Ever After |all human| COMPLE...

By lordsasskins

53.6K 2K 567

| edwardxbella | A broken boy in Florida. A lonely girl in Washington. An anonymous chat room, where two lost... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Please read, friends๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
| Epilogue |

Chapter 23

1.1K 37 22
By lordsasskins

Bella's POV.

Maybe camping wasn't going to be so bad after all. I watched as Edward left with Emmett, a grin on my face at Edwards obvious attitude. Once I couldn't see them anymore, I got out of the tent and zipped it up so no bugs could get inside. I really hated bugs.

I made my way across the large field, going to the tent that had the legs sticking out of the door. I quickly recognized them as Alice's legs. I rounded near the tent and peeked inside, being met by the gaze of my two best girl friends.

"Hey Bella." Alice greeted moving aside and patting a spot beside her. "Come join us."

I was quick to oblige, I didn't really want to be alone. These past few days I've been nothing but fearful of being alone, which is weird cause I've always been independent.

"Emmett steal Edward?" Alice asked.

"Yes." I sighed dramatically.

"He stole Jasper to." She told me. "Said something about preventing us from freezing to death, I said, what if we freeze to death while our guys are gone? It'll be their fault for not being here to hold us."

I rolled my eyes at the same time Rosalie snorted.

"I'm going to have to side with Emmett, though." Rosalie said, smirking.

"Me too." I added in, teasing Alice. "It's so warm today, but I would definitely have to say that tonight will probably be much to cold to be warmed up by a set of arms, no matter whose they are and how big."

"Plus," I continued, "what's good about camping with no scary stories around the fire?"

"However there are other ways they could warm us up.." Rosalie teased suggestively, causing my face to heat up.

"I'm so glad we put our tent far from yours, I so don't want to hear that." I said, smirking.

"Come on, Bella." Alice sighed, "you're not a virgin anymore, which means you can join in when we talk about sex and not cower away."

"I've never done it before," I pointed out.

"Well, we can get you started!"

"No!" I said, a little to loudly, scrambling to get out of the tent, but of course, me being as clumsy as I am, wound up tripping on a sleeping bag and falling onto my stomach, catching myself with my hands halfway out of the tent. I seen someone's boots in front of my face and glanced up into the face of a grinning Jasper.

"Clutz." He mumbled, receiving a punch in the arm from behind him.

"Leave her alone." I heard Edwards voice, coming around Jasper. He kneeled down in front of me, amusement dancing in his eyes despite his chastising. "You okay, baby?"

"What are you doing back so soon?" I asked, ignoring his question.

"We only went to get wood, Bella." He murmured, looking even more amused, "we're surrounded by wood.. we didn't have to go far."

I blushed softly, feeling stupid.

"What about the fire pit?" I questioned. "What are we going to use?"

"Got it covered." Emmett called, hauling one of his large bags away from the tent before going to the centre of the clearing, hauling out what appeared to be a store bought pit.

"Forks boys.. don't know a thing about roughing it." I heard Edward mumble, I think to himself mostly, as he eyed what Emmett was doing.

Finally, I moved to stand up, brushing the dirt off my knees as Edward watched with a large grin on his face and an unrecognizable emotion in his eye.

I walked to the field where Emmett and Jasper were standing, making a fire pile not far from the pit, to see if I could help.

"You're a girl.." Emmett said, narrowing his eyes at me as he said the word, and looking at me up and down as if trying to understand something.

"Thank you for that tidbit of information." I said sarcastically, crossing my arms. "What about it?"

"Girls don't help!" He exclaimed, "girls sit and do their nails and talk about boys and do other girl thingys while the men work."

"Okay." I said simply, rolling my eyes as I scooped down and picked up an armful of wood, moving to stack them as I had seen the boys doing moments before, muttering under my breath, "not this girl."


Time goes by so slow when you spend the day outside, but eventually, it was night time. We were gathered around the fire, we only had three chairs as we had to carry them up, so we were laid out in various positions.

