Among Fae

By CelestialCure

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ForestFae, a Night Elf girl raised in the ghetto of Westfall. Pushed into thievery and assassination, in atte... More

Face Claims
Tainted Childhood : Chapter One
What I've Become : Chapter Two
Be Nice ForestFae : Chapter Three
Good For Nothing Light Kissers : Chapter Four
Escape From The Stockades : Chapter Five
Make The Best Of It : Chapter Six
Bond : Chapter Seven
You're Going Down With Us : Chapter Eight
Stuck with HIM : Chapter Nine
The Nighttime Is Always Colder : Chapter Ten
A Paladin, A Rogue, And A Truff : Chapter Eleven
ShuffleTruff's BBF (Best Bug Friend): Chapter Twelve
Mend : Chapter Thirteen
Forces Unseen : Chapter Fourteen
The Speaker Of The Dead: Chapter Fifteen
(Author's Note)
Aftermath : Chapter Sixteen
Traitor : Chapter Eighteen
Through It All : Chapter Nineteen
Jackson's Wife Is A What?! : Chapter Twenty
Jerks Who Need Hugs : Chapter Twenty-One
Conspire : Chapter Twenty-Two
Repent : Chapter Twenty-Three
Free Our Brother! : Chapter Twenty-Four
Confrontation : Chapter Twenty-Five
Clean : Chapter Twenty-Six
Date Night : Chapter Twenty-Seven
Can I Call You Dad? : Chapter Twenty-Eight
Beat Around The Bush : Chapter Twenty-Nine
Say "Yes!" To The Dress : Chapter Thirty
Here Comes The Bride : Chapter Thirty-One
Author's Final Notes

Goodbye Forest : Chapter Thirty-Two

66 2 18
By CelestialCure

The session of merriness was upon us, snow fluttering around in winter flurries outside of the house. The winds carried northern chills, causing one's nose to turn red when exposed to it.

I laid in bed with Kalder, the Paladin's warm arms cloaking my form along with the blanket. The furs and wool would keep us nice and toasty in the chilling winter weather.

"Hey Forest?" He looked up at me. I perked up an eyebrow, gently combing my pink fingers through his locks.

"What is it, my love?" I inquired.

"Have you. . .Ever thought about having kids?" He asked uncertainly, fearing what such a question would bring out of me.

I stared at him, becoming a bit pale. I had never truly thought about becoming a mother. I honestly feared it. I did not grow up with a mother, so I would have little experiences with motherhood; I would have no idea what to do. Worst of all, I dreaded leaving them as my mother had left her kin. Then, they would grow into criminals like myself. That was completely excluding the fact they would be a half-breeds.

The Alliance has just recently formed, and acceptance of multicultural couples had not become a norm yet. I myself secretly believed Kalder's parents had a distaste for me. I couldn't exactly blame them though. I happened to be quite the shady individual.

"C-Children?" I repeated his point, trying to take it in. "Kalder, they would be half-elves." I explained to him. "I'm not half-breed, but I know what discrimination feels like. I would hate for our children to experience such." I then glanced down. "Besides, I do not think I am quite ready to be a mother; I don't know if I'll ever be." I took in a deep breath, before slowly letting it out. I glanced up at him, expecting the worst of reactions. His face was calm and understanding as always. Sometimes I hated him for that; being more level headed than I.

"Forestfae, you'd be a great mother, but I know you have your worries and fears. I won't pressure you into anything - that would only make things worse for you - but when you're ready, I know I will fully support your decision." I wanted to embrace him and thank him, yet at the same time to urge to punch him in his saintly teeth was rising. I know he wasn't trying to guilt me, but regardless, I had begun to feel that way.

"Thank you. . ." I grumbled. He leaned over to plant a kiss on my head.

"Don't thank me, Forest; me respecting you is an expectation. A standard." He smiled, snuggling up to me. "Though we do eventually have to get out of bed if we are expected to reach my parents' house by nightfall." I groaned and buried my face in my pillow.

