Monday Couple Stories

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This is a fanfictional love story about the Monday Couple: Kang Gary and Song Ji Hyo on the popular Korean Va... Daha Fazla

Chapter One: Destiny
Chapter Two: OMG!!
Chapter Three: Confession
Chapter Four: Making It Work
Chapter Five: Desire
Chapter Six: Second Thoughts
Chapter Seven: Bad Day
Chapter Eight: The Accident
Chapter Nine: Forgiveness
Chapter Ten: The Talk
Chapter Eleven: Gary's Promise
Chapter Twelve: Jealousy
Chapter Thirteen: The Meeting
Chapter Fourteen: Being Playful
Chapter Fifteen: Loving Each Other
Chapter Sixteen: Trouble
Chapter Seventeen: Breakup
Chapter Eighteen: Hurting Inside
Chapter Nineteen: Temptation
Chapter Twenty: Mistake
Chapter Twenty One: Separate Lives
Chapter Twenty Two: Aftermath
Aftermath (Continued)
Chapter Twenty Three: The Storm
Chapter Twenty Four: How Could He?
Chapter Twenty Five: Hope
Chapter Twenty Six: The Reunion
The Reunion (Continued)
Chapter Twenty Seven: Starting Over
Chapter Twenty Eight: New Beginnings
Chapter Twenty Nine: Our Secret Life
Chapter Thirty: The Test
The Test (Continued)
Chapter Thirty One: A Lover's Quarrel
Chapter Thirty Two: The Premiere
Chapter Thirty Three: Trying Hard to Resist
Chapter Thirty Four: The Betrayal
Chapter Thirty Five: State of Shock
Chapter Thirty Six: Gary Finds Out
Chapter Thirty Seven: At the Hospital
Chapter Thirty Eight: The Surgery
The Surgery (Continued)
Chapter Thirty Nine: Remembering
Chapter Fourty: Reuniting
Chapter Fourty One: Tragedy
Tragedy (Continued)
Chapter Fourty Two: Going Home
Chapter Fourty Three: Shocking News
Chapter Fourty Four: The Proposal
The Proposal (Continued)
Chapter Fourty Five: Relationships
Chapter Fourty Six: The Baby
Chapter Fourty Seven: In Her Honor
Chapter Fourty Nine: The News
Chapter Fifty: The Delivery
Chapter Fifty One: Feeling Blessed
Chapter Fifty Two: Home At Last
Chapter Fifty Three: Romantic Date?
Chapter Fifty Four: The Business Trip
Chapter Fifty Five: Out to Dinner
Chapter Fifty Six: Understanding
Chapter Fifty Seven: Sticking by Her Man
Chapter Fifty Eight: More Than Business
Chapter Fifty Nine: Deranged Fan
Chapter Sixty: A Fond Memory
Chapter Sixty One: Recovering Period
Chapter Sixty Two: Rehearsal Dinner
Chapter Sixty Three: Letting Go the Past
Letting Go the Past (Continued)
Chapter Sixty Four: The Choice
Chapter Sixty Five: The Happy Couple
Chapter Sixty Six: Blissfully Happy
Chapter Sixty Seven: The Wedding
The Romance Continues

Chapter Fourty Eight: The Sacrifice

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dolphinlady1 tarafından

After several days in the hospital, Ji Hyo was cleared to go home. On the day she was discharged from the hospital the doctor reminded her to not due too much strenuous activities and get plenty of rest before the baby arrives. She and Gary thanked the doctor for taking good care of her while she was in the hospital.

Kwang Soo came to pick up Ji Hyo and Gary. He was not sure where Ji Hyo lived and inquired the directions to her house.

Ji Hyo was hesitant to give them her address.  She requested that be dropped off somewhere else.

"Why won't you tell us where you live?" Gary asked.

"Oh, uhm...its not that...there's just some things that still need to be done and I uhm...need to...uhm" Ji Hyo said..

"Okay, I get don't want me to go to your house," Gary said. "Kwang Soo...would you please drop me off at my place then," Gary annoyingly said.

"Oppa, please don't be upset...there's just some things that I still need to do and I am not ready for anyone to come by yet," Ji Hyo said.

Kwang Soo arrived in front of Gary's apartment.  They tried to say goodbye to him but he just walked out of the car, irritated that Ji Hyo hesitated to let him visit her home.  Seeing how irritated he looked, Ji Hyo stepped out of the car and ran up to him.  She hugged him from behind and told him not to be angry. 

"Oppa, when everything is done, you will be the first one I will invite but please don't be mad...I love you so much," Ji Hyo said.

Gary turned around and hugged her back.  He said he was sorry and that he would wait for her to invite him.  Then they hugged again before Ji Hyo went back to Kwang Soo's car. Seeing her leave made Gary miss her even more.  He ran after her and just when she was about to step in Kwang Soo's car Gary asked her to stay with him tonight.  She looked at him and smiled.  Then she turned to Kwang Soo, who was smiling,  thanked him for picking her up from the hospital and said goodbye to him. 

