The purest - Chris Schistad #...

By loveisweakness7

342K 6K 2K

"Have you ever been in love ? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens... More

Whoa, big crack !!!!
Act 1
Act 2
Act 3
Act 4
ACT 5.
Act 6
Act 7
Act 8.
Act 9.
Act 10.
Act 11.
Act 12.
Act 13.
Act 14.
Act 15.
Act 16.
Act 17.
Act 18.
Act 19.
Act 20.
Act 21.
Act 22.
Act 23.
Act 24.
Act 25 -Special Christmas-
Act 26 -Special Christmas-
Act 27 -Special Christmas-
Act 28 -Special Christmas-
Act 29.
Act 30.
Act 31.
Act 32.
Act 33.
Act 34.
Act 35.
Act 36.
Act 38.
Act 39.
Act 40.
Act 41.
Act 42.
Act 43.
Act 44.
Act 45.
Act 46.
Act 47.
Act 48.
Act 49.
Act 50.
Act 51.
Act 52.
Act 53.
Act 54.
Act 55
Act 56.
Act 57.
Act 58.
Act 59.
Act 60.
Act 62.
Act 63.
Act 64.
Act 65.
Act 66.
Act 67.
Act 68
Act 69.
Act 70.
Act 71.
Act 72.
Act 73.
Act 74.
Act 75.
Act 76.
Act 77.
Act 78.
Act 79.
Act 80.
Act 81.
Act 82.
Act 83.
Act 84.
Act 85.
Act 86.
Act 87.
Act 88.
Act 89.
Act 90.
Act 91.
Act 92.
Act 93.
Act 94.
Act 95.
Act 96.
Act 97.
Act 98.
Act 99.
Act 100.
Act 101.
Act 102.
Act 103.
Act 104.
Act 105.
Act 106.
Act 107.
Act 108.
Act 109.
Act 110.
Act 111.
Act 112.
Act 113.
Act 114.
Act 115.
Act 116.
Act 117.
Act 118.

Act 37.

3.5K 60 18
By loveisweakness7

Thanks again for all the follow-ups, voted, and comments !!!

I update this chapter with a little surprise inside for you !

It was the longest episode of Season 2 and I think it's also the longest chapter in my story so I hope you like it ;)

Mandag 16: 00

I couldn't believe it all happened in a rush for me. I still remember hooking up with Christoffer, which to be honest was both exciting and scary for me and now I found myself surrounded by my group of girlfriends climbing a snowy hill.

It was the Easter break and Chris offered to take a trip to her grandmother's cabin.

The girls kept complaining and blowing the length of the ride while I was relatively calm. Mainly because I had the mind busy with the thought of a boring boy.

When I woke up Saturday morning with a huge headache and a dry mouth, he was nowhere to be seen.

Obviously, you think I panicked and you're right. Only, it was until I saw the little note of paper on my desk.

Apparently Chris had not wanted to retry my little episode of panic the last time I woke up by his side.

Not to mention that my family was still at home and that apparently my mother had almost discovered us.

So he walked out the window with the promise of sending me a message as soon as he got home.

And he held it.

Unfortunately, I had been too disturbed by the latest events to answer him. Although if I had to be honest, it didn't stop him from trying to contact me repeatedly.

And to top it all, he had also rallied William to his cause since the tall brown had not stopped sending me messages in turn to ask me to answer his boring best friend.

His messages had made me rather laugh I had to admit it. Especially when they created this chat group between us three.

Anyway, I was soon to go back to reality as I noticed a young boy suddenly standing in front of us.

"Hi ! " I cheerfully saluted unconscious of the frightened state of the girls by the previous statement of the brown as they gave me glances over their shoulders causing me to shrug my shoulders before handing my hand to the boy to squeeze. "I am Céleste. "

The boy looked at my hand with wide eyes as if he was actually afraid to take it, making me smile gently in his direction to try to reassure him. "Not a fan of contacts? It's okay. "

"Okayyyy, that's enough of kindness for today." Intervened Chris as she tied her arm with mine before shooting me with her away from the boy.

The girls hurried to follow us before declaring in unison that he was frightening when he declared that his name was Kasper.

The girls and I ended up separating in the cabin to settle down, letting me unpack my suitcase.

Finally after what seemed like hours of unpacking, I decided to join the girls in the living room.

