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Sean's P O.V.

"Call me when Mr. Woo signed already in this paper" I gave all the paperworks to my secretary as he was the one who volunteered to help me in having partnership with his strong connections in the field.

"Yes Sir." Just when I thought I could finally have peace and rest...

"Sean! My man!" The megaphone voices of my two idiotic friends filled the room as they went inside my office without even keeping quiet or staying professional.

"What brings the both of you here? I'm surprised that the guards even let you walk inside my building" The two propped themselves on my couch as they think it's their own house and acted too comfty for my liking, one more irritating thing from them, I going to kick them out.

"Don't be too harsh on us Sean, we're just having fun unlike you who's getting really busy with work" Fun? He calls being reckless fun?

"It's good to have fun but you should control the fun level, sometimes fun can easily end up in the police station" The two looked too guilty to even continue speaking, but we're boys afterall so they're still trying to defend themselves without even being shy.

"Did we bother you too much that day? Well we're sorry that the most famous batchelor here was bothered that night because his friends asked for help" Junho and called me in the middle of the night one time when they were involved in drunk driving, luckily they didn't hit anyone but they were a bit bruised and their brain cells are really damaged to the maximum level.

"Why are you here, tell me now. I have things to complete" I pretend to be busy as the only thing I want to do now is rest, sleep and rest. Basically just repeat the process everyday.

"Join the fun with us, it's Wooyoung's batchelor party" I raised my eyebrow and looked at them in question... there's something weird going on in Wooyoung's party that's why they're happily inviting me there.

"There are girls there also"

"He's getting married yet he still want to get laid before his wedding? You make laugh" See? All my friends doesn't have a very smart and happy brain, all their braincells are damaged to the point that they don't even know what's right from wrong. I need to get them a physchiatrist or else their condition might get worse.

"He's behave Sean" I scoffed, behave? Having girls before your wedding day is called 'bahave'? I've been in numerous 'batchelor parties' and the strip girls are only entertaining the soon to be husband and not the friends.

"Not really when his fiance isn't watching" I think I just saw some headline about a married batchelor but immediately lost his fortune when a girl, whom he had a one night stand with demanded him to be responsible on their child.

"Come on just go! We'll have lots of fun there" Lot's of fun your face, I won't have enough time for lousy parties like that but if they're asking me to come then...

"Who organized the party?" It must be Charles, he was the one who always have many connections in parties like that...

"Charles of course, he knows many guests to invite" Junso hyung smiled, ha, and they're really proud of him for being 'too overly friendly' with the 'strip girls'?

"Bastard" Both to Charles and my friends.

"What was that?" Junho hyung asked clulessly, of all people they should know how to tell Charles that he's doing the wrong thing, instead I think they're encouraging him to do what he wants.

"I'll follow you, go to the bar where they are" Once my two ignorant and idiot friends went out of my room, I immediately fished my phone on my pocket and called for Tori, she answered after a few calls.


"Don't tell him please, I didn't mention anything" I grabbed the glass on my table and smashed it on the ground, so she does know something and yet she's just letting him go around in late nights like this?!

"You're making me crazy Tori! Why can't you just go away from him? He's in the bar with girls! Can you still tolerate that?!" Fucking hell, shes also pregnant with his child and yet he still want to please himself?! One more wrong move Charles, just one more... I'm going to take her away from you.

"Just please, don't hurt him" Just one more move after this night, if he does something to Tori that I don't like. I'm really going to put everything in my way, my plans will finally be on track.

"Woah! What happened to Sean?! How did you bring him here?!" Wooyoung shouted with a very surprised face as he pointed at me walking towards them, I couldn't hurt Charles because he's still someone important in Tori's life so I'm just going to watch whatever Charles will do in this club.

"Where's Charles?" Without even congratulating the soon to be husband, I proceeded to ask Charles' whereabouts. I didn't see him sitting with Wooyoung so probably he's still busy entertaining the girls he invited. I roamed around the club until I finally saw where that bastard is hidding.

"Shouldn't you be at home? Tori might be waiting for you" Charles chuckled as he placed the glass of beer on the counter and looked at me in a bit drunk attitude.

"She completely understands that this is just a night out with friends" Neither of us decided to talk until Charles went ahead and left his phone again, he was walking in a very drunk way but that didn't bother me. Does he really want to get killed by me? He's leaving his phone, a very important clue on his cheating habbits, he thinks I'm going to tolerate this, well I'm sorry but I can't.

"Where are you, Hon? I'm here at the bar"

"I'll see you later"

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