~Different Perspectives~

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Victoria's P.O.V.

"Good morning" I woke up early and directly went downstairs when I noticed that Chase isn't sleeping beside me anymore, sometimes I'm surprised to know that my son wakes up earlier than me. I walked downstairs to see my son running around the while living room as Charles has his back turned to us from the kitchen.

I gave Chase a big hug and went to the kitchen to check up on Charles' busy back, what on earth is he doing early in the morning? I went beside him and saw many foods packed in tupperwares and some paper plates.

"Packing lunch? What for?" I asked, we still didn't have breakfast and yet he's already packing lunch? And why is he packing lunch? Are we supposed to go somewhere?

"Mommy! Daddy and I want to play some kite, we're also going to have a picnic at the park!" Chase cheered and started hugging me from behind... park?

"Park? You're going to take him out to the park?" I asked, exact time when Chase ran towards the living room, I lowered my voice down as I'm afraid Chase might hear me talking something very serious to his father.

"Can't I? He's my son-"

"I'm not talking about your right against our son but Charles, no one knew what happened to us, especially to me for the past years. No one knew what happened to me and you're a famous CEO, if we're both going to take Chase out in the park many people will recognize you and will question who Chase is"

"Then I will tell them the truth, I'll tell them I have a son"

"Within 4 years without no news of me? Do you think they'll easily believe you? What you wanted isn't good for Chase, you'll only place his life in more danger and chaos"

"I want to take him out-"

"I know, I do too. And I've done it many times when we're with Sean, we came in every park in the States just for Chase to see the world without being involved in your life. People will recognize you Charles and if you want the whole world to know about our son, then things will not turn out as good as you want"

"Was it because we're going to get separated? You don't want other people to know that we have a son together because you're still hurt? Tori, can't you see I'm trying my best to-"

"Chase is your son and that will never ever change, I just want you to know how I feel when you're going to just decide on your own. Chase is both our son and I'm not depriving you off your role as his father but please, until it's not the perfect time... let's just keep this to ourselves first"

"I want to be with him, I want to go out and play with my son without worrying about the people that will judge us. I just want to be happy with him... and with you"

"Until we're still stucked in a situation like this, please just listen to me first"


"Chase be careful! You might trip!" Charles shouted as Chase ran non stop on the field as he tried to make his kite fly in the air as it's very windy today.

Charles owned a private park aside from Carribean Bay Water Theme Park, in here, Bloom Rose Theme Park, it's usually rented by famous directors as it's a venue used for shooting dramas and this is also rented by heirs who wanted to host special parties.

I wanted Chase to have fun today and I felt a bit bad knowing that I dejected Charles' idea of bonding with his son, I wanted them to have a special time but seeing our situation I'm just probing them and keeping them away from each other.

"I'm sorry, we had to do this. For Chase, our son" I said to Charles as we sat on a blanket under a shade of the tree inside the park, as we eat breakfast earlier I saw how sad Chase is when I forbid him to come to the park, but I decided, I have to take risks just so I Chase can have his happiness...

"I know, one day we're going to be a whole and complete family again"

Charles held my hand and gave me a charming smile, his words tugged my heart a thousand times, my eyes turned blurry as I suddenly let a lone tear fall... can we really be a happy family? Or it's just me who's against that idea? Is it me who chose to suffer like this instead of making everyone happy?

"Excuse me- oh! You're the woman I meet in the States! I was the one who asked for your son's picture-"

"Excuse me Ms., but can you please move out of the way first. I'm watching my son" Charles spoke sternly which made me feel suddenly nervous, the girl turned to him in surprise as I already know what's going to be her reaction.

"Wait you're Charles Horvejcul, then that means-"

"Please, don't tell this to anyone. I owe this to you, please I don't want any trouble" I spoke, the girl turned to me and to Charles in question but nods her head. She presented herself as a journalist and promised that she'll never spread this news nationwide.

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