They were already drinking and chatting out of boredom letting me smile as I let myself fall heavily head upside down on one of the sofas with a book in hand.

My initial plan was to cut myself off from any social networks on this trip and just enjoy my friends. And I thought that it started rather well only it was without counting on Noora and her talent as a photographer.

I was still at the beginning of my book when I was starting to feel my phone racing in the pocket of my jeans.

I frowned visibly still ignorant before retrieving my phone just to give a staggering look at Noora."When did you have time to take this picture?"

"An artist never reveals his secrets. "

"I thought it was the magicians who said that?"

The girls and I chuckled at the naive comment of Vilde before Noora intimated me to read the flattering comments about me with a smirk at Chris's mention.

Loglady99 My best friend is flawless #cabintrip 😍💋

Tagged: @bekind @ evamohn2 @ellevillevilde @stas_vaere_Chris @sana_bakkoush

@ Americanboy97 beautiful as always 😉 ❤

@eskildboy One word : Hot hot like fuck !!!! 🔥

@bodyboy Proud cousin 😉 😃 🔥

@Twinny Brainy ^^ 😃 ❤ ❤

@williammagnusson 1 She's my best friend ^ '@loglady99 2 She's a Hottie right bro ? @chrischistad

@chrisschistad Yeah fucking Hot 😉 🔥

@isakyaki And I want to remind all these gentlemen that she is a Christian 😝 Slay girl 🔥

@Evamohn2 lmao 😂 @Isakyaki

@Sana_bakkous So precious 😍 😍

@Stae_vaere_chris Fuck, fuck, fuck, I want to fuck, fuck you girl 🔥 😍 😃

"You so weird. "I chuckled as I signed my screen to Chris before shaking my head with the intention of resuming my reading.

But it was not counting on the ringing of my phone.

Willy 😉 :
Now answer us !!! I can't stand this idiotic drool on your photo - - '

Christoffer :

Willy :
What? You so whipped ...

And she still doesn't answer,
It's hilarious and annoying at the same time !!!

You are boring !!!!!

OMG she answered !!!! 😃

Willy :
It's not too early ^^

So you're with Noora ?!

OFC you want to talk about Noora ^^
And Christoffer is the one whipped... Ah!

Christoffer :
Boo! Burn bro

Christoffer :
Anyway ... I think he left the conversation ... so ...

Me :
So ...

Christoffer :
You don't answer to my text ☹

I don't think this group is the best place to talk about it ...

Christoffer :
So answer my text !!

Me :
Or could we just forget ?!

Christoffer :
Is it really what you want ?!

Me :
Not you?

I looked at the three points of conversation with my pleated lips for what seemed the longest seconds of my life before feeling my heart flowing into my chest as they faded suddenly.

I was trying to contain my disappointment as I licked my lower lip before just turning off my phone.

I exchanged my phone quickly for my book in a hurry as I tried to curb all the thoughts assailing my mind and stopped for a moment at the sight of my ring around my ring finger.

I bit the inside of my cheek, keeping my eyes riveted on the two words describing my choice before dropping my book on my chest as I left the tip of my right index finger brushing the letters engraved in silver.

Love Waits.

Love Waits.

But when were we supposed to know when we found the right person ?

"Céleste ?" I jumped at the agreement of Eva's familiar voice before turning my head toward the girls simply to widen my eyes at Chris's sight holding a plan of Ouija.

I jumped on my feet before shaking my head repeatedly pointing the spiritual game into my friend's hands. "No, no, no and no! Out of the question ! "

"What? You are scared ? " Teased Eva with a mischievous smile made me shrink my eyes on the redhead before noticing the absence of Sana.

I frowned before looking around the living room in confusion before turning to the girls."Where is Sana?"

"She's gone to bed. She didn't want to play. "

" Neither do I. You don't have to play with that kind of thing. "

The girls exchanged a look shared between amusement and confusion before Vilde turned to me. "Is it because of your religion ?"

"That." I nodded, before pointing the girls in disbelief. "Seriously? Haven't any of you seen the movie Ouija ? "

Noora burst out laughing with the girls before shaking her head at me. "Come on, it's just a movie, Céleste."

"Fine! Play but I'll go to bed." I agreed, raising my hands in defeat before I straightened up.

I ignored the girls' calls as they asked me what had put me in such a mood before finally blocking their voices by closing the door behind me.