That night they talked about how they were going to break the news to the media regarding their relationship.  First they would have to talk to Jae Suk before going to the press.  They made arrangements to meet him at Gary's restaurant.

When they broke the news to Jae Suk, he was not happy.  He reminded the couple that they signed an agreement stating that dating was prohibited while still filming for the program.  Jae Suk was concerned that their relationship could jeopardize their careers. 

Gary was at the top of his game.  Before he came on the show, not many people knew who he was.  Since he came on the show, people saw a comedic, yet gentleman like side of him that was different from how he portrays himself when he writes music.  Although, he put himself down by mocking his physical appearance, people have grown to admire his characteristics on the show, and deemed him to be a handsome fellow rather than an ugly duckling.  He is caring towards others, especially those in need.  Donating thousands of dollars to charity events and those less fortunate.  To top off his successful music career, which he worked so hard through the years, his celebrity status has gained popularity since starring in the variety show and he has a restaurant that is doing well.  He has gained many devoted and loyal fans not only in Korea but outside as well.  People have expressed their love for him as a celebrity and have showered him with gifts as well as admiring comments.  Ji Hyo felt she could not take this away from him, since he has worked so hard to achieve what he currently has.

Jae Suk asked both of them to wait a little longer before coming out about their real life relationship. 

They thanked Jae Suk for coming to meet them.  Jae Suk, who was always business minded, let the couple know that what he said to them was on a business level not personal.  In reality, he knew that their was something special between the two of them, since Ji Hyo became a regular on the show.  He wasn't blind to what was developing on the show between them.  It was obvious to him back then that Gary was developing strong feelings for her when she came on the show, but for the sake of the program, he kept his mouth shut and looked the other way when the couple began to show affection towards one another during shooting.

"Gary, Ji Hyo...I'm sorry to talk to you sternly....I just want you to know that I care deeply for both of you and I don't want anything to happen to you....You both worked so hard to be where you're at right now...why jeopardize your career as well your life.... over something that could backfire on you if you let it be known to the public...I just feel strongly that this is not the time to mention your relationship...give it some more time before announcing it to the world," Jae Suk said.

Gary was going to mention about Ji Hyo's pregnancy but she stopped him by grabbing his arm and shaking her head.  Jae Suk told them that he had another appointment somewhere else so he had to leave.

"Please think about what I said before you do anything rash," Jae Suk said.  "It's my love and admiration for the two of you that I say these things to you...okay I have to go now...bye."  Gary and Ji Hyo thanked him for taking the time to meet with them.  Ji Hyo took into consideration what he said and secretly made plans to meet with him again.

After meeting with Jae Suk, Ji Hyo asked Gary, "what should we do?" Gary did not know what to say.  What if Jae Suk was right.  Everything he worked so hard for could crumble before his very eyes if he makes a mistake in revealing something that the public wholeheartedly wants to hear.  He was worried about the backlash he would receive from the television production team, endorsement companies, family and friends.  Most importantly how would this affect his music career.  Would he be able to adjust to being a devoted husband and father.  His freedom as an individual, an artist is at stake.  Would he be able to live a happy life knowing he would be confined to the daily routines of family life.  He had to take this all into consideration before making a move to go public about his love for Ji Hyo.

Although Ji Hyo worked hard too to be where she was right now, she did not build an empire from scratch like Gary did.  She didn't have much to lose compared to him.  Gary's heart was in the right place and she knew that he truly and deeply cares and loves her but their was the business side of him that she knew well too.  Would she be able to live guilt free, if Gary would sacrificed all he has worked hard for to confess his love for the woman he loves to the public.  Knowing Gary's business side, she felt he would not make that kind of sacrifice even for her.

Gary told Ji Hyo that they would need to think about what Jae Suk said to them.  For now, they will continue to go about their business as if nothing has happened.  They will readdress this issue at a later time.

Ji Hyo was in agreement to this but behind Gary's back, she ended up calling Jae Suk and arranged for him to meet with her privately at a nearby museum.  There she confided her pregnancy to him.

"Is Gary the father?" he gently asked.

"Yes," she timidly said.

"Ah, then we have a bigger problem than I thought," he said.

"He's asked me to marry him," Ji Hyo said.

"What?...did you accept?"

"Yes," she shyly said.

Jae Suk was elated.

"Congratulations!...I'm so happy to hear this...wh..."

"Jae Suk, I love Gary but I cannot have him sacrifice what he has worked so hard for to confess his love for me to the public."

"Ji Hyo this is different, he loves you and wants to marry should be happy...this is great news."

"You would assume he would be happy, that the baby and I would be enough for him but I'm afraid that I will be restricting his freedom to live life care cannot have that kind of life style if you have a wife and child to take care he prepared for those changes?'ve known him longer than I have and you know what I am talking about....he doesn't follow any rules, he lives life with no worries in the can I take that away from him?...would the baby and I truly be enough for him to settle down?"