"Do we have to?!" I complained. Those who were with someone would understand the stress of in-laws. Kalder's parents were no exception. More so, my paranoia of their disappointment in Kalder's choice of women.

"Yes, we do! They wish to have us over for Winter's Veil. You should feel honoured that they invited you." Kalder said, trying to encourage me to come. It wasn't working too well.

"Hmph, do you think father and Equinos will be able to find the place?" I inquired, attempting to change the topic it. It had worked. Kalder scratched his scruff, staring off thoughtfully.

"I think he will. Your father has basically been around the world at this point - more than I have." He assured his wife. Finally, I lugged myself out of bed, the coolness of the house brushing up against my bare skin. I was half-tempted to craft back under the warm blankets with Kalder. I knew I couldn't do such though. I sat up on the edge of my bed.

I had begun to dress myself for the travels, slipping on a simple red long sleeved shirt along with a leather jacket. Blackened pants clothed my long legs. I then got out of bed fully, approaching the vanity. I ran a brush through my short locks, putting them up into a rather small ponytail.

I took my leave from our bedroom as Kalder got dressed, heading to Ciellva's room. I knocked on it.

"Ciellva, get up! We're heading out to Kalder's family's house soon." I said from the other side of the door. I could hear the Undead girl groan lazily. Though she was Undead and did not need to sleep, she did enjoy it.

I waited a few moments, before she opened the door. She was dressed in a frilly pastel pink dress with lace sleeves. She did not need to dress warm for the weather, as once more, she was undead. Her onyx hair was styled into a bun, exposing and defining her slender facial features.

"Lovely as always, kid." I told her, placing a hand on her shoulder. She smiled at me.

"You aren't wearing a dress for this occasion?" She questioned, perking up a thin eyebrow. "I would imagine Kalder's parents are very posh, seeing as they come from Lorderon."

"No, I'm just wearing this for the ride. I rather not have my legs freeze. Though I guess you'd know all about the Lorderon part, yeah? Maybe on the way up, you can teach me a few customs?"

I could see Ciellva's already glowing eyes light up.

"I'd be more than glad to, Forest!" She beamed.

"Great. Head downstairs, I'm going to see if the carriage has arrived." I once more made my way into the hallways, climbing down the stairs. I slipped on my boots at the front door, before taking a cloak with me, I draped it around my form, heading outside.

My boots sunk into the fresh snow with a soothing crunch. The carriage had indeed all ready arrived, the rider  off to the side smoking his pipe.

"We'll all be out in a few moments." I assured the rider. He was startled at my sudden appearance, almost choking on his pipe. He coughed up puffs of thick smoke, composing himself once more.

"Right, Mrs.Runeheart."  Said the rider, addressing me by my new last time. I was still getting used to it, even though it had been roughly two years since our marriage.

I headed back inside, Ciellva and Kalder dressed and ready. We each took a few bags, helping the rider load them onto the carriage. With that, I locked up the house and made my way into the carriage. Before we knew it, we were off.


The ride was mostly smooth, though the horses had hit a few icy patches on the road, causing them to skitter and shaking the carriage slightly. Thankfully, our carriages did not tip over. This weather was rather dangerous to travel in, but holiday dinners with the in-laws were deemed more important.

On the way to Kalder's parents' house, the two would teach me Lorderon customs. I think the fact that I came from Westfall worried them about my manners, but for Elune's sake; I was raised in Westfall by Night Elves.

It took many hours to travel, even to the point where many of us dosed off. After eleven hours of non-stop riding, the carriage came to a stop.

"Now, Ciellva this time you will have to wear an illusion." Kalder began. "This isn't just a wedding. . .It's a town and you know how touchy some can be about-" he paused, motioning his hand around. He was dancing around the answer.

"Undead." She plainly spoke. Her yellow gaze drifted down to her lap. "I don't exactly like being this way either, you know?"

Kalder and I furrowed our eyebrows. I pulled Ciellva into a side hug.

"Hey, either way, we love you. We just want to protect you is all." I said, placing a kiss on her pale white forehead. That seemed to brighten her spirit slightly.

