Finding Dory (BWWM) ✔

By josie321

91.5K 4.3K 684

Part II of The Paid Mother series. It seems everyone in Max's family has moved on and forgotten about Jackie... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
What is Next?
My Valentine (Bouns Chapter)
J.K forever

Chapter 1

4K 146 18
By josie321

  I waited until I knew my dad and that woman were asleep too quickly get out of my bed and make my way towards the window. Opening the window I climb out and when I am at a safe distance between the ground I jumped down. 

  "Are you doing this again?" I jumped at Matt's voice. I slowly turned around to find him standing behind me with a flashlight.

  "It's Wednesday" I answer walking past him and going to my car. I unlock the doors and get in with Matt opening the door to the passenger side. I drive out the driveway and hit the road.

   "So did you find any leads?" I ask.

   "Well, this picture was taken in a newspaper" Matt hands me a newspaper that looks like it belongs to some country in Africa. It looks like an ad for performance. Everyone in the picture has their face painted so I can't really tell if any one of them is familiar. Plus it's hard to do two things at once while driving. I hand back the newspaper to Matt.

   "I'll check it out later" I say as I make a right turn to a familiar street.

  "I heard that women talking the other day. It looks like they already set a date and she's trying to get it done early."

  "So how much time do you think do we have?" He asks.

"I'll say a few weeks, so we have to act fast" I answer as I pull up to the driveway of a house. I see other cars parked near the driveway. Getting out of the car I go in the trunk to get my things.

"Why don't you just go talk to her family?" Matt says getting out of the car.

"I did visit them, but when I  went there everything that belonged to Jackie or related to Jackie was gone. It seems like everyone forgot about her and moved on. As if she never existed" I say letting out a breath of frustration.

Matt looks down for a moment "Max--"

 "Don't even think about it" I pick up my bag and shut the back of my trunk making my way to the house.

"I'll think about visiting them again and see maybe there be some clues around the house. See you tomorrow" I say to Matt walking away.

When I reach the front door, I open the door to the house to see all the guys are here.

 "Hey Max" Micky greet me as I walked into the living room.

"Sup" I turn to face the picture of my dad, Jackie and me.

"So we're all here" Jose comes out of the kitchen with a baseball in his hand.

"Let's play ball," I say with a smile. The gang and I went out in the backyard to play baseball. 

There is only one month until the school year starts and my friends and I will finally be seniors this year. So much bullshit has happened in these past couples of years, but it hasn't been all bad. The guys and I are on the baseball team and have been State Champions for 3 years now and we expect to be State Champions for another year. 

Jace is the class president which is no surprise there. He has been the class president since the first grade. Jose and James haven't done much just hanging out and breaking hearts. I know Jose will soon get ready to take over his family's restaurant after high school. As for his brother Carlos he has been into computers lately and joined the S.T.E.M program in our school. And Micky. Other then baseball there's nothing much going on with him. Because his parents and I work together I have mostly spent my summers with him. Ever since Dory left he really has been the one who has been by my side. If it wasn't for Dory I wouldn't have the friends I have now.

Every  Wednesday the guys and I play baseball in the backyard of the house that holds all my memoirs of what a family looks like. After Dory left,  my dad thought it was best for us to leave the house that reminds him of her. Luckily Frank bought the house before my dad sold it. So now once a week I came here with the guys to play ball and every time I want to get away from that hell hole of a house I come here. When everything was simple.

I play with the guys all night long until the sunrise. We all went back inside to freshen up before we went back home.

"So did you found any leads yet?" Micky asks as I was putting up my shirt. The rest of the guys were also getting dressed.

 "No, but Matt found a newspaper ad for a performance group in Africa and he thinks that could be her" I answer.

"Africa?" Jose said confused "What would she be doing there?"

"I wish I knew. But this weekend I am thinking of visiting my grandparents to see if I can find any clues. I am sure they must have kept in contact with her" I say.

"I'll let you guys know if I find anything," I say putting my bag around my shoulder.

"Alright man, you know we got your back" James said with a smile.

 "Yeah I know" I left the room and walked downstairs. I order 6 boxes of pizza and drinks for the guys.

When the guys were done getting dressed we all gather around the table together to eat.

 "You guys remember the first time we played baseball." James said. We all smiled at the thought. The first time we played was at this house. Dory invited all of the over for a playdate and my dad played with us and taught us how to pitch.

"Yeah" says Jace "Those were the days."

"Oh, remember when Jackie dressed up as our school's mascot in our first game?" Jace says. We all burst out laughing at the thought.

"I thought she was crazy when I first found out" James says in between laughs "I know my mom would never be caught dead doing something like that."

"And remember her animal cookies" Jose added in. We all stop laughing to remember the taste of her cookies.

"Yeah, I'll never forget the first time she came into our classroom and Max gave us some of her cookies," Micky said looking down at the table.

"You know Max if it wasn't for those cookies I don't think I would have even talked to you" James says with a mouth full of pizza. Jose bursts out in a laugh. I roll my eyes.

