Beautiful Eyes

By ivory_kaiz

94.9K 2.5K 644

"My turn." Riele said. She spun the bottle. Then things got real different. Real quick. ≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫... More

Breakups are hard.
"Chenry Danger, I mean, Homecoming Danger."
Ah Jeezez and Interviews
The Start of Something New
Girls Lunch
Coffee and Selfies
Lets Talk. (not a chapter but pls read)
Jaele time. Plus about the author
Should we tell the World?
Haunted Jaele plus Jace Memes
Now Everyone knows.
Big Announcements.
"This is New York City Baby!"
Jaceabela over (confirmed?)
Christmas Shopping and Kisses
What about us?
Red Carpet Shopping
Incase you forgot... (pls read)
The Warp Party
Just Jace and Riele Pt 1.
All I want for christmas is you.
About what I do in my books for you guys. (not a chapter)
Dans anouncment/ Late Lunch (filler Chapter)
Lazy days are my kinda days ♡
Just Jace and Riele pt. 2
Snow Day/Update (not a chapter)
Blizzard in the City (filler chapter)
Moment of Truth PT.1
Moment of Truth pt 2.
Love Yourself.
Warm weather, us all together. (filler chapter)
Love Confess
Us & Date Night
Playlist of the week
Can we start over?
Back to L.A for a while.
This book isnt over
Chill days & dates with you
Bigger Better Things
Hard to Say Goodbye.
I'm so in Love with You.
Im Broken, But you can fly.
surprise im back

Back Home.

1.1K 42 5
By ivory_kaiz

Jace's POV

We just landed. I gathered our bags and everyone is currently getting off the jet. I called an Uber that is arriving right now. "Bye guys, this trip was amazing, I loved connecting with you all as always." I said to my Nick family. We all exchanged hugs and speeches and Riele and I left for home. Well, my house. "Jace!" My mom hugged me. "Riele, baby, how are you?" My mom hugged her too. She smiled. "Im well thankyou." My mom nodded and looked at us. "Im so proud of of you both, come here." She pulled us both into a loving hug that caused us both to smile. We released the hug and went into my room. Rie helped me organize and clean, and put my things away. "It feels like we haven't been here forever." I sighed. "We kind of haven't." She smiled rubbing my shoulders. I smiled too. "So, what do you wanna do?" I asked. "Go home. Jace I have to see my family, and unpack." She said. "Oh yeah, I'll come too-" "No." She interuppted. "Why not?" I asked. "Jace, its my family, well, my mom and Reiya, they kinda told me they just wanted me, and me alone home." She said. "Oh." I sighed. She sat down next to me. "Baby, I've been with you for 5 months, I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" She smiled slightly. She's right, I am kind of being selfish. "Okay." I look at her. We look at each others eyes in comfortable silence. "Love you." She says. "Love you too." I smiled. We both stood up and then hugged for a while. We finally parcially let go, and kissed gently. "Bye." She said. I held her hand and let her go slowly. "Bye bye." She smiled and left my room.

Riele's POV
I walked down Jace's stares, hugged Mrs. Norman goodbye and called an Uber home. When I walked in the door I was showered with hugs from mom and, Reiya!  Reiya is home! I hugged them both tight. "Missed you baby." My mom smiled. "I missed you." I kissed her cheek. She smiled. "Okay, now I have to unpack this mess and organize my room to make it feel like home again." I smiled. She nodded. "We are eating chicken salad for dinner tonight, together, at 7 o'clock." My mom told me. "Okay." I nodded and walked upstairs to my room. I took a deep breath in and looked around. As much as I love the city, I missed home. And its so good to be back. I changed into some comfortable clothes, probably gonna wear them to sleep too.

I started to unpack  and organize. I was happy with the result. Crap!  Its 7:00, better go downstairs. I grabbed my phone and ran downstairs. "Hey mom, hey Reiya." I smiled. They said hi back and we all sat outside on the patio table to eat. "So how was New York." Mom asked. "Amazing, I really found myself there, and Jace and I got to know each other and understand eachother  better as a couple and individuals. I also connected with the cast and my Nick fam more. Alot more." I said. Mom smiled. "Well good." "Reiya how was filming Degrassi." I asked. "Great as usual, I love my Panther fam." She smiled. Mom looked happy with us. "Thats great girls." We all talked for the rest of dinner and after we all kind of hanged in the livingroom talking. Then we all said goodnight with hugs and I love you's and went off to bed. I texted Jace.

Riele 🌲💤: Heyy
Jace ♡: Hi
Riele🌲💤: Goodnight love
Jace ♡: Goodnight baby
Riele 🌲💤: Love you 💗
Jace ♡: I love you way more 💞
Riele 🌲💤: 😊
Jace ♡: 😇
Message read.

I put down my phone feeling warm and fuzzy the way I always do when I'm near Jace. I fell asleep dreaming of happiness, which is something I haven't felt lately, so this is good.

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