SuperLove | SuperFlash | Barr...

By EmreC99

26.7K 446 88

In this universe Team Flash was able to create Gideon for them. They implemented it in Barry's suit and even... More

Chapter 1 | Stranded
Chapter 2 | TheFlash
Chapter 3 | Meet Kara Danvers
Chapter 4 | Reveal
Chapter 5 | History
Chapter 6 | The real Kara Danvers
Chapter 8 | Guy from another universe
Chapter 9 | Goodbye earth
Chapter 10 | Home sweet home
Chapter 11 | Proper introductions
Chapter 12 | The real story
Chapter 13 | The archer
No new chapter sorry

Chapter 7 | Differences

1.7K 29 21
By EmreC99

CatCo (Winn POV)

"Man this was so crazy. This new guy Barry, we had so much fun at game night with him. But then the DEO stormed Kara's apartment and took him in." I explained to James who asked how our night went.

"What? What has he done to upset the DEO?" asked James curiously

I shrugged my shoulders, because I honestly had no idea. Barry seemed like a really nice guy, it was hard to imagine him doing something bad.

We continued to speculate about Barry until Kara arrived at CatCo. She looked like she swallowed a sun because her smile was planted across her whole face.

"Hey guys. What are you talking about?" Kara asked still smiling

"I just told James about what happened yesterday. Kara, what does the DEO want from Barry?" I asked

When I mentioned Barry her face lit up even more. Something was definitely going on with this guy and by the look on James face he noticed it too.

"It was just a misunderstanding between the DEO and him, everything is fine now. You know Barry is so sweet, he even brought me fresh Donuts today." Kara giggled and continued to walk towards her work place, leaving me and James behind.

"I really want to meet this Barry guy." said James

DEO Headquarters (Alex POV)

I was honestly a bit surprised to see Barry walking or more like "flashing", if this is even a word, into the DEO base alone. I knew that something was going on between him and Kara, but I knew that probably both of them would deny it so I didn't even start to question him.

Barry asked me for a workspace. Although I was confused at first I agreed and he told me about his theory.

"So I saw this movie poster yesterday. This movie was already released on my earth. And I found out that this earth is one month behind my earth." explained Barry. I shrugged an eyebrow.

"And what does that tell us?" I asked not knowing what he tried to tell me with that.

"Gideon, can you show me the records of our travel to earth two." asked Barry while connecting his Gideon thingy to one of the pc's.

The AI did as he asked and showed us everything Barry had about earth two. I looked confused at the whole information that was laid out in front of me, but it seemed like Barry and the AI found what they were looking for.

"I can't believe it." muttered Barry while scanning over the data.

"What is it?" I asked Barry, not seeing anything specific.

"It appears that the earth are out of synch in terms of perception of the time. But if the presented data is indeed correct it appears that the roles of the earth switch every 5 -6 months." said Gideon

Barry noticed that I looked a little confused so he tried to make me understand.

This man really knows what people think.

"It means that although 5 months go by on your earth, just minutes,hours or maybe just a few days go by on my earth," Barry leaned back in his chair and smiled, "That means my earth has to survive without the flash for just a little time."

Now I knew what he was saying. I was impressed that all of this knowledge just came from a movie poster he saw yesterday and I admired that after all he still thought about his city's well being.

"On what date, will the cycle switch again?" I asked

"Well on my earth it was the third of July, so I suppose that's the date then. Gideon can you continue to gather information about this, I want to be sure about that." said Barry

"Of course Mr. Allen." said the AI before shutting herself down

"Alex I need to ask you something." said Barry without looking at me. It was strange it felt like the mood in the whole room changed and Barry seemed a little nervous.

"You want to ask Kara out don't you?" I asked, he simply nodded

"Go for it. I have seen how she looks at you and how you look at her. It looks like you are made for her." I said, I could see that the tension left his body

"Thank you Alex, got to go. I have a Lunch to attend." Barry smiled at me and took off with his speed sending countless papers flying away.

"I suggest using paperweights." said Gideon, scaring the crap out of me.

I will never get used to this.

CatCo (Barry POV)

This time it didn't take me that long to find the building, if I look at it now i wonder how I missed it before. It is one of the biggest buildings in the entire city. But last time I was distracted from a beautiful blonde by my side.

I took the elevator up to the office and the first thing I noticed was that Kara's desk was empty. I looked to the place Winn was sitting normally, but his desk was empty as well.

I started to ask around for Kara but no one seemed to notice where she had gone. I shortly thought about asking Cat herself but I quickly dropped that thought. After all it would look pretty bad if the assistant wasn't at her working place.

I asked around for five more minutes before finding out that Kara, Winn and someone called James took the elevator upstairs, so I decided to go upstairs and look for them.

Most of the rooms were closed down and it looked like the whole level was abandoned in one way or another, I was about to go back down until I heard a familiar voice out of one of the rooms.

A secret room. That's interesting.

I went towards it and decided to knock.

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