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Hello my dear readers. I have something to say. First off, never in a million years did I ever imagine this book being my number one book and reaching almost 90,000 reads. That's beyond my belief to this day I'm still shocked. I am so grateful for all of you! 

Now, a few things to say:

* I wrote this book when I was 13 and finished it when I was 14. I was in 8th grade. It was 2016 and 2017. So, it baffles me that people in 2021 are still reading and commenting and interacting with this book. I didn't even  know people still shipped jaele anymore bahaha. I am no longer in the Henry Danger Fandom, I left it in October 2017, I just stopped caring, it wasn't entertaining anymore. 

* I was severely uneducated while writing this book! (As a 14 year old should be!) I did not know nearly as much as I do about safe sex, or sex in general now that I am an adult. So for some of the more nsfw scenes, please forgive my 14 year old self for how cringe they were. 

*I seriously still cant believe people are still reading this aha!! my writing was so immature and underdeveloped!!! Re reading this as an adult is,, frightening... If I'm being honest, one day, I'd really like to rewrite this book. I had so much fun writing it the first time. And there are just a few scenes I hold dear to me, but If I do re write it, the characters would be of my own Imagination, and not Jace and Riele. Simply because I now realize, if I was in their shoes, and people  wrote sex scenes about me, and other things with me about this person I was never with,, I'd be so uncomfortable. So that being said.. yeah 

* I AM WORKING ON OTHER BOOKS!!! Shortly after I left the Henry Danger fandom I got into Voltron. The show may be over now, but I am still very much apart of the fandom. I am working on 3 voltron books, one of which is already published.. (still cringe though because I was 15 when I started it, (again, was not that educated on sex,,,,)  but I will be releasing new chapters soon). and two other novels I started in 2018 and are still working on to this very day. So if you happen to be into Voltron stay tuned!!

If you aren't apart of a fandom, and just like romance and young adult fiction, I am working on 3 of my own novels with my own original characters!! I am very excited to keep working on them, it's been a very long 3 years, but hopefully it will be worth it! 

Okay that's all for now! Love yall, stay safe in this Pandemic. 

Beautiful Eyes Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora