The purest - Chris Schistad #...

Av loveisweakness7

342K 6K 2K

"Have you ever been in love ? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens... Mer

Whoa, big crack !!!!
Act 1
Act 2
Act 3
Act 4
ACT 5.
Act 6
Act 7
Act 8.
Act 9.
Act 10.
Act 11.
Act 12.
Act 13.
Act 14.
Act 15.
Act 16.
Act 17.
Act 18.
Act 19.
Act 20.
Act 21.
Act 22.
Act 23.
Act 24.
Act 25 -Special Christmas-
Act 26 -Special Christmas-
Act 27 -Special Christmas-
Act 28 -Special Christmas-
Act 29.
Act 30.
Act 31.
Act 32.
Act 33.
Act 34.
Act 35.
Act 36.
Act 37.
Act 38.
Act 40.
Act 41.
Act 42.
Act 43.
Act 44.
Act 45.
Act 46.
Act 47.
Act 48.
Act 49.
Act 50.
Act 51.
Act 52.
Act 53.
Act 54.
Act 55
Act 56.
Act 57.
Act 58.
Act 59.
Act 60.
Act 62.
Act 63.
Act 64.
Act 65.
Act 66.
Act 67.
Act 68
Act 69.
Act 70.
Act 71.
Act 72.
Act 73.
Act 74.
Act 75.
Act 76.
Act 77.
Act 78.
Act 79.
Act 80.
Act 81.
Act 82.
Act 83.
Act 84.
Act 85.
Act 86.
Act 87.
Act 88.
Act 89.
Act 90.
Act 91.
Act 92.
Act 93.
Act 94.
Act 95.
Act 96.
Act 97.
Act 98.
Act 99.
Act 100.
Act 101.
Act 102.
Act 103.
Act 104.
Act 105.
Act 106.
Act 107.
Act 108.
Act 109.
Act 110.
Act 111.
Act 112.
Act 113.
Act 114.
Act 115.
Act 116.
Act 117.
Act 118.

Act 39.

3.2K 69 34
Av loveisweakness7

Mandag 15:10

"I love dresses with pockets." Eva said absent-mindedly, pointing to one of her closet dresses.
"It look hot." Accepted Noora with a nod.

It seems that Eskild had decided to help a charming refugee. Translation, he thought he was gay and wanted to impress him to sleep with. That was not really what I liked most about Noora's roommate but there was Eskild.

So Eva was now making her closet to help Eskild's cause and unconsciously that of Noora.
It would seem that I was not the only one who needed distraction.

"It starts to sing when you have your cellphone in it." Eva explained, causing me to raise my head from my book since I was standing against the redhead's headboard while Noora was lying full length beside me. "But this is ugly. "

"No, nothing is ugly. It's just a little... "Noora dragged thoughtfully making me raise my eyebrows to the back of the blonde head in expectation.

" Bye bye."

I shook my head with a small smile on the redhead as she threw the dress into the pile to give before turning to her clothes rail. "So what did you do with your Sunday, Celeste? You were completely missing. "

I immediately bit my lip, glancing at Noora's head before I clumsily scraped my throat. "I was at William's. "

Obviously, Noora immediately turned to me with a start causing me to immediately avoid her gaze to meet Eva's. "I still can't believe you're friends. You are so..."

" Different." Completed Noora by threw me a sharp look, letting me swallow before turning away my eyes again.

"I needed advice. "

Noora sniffed at once in disbelief as Eva turned again to me in amusement. "From William? What could you possibly need advice from William ?"

Noora straightened up immediately pointing Eva as a sign of agreement making me look nervously between the two. That was it. That was the moment when I told them the truth.

"About Chris ?" I answered, pulling a lock of hair behind my ear before turning away my eyes as I continued in an audible whisper. "And a possible kiss turning in second base ?"

"Holy Shit ! "

"What the fuck, Céleste ?" Exclaimed Noora at the same time as Eva visibly less excited than the redhead as she stared at me open-mouthed.

Eva immediately dropped her sort as she rushed to her bed before asking a multitude of questions at once. "No. fucking. Way. When? Why? How? Wow, second base? It's was good? Are you together now? "

Noora sniffed at the last part with disdain before giving me a look of reprimand. "He's a fuckboy, Céleste."

"He is also a human being." I reminded myself with a frown in the direction of the blonde not feeling really like being judged.

