Ending Page


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"Haven't you ever been like this when you felt lonely? Haven't you ever been like this when tears fall? If we... More

~The Beginning~
~A Lovely Friend~
~His Doubt~
~Disregarded Pain~
~5 Years After~
~Crossed Paths~
~A Chance~
~His Request~
~Like Father, Like Son~
~Friends To Lean On~
~Different Perspectives~
~Still The Same~
~Beside Me~
~He Remembered~
~Cheongyeocheon Stream~
~Bonding Moments~
~Company Help~
~Our Son's Birthday~
~A Memorable Gift~
~Ending Page~

~Honest Thoughts~

117 1 2

Victoria's P.O.V.

"Mommy, good morning mommy" The bed was bouncing, my whole body feels lik I'm in a trampoline or in an inflatable house  as I know, my son is the one waking me up... of course, my one and only handsome son. I hastily tried to wake myself up and opened my eyes to see my son looking at me happily...

"What is it my child wants? What does Chase wants?" I cooed as the bed finally got back to normal as Chase stopped bouncing on the bed, I can sleep again... I was so tired last night and I don't even know why, all I know is that I'm starting to have mood swings lately and I think I'm going to have my period in the next few days... it's hard to be a girl...

"Mommy daddy just left, I'm bored"

"We can't go to his office again, we can't bother daddy anymore he has many things to do" Not to mention the files and papers he took home last night, I counted all the papers as we exchanged roles last night, he went to the kitchen to cook so while I was resting I started to count the papers, it was like 500 plus papers in a pile inside his business room here in a room next to the living room.

"Well then, let's just go back to sleep" Chase crawled towards me as he lied down beside me on his side, facing me as I also lied on my side.

"Mommy?" I answered wih a small hum and closed my eyes, hoping to fall asleep once again as I really don't have the energy to stand up and move all around the house while taking care and watching iver my son...

"Do you think daddy loves me?"

I opened my eyes in shock just when I heard those words coming out from my son's mouth, I stared at him for quite a while as I was really shocked to hear such question from him even in his young age, I wasn't expecting and I have no idea that he can formulate such questions like that.....

"What made you ask that Chase? Daddy loves you so much"

"But why did he just appeared now? I never saw nor remember him playing with me while I was a child, how can he love me?"

Tears gathered in my eyes just when he said these words... I was the reason behind all of this and now that he started questioning his father's love for him... it hurts... it hurts to see him having a confused state with such innocent brain of his...

"Do you think mommy loves you?"

"Of course, I'm your son!" He answered immediately...

I know I became selfish because of the pain and betrayal I felt back then, I didn't consider things like this could happen and in the end it was Chase, our son who is having a hard time... I didn't know how selfish I was back then because all I wanted to do is to escape the pain I could feel inside...

"Exactly, you're my son and you are also daddy's son. He loves you unconditionally, even if he's not here with you, he loves you so much because he's your father."

I did made a mistake but now, I will do everything to make things right... I will do everything to make my son happy and so he will not get confused, worried nor hurt of all the things that's happening here..

"Sorry mommy, I just can't help but ask"

"Chase, don't ever ask that to mommy or daddy okay? Remeber that we will always love you unconditionally, we are here to protect you and love you until we die" Chase lookes at me with big round puppy eyes and gave me a smile, my handsome son... he looks exactly like his father and now he also inherits some of his traits, his doubting skills...

"Come here, give mommy a hug"

My son complied as he inched closer to me as I started giving him kisses all over his face as he also started giving me kisses back... I think I will miss doing this with Chase when he grows up, for sure he'll get shy whenever I ask kisses from him when he's in highschool and when he's with his friends...

"By the way mommy, I found this in your drawer." Just when I thought we're both going to sleep now, Chase started wrigglin in my arms and took something out from his pocket as we both lie down. Now what did he get from my drawers and cabinets? Sometime's Chase hands can't stop looking for things to hold and find... wait... that's my-

"I saw daddy placing his own ring here, in his ring finger but why is yours inside the drawer?"

Chase found my ring inside my drawer... he shouldn't see this placed only there... I quickly took the ring from my son's small grip and placed it on the nightstand beside me on my side of the bed, I pulled Chase bag in my arms again and started telling him to just sleep and not ask questions further...

"Let's just sleep Chase, let's welcome daddy back home later"

Though strange, Chase said he saw Charles wearing the ring earlier, he was also wearing it when we first met again and I remember I saw him wearing that also when we went out for a movie and a baseball game... does it mean he stll didn't took it off within the past years? And if he did take it off, he wore it again this time so what does it possibly mean?..

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