Bound To A Vampire (A Harry P...

By toonanimals317

65.8K 1.6K 194

Discontinued Story. Feel free to read it anyways. THIS STORY IS BEING REWRITTEN! Will be posted separately... More

Cheesy Is A Good Thing, Granger
The Day
The Night
Midnight Strikes
A Little Taste Of A Witch
This Is A Bit Overwhelming...
A New Day
Obvious Changes
Back To Class
Head Boy and Head Girl
It's Official
Dorm Mates
Outfits Are Key
The Library
Restricted Section
Warmth and Anger
|Sorry... and A Preview|
...What's This?
In Need Of Beta


8.4K 102 11
By toonanimals317


A Dramione Fanfiction

Chapter 1: Preparation

Cover by Kaylina on Deviantart!

"Hey Hermione! Wake up!" a female voice called, and the 18 year old witch waved her hand, trying to shoo the other girl away.

"Come on Hermione! Even though it's the weekend you can't sleep in! Especially not today! We're going to get our costumes for the big Halloween Bash!" the red-headed girl said excitedly as she shook Hermione's shoulders.

Many of the witches and wizards had returned to Hogwarts for an 'Eighth' year, more like just completing their seventh year, considering it was interrupted by the Second Great Wizarding War. The 'Eighth' years were the only one going to this Halloween Bash. It was a special party just for them, but some of the seventh years, or even younger, were allowed to go too, if they had either participated in the war, or were invited, like Ginny Weasley was in the war, but was also invited by none other then the Boy-Who-Lived himself, Harry Potter. Same goes for Luna Lovegood, only instead of being invited by Harry, she had been invited by Neville Longbottom.

"Okay Ginny, I'm up.... I'm up..." Hermione muttered and rolled over, sleepily getting out of her four-poster bed in the Gryffindor Girl's Dormitories.

"Great! Now get ready for breakfast so afterwards we can go to Hogsmede!" Ginny squealed excitedly.

Hermione gave her a small smile. "Okay."

Hermione Granger, Gryffindor's Golden Girl, was not at all excited for the Halloween Bash, she thought the idea was stupid, getting dressed up in costumes at their age.

So, instead of getting any sort of true costume, she was just going to get a nice dress and wear a masquerade ball-sequel mask with it.

"So, I was trying to choose between whether I want to be a werecat or an elf this year...." Ginny trailed off and glanced at Hermione, hoping for her input on the situation.

Hermione glanced at her after rolling her eyes. "Well, what is Harry going as?" She questioned.

"Harry's being a werewolf." Ginny replied with a grin.

"Oh? Well unless you planned on doing a couples costume, you should do elf. I think it would look pretty on you anyways." Hermione replied and nodded slowly.

"Well we are going as a couple, but didn't plan on doing a couple's costume, so yeah, I'll do elf I suppose. Thanks for the help, Hermione." Ginny grinned.

"Good idea, and not a problem." Hermione murmured, but her mind was drifting to other places as she started mechanically getting ready for the day.

Her and Ron had broke up last week, and it had been pretty bad. She had found him snogging Lavender Brown under a set of stairs.

Apparently they were dating now, again, and Hermione was extremely pissed off at Ron (and Lavender), to the point she hadn't talked to him, unless it was just to exchange pleasantries, since the incident.

After she got ready, Hermione followed Ginny downstairs into the Common Room.

There they met up with Harry, Neville, Ron, and... Lavender Brown.

Hermione groaned and lagged behind them, following them our of the portal room and into the hallway.

Hermione groaned and lagged behind them, following them our of the portal room and into the hallway.

She couldn't stand seeing Ron and Lavender coddle each other in such a way. It sickened her, to be honest.

The group got to the Great Hall and all sat down at the Gryffindor table, then began to chow down on breakfast.

After a few minutes, Lavender started giggling. "You always eat so much, Won-Won! Lighten up!" Lavender giggled and wrapped her arms around Ron's waist.

"Ugh.... gag me with a spoon." Hermione groaned to herself, and soon finished her breakfast.

"I'll meet you in Hogsmede, Ginny." she said as she got up and started to walk out of the Great Hall, going outside. "Okay! See you!" Ginny called after Hermione's retreating form.

From the Slytherin table, a certain platinum blond's gaze was following Hermione as well, and soon enough he got up and sneakily followed her out.

Once Hermione reached Hogsmede, she felt as though someone was following her.

She whipped around, and the man stopped in his tracks. "Malfoy! Why are you following me?" Hermione snapped, glaring at him icily.

He shrugged his shoulders and returned her glare with a harsh look. "I'm not following you."

"Sure as hell seems like it!" she growled.

"Where are you going, Granger?"he questioned.

"That is none of your concern, Malfoy!" Hermione yelled at him.

"Ooh! So feisty, Granger! Come on now, tell me!"

"Why do you even want to know?"

"Because I'm interested."

"No you're bloody not! You're just here to make my life miserable! To think, I helped keep you out of Azkaban too by speaking for you at your trial! Go to hell, Malfoy!" she snarled and whipped around again, before storming off.

She growled lightly to herself when she heard footsteps behind her. He was so damn persistent! She looked over her shoulder at him, "Malfoy I swear...."

"Come on Granger! Lighten up! Let me come with you, wherever the hell you're going." Draco said, a bit hopefully.

He was so bored, walking with Granger would hopefully make him feel a bit better, even if they weren't friends, she was, he admitted to himself, extremely smart, and therefore he figured they could carry on a nice conversation, considering their intellects were around the same level.

Hermione sighed loudly. "I'm going to that new costume shop that opened with Ginny."

"Oh? You mean that... Enchanted Costumes place?" he questioned.

"Yeah...." Hermione grumbled and slowed her pace to a halt, and turned around. "If you're going to come with us, we need to wait for Ginny."

"Alright, let's wait for the Weaselette." Draco stated and stood beside Hermione.

"Don't call her that!" Hermione snapped.

Draco glanced at her. "Fine, fine, you're no fun, Granger."

"Yeah well, I don't know why you want to come with me, but since you are, you're going to listen to me." she said and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Alright.... oh look! Here comes the She-Weasel!"

"Malfoy!" Hermione growled loudly.

"What? You only said not to call her Weaselette. You never said anything about calling her She-Weasel." He replied with a teasing smirk.

"Ugh! Don't call her nicknames, okay?!" Hermione wanted to slap that smirk off his face.

'The irritating, cocky bastard.' she thought to herself.

"Hey! Hermione! Why... is he here?" Ginny questioned as she walked towards them.

"He followed me." Hermione grumbled.

"And she let me come with." Draco said with a shit-eating grin on his face.

"After you begged!" Hermione groaned.

"You're ruining our girl day, Malfoy." Ginny huffed.

Draco shrugged. "If Granger really wanted to have a girl day, she wouldn't have let me come."

Both Hermione and Ginny huffed. "Well fine. Let's go then, but I'm watching you, Malfoy." Ginny threatened and started walking off.

Hermione quickly followed her, Draco walking right beside her. She attempted to speed up and get away from him, but he sped up as well.

'Ugh! He's so aggravating!' she thought to herself.

"We're here!" Ginny announced.

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