Especially by Noora. I didn't want to think differently of the blonde but I thought that of all the girls, she would be the one that would understand me the best.

Anyway, I shook my head before giving a nervous look on Eva to her ecstatic expression.

I told them in detail about the evening of Friday before looking anxiously at their reactions.
Noora seemed a little less reluctant on the subject since I had also shown them the messages while Eva seemed right on a cloud.

"Oh my god, you need a ship name." Exclaimed the redhead, taking my hands, making me give her a puzzled look to her thoughtful air."Célechris ? Chriséleste ? Nah... hum ..."

"Hallo, they're not together yet and we don't even know if it's a good idea." Intervene Noora giving a sharp look at Eva before turning to me. "Do you think he's really honest ?"

I could see through her expression that she wasn't just asking about me making me pursed my lips.

Only, Eva seemed on a whole other planet as she continued to mumble strange names of our two first names before she stopped with wide eyes in my direction.

"Go, wait, how are you going to do the fundraiser ?"

I immediately rolled my eyes at the evocation of the event while Noora looked at Eva in perplexity."What fundraiser ?"

"The Penetrators put 300,000 kroner of damage on their cabin." Explained Eva, making me roll my eyes again at William's memory explaining their great idea to repay the damage.

Eva immediately took her Ipad from her bedside table before connecting to the boys' page to show her."They're selling sweatshirts, and there's an auction to hook up with someone. Hooking up with William starts at 1000 kroner. So sick !"

"Wait, did he really listen to me ?" I exclaimed in surprise as I took the Ipad from Eva's hands before grinning as I noticed the silence of the girls making me give them a guilty look. "I thought that if we put our price at peak then nobody would want to pay. "

"Seriously, Céleste ?" Noora replied in an incredulous scoff before shaking her head. "Look what they've done to you. It's prostitution, how can you endorse that ?"

"I did that because William didn't want to kiss anyone else except you." I replied with a slight frown.

"Right and what do you think about Chris? Are you going to participate now ?" She replied, crossing her arms on her chest with a frustrated expression.

A silence settled between us as I held her bluish gaze, leaving Eva look awkwardly between us before she nervously scraped her throat to get our attention.

"They'll have the charity party on Friday. It wouldn't surprise me if Vilde paid to hook up with William. "

I noticed the slight frown of Noora making me clear my annoyed expression in a look of remorse before supporting the stormy eyes of the blonde with a feeble smile of support.

Noora cracked shortly after throwing herself on my side to play with the tips of my brown curls pensively as Eva resumed her sorting by still seeking a combined name for Chris and me.


Tirsdag 10:15

I tapped my pencil absent-mindedly against the desk as I tried to concentrate on the class, to no avail.

I knew that the studies were much more important than anything that could disturb me at the moment but I just couldn't get Chris out of my head.

It was as if the more I tried to forget him and the more I thought about him. One thing that certainly felt in my daily habits since I had not had a real night for a few days.

At the simple thought, a yawn escaped me forcing me to bring my hand to my mouth to hide it before sighing inaudibly as the bell rang.

I threw the straps of my backpack on my shoulders before pulling the hood off my sweatshirt as I made my way out of the classroom.

I avoided most of the students in a rush until I reached my locker. I was composing my code to drop my textbooks before retrieving my beanie since the girls were outside.

I hid the strands of hair in the woolly material before suddenly jumping to the agreement of a voice too familiar to my taste. "You look pretty today. "

"Chris." I swallowed nervously as I turned around to meet his amused look for some reason.

"Here I am." The brown answered before shaking his head, laughing slightly as he suddenly took a step towards me to fill the little space between us before surprising me as he readjusted my beanie with a wink. "Here, all the better."

I stared at him visibly perplexed before backing back slightly licking my dry lip in awkwardness.

"Um... takk. "

"You're welcome." He declared, waving his eyebrows maliciously before he leaned against the locker following mine expectantly. "You never answered my text. "

I widened my eyes, looking back into my locker with the intention of avoiding him before nervously scratching my throat. "I-uh-I didn't know I was supposed to answer. "

"God, you're not only allowed to lie, but you're also very bad at it." Snapped the brown at once, making me close my locker with a snap before turning to him with slight boredom now.

"Another attack on my religion ? Seriously, you have to stop doing that." I exhaled in frustration before leaning my shoulder against the locker to look at him. "Plus, I really don't know what you wanted me to say to that. For what it's worth, you could still be trying to play me."

His smile diminished almost instantly as he straightened up straightaway with an expression almost insulted now. "If that's really what you think, then you don't really know me."

I stood speechless as he turned abruptly on his heels, visibly offended before reacting on a second thought as I pulled away from the locker row before throwing me after the boy.

I was trying to spot him among the crowd of students since the corridor seemed to have suddenly filled up before suddenly stopping by turning the next corner as I realized that he had suddenly disappeared.

I threw my head back cursing in my head in frustration as I could feel my heart flowing in my chest at the thought of returning to square one with the brown. It was like we were unable to have a break. There was always a misunderstanding between us.

I shook my head at the thought by lowering my shoulders in defeat before turning my heels with the intention of joining the girls.

However, I had not even taken a step that I was suddenly shooting into an empty classroom before being flipped by my shoulders just to face Chris.

"Why did you follow me ?" He asked with an arched eyebrow making me give him an incredulous look.

I creased my lips visibly tired of these little games before surprising me as I struck hard on his shoulder. "In your opinion, you asshole? God, you're so irritating. "

I rolled my eyes as I clenched my fists at my side before suddenly stiffening as Chris blocked me against the classroom door with his hands on either side of my head.

"And you're fucking oblivious." He replied, letting his menthol breath dance to my lips as he plunged his dark eyes into mine."I like you, Céleste. It's not a joke. It's never been a joke."

I felt my heart flutter against my ribcage to the agreement of his words before trying to concentrate nevertheless as I detached my eyes from his own to look at his neck instead.

At least I had the size difference on my side.

"You don't want to be with me. We're different."

The brown immediately took my chin between his fingers to force me to look at him before he folded his lips looking somewhat nervous. "It has nothing to do with sex or a simple hook up. I really like you, Céleste. I know I don't deserve you and I also know that I'm not the boy you were hoping for but I really want to try. I don't want to watch you fall in love with someone else. I'm too selfish for that. "

I looked at him with my brows frowned this time since what he had just said made less and less sense to me before reducing my lips in a thin line.

"Are you really trying to convince me with such bullshit ?" I exclaimed in an act of sudden confidence as I took his face in my hands to force him to support my gaze. "Who said you weren't good enough for me? As for selfishness, believe me, it is not one of the features that annoys me the most about you. "

Chris let out a laugh at my statement before looking at me for a long time, gradually losing his smile as he traced the bone of my cheekbone. "There are still things you don't know about me. I'm more fucking than you think. "

"Where did the great Christoffer Schistad go and what did you do to him ?" Teased I definitely didn't like to see this expression on his face before leaving a slight smile on my lips as he looked at me with a smile. "No, but I'm serious. I want the fuckboy back. "

Chris giggled fully this time before lowering his hands on my lower back to bring me closer to his torso in a hug. I let my arms wind around his neck as he hid his head in the hollow of my neck.


Onsdag 11:33

"So? News from the side of my OTP... ?" Eva whispered maliciously in my ear, making me shake my head, giving a strange look at the redhead.

"You're so weird sometimes." I chuckled before rolling as she pricked my side in euphoria."No, there's nothing new to say. For the moment. "

As expected, Eva immediately released a small cry of excitement calling out to the rest of the girls as they looked at our duo, obviously confused.

I nudged my elbows in the sides of Eva before wrinkling my lips in a tight smile.

"You're weird." Sana commented, narrowing her eyes at us before shaking her head as Vilde rushed back on a way to participate in the donation of the Penetrators.

"Well, there's the hooking up, the sweaters, partying on their bus with them. They made a lot of effort." Chris said in agreement with Vilde just as Noora suddenly made her way to us.

Eva gave me a raised look at the mention of the hooking up before turning to Vilde knowingly as she smiled at Noora. "Will you talk to Noora about it, Vilde ?"

I watched with a smile as Noora gave a specially prepared breakfast for Vilde receiving a nervous look from the blonde before she resumed her excited air as she turned to Noora. "We were talking about helping out the penetrators-boys, out of solidarity. We can use some of the money for their bus. But it's a bit boring just to donate money. So we discussed participating in the hook up auction. It's for a good cause. "

Noora instantly gave me a visibly unimpressed look, letting my shoulders shrug before looking again at the two blondes exchanging an argument.

