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Victoria's P.O.V.

I woke up a bit late, 7 in the morning, I think I was just to tired from doing many things last night and chit chatting with Eommoni. I washed my face and brushed my teeth first before walking down towards the kitchen where I saw Charles... already done cooking and cleaning?

"Where are you planning to go now? You're usually not preparing breakfast instead you're just preparing for work" I spoke as I went closer to him and saw him washing some dishes which he probably used to put the ingredients earlier. What the heck happened to him?

"I want to take Chase to 63 building, he said he wants to go there when he accidentally watched a drama that was filmed there" Then he walked towards the dinning room where he arranged the plates, me following him from behind like a lost and confused puppy.

"Don't you have work? I heard the company was pretty busy"

"Dad and mom said they'll take care of the company first, they want me to focus on you and Chase first" Focus on what? I stared at him with a reall really confused face but I just don't have the time to ask him more because....

"Daddy! Mommy! Goodmorning!" There goes my little prince, he ran towards me and then gave me a hug, he does this at Charles but remained in his arms since his father lifted him up.

"Such a cutie early morning, did you already wash your face?" I asked, that is the first thing I want him to do the moment he wake up early in the morning.

"I want to go now"

"But we have to eat first Chase, you'll feel sick later on if you won't eat" He pouted and I just realized he never listens to me sometimes...

"Your mom is right, let's eat breakfast first Chase" But when Charles is the one talking and ordering him, he'll instantly follow...

"Sit beside Daddy" I spoke and he immediately nods his head, once we started eating Charles kept on feeding him I didn't mind because Chase is too hyped up and maybe he might pull the utensils towards him.

"Shouldn't you feel mommy too? She's hungry" Charles and I looked a hundred percent awkward when Chase told this, I felt like I was the one embarrassed than my childmyself.

"Mommy can eat on her own Chase, don't worry about me" Chase just laughs and then he proceede to eat.

"I'll go and wash, I'll bring Chase with me" Charles spoke, I nod my head and stared putting all the dishes on the sink for washing.

"Okay then, I'm going to wash the dishes"

"Go and wash up immediately" He said as Chase then first ran upstairs to wash up, I turned around in curiosity and questioned him.

"Why? Are you going to take me there too?"

"I want you to come"

After a few minutes of getting ready, Chase was the first one to enter his father's car, Charles and I just chuckled whenever we see Chase being so hyped and happy because he's still a child... and a very cute child I might add. We drive towards 63 building for 30 minutes since there's no traffic and Charles' house is just near.

"Wow! Daddy! Mommy! It's beautiful here!" Chase shouted when we finally reached the rooftop of 63 building, this is the most famous spot for tourist but ofcourse, nothing can beat N Seoul Tower.

"Chase lower your voice, other the police doesn't want noisy people" Charles reminded him but it was a joke to keep him quiet, he was so quiet and timid when we rode the elevator but then he became too hyper when we reached the rooftop...

"Sorry"  He mumbled softly but continued to ran around the whole rooftop, I was looking happily at the wonderful sky when something very unsual caught my attention... something I never knew I could ever see again....


It was autumn when the weather was so a bit windy and cold, I remember I wore 2 jackets that time because it was already the last week of September. Charles and I were still so young, so all that's stuck in our mind is to have fun and just stay together.

"Oppa, look what I bought" I ran towards him as I showed him a paper heart I bought down stairs, here in Seoul, you can see many love locks and paper hearts tied and locked into railings, both in 63 building and N Seoul tower.

"Paper hearts? Are we going to place them here?" He asked with a confused face, actually Charles doesn't like things like this, he says he feels really uncomfortable but if it's for me then he'll try to cope it up.

"Let's write a wish and then after 5 years let's go back and fulfil each other's wish"

"But what if my wish is marrying you but then we were already married bafore even 5 years had passed, what will you do?" He pulled me in a hug and placed his chin on top of my head, he's too tall for me...

"Hmm, let's start our own family. I want to have cute kids with you" He let go of me and placed a chaiste kiss on my forehead and took the pen and paper heart away from me.

He kept on giving me skeptical look so I was feeling really confused, he forbbid me to see what he wrote and just tied the paper heart on one rail in the middle of the rooftop.


'I want to have a happy family with you, I want you to be my wife until I die'

My heart beated fast as all the emotions suddenly corrupted my whole mind, I didn't know if I should be happy seeing this because up until now he's trying all his best so we can become a family, sad because I know that might never happen, confused because this isn't the Charles I know, I never thought he can write something like this.

How am I supposed to decide if he's like this? What am I supposed to do to fix this? What am I supposed to do?

"The letter is still there? I thought it'll get broken, I'm so glad it didn't" Charles spoke with a smile and stared at the paper heart, it wasn't broken, it was just torned but it can be put back up but it wouldn't heal and it wouldn't go back to the way it used to be....

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