Kalder dug through his pouch, pulling out a gleaming pink crystal. He placed it in Ciellva's bony hand. She squeezed it, muttering an incantation as her form began to change all around her.

Her visible bones began to be covered by her skin, which turned in a peachy hue. Her cheeks became full, her lips a glossy pink. Her black hair became thick and voluminous once more. Ciellva's glowing yellow eyes ceased to shine, pupils and scleras forming. Her iris, however, still remained the sickly yellow hue it once was. She was alive and even more youthful before. Ciellva was beautiful.

The undead girl in disguise bashfully turned away, her cheeks becoming pinky.

"Quit staring. . ." She softly mumbled. Kalder softly smiled.

"You're fine, Ciellva." My husband reassured her. "You're beautiful - in this form or the next."

"I don't need you to lie to me to boost my confidence." She said, a hint of bitterness lacing her words as she addressed Kalder.

I took in a deep breath, opening the carriage door. We had to get out of the carriage before any more damage could be done.

"Come on, they're waiting for us." I said, stepping out of the carriage. The two followed in suit. I paid the carriage man while Ciellva and Kalder headed into the town. I followed behind them.

The town was quite quant, having small stone walls protecting it. Little wooden buildings were clustered on the inside. The reoccurring colour scheme I could see was red and white. That concerned me, as the only well known order with such colours representing them was The Scarlet Crusade.

As I trailed behind them, I could see the both of them sharing my concerns. With furrowed eyebrows, the inspected their surroundings. The town was indeed majority human. A few Scarlet Crusaders could be seen around the town.

Ciellva shifted uncomfortably. Tears had begun to brim her eyes. The girl had every right to be afraid. The Scarlet Crusaders were religious zealots who would capture and torture all undead, regardless if they were of The Forsaken. A Nathrezim had transformed the order into such through his cunning mind tricks and manipulation. As such should be expected by the demonic race.

I placed a hand on her shoulder, causing her to flinch as she was pulled out of her trance. She warily looked at me.

"It won't be long." I reassured her.

"What are they doing here. . .?" Kalder mumbled, seeming to ask himself. He never truly came to a conclusion. We approached the wooden house, Kalder knocking on the door.

"One moment!" A woman shouted from behind the doorway. Kalder's grim expression was eased slightly by the sound of his mother. A faint smile laced his lips. After a few seconds passed by us, the wooden door emitted a click before opening. There before us stood a grey haired human woman, wearing a baby blue gown. It wasn't anything of royalty, but it was still elegant in its own simplistic way.

The middle-aged woman peered at us, a hint of distaste seen in her face as she spotted me, but joy soon overcame her as she spotted her son, Kalder. She threw her arms around him, attacking his face with an arsenal of motherly kisses. Kalder squawked, flailing his arms about.

"Oh, my baby boy came home for Winter's Veil!" She exclaimed happily. Ciellva and I watched in amusement while the full grown man was once more being treated like a child.

"Yes, mother! I have! I also brought along my wife and daughter." He motioned over to us. The undead in disguise and I both raised our eyebrows in surprise at his comment; referring to Ciellva as his kin. Ciellva's yellow eyes were widened, the girl wringing her hands together. "Adopted, of course." Kalder softly chuckled.

"Ah, yes. . .Durefae, was it?" His mother turned her attention over to me, inspecting my carefully. I felt my body tense as Ciellva's had. I curtly nodded my head.

"I prefer Forestfae." I explained.

"Right right! Sorry about that." She said, keeping a smile plastered on her face. Though we both knew very well we were uncomfortable with each other's presence. "Your folks got our invitation as well, yes?"

"Indeed. My father and twin should be arriving her soon after us."

"Oh I'm so glad. Kalder's sister and brothers could not make it today. Alliance work has cluttered their schedules. Even his sister is being shipped off!" His mother exclaimed, sighing. I raised my feathery eyebrows in surprise.

"Shipping them off? To where?" I inquired.