I let a weak sigh tremble as I leaned against the door before taking a moment to look in the darkness.

Something told me that this trip was not going to be as fun as I had imagined.


Torsdag 12: 56

Chris pov*

This little trip to their own cabin was not going as well as expected for Chris. Not only he couldn't help but worry about his mother and sister back home but he had to worry about what he was feeling.

Or at least what he thought he felt.

He was not sure about this last point since to be honest, when was the last time he had felt anything other than lust for a girl ?

Not to mention that this time, it was not just any girl. It was Céleste. The most innocent and pure girl he knew. She never had a word higher than the other with anyone, she was benevolent and cared about others.

She cared for him. He knew it and that was what made him want to spoil things. He couldn't corrupt a person like her.

Last Friday was an example of what he could do for her and yet, he couldn't find an ounce of remorse in him. He had wanted to feel her lips against hers for a long time now.

He had never chased after a girl as long as with Céleste and he wanted more. Much more.

Only he knew he wasn't good for her. How could he ? He was an arrogant rich kid, an asshole and a fuckboy. Not to mention his miserable family situation. He must have recognized that he had envied Céleste during this first dinner.

The Nogens had shown him what a real family represented and he could not prevent the point of jealousy from consuming him at that moment.

And then she had hugged him and that was when Chris knew he would probably be a groom for her.

And yet it did not prevent him from continuing to talk to her. Every time he saw her in the corridors, he felt this strange feeling pushing him to see the brunette in every corner.

He had tried to stay away during the Christmas break but the jealousy had easily caught up with him. All these boys around her were enough to make him mad and to be honest, he needed her more than he wanted to admit during this break.

Unfortunately, he had never told her. And he doubted he could talk to her. He did not want her to look at him with pity. She was probably the only person who could break him with a look.

Like this time on their drive. Chris had once again endured the disaster of his family and the only place he had taken refuge was Céleste.

That night, he'd never felt so sure of his feelings for the brunette and he'd almost admitted he wanted more.

Unfortunately everything had returned to his face the next morning. The look on her face was enough to make him feel like a less than nothing. He felt guilty and disgusted with himself.

And then there was Friday night.

In his defense, he was mostly drunk and didn't really think right but he had never foreseen that this would happen.

At first, he just wanted to do things straight with her since their relationship was not at the best.

He knew she couldn't turn him away if she saw him drunk. It was just who she was and he had to acknowledge that he had taken advantage of this side of her character.

Only when he saw how attractive and sexy she was in her short shorts and that simple sweater, he could not help but challenge her.

He liked to see this little frown on her forehead as she refrained from acting wickedly at anyone.

He was aware that he was bothering her more than anyone else but he just liked the expression on her face when she smiled at his pickup lines or even just staring at her. She was honestly flawless and she made no effort to do that.

But he loved above all when she blushed. She was certainly the most beautiful thing he had seen in those moments and he couldn't help but want to kiss her every moment.

So yes, William was perhaps right. He was probably whipped but could anyone blame him ? Céleste was one of those girls who couldn't resist. And she didn't even know.

"Still thinking of Céleste ?" William asked as he approached Chris with a taunting smile grabbing a dark look from the brown.

Chris checked his phone again for the hundredth time since he had wake up before pleating his lips."She didn't see my last message, Will. "

"The one where you tell her that..."

"Yeah, that one." Chris commented sarcastically with a frustrated nod before throwing his head back in a sigh. "Since when have we become so whipped ? Seriously we looks like two pussies."

William let out a annoyed grunt as he pushed Chris off the couch before making a place for himself. "Maybe... but I didn't choose the worst situation like you. Like Céleste ? Seriously? You can't fuck things up with her. We should have left her alone from the beginning."

"Yeah. And yet, we have done what we do best." Agreed Chris, chewing on his lower lip, lowering his eyes to the floor.

William gave a pensive expression for a moment before giving a side glance at his best friend."I really want you to be happy, but I don't think you're the best for Céleste."

"Wow, seriously ?" Chris exclaimed with wide eyes on the tall brown at his side receiving a neutral shrug of William's shoulders.

