~He Remembered~

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Victoria's P.O.V.

Today, I woke up very much calmly and peacefully, I have no idea why but something tells me that there's a very special thing going to happen for today... I opened my eyes and turned to look around... Chase isn't here with me...

Where could my little fluff ball be? Chase doesn't leave my side unless... Charles is with him... Now where could those father and son tandem be? My phone vibrated on the nightstand indicating that there is a message, I took my phone and saw that it was a message from Charles.

'Good morning love, Chase and I went out for a while he said he wanted to jog at the park because he woke up too early. Don't worry, I'll take care of him'

Well, he should really take care of his son, I'll voluntarily kill him if he'll not take care of Chase. Well then, if they're out for a jog then they'll both come back home hungry and all. I was about to go down to the kitchen but stopped just when I received another message...

'Tori, sorry I forgot to message you. If ever you're cooking breakfast please don't continue it, Chase and I are already at the company, I brought our new clothes here'

'Kindly come to the company and fetch Chase here'

What is this? They even brought their new clothes there? And why are they in the company? I thought it's Charles' leave today?

With many questions still floating in my mind, I decided to head towards the bathroom so I can take a bath and prepare to go to the company, if Chase will stay there Charles will just be a babysitter instead of a businessman.

"Good morning beautiful"

The moment I entered the bathroom a sticky note was the first thing I see placed and pasted on the glass mirror, there was a writing on the paper and that was what it says. I recognize that handwriting and for sure it's from Charles... Now what is he planning?

With so much thoughts, I decided to head down to the kitchen for a while since I'm really hungry, a cup of coffee was placed on the counter and another message is attached behind it, there were also toasted bread and some garlic bread.

"Goddess, have a cup of coffee to warm your day"

I smiled and just went with the flow, for sure I'm bound to know what Charles' secret is... Although what could it be? I'm so curious.... We'll, I then finished the food served for me and then head towards the bathroom, I took a bath and then head towards the closet where a white dress... A white wedding like gown is hung inside and is placed in the middle.

"I chose your outfit for today, please wear it for me"

With that note attached, I followed it since maybe his plan will get busted if I wouldn't follow everything in the post it's. Once I'm done changing I sat on the bed as I decided to wear my shoes, then at that exact moment I heard my phone beeping, it was a reminder...

'Happy birthday!'

"It's my birthday? How come I forgot such thing?"... Birthday.... It's my birthday today? Oh, how can I forgot such thing?...

My phone then rings after that, it was an incoming call from Charles, I quickly wore my 3 inch heels and then answered the call.

"Love, where are you? Chase already wants to go home"

"I'll be on my way" I spoke then he suddenly dropped the call... Wow, without even telling me goodbye...

Anyway, maybe he's just really busy, I went to the garage and saw the car I used to own last time. It was the car Charles' mom gave us when we got married, she said I can use it anytime anywhere. But in the past I don't really know how to drive, but I'm happy that I now know how to drive because Sean was teaching me.

I then head towards the company and stopped the car at the entrance since a valet parker was there, I greeted him and gave him the keys before heading inside the company with a few people recognizing me.

"Mrs. Horvejkul, good morning"

"Good morning also Fred, is Charles inside his office?"

"No ma'am, he's at the ball room. Come follow me" He answered as he then led me to the elevator...

"Ball room? Is Chase allowed to be there? I remembered Charles saying that there will be a party there"

"Chase is allowed to enter there because Sir. Charles is with him plus he is the owner of this company so he has all access to all the floors" He has a point...

When we arrived at the big door and entrance of the ballroom, Fred, Charles' secretary opened it for me and it revealed...

"Happy birthday Ms. Victoria!"

There were many balloons and gifts on the platform as my friends, my family members and even some of Charles' relatives came. They were all inside as some kids were playing here and there together with Chase..

"Surprise! Happy Birthday Tori!"

"Happy birthday mommy! I hope you got really surprised" Chase smiled as I then gave him a very tight hug and placed a kiss on his forehead..

"Thank you Chase, who planned this? Mommy's going to tickle him"

"Daddy did it!" Chase tried to stop laughing but he's enjoying how his daddy will get punished, sometimes I play with Chase by tickling him non stop and he's very much happy whenever I play that game with him.

"Oh really? Daddy did it? Shall we tickle daddy?"

"Yah, Tori stop it!" Charles started opposing and running away but then I held his hand and let Chase tickle him until... I was pulled by him and is now wrapped in his arms.

"Thank you, thank you so much"

"You're welcome, I recalled you love surprises so Chase and I prepared these"

"What's with all those post its? They're kinda making my mood good, I actually forgot that it's my birthday today good thing my phone greeted me so I quickly remembered"

"What a dumb princess are you, such a forgetful goddess" Charles chuckled as he then placed a gentle kiss on my forehead, be closed my eyes and smiled as I enjoyed the feeling of being in his arms.

"Tori, happy birthday. I hope you'll love our gift" I then pulled away from Charles and stared at my friends who came here, they handed me some gifts while others came to greet me as they were my batch mates in college and in high school.

"Thank you but you didn't have to buy one for me, just your mere presence is already a gift"

Many people greeted me but what I love to see is Sean, he was walking towards me and smiled as Chase ran towards his favorite uncle and gave him a hug.

"Sean, I missed you" I spoke as hurried ran in his arms, believe it or not I really am very happy to have him here. I missed him so much since he was always the one beside me whenever Chase needs something.

"Finally! Someone missed me after sleeping at his husband's house for almost 2 weeks, you never even thanked me for giving Chase to Charles. You wouldn't be a happy family without me"

"Such a demanding man are you? This is the reason why girls don't want to be with you"

"Just hang in there Sean, there would be a perfect girl for you. Thank you for everything" I smiled as Charles then patted his best friend's shoulders, somehow it's quite a good thing to see and hear Charles and Sean interacting like this once again... The same old friends who grew up together and is now going to start a new life together...

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