"Yeah she is amazing" I say turning my head towards the living room to look at the picture of her.

"Max" I turn to James.

 "We all know she was very important to you, but the rest of your family has already moved on. And it's been over 11 years don't you think---"

"Stop." I say stopping him for talking. "Jackie is the only women who have been like a mother to me--no she is my mother. And I'm not just going to let things end like this. I know some were out there she is alive and she is waiting for me." I touched my chest "I can still feel her. She is still alive and I won't rest until I have my family back together. Ever since she left my dad has not once been able to smile. He has brought two devils into the house and I'll be dam before I make that demon become a Mrs. Power." I yell out the last part.

"You don't know I think there might be a chance she is actually dea--" I couldn't say the last part. "I know what I am doing is crazy, but---you guys. She is my mom and I miss her." I felt my eyes becoming watery and I looked up to blink them away. I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"It's okay Max. We know how much she means to you and will do whatever it takes. Whether it is to help find her or help give you closer. Whatever you need man" Micky said. I look around the room to see all my friends looking at me with determination. 

"Shit if my mom disappeared I think I would do the same." Jose said with a smile.  After we finish eat pizza we all said our goodbyes and left to go home.

I made it home before anyone noticed. I decided to fix myself an early breakfast because I didn't want to see anyone. As I was eating my breakfast Rose, the maid and longtime family friend,  came into the kitchen.

"Good morning Max" she said with a bright smile.

 "Good morning" I say giving her a kiss on the cheek. Rose took a moment to look at my face and it made me uncomfortable.

"What is there something on my face?" I ask confused to why she is staring at me.

"You went out again didn't you" She took both of my cheeks into her fingers and pinched them.

"What did I tell you about going out at night" she says pinching me harder.

"Alright, I'm sorry" I say trying to pull her hands away from my face. She finally let's go and makes her way to the oven to start making breakfast for my family.

"I know you hate it here, but can you at least try for your father" She says as she opens the refrigerator.

"Did he think about me when he decided to move, did he think about me when he let in that---"

"Good Morning everyone" I rolled my eyes at the sound of her voice. 

"Wow, Max I feel like I haven't seen you in a while how are you?" She asks as she takes a seat next to me.

"Fine until you got here" I said underneath my breath. I started to rise from my seat when she stops my tracks.

"Oh Max, tomorrow my parents are coming to visit I would appreciate if you could attend" she says.


"Yes, he will" My dad comes in walking into the kitchen fixing his tie. "And I would make sure it." I glare at him before I storm out of the kitchen. I walk upstairs to see Alexandre making his way down. I roll my eyes at the sight of him. As we get closer to each other on the stairs it seems like both of us it not going to make a move to get out of each other way. Once we reach each other I wait for him to move to the side. When he doesn't move I cross his arms.

 "Well" I say. He also crosses his arms.

"Well" he says back.

"Move" I say already getting annoyed with him.

"You first"

"This is my house"  I reply back.

"This is my house just as much as it is yours" He replies. When he says that I am reminded of the blood we share and that makes my skin boil. Taking a deep breath I push his ass out of the way and make my way upstairs. Ever since Alexander came into this house I knew he was trouble. My dad sadly bought his sob story, but not me. I am just waiting for the chance he slips up for me to call him out on his bull shit.

I stayed in my room for most of the day until I heard a knock on the door.

"Max, it's me I'm coming in" My dad opens the door to my room and came in. I was sitting next to my fish tank. I have two clown fish, one palette surgeonfish, two angelfish, one yellow tang fish, and four dartfish.  Since I don't have any picture here to remind me of Jackie I begged my dad to get me a fish tank. Whenever I miss Jackie or I start to lose my mind being in the house I come into my room and hang out with my fish.

My dad took a seat next on the opposite side of the fish tank. We were both facing each other through the fish tank. I watch as my dad's eyes kept following the palette surgeonfish. Which is name Dory by the way because she actually looks like Dory from Finding Nemo. Watching him reminded me of the last time he took me the aquarium. 

"Wow, dad look at all the fish" I yelled as I walked into the aquarium.

"Not so loud Max" My dad said following me from behind.  

We got a chance to feed the fishes and watch a dolphin show. As we walked around I kept naming every fish I would see. It was the first time I smiled since Dory left.  

We took a break to have lunch and that's when everything changed.

"Max I have something to tell you" My dad said with a straight face. "What do you think of  moving?"

"What do you mean?"

 "I mean moving into a bigger house" He moved his arms around to explain how big the house would be. "With more space and it would be closer to the school and your friend's house, so you could seem them often"

"But how will Dory know where to look for us if we move?" I ask. My dad took a deep breath and looked away. He hates when I say, Dory.

"Max, Dory is---"

"Hey Kevin, sorry I'm late."  I turn around to see a woman approach my dad and kiss him on the cheek. I look up at them confused.

 "Daddy who's is that?" I ask.

