What Makes You Beautiful. (on...

By Abbie_Morgan

6.3K 70 11

when 5 girls have planned a girly holiday, could they come back with more then they bargain for? or will some... More

What Makes You Beautiful. part 1
What Makes You Beautiful. part 2
What Makes You Beautiful. part 3
What Makes You Beautiful. part 4
What Makes You Beautiful. part 5
What Makes You Beautiful. part 6
What Makes You Beautiful. part 7
What Makes You Beautiful. part 8
What Makes You Beautiful. part 9
What Makes You Beautiful. part 10
What Makes You Beautiful. part 11
What Makes You Beautiful. part 12
What Makes You Beautiful. part 13
What Makes You Beautiful. part 14
What Makes You Beautiful. part 15
What Makes You Beautiful. part 16
What Makes You Beautiful. part 17
What Makes You Beautiful. part 18
What Makes You Beautiful. part 19
What Makes You Beautiful. part 20
What Makes You Beautiful. part 21
What Makes You Beautiful. part 22
What Makes You Beautiful. part 24
What Makes You Beautiful. part 25
What Makes You Beautiful. part 26
What Makes You Beautiful. part 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30.
chapter 31

What Makes You Beauitful. part 23

159 3 0
By Abbie_Morgan


~Abbie's View~

a lot had happened since our holiday to the caravan. Laura's still pregnant and Harry's waiting on her hand and foot. Oh and Laura moved in with Harry and Louis. But I think there looking for a place of there own now. Hannah is also living there with Louis. Becca moved in with Liam, as did Nicole and Zayn and i also moved in with Niall. It worked out amazing.

Alyssa, Taylor and Kirsty had to go back home so we don't see them that often but there looking for apartments around us which will be amazing. They come down and stay with us every so often, when the boys do concerts, like tonight.

They are performing tonight and Alyssa, Taylor and Kirsty are down there staying at a hotel. They are down for the week because tomorrow is Laura's hen party and Harry's stag night, then in two days after its the wedding.

"You ready babe?" Niall spoke into my ear as he came behind my and rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Of course" I said spinning round and looking up into his gorgeous eyes that sparkle in any light. He lent down and pressed his lips down onto mine before taking my hand in his and pulling me out of the door. The boys had sound check so me and the girls go and sit and listen to them while having a catch up.

~Zayn's View~

me, Nicole, Hannah, Louis, Becca and Liam were already at the studio by the time the others got there. Harry and Laura were going pick Niall and Abbie up, so I guess they were running late or something.

"Geez what's taking them so long" Liam said looking down at his watch.

"I bet nialls made them stop for food" louis said laughing as hannah just looked at him like he was a freak, well, he is.

"He's not that bad" becca chirped in laughing at lou's joke.

"I bet you £10 that he did" louis said holding out his hand for Becca to shake. He lent forward and shook his hand.

"Deal" she said looking sarcastically over and louis, winking at him.

We spent the next 5-10 minuets talking about their deal until we heard a car door slam shut outside.

"Time to find out who's won" hannah mumbled shaking her head while looking at louis.

~Harry's View~

As we got out of the car I quickly walked around to laura's side of the car and opened the door for her. When she got out I placed my hand on the small of her back as I lead her into the all to familiar studio for our last sound check before our concert tonight.

When we walked in all eyes were on us, well actually more like all eyes were on niall for some reason.

"I was right!" Louis screamed as he jumped up from his seat on the sofa as he ran to niall and hugged him.

"Bugger!" Becca cursed under her breath making Liam chuckle.

"Erm okay" niall said looking extremely confused as he continued to eat his bacon sandwich.

"Care to explain?" He asked as he finished his mouth full.

"Oh we made a-" nicole started to explain before laura made a small screaming sound.

"What is it? Is it the baby? Are you okay? Oh my god!" I yelped at her pulling her to sit down on a chair. She sat there trying to get her breath back, her hand resting on the big-ish bump with a smile spreading across her face. She grabbed my hand and put it on the bump and that's when I felt it.

"Oh my god!" I sighed returning her smile. Everybody looked really confused, looking at us very strange like.

"Baby bumps just kicked" laura reassured them. Everybody started jumping up and down and squealing like little children.

"Can we feel it?" Louis asked a smile from ear to ear on his face, he was that hyper you'd think it was hannah. Laura nodded and he placed his hand and let out another slightly quieter squeal as he felt it kick, a tear in his eyes.

"Oh laura" Abbie, Nicole and Hannah said at the same time engulfing her in a hug.

~Becca's View~

While everyone was surrounding laura and harry, me and liam were stood to the side.

"Babe?" He asked me looking down at me.

"Yeah" I replied still looking out of the window.

"When are we going to tell them?" He asked me stroking my cheek with his thumb as he cupped my cheek and tilting my head, forcing me to look into his eyes.

"I don't know yet liam" I muttered looking across at everybody, they were all so happy I didn't want ruin it for them.

~Taylor's View~

Me, Kirsty and Alyssa caught the train this morning to go see the others. We were staying for a week but they didn't know what time we were getting here, well the boys did but the girls didn't, we wanted to surprise them.

Liam had text me earlier and said they'd be at the studio. So we quickly went and dropped our things off at the hotel and caught a taxi to the studio.

"You sure the girls don't know where coming here?" kirsty asked me as we got out of the taxi.

"No, liam said they have no clue" I told them grinning as I pulled out my phone to text liam:

'were outside, what do you want us to do?x'

we stood outside after paying the taxi driver until my phone buzzed in pocket. I pulled it out straight away and Alyssa and Kirsty peered over my shoulder to read what was on the screen:

'just walk in, there sat on the sofas x'

We did as liam said, Alyssa pushed the door open and we all filled in after her. Just like liam said, they were sat on the sofa's. Hannah spotted us first and screamed running at us and hugging us. Everybody turned around to look at us and ran up to us as well.

"I thought we weren't seeing you till later" nicole yelled jumping up and down on the spot.

"Plans change" kirsty said winking and hugging Laura.

~Louis' View~

while running through the songs we all heard the girls screaming. Harry's face looked terrified, I assumed he thought it was laura.

"Don't worry harry" liam said patting his back "the girls have just got here, Taylor text me" soon as liam told us that harry's face relaxed and we all bounded out of the room to them.

"Girls!" Zayn yelled as he went to go speak to them. He was the closest to them because of them being Nicole's friends, but we all do get on. Its like a whole family.

"Zayn" kirsty yelled as he finally put her down from the hug.

Me and the rest of the boys went and greeted them. We'd finished the sound check so we decided to head out for something to eat.

"NANDOS" niall cheered when we walked out of the studio.

"Okay niall" abbie said patting his arm trying to carm him down.


sorry it has been so long since i last updated... :-)

hope your enjoying this fanfic so far:-)

i am thinking of starting another one as well, would you all read it? i hope soo:P

dont forget... VOTE!!! FANN!!! COMMENT!!!! ...please :-)

lots of love..

Abbie-Morgan :-)

oh.. and go and follow my twitter.. @_AbbieMorgan is my personal and @Niall_HArmy is my fan account :-)


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