"Yes, it's true that Gary has been living a care free life and his independence is very important to him and his career...since I've known him, he has been going to clubs weekly only because he is a music artist and needs inspiration to create new music...he has done things that....uhm that part is irrelevant but I know that he is also the nicest, most caring, considerate person in the world and if he asked you to marry him, there was something in him that wanted to change...since you came on the show, he did not hide his feelings towards you...we all knew it...but for the sake of the show, being so new, we had to keep it low key..."

"Oppa, what should I do? would be such a huge sacrifice on his part if he confesses our relationship to the media...would I be able to live with any negative comments or backlash...I am considering everything he has worked hard for...who am I to ruin what he built from scratch...I cannot risk him losing everything over me...I'm not worth it."

"Ji Hyo, the best advice I can give you is to go with your heart."

"Oppa, would you give this to Gary for me."

Ji Hyo hands him a letter.

"What is it?" Jae Suk asked.

"It will explain everything...after talking to you I know what I have to do...this is how much I love him...please oppa, when you have the chance, would you kindly give it to him."

"Alright, Ji Hyo," he said.

"Thank you oppa."

JI Hyo secretly talked to the head production team of Running Man.  She put in paperwork stating she will take a six month leave of absence.  Ji Hyo was given approval, after she privately explained the situation.  Since she is an asset to the show, they decided to abide by her wishes in hopes she would return to the show once she takes care of some personal issues.

She then talked to the production team for Emergency Couple.  She didn't know what to expect, after she explained the situation to them regarding her condition.  Since the show is gaining popularity, they would be a fool to just let her go, so they would continue to film around her pregnancy.  She made one last request from the head production team that while she is filming Emergency Couple, that nobody is allowed to come visit her on the set, even if it's her own family member.  This was an odd request but she was firm on her request so out of respect for her wish, they agreed to it.

Satisfied that she had taken care of the problems that were going to arise due to her pregnancy, Ji Hyo went back home and prepared to let Gary know what her plans were.  She sent him a long personal text message.

To: My love

Message:  Please try to understand what I have to say...I will always love and support you in everything you do.... I strongly feel it is not our time to be together....I was deeply touched by your proposal and although I accepted it, I didn't think through what would happen to us if we did go through with the marriage....I'm trying to protect you and your career, as well as mine...I will never be too far away from you....we can still continue to talk but we cannot see each will be in my heart, now, always and forever....

From: Ji Hyo

Gary was shocked at her message.  He immediately sought Jae Suk.

"Hyung, Ji Hyo sent me this you know anything about it?"

"Gary, Ji Hyo told me everything...she asked me what should she do and I advised her to follow her heart....she also asked me to give this to you."

He handed Gary a hand written note. 

My dearest Gary Oppa...

Forgive me for what I am about to do.  I cannot let you sacrafice your happiness for mine.  It's too great a loss on your part.  You worked so hard to build an empire for yourself.  Who am I to take that away from you?  I cannot change who you are, a free spirited, outspoken yet kind, sweet and loving individual.  You've mentioned that you like to live your life not confined to comformity, that you need to be free in order to express yourself through your music.  Music is the love of your life and not me, that's why we shouldn't go public with our relationship.  I love you too much for you to make that sacrafice to put me on top of the pedestal than your career.  So I am letting you go to pursue your goal in achieving greatness through music. Knowing you the way I do, my love for you will not be strong enough to keep you grounded.  Having your child, is the greatest gift I could ever receive from you. It's through our child that I will continue to love and support you as you continue to work hard in making a name for yourself and company.  Saranghe, Gary oppa...


Ji Hyo

Seeing Gary's defeated look, Jae Suk mentioned to him that Ji Hyo contacted him one last time to let him know that she will be taking a leave of absence from filming Running Man for several months.

"What?!...why would she do that hyung?" Gary asked.

"Gary, she is doing this for you...her love for you is so strong that she is willing to sacrafice her happiness so you may pursue yours."

"No hyung...I can't let her do this...she is my happiness...I can't let her go."

"Gary, can you stay truly commited to her...can you let go your freedom as an artist to live a normal life with a family...will you do more harm to your relationship by staying with her when the baby arrives and then leaving her later because you feel trapped?...if you truly love her, than think about what I had just said...Ji Hyo wants your love but she knows that she won't be able to keep you, so she would rather sacrafice feeling hurt now than feeling the pain of rejection in the future.  She wants a home and a family, someone to share her life and grow old with. This is her ultimate goal. Are you willing to sacrafice your life to make hers a reality?"

"Hyung...I really love her...I can't lose her again...what am I going to do?"

"She has made up her mind already...continue to live your life without her...if you truly love her, let her find someone who could give her what she wants and needs....for her sake and your baby, let her find someone who could provide stability in their lives."

"Gary, let's go..."

"Where are we going, hyung?"

"You look like you need a drink, so let's go."

"Okay...I'm coming."

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