"Come on, you know what I talk about. A ring of purity ? Bro, you can't even be faithful when you're sleeping with the girl. "

Chris creased his lips knowingly before pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. "What am I supposed to do then? Forget no matter what I feel and watch her fall in love with this American guy ? "

"That would be the right thing to do, I guess. The least selfish. "

"Come on, more selfish than me you die ! "

"I know. "

They remained silent for a moment before all the guys rushed into the living room simply to roll their eyes at the sight of their two sullen friends.

"Oh c'mon! You're worse than pussy ! "Exclaimed Julian, pushing William, immediately leading the rest of the guys to tease the duo unceremoniously.


Torsdag 15: 02

It turned out that our little trip had quickly turned into a kind of horror movie for the rest of the girls and me.

First of all, they had told me their little experience with the Ouija table letting me give them a dark look before jubbling with a "Told you so".

Obviously, Noora had sent me at once a somber look, causing me to shrug my shoulders before resuming our breakfast.

Unfortunately, this was without counting on Chris's sudden and agonizing intervention about her grandmother.

It seems that Kasper didn't really help her grandmother so either he was a sort of murderer to the hatchet, which I doubted or he was just a wandering boy.

Personally, I didn't want to think about the worst thing yet but the waterfall of the girls with the board was enough to put me on the edge.

Not to mention that we had more current and that we were out of reach of all civilizations.

Okay, when I thought about it now it seemed pretty scary.

"Should I write, who are you on Jodel ?" Eva asked suddenly, raising my head from my book, biting on my lower lip.

"Yes do it."

Only this was without counting on the even stranger intervention of Sana as she stood in front of the window. "You're not gonna get an answer. "

To be honest, Sana had acted strangely since we had arrived. And the situation in which we found ourselves tended to make me somewhat paranoid.

I mean, I could already think of dozens of scenarios in my head where we would all end up being chased by a spirit or something.

"Sana, can I ask you..." Vilde hesitated in her abdominal session as Sana sat on the sofa before she focused her attention on us. "If you are psychic ?"

Sana turned abruptly toward us making me jump into the process. "Why do you ask that ?"

Vilde looked at each of us making me squeeze my lips before shaking my head as a warning.

Fortunately or unfortunately, the tension between us was soon interrupted by Chris's intervention. "There's only a bus going tomorrow none today."

"Are you kidding me ?" Explosed Eva, suddenly sticking to me since she was the most freaked out of us.

I shook my head at the redhead standing on my arm before arcing an eyebrow at Noora at her speech. " Hallo ! People relax, you don't seriously think that Kasper is after us ? If he is what's he gonna do ? We are five, he's one and he's a small guy. "

"Who doesn't like physical contact."I added awkwardly, receiving confused looks from most of the girls before Noora shook her head with a sigh.

"Well, now that we're sitting here we can try and make some good vibes, if you clean up a bit I'll make some food, are you coming Vilde ?"


"Because we have a cabin trip so everyone must help." Replied Noora, giving Vilde a sharp look, allowing me to look at the two blondes knowingly.

Noora and I had already tackled the small problems of feeding of Vilde and I also knew why Noora took more particularly to heart.

So it was with attention that I watched the two blondes slip into the kitchen before getting up to help the girls with the storage.

To be honest, anything was good to make me forget. I did not really want to think about Chris yet, let alone the famous three small points leaving one of the biggest questions about our relationship in suspense.

I assumed that I wouldn't have the great happy ends after the first kiss. There was a reason why we never see what happened after the first kiss in the Disneys.

Poor reference, I knew it but it was true.

However, my morose thoughts were soon to be interrupted as a sudden cry called out to me immediately causing me to panic in the kitchen.

I bent an eyebrow as I found Noora and Vilde holding onto each other before staring at the front door as Vilde pointed at it with a trembling finger. "It was Kasper. "

And as if the situation was not already horrible enough, the lights lit up by themselves causing us to jump simultaneously.



"Céleste, Mathias gave you boxing lessons, right ?" Eva nervously asked from her seat on the sofa, making me raise my eyes since I was resting my head on Noora's thighs.

"Hm ... I wouldn't hit Kasper." I whispered, closing my eyelids at the relaxing sensation of Noora's hands massaging my scalp before releasing a yawn.

Eva moaned asking if anyone else had taken self-defense classes making me smile in spite of myself as Noora answered that she had only taken cooking classes.

"I'm not able to sleep tonight. "

"If we even get to sleep." Vilde said before shaking her head. "Girls, no matter what, we can't split up, they always do that in horror movies and then you die."