"Northrend! And at this time of year! They want craftsman and troops to help develop settlements there. 'Tis insane!" I stared at her for a few moments, absorbing the information I had just been given. What if they took Kalder to go off to Northrend?
"Well, it is quite chilly out here. Come on inside! I shall get some tea ready." Kalder's mother released him, hobbling into her abode. We each trailed in after her. A wall of warm air washed over my goose flesh-covered form, comfort and coziness quickly taking over my chills. Human hearths were always welcoming during this time of the year.

The fire place was crackling with life, sweet and savoury scents lingering on in from the kitchen into the living room. The dinning table was decorated with a crimson cloth, fine china displayed before eight chairs. Winter's Veil decor was seen around the home; stockings hung above the fireplace. A pine tree adorned with ornaments stuffed in the corner of the living room. Wrapped gift boxes cluttered themselves under the tree. It was quant.

We all took off our shoes upon entering, Ciellva and I taking our places on the couch. I tried to see as nicely as possible, but eventually resorted to my crude 'man spreading' as it was the only way I could be comfortable. Ciellva, on the other hand, had her legs neatly crossed over each other, her posture as straight as she could make it. She was becoming a fine young lady - more than I could have ever amounted to. After all, I was a Westfallian Hick. An Elvish one as well.

Kalder fetched me a good pint of Dwarvish mead after spending quite awhile speaking with his mother. I could hear bits and pieces of thee conversation. They were speaking about the recent settlement of The Scarlet Crusaders in their town. Kalder didn't sound too happy about it.

Meanwhile, we chatted and drank away as we awaited for my father and brother to arrive. It was hours upon hours of waiting, nightfall coming quicker than I expected. Worry began to fill my being. What if their horse had slipped upon ice and their carriage crashed? Perhaps, bandits got a hold of them, mugged them, then left them in the cold? My imagination began to run wild.

Kalder noticed my growing concern and began to gently rub my back. He gazed at me, offering me a faint smile.

"Hey," he began, grabbing my attention. "They will be fine. They are strong folk, yes?"

"Equinos is, but father. . .I've never really known him to fight. Though these Scarlets in town. . .Do you think they'll let them in?" I felt a headache coming on from the loaded questions and stress. Kalder rubbed his scruffy chin, pondering.

"Mother had said there have been quite a few Scourge attacks up in the North lately." He began. "Because most of the local enforcement has been drafted out to Northrend, most towns have been left defenceless. That's when the Scarlet Crusaders came in." The Paladin grimaced, Ciellva holding a similar expression.

"I don't like it one bit. These Scarlets are crazed assholes. They think everything and everyone conspired with The Scourge." I was tempted to spit mentioning their name, but I knew I was in a house, and Kalder's mother would strangle me if I got so much as a spot on her floor.


It was at least six when they came, perhaps even seven. Equinos came through the door, covered in snowy powder. A bright smile was on his face, as he marched over to me, tracking snow throughout the house. He scooped me up, pulling me into a crushing embrace.

"Why isn't it my little sister!" He cackled, still holding the few minute gap between our births. I wrapped my arms around him, chuckling along with him.

"Women mature faster than men anyways, so I am still technically other than you." I informed him. He ruffled up my hair, my gleeful father trailing in from behind my twin. He had a bag in his arms, which towered over his face.

"Dad! Need help with that?" I offered. As always, my stubborn father refused to allow me to help.

"No no, I'm alright, dear." He waved me off, plopping the bag in front of the Winter's Veil tree. He then turned to me, offering me his whimsical smile. It was once more accessible to me, as the ice around my heart had thawed a bit. I had learned that there was no crime in being kind - not everyone is out to scree you over.

We all took our seats, Kalder's parents and his youngest brother joining us. They offered a prayer to the Light, while us Kaldorei made a joke about how Elune was a jerk. We weren't like other Night Elves, that's for sure. The Westfall life had rubbed off on us.

The grand feast began, turkey and stuffing passed around the table as we all ate. Moonberry juice met lips, along with fine ale and wine. It was nice, because no awkward conversations could be formed while we were all stuffing our pie holes.

But something happened that none of us could have predicted.

