten my palms just to broaden my eyes in my turn.

A silence settled around us as the attention was focused on the little girl currently holding a kitchen knife in her hands in the direction of the man.

Her hand trembled but other than that, she seemed firm on her positions. I did not have enough words to describe how I felt at the moment.

I was horrified, flabbergasted, tetanized but above all, I was terrified.

Terrified by what I had just discovered.

Terrified as I could still see Christoffer's face in my head as he struggled for air.

And terrified because I was now watching a little girl of just nine years holding a meat knife in the direction of a man I assumed was her father.

"Ava."A trembling voice shook me, watching the long golden blonde hair as she moved slowly towards the little brunette who kept her eyes on the man. "Let go of that knife."

The little girl shook her head categorically before releasing a loud "no" before turning again to the frightening man. " I want you to leave ! And you never come back! "

"And what makes you think you can have any power over me, little bitch ?" He replied acidly.

This seemed enough for Chris to straighten up in his self-confident attitude as he suddenly took the knife from the little girl's hands before pointing it in turn in the direction of the man.

"Because I wouldn't hesitate. "

I widened my eyes on Chris in panic as I felt my body become frozen before receding again as he gave me a nervous look over his shoulder.

"It's over, Robert !" Finally, Chris's mother came up, straightening up confidently as she gave me a desolate look before looking again at the despicable man in the center of the room. "You may have had power over this family but it's over. We have a witness now so if you don't want to end up in prison, I advise you to leave this house. "

The man again gave me a scathing look over his shoulder making me swallow hard this time as I feared his retaliation.

"Now ! "

" You are going to regret it. "The man sharply pointed his finger at her face before letting us watch his retreat out of the house.

I kept my eyes riveted on the front door visibly in a state of shock unlike the rest of Chris's family who seemed to regain the upper hand with much more ease. Probably because it was not the first time for any of them.

Finally it was Christoffer's voice that brought me back to reality as I immediately turned my head in his direction before he suddenly let go of the knife as he rushed to the ground.

"Oh my god, Céleste! "

End of the flashback

A pair of fingers slammed abruptly in front of my face bringing me out of my memory as I jumped to meet the curious looks of the girls.

"Are you okay ? You look pale." Chris asked with a frown as she put her hand on my shoulder unconsciously pulling me back.

My action alerted the girls as they definitely made me more suspicious making me swallow the new strain of emotion in my throat before nodding my head with a tight smile.

" I'm fine. I'm just a little tired, that's all. "

"Damn, girl, how can you be tired when you've slept all the morning ?" Chuckle Eva with the rest of the girls making me stiffen in spite of herself to the agreement of my lie.

I had come up with the excuse of a wake-up failure to explain my absence this morning and I assumed that this was sufficiently credible for the girls.

I noticed Noora giving me a strange look as she noticed that I didn't laugh with the rest of the girls making me immediately turn my eyes by bending my lips in a straight line.

Nevertheless, an offer of distraction soon offered itself to me in the form of Vilde allowing me to force a smile in the direction of the blonde as she gave me a joke about my absence this morning.

However, that was before she touched on the subject of the penetrators and the famous Russetiden season. Or whatever it was.

Honestly, I didn't really have the strength to make the effort to worry at the same time as I was pressing my chin into the palm of my hand as I looked away.

I was thinking about a news to Chris asking if he was awake and had read my message. I wondered how things were going to happen between us and I wondered above all if he was going to be really good.

Unfortunately, Vilde had to turn to me since the girls were definitely less tuned to her endless rides on the russ buses."Then, Céleste... I wanted to ask you..."

"Hum ?" I whispered concentrating my slightly dilated eyes from the lack of sleep on the platinum blonde.

"You know Chris is going to be one of the bachelors for russetiden, right ?"

"Chris ?" I replied, giving a look at our Chris despite the slight tug that I felt in my chest at the thought of the another Chris.

Vilde immediately rolled her eyes before sighing as Eva and Noora shared a nervous grimace.

"No, the other Chris! Chris Penetrator!" Vilde breathed visibly bored with my lack of interest making me frown.

I straightened up, letting my hand fall back on top of the table before giving a confused look at the blonde platinum. "What are you talking about, Vilde ?"

"But what's wrong with you today ? You're so in a moody mood." The blonde grunted, making me look at her with wide eyes at her attack. "Any way, if you were to listen, you would know that russettiden is the season when guys can hang out with a lot of girls to see who gets the most."

I immediately gave a frustrated look on Vilde now before shaking my head. "Okay, first I'm not a feminist but I'm pretty sure it's really degrading what you've just explained. Then I still don't know what it had to do with Chris. Or me in fact ?"

