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Victoria's P.O.V.

Chase is sitting down on the couch with Charles no where to be found, I know he told me that he'll just have a bath and that I should watch Chase for a few minutes. I went downstairs and sat beside my son who looks really down... He's not playing his toys infront if him and is not also watching the TV.

"Are you okay Chase? Why is my son feeling so down?"

"Mommy is daddy Sean going to come here again? I want to see him again" His big round eyes looked at me with hope as he sat on my lap and rested his head in my chest, acting like a new born baby in my arms.

I wanted to ask Sean if he can give just some of his time to Chase since the child is really missing his uncle or favorite daddy uncle, one that comes after his father as he said. Charles walked down the stairs the exact moment I turned to the direction of the staircase, well such a coincidence.

"Charles, can you please call Sean?"

"Why? What happened?" His hair was very messy not to mention the water droplets falling from his hair and on his shoulder, he has his phone on his hand as he turned to me in surprise when he saw his son acting quite down and sickly today.

"Chase wanted to meet him again, maybe Sean is busy handling his business so I'm just kindly asking if he can make a room for Chase even for just a few minutes"

"Maybe he can, wait I'll call him and you go talk to him. I have to finish reviewing everything for our meeting tomorrow"

Up until now all this thinking is about the company? Can't he even rest just for a few minutes? Or forget everything at work and just focus on sleeping and having a rest here inside the house? Charles pressed some things on his phone before handing it to me...

"Here" But before I could even hold phone it suddenly disappeared in Charles' hands as Chase pulled it away from me and placed the phone on his ear... He can easily pass as a snatcher, his hands are pretty fast...

"Daddy Sean! Can I please come to your house? I miss you so much" He chimed excitingly as he then sat on the couch beside me not sitting on my lap now, Charles saw what happened earlier and laughed but sternly told his son to give his phone back to me.

"Chase, let mommy have that first. She'll be the one to tell you what Sean answered" And being such an obedient son, Chase pouted and haded me his father's phone but that still doesn't stop him from doing what he loves, he rested his head on my shoulders, trying to eavesdrop on the conversation hid daddy Sean and I have.

"Hello Sean, sorry to surprise you. I called you today because Chase is throwing another tantrum, he said he wanted to meet you but I know you're too busy in work. Can you just come here later for dinner, before you go home?"

"Actually it's the company's anniversary tomorrow remember? I'm going to go home as early as now because everyone is already busy preparing the party. You can send Chase at my house or I can fetch him from there?"

Oh yeah, it's their company's anniversary tomorrow, for sure Sean wouldn't want nor chose to attend the said event but because he's the owner of the company now, he couldn't help but really attend the event and stay there for 3 morning hours...

"Charles are we going to send Chase there or he'll just fetch him here?"

"Let Sean come here I'll give him the wine mom asked me to give him yesterday" I passed the message to Sean and we both agreed that he'll come here late before dinner, be prepared some of Chase's clothes since I know that he'll be going to have a sleepover at his uncle's house just for tonight, maybe Chase really did miss Sean...

4 in the afternoon when Sean appeared before us in our house, he was immediately welcomed by Chase who has been waiting for him for 3 hours now ever since we called Sean earlier. He dressed and even took a bath alone, by himself, proving to me that he'll be fine with his uncle Sean even if I'll not there. Although I'm sure that Sean wouldn't let him be on his own and will always be there to take care of him.

"Sorry to disturb you in such an hour like his"

"Don't worry, it'll be good for Chase to miss me because he also spent some time with me. But, I think in this situation the both of you should have a bonding time together"

"What are you implying?"

"Try to think this as your second honeymoon, enjoy your day" Sean winked at me while pulling his favorite nephew away from the house, they entered his car then drive off...

Second honeymoon? In his dreams... I don't think Charles would even want to do anything but rest today as he was really tired from all the paperwork in the office. Even if it's his rest day today all Charles is thinking is about the company, living a life of a millionaire is sometimes also hard especially if you're the only one managing it all alone.

"What should we do?" I took a deep breath feeling the sorrow once Chase left the house, the lively atmosphere suddenly turned quite dull...this is the reason why I don't want Chase to get out of my sight or get separated from me.

"Let's just have fun"

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