An ear piercing shriek had been heard within the deep of the town, our table falling silent. That's when the bell began to ring vigorously, warning the hamlet of an attack. Panic was struck into our hearts. It took a few moments to pull myself out of my paralysis, before I bolted to my bags, pulling out my leather armours and tantos. I gazed at them, before rushing off to go change. Equinos, Ciellva and Kalder all followed in suit.

"Dad, stay here and protect Ramios, mom and Kyle!" Kalder told his old father. A veteran paladin. He gave his son a stern nod, as we all headed out of the house.

The streets were marred with blood, chaos filling every avenue. Buildings had been set aflame, black smoke clouding the starry sky above. The culprits of this all? Undead monstrosities running ramped, tearing those who foolishly attempted to run into shreds. It was truly horrific. The Scarlet Crusaders did what they could to hold them off, but the numbers were so overwhelming.

And so, our role I combat began. I slashed away at ghouls, my tantos tearing through rotting bone and flesh. It took a lot to wound them though, as their unnatural undead endurance made them tireless and resilient. Waltzing my way through the battlefield, I struggled.

Equinos was experience some trouble too, his arrows merely sticking into the flesh of the shambling corpses. It did not slow their advances. This greatly distressed him, as his proficiency was broken folly.

Ciellva, however, seemed to be doing rather well, her quarter staff dealing blunt damage to her foes, crushing skeleton ribs and destroying their forms.

Kalder as well showed his power, the Light proving to be a valuable weapon against the undead. They burnt up at his very aura of hot righteousness, his blade slicing through their forms like butter. Unlike the ones I laid waste time, his would not get up a second time.

Our battled waged against the undead lasted for hours, the hordes only getting thicker and thicker until I had lost sight of my husband and adopted daughter. It was simply Equinos and I now.

Sweat trickled down the sides of our faces, the cold quickly chilling us in the winter air. I would attack up close while Equinos disposed of any enemies advancing from afar. Though one of the undead seemed to stick out from all of them.

His armour shone a consuming onyx hue, violet lining and designs tracing into every plate. Skulls adorned his belt, a large tune sword in his grip. Unholy energies spawned from his very form, only growing stronger with every mortal The Scourge cut down. He was a bad omen.

Equinos did not hesitate to launch an arrow at him as he dared approach. He merely brought his sword up, slicing Equinos' shot in half. I could see my brother's growing panic as he began to fire more rapidly at him. Each arrow was splintered into two, the Death Knight not even breathing a sweat. I finished off my own kill, before turning to him.

I clenched my teeth, sprinted towards him with my sore legs. I went to slide under him to slash at his legs, but he quickly stopped me by stomping his booted foot onto my chest. The air was squeezed out of my lungs, pressure beginning to be applied to my rib cage. I could feel my bones buckling and bending from under my skin. I gasped, attempting to stab my tanto into his ankle. Upon contact, the metal quickly rejected my weapons, scrapping across the unknown dark material.

"Death to the living. . ." He said, his voice ghastly and echoing. He rose his blade above his head, bringing it down onto me. I quickly brought my arms up to protect myself. His blade pierced mother of my forearms, going straight through. I let out a cry of agony, as my own life blood sprayed on my face. The undead knight seemed to take pleasure in my paid. He drove the blade in a bit deeper, causing tears to streak down my face. He then yanked it from my flesh.

"This time, I won't miss." He reassured me, icy orbs locked onto my own spheres of star light. Once more, he tried to end my life, only to be stopped by my brother. Equinos stood over my form, the man's blade caught in Equinos' bow, which began to break from the force of the sword. It eventually shattered, but that did not stop my brother from punching the Death Knight in the face. The Death Knight stumbled a little ways away from me. Equinos quickly helped me up, and we both readied ourselves.

"Thanks, I owe you a beer after." I wheezed. He smirked at me.

"I'll make sure to live through this than." He responded. We both rushed at the Death Knight, my brother grappling his arms as I went to slash into his thick armour. Ringlets went flying, and I eventually was able to rip through his decaying flesh. Though, the undead did not seem pained one bit, and that worried me greatly.

