~Cheongyeocheon Stream~

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Victoria's P.O.V.

I think this is the most memorable birthday for me as it was Charles and Chase who taught of this plan, to gather everyone, all my family members and of course the people who became my friend. They were all gathered here in Charles' company as everyone is now having a great time interacting with each other, I saw Chase running around the whole room but he mostly stayed with Sean, since he missed being with his uncle.

Mom and dad also came to greet me, they're from the province but I refused to tell them what really happened between Charles and I,  they'll both get angry at Charles and it's already in the past. I might've forgiven him but maybe the pain still remains here but it's already covered with something much more powerful.

"Tori, let's go" I turned to Charles in curiosity as he suddenly walked closer to me and started whispering in my ear, I was sitting on the chair where there's a table in front of me at the very end. The party had just ended but others are still having fun eating and interacting with each other, others are dancing and is having a fun time playing with the kids.

"Go where? I thought the party is already finished?"

"It is and Sean and tha boys will clean everything up, I told them to do that so we can sneak out. Chase is now waiting for us outside" He answered me... he left pur son alone outside? So that's why I still haven't seen him this past minutes, I strictly told him not to ever leave Chase out of his side...

"You left him there alone?"

"Sean is with him, he knows about our sneak out plan" What sneak out plan? What does he want to do now?

In the morning Charles is acting very differently because they prepared something for me, then now, Charles is acting differently again and for sure, he's planning another surprise event for me...

While everyone is busy being preoccupied by their own things, Charles easily sneaked me out of the room by pulling me out. No one was looking at me so Charles made it easier because the boys are interrupting all the people that are watching and looking at me.

"Mommy!" Chase's voice was the first thing I heard the moment I walked out of the room, his hand was held my Sean who is looking at Charles very arrogantly and somewhat kind of irritated. Maybe because he's doing Charles another favor again, best friends sometimes can really offened each other.

"Chase, quiet people might notice us" Chase placed his small hands on his mouth as he releases small fits of giggles, at least he's having quite a good time when he's with his dad.

"You're really arrogant are you? Can't you just spend more time with Tori and Chase alone at your house? We still want to be with Tori to catch up but you're planning to take them away from us"

"Sorry Sean, next time I promise I'll let all of you have a whole day with Chase and Tori, I wouldn't call her nor ask to see her. Wait for that one day" Charles conditioned, I turned to him in wonder but for sure those are a hundred percent lies. Charles wouldn't let me and his son out of his gaze even just for a minute, he calls me sometimes at home every minute every day.

"You owe me hundreds, I can't believe I'm going to lie to everyone just because of the three of you. Off you go, if not then I'm going to tell everyone where all of you will be found" Sean smiled as he ruffled Chase's hair and was about to get inside the ballroom when Charles said something.

"Thanks Sean, I'll give Tiana a gift" Sean stopped and turned to Charles with a grin, he smiled and nods his head before entering the room. Chase came to me and held my hand as he waited for us to finish talking.

"Tiana? Who's Tiana?"

"His girlfriend, I saw him calling a girl earlier he said I love you so it's his girlfriend. I think we met Tiana when we went to a cafe store, she was a part timer there and is also a part timer in a children shelter"

"Sean is really close with kids, no wonder he was able to get close with Chase" I commented, Charles and I then decided to go to the parking lot since Charles told me that he'll bring me somewhere again today.

"By the way, I think I saw Tiana inside the ball room. She was the girl who gave you wine, she's Tiana and I think they're planning to have a date today" We settled inside the car with Chase on the back but then Charles seems like he remembered something.

Ah, yes, I remember that girl, she's so beautiful that I got so interested in her for quite a while. I also noticed that Sean has been keeping an eye on her for quite a while, I thought she's just a relative of one of the workers in Charles' company but I got quite surprised when she iniciated to serve the drink to me.

"Good for him, atleast we know that there's a special person that's making him happy" Charles smiled as he agreed with me, once we're ready to go, he drove off and then... we arrived at Cheongyeocheon stream. A very beautiful stream here in Korea where in people can cross the stream as there are rocks planted on the stream.

"Daddy! It's beautiful here!" Chase exclaimed as Charles turned to me in question, I gave him a small smile and explained.

"It's his first time seeing cheongyeocheon stream, I never brought him here."

Since Chase was still a secret back in the past, I didn't dare took him out anywhere, I wanted him to be safe away from Charles back then. Al though I pity my son for not being able to see the beauty of his surroundings and the place where he lives.

"Then that's good, Chase and I, no we will make good memories here" Charles smiled and gently held my hand... he knows what I'm currently feeling now..

"Mommy, I want to cross the stream. I want to go there!" Chase then started pulling his dad's arm and pointed at the other side of the stream.

"Sure, come on let's go!"

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