I let a smile on my lips to the thought before giving a playful look on Eva pointing Noora and Vilde. "Still if we're in a horror movie, don't worry. There's a good chance he's going to attack the blondes first. "

Chris and Eva cracked a breath of laughter as Noora gave me a slap on the arm before pushing me out of her thighs causing me to pant in shock before I straighten with wide eyes falsely offended.

"You didn't! "

"Yes I do." The blonde replied with a mischievous smile making me chuckle before staying on the floor, throwing my head against the edge of the sofa.

"I don't get what he wants." Eva sighed, seeming the most frightened of us.

"He wants sex ?" I gave a sharp look at Vilde before shaking my head at Noora's laughter."That's the only thing men wants."

"You want sex too. "

"Yeah but not with him. "

I shook my head as Eva complained that she was scared before getting off the couch to snuggle up against me. I let a breath of laughter by throwing my arm around her shoulders before bringing her closer in my side.

"What are we gonna do ? We have to think about something. "

"If your mother doesn't answer soon then we'll call the cops." Eva nervously nodded, playing with my long curly locks around her finger.

Chris narrowed her lips at her phone. "I haven't gotten any answer. "

"The police can't do anything." Suddenly intervened Sana causing me to jump again as I realized she had been calmly calm again.

Eva straightened up in turn, giving a broad look at Sana in the agitation. "Of course they can. Someone's stalking us, that's the kind of things that the police are here for. "

"Put the phone away. There's something I need to tell you." Said Sana immediately, preventing Eva from calling anyone.

I was looking at the brunette to the hijab in anxiety now before swallowing as she headed towards us seriously. "Now don't freak out. "

"I can't get more freak out more than I already have ! "

"Vilde ?" Sana turned to the blonde platinum collecting a nervous answer from the latter before she quickly resumed. " You asked me hy I never take my hijab off, the hijab does... I don't know how to explain this, but when I'm wearing it, I can see things that no one else can."

I shared a long look with all the girls before frowning as I turned to Sana somewhat skeptical."Things?"

"Do you mean you're getting psychic?" Vilde asked at once.

"Call it what you want, but since we came here I have been seeing pictures. Of Kasper. "

I widened my eyes on the brunette looking around us before feeling Eva sink further into my side. "How seeing pictures ?"

"Pictures from another time. "

"Holy shit ! Are you kidding me? "

Sana turned towards us before pointing the door leading to the kitchen. "I can also see him now. He's standing behind that door. "

"Okay now I'm gonna cry. "

I held Eva as she held her head by sticking me again before signing Chris to her question."Okay ... what does he want ? "

"He wants to be seen. He says that we nedd to see someone like him. People who's little different. "

"This is crazy. I'm shaking right now. "

I left a grin on my lips in spite of myself as I helped Eva to get up just to see tears in her eyes."I can't do this without you, you have to be with me. "

"What we have to do ?" Vilde asked letting me look at Sana expectantly as I could feel a chill run through my back.

It was completely sick and terrifying at once.

"We have to see him, that's the only way to get him disappear. "

"Seriously?" Eva asked as she swallowed.

Sana nodded her head before giving us a look at each of us. "Don't be scared, I'll go in front, my hijab will protect us. Are you ready ?"

I watched all the girls by gulping definitely not ready for this kind of experience before widening my eyes as Vilde jumped with confidence on her feet.

The rest of the girls soon followed the movement letting me nervously sit behind Sana as she turned to the door.

I anxiously bit the inside of my cheek before suddenly frowning as there was strictly no one behind the door.

Only, Sana turned suddenly in a fluid movement before widening her eyes in horror. "He's right behind you !"

We were simultaneously turning around just to jump as Eva and Vilde screamed at Chris's sight with a mask.

I held my chest pounding wildly in my chest before chuckling with Noora in realization.

"Seriously ?" Eva and Vilde exclaimed in unison since they had been most affected by the little joke of the girls.

Sana mocked Eva about to cry, letting us all hold our sides in hilarity as Eva insulted us in disbelief.

I ended up just relaxing a breath of laughter before letting me fall back on the couch, really grateful for this entertainment.

At least I had not thought of Chris.

Until now.

Dun dun dun !!!

Our first point of view from Chris ;)

I hope you liked it! There will be others in future chapters :D

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