~Like Father, Like Son~

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Victoria's P.O.V.

I lost count of how many days we've been here but I'm a hundred percent sure that I can see Chase getting happier and happier everyday, it seems like if we'll continue living in this house everything, my son's happiness will fade. But even if he's happy here, can I also be happy here? Living inside the house of the man I left years ago?

"Chase, what would you like for breakfast?" I asked once I went out of the bathroom, actually when I woke up Chase is still sleeping beside me on our bed. It was still 6 in the morning so I thought he'd woke up at maybe 7:30 or 8 but when I walked out of the bathroom I saw the bed is already neatly arranged and Chase was no where to be found....

I walked down the stairs to look for him, to the living room, the kitchen and the back yard but he's not there... wait, I also can't find Charles and his car is just parked at the garage... are those two playing together in Charles' room?

"Chase? Charles?" I immediately went upstairs again and went directly to Charle's room which is just the room across mine, I gently opened the door and what I saw was very cute and hilarious...

"Put your hands up! Put your put your hands up!" Chase sang as he and his father stood infront of the tv in his room, they were dancing while tunning to his father's favorite song. Though I never knew Charles loves those kind of hyped songs...

"Like father like son aren't they?" The I jumped in surprise, I turned to my right and saw Mrs. Horjevkul also peeking inside her son's room as we saw the wide smiles both our sons have. Chase was too happy that he couldn't contain his laughter everytime when he's with his father.

I then turned to Mrs. Horjevkul first then bowed my head as a sign of respect to her, I thought we just have the house for ourself and Mrs. Horjevkul's presence had slipped my mind. She wanted to spend more time with her grandson so she asked me if she can stay here for a night yesterday, I felt so shocked that she's asking me for my permission to let her stay in her own house, in her son's house but she wanted me to answer. I just nod my head feeling so shy and somewhat uncomfortable as she asked me that.

"I forgot you spent the night here Mrs. Horjevkul, I was just gonna ask Chase and Charles what they wanted to eat. What would you like to eat for breakfast?" I asked politely, Mrs. Horjevkul's smile suddenly faltered as she held my hand and looked at me which such a sad face... what did I do wrong? I asked myself hastily

"Where did the 'eomoni' go? I missed hearing that word from you Tori" I stared at my feet as an uncredible and foreign feeling started appearing in my head.

I felt so ashamed, that I can't even call her 'eommoni', the way she wanted to be called. I can't help but feel unwelcomed as I made mistakes in the past, took her grandson away from her but she's still treating me warmly, as if I did not do anything wrong. I felt wronged but she was always there to cheer me up and to be the person who would comfort me when I'm down.

"What would you like to eat eomoni?" Then I regained my confidence and asked her calmly, I stared right in her eyes as she slowly smiled. She knows how much I'm trying hard to act comfortable around her when all I ever think is that I made a mistake and hurted her for leaving her son. I wanted to explain everything to her but that only means I'm going to open the  hurtful wounds again.

Mrs. Horjevkul gently lets go of my hand and opened his son's door, Chase and Charles looked at the both of us with a surprised expression as they immediately stopped the music from playing. They look so cute together, having fun.

"Boys, let's cut the fun for now. Tori wants to know what you'd both love to eat" Mrs- Eommoni spoke.

"I want to eat what Tori usually cooks, all her dishes are awesome" I have no idea if he's telling the truth or just teasing me and to shoo us away.

"Same goes to me mommy! Daddy, let's dance again!" Chase cheered as he, himself played the music on his father's phone as the room blasted with music again. Great, like father like son indeed. All that's stuck in their minds are fun and play...

"Let's go down, I'll help you prepare. The two are having too much fun" Eommoni shooked her head and closed the door, we then went down to the kitchen.

First we then planned what food we will cook, it's just an ordinary day so maybe an american breakfast would be good so we first decide to cook the rice then we started chopping vegetables for the omelette. Eommoni wanted to cut the vegetables but I refused and told her to just sit still.

"You're still wearing the bracelet I gave you on your wedding day, I thought you already threw it away" I stopped cutting and stared at my right hand, where a white and silver bracelet was just staying still. It was a lovely gift given to me on my wedding day, eommoni designed and made it personally.

"I wouldn't dare throw a very meaningful and memorable gift such as this, I really love this and cherish the gift you gave me" That was a very sincere answer, it's the truth and it's a fact.

"Well that's good to hear. Was it hard to take care of Chase especially when you're alone? That child has almost 100% energy in his body" Then our conversation started to get light again, I was dodging almost half of her questions when it talks about me and Charles, but whenever she mentions my son, of course I will answer it gladly for her.

"It wasn't that hard since Sean was there by my side to help me taking care of Chase"

"But I know how hard it is to bear a child without his father supporting you, I know how painful it is for you to deliver your child all by yourself without no one there to hold you hand and to assure you that everything will be fine" She held my hand as I nod my head, completely understanding what she means.

"Everything happens for a reason Eommoni, I've already been that, done that, but I'm proud that I'm still standing here in front of you while wanting my son to be atleast be happy with his father"

"You're a very brave young girl Tori, but you're too brave for a girl. You should learn how to depend and trust on others because being always independent doesn't mean you're always alone, there are many people wanting to help you so let them enter your world"

"I wasn't the Tori iwas before, I changed but the love inside my heart never changed. I might be fierce and strong but if you'll look deep inside my heart, I'm still also broken"

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