He muttered a spell under his breath, a large red circle filled with runes appearing from underneath us. Suddenly, my energy seemed to be sapped from my form, causing my blows to be less effective and more sloppy. Equinos struggled to hold onto to the Scourge loyalist, being pushed back. He fell onto the ground, his skin greying.

The Death Knight smirked at me, before I felt a sharp pain within my chest. Crimson spilt out from between my pink lips, my tunic beginning to stain. A quiet but pained gasp was heard from me, my eyes widened.

"DUREFAE!" Equinos cried out for me, tears streaming down his cheeks as he helplessly watched me be impaled. He reached out, desperately trying to grab the Death Knight's ankle in some form of attempts to stop his butchery. He could not do such. The runic circle beneath us had drained us greatly.

The Death Knight ripped his rune blade out of my chest, causing me to fall onto my knees. I glanced around, my vision beginning to blur. That's when I saw him. There, watching from above on a roof was Shuffletruff. I could recognize him from his armour, though he wore his Tanarian mask. I coughed and gagged, spitting up more of my blood onto the snow-coated pavement.

"Shuffle. . ." I weakly croaked. I then managed to raise my voice into a shout, though my chest burned with every word. "KILGON, PLEASE! HELP US!" I begged, clenching my chest. The Rogue simply watched me as I bled. His eyebrows were furrowed, displaying some form of regret, though he did not attack. He simply observed for a few more moments, before vanishing from sight. My heart sank in my pierced chest, as he left. I felt my blood boil , as well as hot tears form in my eyes. I shrieked out, cursing him for abandoning me.

The Death Knight cackled at my pathetic cries for aid, picking me up by my violet locks. I was too weak to struggle, and could only manage to wince in pain. I glared at him, spitting at his face.

"I'll see you in hell." I assured him. He smiled, raising up his sword.

"The Scourge lives on forever. We do not die." He flinched, a rock flung at his head. He threw me to the side, causing me to roll in the snow. He angrily turned to fact his knew attacker.

My father stood bravely, a pitchfork in his hands as he readied himself for combat. I watched, wanting to yell out for him to turn back and run. My lungs had begun to flood with my own blood though, causing me to cough as gag.
The Death Knight looked over at me, then to the Kaldorei man.

"Stay away from my kids, you undead bastard." My father said, going to thrust the pitchfork at him. The Death Knight let it impale him, and simply began to move forward, driving the pitchfork deeper into his form. The courage which shine in my fater's eyes was quickly doused with fear as the undead snatched him by his throat, lifting him above the ground. Equinos and I screamed out for our father, horror being stricken into our hearts as he offered us a faint smile, before the Death Knight beheaded him.

His head rolled over to me, causing me to panic and shuffle away from it. Disbelief came over me and suddenly I wanted to be sick. He couldn't be dead. He couldn't! I turned to glance back at the Death Knight, a new found hatred bubbling up inside of me. I started to force myself up onto my feet, my hands shakily holding my tantos.

He was approaching Equinos, who also had begun to stand up. I weakly threw my tanto at his skull, which began to dig into his flesh. He turned around, glaring at me. He did not say a word though, as he then turned to my brother who was throwing a punch at him. He grabbed his wrist, beginning to crush it within his iron grip. Equinos roared in pain, being brought down to his knees. I went to impale him once more, but he casted a spell upon me. An invite force had lifted me off of the ground, beginning to choke me. My feet kicked around as I struggled and clawed at my throat.

With a finally stroke of his sword, Equinos was cleaved into two from his waist. His entries dangled out of his broken body, displayed upon the streets. Of all the ways he could have gone, Equinos deserved a hero's death, not this. I could not scream and I could not cry out for my brother, as I was skewered once more before I dropped onto the ground.

All the sound around me had began fade out, my vision failing me as I felt my life essence leave my body. The pain started to lift from my form and darkness swiftly consumed me on a Winter's Veil Eve. . .

Out in the streets our corpses would lay, snow collecting on our eyelashes. Pools of blood were what we sat in, before they came and took us away.

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