 "Oh, and you must be Max. I have heard so much about you" The women come over to give me hug, but I push her back. "I'm sorry I just got too excited. My name is Tiffany" She says with a smile. 

"Yes, and Max. Tiffany is going to be living with us for now on."



"Max" I open my eyes to the sound of my dad's voice.

 "You okay?" He asks. Once my eyes adjust to my surroundings I answer with a nod.

"Sorry, I'm just a little sleepy" I say with a yawn.

 "You have been getting sleepy a lot lately." He says. I don't respond and look up to see my two clownfish swing happily together.

 "You have a lot of fish. It looks like I may need to buy you a new tank"

"Yeah. It's becoming too crowded" There was a double meaning to that response, but my dad couldn't catch. I watch my two clownfish start to pick a fight with each other. They keep circling each other and try to bite each other.

"Hey" My dad taps the glass to make them stop.

"Leave them" I say. As they are fighting Dory comes in to break them up. And the two clownfish go there separate ways in the tank.

"Do they always do that?" My dad ask.

"Yeah" I reply leaning back to stretch. "They fight and Dory always comes in to break it up."

"Do they make up?" I look up through the glass of the tank to look at my dad.

"Sometimes. But judging from this fight I think it's going to take some time" I get up from the cough to get some food for the fish and then make my way back to the tank.

"So was they something that you needed," I say as I pour the food into the tank.

"Yeah....umm I just wanted to say sorry for being harsh this morning. I know you don't like Tiffany, but it's been 8 years and I just think it's time we start getting used to being around one another. Plus this dinner is very important to her. And is important to me." I don't say anything and kept feeding my fish.

"I love you Max and I love Ale--"

 "Stop. I don't want to hear anymore, dad. You already made me agree to the dinner and I'll come. Just for you, I'll be there but that's all your getting out of me" I say. Once I am done feeding the fish I look down at the tank to see both of the clownfishes not eating. There was an awkward silence.

 "Okay then, I'll see you at dinner." my dad leaves my room and shuts the door on his way out.

As it got closer to dinner time I realized I have to make my visit to Jackie's house early since I have that stupid dinner to attend. I texted Matt to let him know I will be going to see Jackie's family tonight. When I finish getting dressed I pick up my keys from on top of my dresser and make my way out of my room. I quickly tried to walk past the kitchen without noticing me, but she stopped me.

"Oh hey Max dinner is almost ready" She says from the kitchen. I slowly turn my head to face her. She is putting the food onto the plates making it look like she cooks knowing good and well that Rose cooked before she left for the day. 

"Thanks, but I am not hungry. I am going meet up with the guys" I say slowly making my way towards the front door.

"This late?" She says.

"Look I'm already going to your stupid family dinner. Do not think I now want to eat with you people every day" I say feeling annoyed.

She takes a deep breath and walks over to me.

 "Max it has been 8 years when are you going to let this go? You father and I love--"

"He doesn't love you" I cut in. How dear this bitch thinks she's even on Dory's level.

"You think I can't see behind that fake caked up mask your wearing." I take a step towards her facing her face to face. "You don't love my dad. Hell, you don't give a fuck about me. I know you're just waiting until the day I graduate so you can have all my dad's money. You don't love my father you love the power." The look on her face told me I hit a nerve and I was right about my gut feeling all along.  Her eyes started to twitch and she started to bite her lips. I love that looked on her face. Her true form. Not the fake smiles she always shows to my dad. The dark demon face. 


I felt a small sharp pain on the left side of my face. I touch the side of my face and realize this bitch just slapped me.

"You are going to regret!" I yelled. I grabbed both of her arms when she screamed.

 "Ah, stop it Max!" She yells.

"Maxwell Liam Powers!" I quickly turned my head to see my dad walking towards me. He pushed me away from her and comes in between us. At that moment my dad gave me a quick punch in the face.

 "How dear you!" He yells as I fall back hitting my back on the wall causing a vase to knock off that was on a nearby table.

"I know I taught you better than that Max. You dear you lay your hands on her. You may be my son, but I'll be damn if you every lay finger on her!" He yells again. I look at my dad and pure shock. I couldn't believe he actually hit me. He hasn't laid a hand on me since he stopped drinking and Dory came into our lives. He promised me he would never let me see that side of him. Tonight I see the face of the man I saw 14 years ago.

"Dad" I said touching my left eye. I felt a bruise. My dad takes her into his arms and walks away. I stand there all alone in my thoughts. I feel my chest getting tight and my heart beating fast. I touch my chest and take deep breaths.

"Hold Max, hold it" I whisper. I lock all my emotions and close my eyes. Breathing in and out I feel my heart beat slowly going down. Once I calm down I make a run out the door. I get into my car and drive out the driveway.

A word from JoJo:

I'm back! :D

I am working on the book cover for this book, so hopefully soon I'll have a better cover.

Hello my bookworms, thank you for coming back to support this book. And I hope this book also gives you the same joy as the first book. 

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