His Mafia Bride (Completed)

By TanaRw

336K 9.3K 436

I love his arms around me. They make me feel safe and loved. That is, until I see what he does with his han... More



13.3K 394 11
By TanaRw

The body reacts faster than the mind sometimes. There is a burning feeling between my legs, as two large hands skim over my body. They stop in some places and massage those areas; then I start to feel faint kisses skim over my skin. The lips kiss me here and there, then they get closer to my burning core.

My eyes snap open when I realize that I'm not dreaming, when I look down between my legs, I see Logan between my legs, looking up at me. His lips close to my burning area. I'm dressed, but my clothes have been moved and wrinkled.

He groans and drops his head down between my legs. "So close." He grumbles.

Shifting our weight, I pin him down on the bed. Glancing around, we are in a bedroom I've never seen before. It's not his room in the mansion. Where in the world are we?

Logan uses the few seconds that I'm distracted, flips me over back on to my back, threading our fingers together. The feel of our fingers threaded like this, brings back so many memories from love making, to just holding one another hands in public or at the mansion. "Play nice darling."

Wiggling under him, I dig my nails into his skin, hoping if I dig them into his skin enough, then maybe he'll let go. "I hated it when you called me that back than and I hate it now! Now get off of me!" I try to knee him, but he closes his legs around mine, so I can't hurt him any worse than digging my nails into his skin.

"You were so much nicer when you were asleep." He complains.

"I doubt that you complained in the past enough times of me hitting you, kicking you and elbowing you in my sleep." Logan rolls his eyes. "Don't you roll your eyes at me!" I snap.

The bedroom door opens just than; I don't know who it is, until I hear Leo. "Are you two pla-"

"Not now!" Logan and I yell out at the same time.

The door closes quickly.

Wiggling, I try to get Logan off me. "Get off!" I demand.

"No, because if I do, then you'll run and protecting you will be harder than necessary!" He yells out.

"Protect me from what Logan?! Be honest with me!"

"I've always been honest with you!" I open my mouth to tell him that's a lie. But he doesn't give me the chance. "You knew who I was and what I'm capable of! Yes, I never wanted you to see me, like that! Of how killing makes me feel! But I can't undo, what I didn't want you to see! But it was to protect you and I'm still protesting you!"

"From what Logan!?"

"He broke out of prison and he's looking for you." He whispers, like he'll be heard from someone hiding in the room.

My body freezes in place, knowing very well who he's talking about. "How?"

He shakes his head and looks at me, like a sad boy in fear of losing someone he loves. "I don't know, but I'm trying to find out and that's why I need you close. I need to know your safe at all costs. You are my world Ally and I will do anything to protect you."

He lowers his head and just out of pure announce that he would kiss me, after giving me this bomb shell, I full on headbutt him.

Our skulls connect, the world spins a little bit and Logan is smart enough to quickly get off of me, holding his head and groaning in pain.

I'm dizzy for a few extra seconds and almost lose my balance when I get out of the bed, but I fight off the dizziness and drunk walk to the door.

Throwing the door open, Xavier and Leo stand in front of the door with their arms over their chests. "Told you she would run," Leo tell Xavier with a grin on his face.

Two strong arms, wrap around me from behind. "Shut up," Logan tells him.

Standing on my feet still, I dig my shoulder into Logan chest and throw him over myself and into the two dorks.

Jumping over them groaning in pain, I run down the hall. I don't have much time to look around. All I really notice, is the hall needs a paint job.

"Ally!" Logan voice carries behind me, as I get to the straits and go down them two at a time.

Running a cross the hard wood floor, I throw the front door open. Freedom isn't on the other side of the door. Nope, my house mate Terra and she says words, that make my blood go cold and eye's grow big as a cartoon character. "My cousin a dumb ass. You would think, by now that he would learn to keep his woman happy." She tells me.

Her words roll over me and I can feel anger build up in me. Spinning around, Logan and the two dorks are only a few feet from us. "Logan!"

"Don't give me that look," he tells me, crossing his arms over his chest.

Glaring at him even deeper, I match up to him and slap him. The sounds of our skin hitting one another, fills the room. "I can't believe you would stoop so low and have someone spy on me like this!" I hiss out. "I'm not defenseless, you of all people know this!"

Leo opens his mouth, but Xavier punches him, making Leo shut his mouth. They know something of course, but they won't say anything. Not yet.

Logan rubs his cheek and then stares down into my eyes. "I love you; Little Mouse and I'll make sure that your safe. Now, we have some things to talk about."

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