Last Hope | ↠Dick Grayson/Nig...

By GothamGirlx

122K 4.5K 2.7K

There has been a recent uprise in crime in the city recently. People are afraid. Nowhere is safe anymore. Wit... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 16

4.1K 178 101
By GothamGirlx

It wasn't long before Batman, Batgirl and Robin had returned and you had all congregated at the Bat-Computer. Bruce was analysing a blood sample he had taken from one of the influenced criminals, in the hope of finding a way to make a more affective cure.

"So, Bruce, what's our plan of action?" Dick asked between heavy breaths. He was not in good shape after his most recent battle.

"Once it has been produced, Jason, Barbara and I will administrate the new cure to the infected, and as previously planned we will question the criminals to find Blockbuster's new base of operations." Bruce explained.

"And where do I fit into this plan?" The oldest Robin replied.

"You stay here, you're in no condition to be out in the field again. You can keep Alfred and (Y/N) safe, make sure no one breaks into the cave."

"That's bullshit and you know it." Dick scoffed. "This is one of the safest places in the country due to the fact that we're the only people who know the the location of it. Plus Blockbuster is from my city, from Blüdhaven. This is my fight, I'm not going to just sit here and do nothing to bring him down."

"Dick you've done enough. More than enough. Stay put and let us handle it."

"Like hell." He stood up with a groan and made his way towards his bike.

"Nightwing, that was not a suggestion." Bruce raised his voice, causing a disturbance in a group of bats hanging from the high ceiling.

"After all he's done, to innocent people, to people like (Y/N), you can't expect me to not want to be the one that finally brings him to justice."

"I understand that. And I promise you, you will bring to him what he deserves but not today. You make one slip up and you're a dead man. And on top of that you are too emotionally involved with this mission, with him. You go in too hard, too strong, too fast and any recollection of a plan, of a structure to what you're doing has completely disintegrated. But believe me, I understand what it's like to look into the eyes of pure evil, insanity and want nothing to swing enough punches to ensure that no more pain will be brought to people because of them. The urge needs to be controlled or you will have taken a few more steps closer to crossing that line, and you know once you've gone there, there is no way back. So just take the night off, before you do something that you will regret."

While speaking, Bruce had edged his way closer to Dick and now the two men were staring daggers at each other. Silence filled the cave for another long moment. Looking  towards Barbara and Jason, you started a facial expression conversation with them in order to decide whether one of you should break the tense silence.

The silence was soon broken by Alfred clearing his throat rather loudly, "Master Bruce, the new cure is ready to be administered."

"Thank you Alfred. Barbara, Jason, get in the car."  Bruce replied, his eyes still locked to Dick's.  

Once the others had situated themselves in the Batmobile, Bruce followed, leaving Dick in a very infuriated state. Within seconds, the car was gone and you and he were sitting at the Batcomputer, attempting to help with the case in any way possible. 

After half an hour, no information had been found, so just as you were about to convince Dick to retire for the night with you, the screen displayed an incoming call from Batman. 

"What's the update?" Dick accepted the call, in a slightly angry, monotone voice. 

"We've cured all those affected by the drug however the cure has left them all unconscious, so we haven't had the opportunity to interrogate them yet. Blockbuster hasn't got any men left in Gotham and the ones that are still here are currently locked away at the GCPD, the second they can talk, the police are going to interrogate them and the Commissioner will tell us all they know. But as far as this case is concerned, you're just going to have to wait." Bruce quickly ended the call, and Dick took a deep sigh. 

"So that's it. We're just going to wait." He threw himself back in his chair, with was quickly followed by another grunt of pain.

"I think it's just what you need. If we had found more information, you wouldn't have stayed here much longer, you would have gone out, all guns blazing, and probably gotten yourself beaten up even more. I know I've told you this a lot recently, but you really need some rest, those wounds won't heal if you don't allow them to."

"I won't be able sleep knowing that criminal is still out there."

"Criminals are always going to be out there, that's why you do what you do. And as Bruce said, none of Blockbuster's guys are left in Gotham, his base must be in Blüdhaven, so how about we both go to bed now and first thing in the morning we'll go back there and take his organisation downtown to Chinatown. Sound like a good plan?" 

"You say it like it's going to be easy."

"Well, from what I've heard, a difficult task has never phased you. We'll find a way to do this. Now, will you please go to bed, I can see the bags under your eyes."

"I pretty sure they're just bruises." He replied getting up from his seat. You instantly went to support him, as standing was an issue he was having.

"You really need to shower." You informed him as you helped him up the stairs of the manor. 

"That's just this new cologne that I'm trying out, it's called Blood, Sweat and Tears. I feel it has quite a unique scent." 

You let out a small giggle, it was admirable that despite all the pain he was clearly in and the stress he was under, he was still able to find a sense of humour.

Once he was out the shower, you had to help him put his t-shirt on as he couldn't lift his arms without reopening an injury. Now all the dry blood had been washed off, he did look much better than before and the wounds didn't look as severe as how you had them pictured in your head, however his chest and face were dappled with shades of red, blue and purple. You helped him climb into bed and sat on the edge next to him. 

"Are you sure you're going to be alright?" You asked in a whisper, you were almost sure of what his response would be but you needed the reassurance. 

"I've survived injuries worse than these. I promise you, everything is going to be okay."

"Okay." You sighed, "Rest up, we've got a lot to do tomorrow." You left a light kiss on his battered cheek and proceeded to leave the room.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"To bed, I'm exhausted. Where else?"

"You can't do that, this bed is so big, and this empty side is so cold." The only light that filled the room was from the hallway that you were currently standing in, but through the darkness you could see he was pouting like an upset 4-year-old. "I don't think I will be able to heal in this cold." He continued with a dramatic sigh. 

You rolled your eyes as you shut the door behind you and climbed into the empty side of his bed. 

"You're an idiot Richard Grayson."

"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me (Y/N) (L/N)."

He pulled you in for a long, loving kiss goodnight. 

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