~His Request~

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Victoria's P.O.V.

"Mommy are you okay? Why are you staring at my dinosaur? You're not going to eat it are you?" Chase asked while pouting, we're now both in the living room as he plays with the toys Charles bought for him. I zoned out as I started thinking about Sean and Charles, what their thoughts are, for sure Sean is also worried even if he gave Chase to Charles.

"Don't you want to go home Chase? Daddy Sean really misses you now, he siad he can't sleep last night because he's thinking of you" And what I said wasn't a lie, it's true as I really did have a conversation with Sean throught phone last night. Chase decided to sleep beside his father last night and he also tried to ask me to sleep with them but I refused and just remained on the guest room.

"But Daddy Sean is already too big to be scared besides I want to spend more time with Daddy" Said my child, what can I do to him? He doesn't seem to want to go away from Charles, he's starting to really get fond of his dad.

Then out of the blue, a pair of strong arms sneaked around my waist as Charles' chin was resting on my right shoulder. Chase seemed to notice his father sitting behind me, he smiled and laughed but then continued to play with the dinosaur.

"Are you probably trying to make Chase leave with you? Why can't you just listen to me and act happy while our son is right infront of us" I chuckled bitterly, I unwrapped his arms from my waist and sat beside him. If there's one thing I really hate about Charles is when he's all being touchy when I refuse to.

"Don't tell me what to do because you are no boss of mine, I am who I am and I will not let anyone control me anymore like a silent puppy who doesn't know what to do" We talked with low voices so that Chase wouldn't hear anything, I stood up from the ground and started walking up the stairs to my room and took the bag where all our camping things are placed. Actually it was Charles who bought everything for us as he doesn't trust me to just sit still and stay here at his house.

"Sure, fine by me but in the end it's Chase's happiness is what we're after and I wouldn't ever miss the chance of seeing him grow" Charles followed me suit to my room but I just remained silent, he was the first one who went down as I sat on the bed and sighed in relief. But after a few minutes I decided to come down.

"Chase let's go, I've already packed all our bags" I uttered, Chase stood up from the floor and gave me a hug. Charles‘ bags we're also placed on the table as we were still both fixing our luggage as we tried to fit all Chase's toys in our bags.

"What's this?" I curriously asked Charles once he handed me a set of pills, Chase looked at us in curriosity but I took it and placed it in my bag anyway.

"You often get sick whenever we'll have a long trip using the car, I bought the for you hoping that it'll atleast make you feel a bit better. You can also have a rest while I'm driving, Chase would have so much fun in the camping trip"

After our short conversation, we head towards his car as Chase and I both sat at the back part of the car. Charles started to drive slowly as Chase and I took the time to have a rest first, Charles said it'll be fun and tiring so it's better to recharge our energy.

"Are you getting dizzy Chase? Do you need some water?" Until such time Chase suddenly started leaning on me and Charles began to get worried, my vision was also slowly shaking as I was starting to get quite dizzy.

"He inherited that from you huh? I never had the chance to experience that but I'm sure it's pretty awful thing to happen, I bought an extra here, it's in syrup Chase can take it" Well, I could say that it was a very thoughtful thing of him, he passed his bag to me as I searched for the medicine, once I saw it Charles stoped the car on the road side as I gave the medicine to Chase.

"Mommy I'm sleepy" And that was the effect of the medicine, sometimes I refuse to drink them and choose to just suffer because I want to see my surroundings. Who knows what Charles is gonna do to us? Once Chase is already settled in my arms and is fast asleep, Charles continued the trip again.

"You're not probably mad are you?" He asked as our eyes both met at the dashboard mirror.

"I never knew you could also be a great actor, you got my son completely fooled congratulations"

"Are you still holding grudges against me? Shouldn't it be me who's dispising you right now?"

"I never thought that a day like this will come, I made a mistake of marrying the person I thought I loved but now I'm making another mistake of fooling my child because of you"

"Sean, are you with him?" Now this conversation is slowly starting to be absurd. Why is Sean's name dragged in this conversation?

"I thought we agreed on not to ask anything personal to each other? Did you probably forgot that Mr. Horjevcul? And so what if Sean and I are dating, I am just merely a stranger to you ayway"

"We have a child Tori-"

"It's Victoria and don't you ever use my child as an excuse again, I am his mother and Chase knows where his mother will be happy or where she'll not be." This is too much for me to handle, he's already  crossing the line.

"You are married to me and whether if you still faked your death you are still commited and married to me no matter what, don't ever get near Sean or I might do something bad to him without your liking"

"You are my wife and you are still going to be my wife until you die"

A wife? His wife until I die? I scoffed just by hearing this absurd words coming from his own mouth. With much hatred in my voice I spoke sternly.

"I wasn't even a wife because you were clearly not a husband"

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