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Victoria's P.O.V.

The familiar yet unfamiliar cool breeze welcomed me as I woke up early in the morning, the warm sunlight also greeted me with much enthusiasm. The familiar cream duvet surrounded my body giving me more comfort and warm, the sudden unfamilar room became familiar as I began to recognize and remember to whom this room actually belongs to...

Unwanted memoties came rushing back in my head as I closed my eyes in vain, I worked hard not to remember those half happy and half painful memories but it all came rushing back as I came to the same house where the chaos started. I took the duvet off my body and was about to stand up when I heard a faint and cute snore beside me.

I actually forgot that Chase was actually sleeping too peacefully beside me, his hair disvelsed and was turned in different direction making me chuckle and smile. I proped myself on my elbow as I gently placed my hand on top of my child's head, I caressed his disheveled hair while staring at him intently. He was the reason why I was strong, he's the reason why I kept on pushing myself forward to face all the problems I have in life.

"I'm going to do this for you Chase, mommy's going to sacrifice her heart once again for you" A family is what a child primarily wants, a family is where you can feel love whenever and wherever you are, this is your foundation, this is where you'll learn to be who you really are. A family is more important that anything, and if... Chase wants us to be a family... I think i'd still have to think about it.

Just then, Chase started to stir in his sleep, I kept on ruffling his hair to wake him up as it's already almost 12 noon and yet we're still didn't have breakfast.

"Good morning! Chase, help mommy prepare the table for breakfast" When Chase finally opened his eyes, I greeted him with enthusiasm but he just have this blank look on his face. He rubbed his eyes countless times which made me confused and annoyed a bit, I held his hand so he wasn't able to rub his eyes further.

"Mommy?... You're here!" Cheered by my son and engulfed me in a big hug, I gave him a kiss on his forehead but frowned when I saw his eyes getting a bit watery.

"Why? Did my baby had a bad dream last night?" I cooed him while kissing his cheeks repeatedly.

"I thought you already left because when I woke up I didn't see you, I amost cried thinking that I never saw you yesterday"

"Well mommy's here now, go and prepare the table for all of us" I uttered but told Chase to wash up first before running down the stairs, I also washed up first before walking towards the kitchen I once used in my life. It was very quiet and it seems like Charles isn't still awake, I opened the fridge and tried to figure out what should I cook.

Once I finally thought of a good breakfast meal, I went to the kitchen counter and started chopping onions and tomatoes. Maybe the 2 boys might love to eat scrambled eggs with vegetables, I also took some bacon and hams out to be fried.

"Good morning Tori" My heart beated erratically as I heard his voice coming from behind me, Charles' arm was wrapped around my waist as I remained stunned of what's happening. I could clearly feel Charles' soft and comfortable breaths as he pulled me to him more, I quickly released myself from his grip and acted as if his actions didn't affect me.

"You're awake? You wake up too early now" I commented, Charles moved infront of me as I continued beating the eggs. I could hear the tv being opened so I felt relieved that Chase isn't here to witness what had just happened.

"Did I make you uncomfortable? I'm sorry I didn't know" A worried Charles appeared as my phone on the counter suddenly interrupted our conversation, I looked at the caller ID and Sean's name appeared.

"Where were you last night? You didn't come home" I looked at Chase with a small smile as he immediately caught on that I was talking to Sean, he started to stand beside me and opened the stove himself. Well atleast, I can trust him to cook now since the food he prepared yesterday was really awesome.

"I'm with Chase, I met him yesterday so I decided to spend my time here for a day" I explained as I took a seat on the high stool just beside Charles.

"You're with Charles?" I answered with a hum as I looked at Charles' reaction, he was just calmly looking at me with a small smile. I guess he's not mad nor in a bad mood...

"I'll see you when you get back, just call me and I'll fetch you there"

"Thank you Sean, I'll be back" I answered, I dropped the call and started to help Charles in preparing the food.  Then suddenly in came running Chase as he both tugged on mine and Charles' shirt.

"Mommy, let's eat. I missed eating your cooked food" Exclaimed by Chase, I just nod my head and started placing the cooked eggs on the plate.

"Was that Sean? Why did he call?" Chase's attention turned to me with a question as Charles asked it, well it really don't make me feel offended since it wasn't about Chase.

"He was worried for me, he asked where I am so I told him that I'm with Chase. He also knows that I'm with you, I can call him anytime when I want to go home" Actually Sean can already pass as my driver, I might hire him one time.

"But mommy, I thought you're going to stay here with me and daddy?" Asked by my son, Charles' attention also turned to me as I just placed all the foods at the plate I'm holding.

"I'll just visit you when I have some free time, you know that grandma also needs help in maintaining her garden. I'm the only person who she trust right?" Chase nods his head understanding what my point is since Sean's mom really loves me to help her in her garden, I slowly walked towards the dinning room and placed att the foods on the table, Chase and Charles followed.

"But I want to spend more time with you and daddy, can you please just don't go home for now? I promise I'll be a good boy just please don't leave me here" Just hearing Chase's voice pleading keeps on breaking my heart, I have to chose and also to stand firm in my decision.

"I'll see what mommy can do Chase, just eat your meal first" I gave him a small kiss and told him to sit on the stool, I went back to the kitchen and rubbed my temples. Should I leave or not?.

"Are you going to go? Are you going to leave Chase again?" Charles appeared before me again as I just shooked my head, please I don't want to fight, but I have to answer his question to prove to him that I'm not going to leave my child.

"I did not leave my son and most importantly I'm not going to leave him in your care, I don't know you Charles. I don't know who the real Charles is, you were caring but then you changed into someone who doesn't even care about me then now you're telling me that you want to take care of my son?" I've been through this and I know that I've already learned my lesson, I won't ever trust a person too much because he might hurt me at the end.

"What gives you to right to blackmail me using him? I won't leave my son in your care knowing that you might do something to hurt him" The look on Charles' face made me feel as if I won the battle but it also hurted me as I just tried to kept my son away from his father again, tears were slowly rolling down from my cheeks as I began to feel pain and sadness at the same time.

"Are you willing to give me a chance? Just for Chase?" Asked Charles, I love my son and... I still love Charles... I might be a fool for being like this but I can't do anything but love him still after all the pain he had caused me.

I love him...

"I'm going to risk everything here Charles and I'm going to do everything just for my son"

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