"Céleste, what she means is that Chris is participating in the festivities." Eventually Eva took pity on me as she gave me an uncertain look.

I frowned at the agreement of Chris's involvement definitely not needing this kind of thing now.

A part of me knew it was childish and totally meaningless to worry about that kind of thing after what happened last night but my inner teenager could not really change it.

"No, he doesn't participate."

"Of course he is participating. All Penetrators do. William will even try to break the record this year. They all waited three years for that."

"Vilde !" Calling the girls let me see a gloomy look on Noora's face at the mention of William.

Only, I was too focused on what Vilde had just said to worry about my best friend now. In fact, I was far too exhausted to handle this sort of thing now.

"It was a mistake. I can't do that now." I suddenly exploded into an overwork of emotions as I leapt on my feet letting the girls look at me as if I had two heads.

I took my backpack on the floor saying a quick good-bye to the girls before almost running out of the high school yard.

However, it was before a hand closed on my wrist causing me to jump with a slight horrified cry.

"Céleste, relax ! It 'just me !" William suddenly waved his hands on my shoulders as I was probably about to have a mental break."Hey, hey, it's okay. It's okay. It will be fine. Hush !"

I didn't really realize that I had finally burst into tears until William closed his arms around me to bring me against his chest.

He whispered comforting words against my ear, just letting me cry on him.



"Do you want to talk about what happened the last night ?" William asked as I stared at my house through the passing window of his Porsche.

My mother had decided to take me to the high school earlier in the afternoon so William had decided to take me with him before driving around the city for a moment after my emotional break.

It would seem that Chris had called him in the afternoon and told him to keep an eye on me for his own good when it was me who had to worry about him.

Anyway, we were now parked in front of my driveway for probably a good ten minutes and it seems that I couldn't find the courage to go out.

But that didn't prevent William from speaking as he resumed in a sincerely sorry tone. " It's my fault. I should have been there. I should have been at the apartment. Nico knew what was going on at Chris's, so that's why he told you to go see him."

"Your half-brother is sick." I mumbled in a calm sniff as I continued to look at the front with a frown. "But it wasn't your fault. Neither Chris or his mother or even his little sister. I suppose that since I lived this perfect little life, I have forgotten the atrocity of the outside world."

I could feel William's piercing look on my side before he suddenly took my hand in his forcing me to make eye contact.

"I'm sorry you had to live that. Chris is mad, you know ?"

I immediately shook my head at that before feeling the bubble of frustration build again in my chest. "For love of fuck ! I don't fucking care of me now! Why do you think of Chris ? He's the one who has had to endure all this for years. I don't even know how he happens to stay sane because I'm sure I'm losing mine right now. "


" I need air. I can't keep aps in this damn car." I interrupted him abruptly as I hurriedly grabbed my things before jumping out of the passenger compartment forcing William to do the same.

I didn't care as William followed me all the way in my driveway before following me into my house.

I dropped my backpack and shoes in the corridor of the entrance as I could hear some noise coming from the living room letting me head in that direction as William imitated me.

My heart sank immediately at the sight as I saw Chris, the real twins and my father all sat around the living room sharing a good time in front of a football game.

Chris seemed relatively normal if one didn't count the fingerprints around his neck but I could still see through his mask.

I thought that after seeing him the last night, I could still see through him.

After what had happened, I assumed that we had experienced a stronger bond than any other adolescent relationship.

I was standing in the entrance of the living room with William hovering in my back as I could feel a rush of relief and sadness clashing along my veins.

The boys were obviously still unaware of our presence only that was before my mother suddenly appeared in the lingerie with a basket of laundry under her arm.

"Honey ! William, what a pleasant surprise !" She exclaimed with a wide grin in the direction of the big brown behind me immediately calling the boys.

And especially Chris as he turned immediately to me.

His smile instantly diminished in a deep frown as he laid his eyes on me before he looked up at William to share a silent conversation with his best friend.

"William, come watch the game with us !" Hailed soon my father smashed the two boys with their intense gaze before he laid his eyes on me as William went to sit next to Chris. "Céleste, sweety, are you coming too ?"

I cleared my throat definitively dragged of all energy before shaking my head slowly in the negation. "I think I'll just go to my room. Take a nap maybe. "

I could perfectly feel the eyes of William and Chris on my back as I turned my heels before heading to my room in silence.

I immediately removed my jeans and my tee-shirt leaving me in my underwear before putting on Chris's Penetrator sweatshirt by taking the collar to bring it closer to my nose.

I took shamelessly in his reassuring smell before I dropped under the blankets.
This day had been exhausting and I was just hoping the next few weeks would be different.

Again, a big thanks for those who read this story ;)

Don't forger to comments :D

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