"Vilde, what world do you live in ? Do you know what million of refugees are starving? And you think this is a good cause ? Do you think we should give money to a bunch of assholes kids ?" Noora hastened to give me a glance during her little monologue, causing me to turn my eyes away in defeat. "Guys who got themselves drunk and trashed an entire cabin ?"

"You don't always need to be so uptight. Try to have a little humor." Replied Vilde, making me wide my eyes by slowly throwing a frie into my mouth."It's a social event that gets the whole school together. It's not just for fun. It helps the refugees more than when they sit at home being sad for them."

"If you used half of the energy you use to think about William to think about the refugees instead, it might have helped them a little bit. "

I glanced wide at Noora in disbelief and disapproval harvesting a slight shrug of Noora's shoulders.

"So no hook up auction then ?"

"No, Vilde." Noora answered letting the rest of us look nowhere without the two girls.



"Céleste ! Céleste ! Céleste, wait !" I stopped walking across the corridor glancing over my shoulder just to see Chris step up in my direction with a huge smile as he suddenly threw his arm on my shoulders before resuming our walk. "You and I are going on a date tomorrow night."

"We what ?" I exclaimed, giving him a side glance visibly too caught off guard to even worry about the reactions that our duo aroused.

Chris gave me a mischievous look as he stopped up the stairs with an idiotic smile. "I'll take you on a date. The auction is Friday so I take you on Thursday."

"Right, the auction." I whispered, rolling my eyes, feeling strangely annoyed at the idea before resuming my walk, giving him a look over my shoulder. "You seriously think I'm going to go on a date with you when you're going to participate in this auction the next day?"

"Of course. I self-financed in your name. "

I stopped instantly in my steps before turning around quickly with wide eyes. "You did what?"

Chris left his famous smile of signature as he licked his lower lip with malice before shaking his eyebrows at me. "I made sure I could kiss you again."

I tried to reframe the redness in my cheeks before crossing my arms on my chest to give him a sharp look. "You are the one who participates in the auction. Not me. "

"Right. I don't want to kiss someone else." He said, raising his shoulders casually making me look at him with a slight frown.

"I don't know if you say to please me or if you are serious now. "

Chris quickly rolled his eyes before surprising me again as he wrapped his arms around my back to bring me closer to him. "Céleste Anne-Marie Nogen, you're the one and only girl I want to kiss."

"Why not do it then ?" I was surprised to say before biting the inside of my cheek as I saw his eyes wide as surprised.

"Really ?"

I swallowed in uncertainty before looking around to make sure that we were alone letting my shoulders shrug.

It seems that I didn't need to say more than that for the brown since I immediately felt his lips full on mine the next moment.

The sensation of his kiss was as electrifying as the first time as we kissed in the synchro.

I expected him to deepen the kiss only I was pleasantly surprised as he withdrew with a broad smile letting me copy his expression before poking his lips again.

Chris took it as a challenge as he dropped in turn a chaste kiss on my lips letting me do the same in return beginning a quick kiss fight.

We laughed stupidly through our little struggle until we were abruptly interrupted by none other than William Magnusson. "It's both disgusting and inspiring."

Chris and I immediately jumped away from each other in surprise and mild panic before relaxing at the sight of William.

" You're crazy ? You scared me." I exclaimed, holding my throbbing chest, eliciting at once an amusing sharing of glances between the two boys making me roll my eyes.

"I can see that." Teased William at once, with that corner smile as he shared an accomplice look with Chris over my shoulder before he turned his dark eyes over to me. "Now come with me. Noora is totally freaked out about the refugees. You have to help me find a way to get her to the party. "

I tightened my grip on the strap of my bag by raising my eyes to the ceiling before beginning to descend the stairs insisting immediately the boys to do the same.

Chris soon joined my side letting me once again suppressed an idiotic smile as I could feel my heart accelerate to his mere proximity.

I bite inside my cheek in hesitation before deciding to throw myself. I intertwined my fingers with his own by giving him a sideways look just to see him smile even wider as he tightened his grip on my hand.

Tada tadaaaaaa !!!

We finally have the beginning of the relationship between Chris and Celeste ;)

I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this chapter since it's really the beginning for them !!!

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