Jasper was sitting on one chair, Alice sat on a blanket between his legs. Rosalie was in the other, and Emmett had been sitting on side of her leg on the ground, but had gotten up to go get something. Edward was sitting in the third chair, with me on his laps. His arms were tight around me.

"Lookie, lookie what I got!" Emmett yelled out in a singsong voice as he came up to the fire with a bag and a box.

I recognized the box instantly, I had seen it in my fridge hundreds of times. He had beer. My mouth went slack. Where did he even get beer?

"I know a guy." He said, probably reading the look I had on my face. "Who wants one?"

Everyone besides Edward and myself spoke up, I felt him tense underneath me, and I knew while he wanted one, he was busy thinking in overtime of his past.

I squeezed his hand reassuringly as I spoke up, "we'll have one." He froze underneath me and held me tight as Emmett brought over two beers.

"I said one." I said, taking the beer out of Emmett's hand and tried to twist the stopper off. It wasn't working. Edward took it from my hands, and used his key to pop the lid off. I blushed, my face burning.

He eyed it cautiously, and I smiled softly in reassurance before moving to tuck my head on his shoulder.

"You're okay." I whispered, promising quietly as I lifted my hand and played with the collar of his tee. "You're with me now."

He turned his head slowly to press a soft kiss to my forehead, and slipped his hand up underneath the large sweater he made me wear and my tank, massaging my hip softly as he turned back and took a tentative sip. He offered me some and I shook my head, whispering to him that I hate beer.

He chuckled softly, and I smiled, moving my head to press a kiss to his neck. I knew I was a lovey dovey idiot, but I'm allowed to be.

His phone started to ring, which surprised me at first. None of our phones had service, but, I guess none of us had an overly expensive phone with a ridiculously expensive plan. Pretty sure Edward would get service on the moon. I giggled at the thought as he lifted his hips, raising me with him as he fished his phone out of his pocket. I caught a glimpse of the screen as he was looking at the caller I.D. Kate. Kate? Did I know a Kate? Who was Kate?

"I got to take this." Edward said, patting my thigh for me to let him up, I moved quickly and he stood up, hitting the accept button as he began disappearing into the darkness, his beer still in his hand.

"Hey, you!" I heard him say before he was out of hearing range. My stomach flipped. He was just being friendly, I was overreacting. He was overly friendly though... I sighed.

I heard Alice say something, but didn't realize she was talking to me until she said my name.

"Hmm?" I mumbled.

"I said, are you okay?" She repeated. I hadn't realized I was frowning. I guessed the emotions of my thoughts were evident on my face.

"Yeah." I murmured, "just tired." I stood up from my spot and faked a stretch and a yawn.

"Oh?" Alice murmured, clearly not buying it. I pleaded with her not to say anything.

"Yeah, I'm going to go lay down." I announced, walking in the opposite direction Edward had gone in to get to our tent.

Once I was in I began undressing quickly, using the flashlight we had to see what I was doing, and changed into my thick pyjamas. I was shivering by the time I finished and quickly hauled Edwards sweater back on before laying down in our makeshift bed, claiming the side I wanted as my own.

I wasn't actually tired, so I pulled out my phone and opened up a game, playing mindlessly as I thought over my insecurities. I don't think Edward is the type to cheat. At all. However, anyone can have feelings for more than one person at a time, right? Maybe he had feelings for her. I was considering anything that made it make sense that he had to walk away to talk to her. Was every girl this jealous? I felt ridiculous.

It was nearly a half an hour later that I heard footsteps outside the tent. I wasn't sure who it was. But I quickly locked my phone and slipped it under the pillow, turning on my side away from the door and pretending to sleep.

I smelled Edwards mouthwatering scent fill the tent behind me, and he moved on his knees to get right behind me.

"Bella?" He whispered, leaning down. I could smell the faint scent of beer on his breath, but it was like he hadn't touched it in a while. He reached up and touched my arm, and suddenly I couldn't remember why I was pretending to sleep.

I rolled over onto my back and peered through the darkness. Edward used his phone to find the flashlight before flicking it on, and then I could see his pink cheeks and bloodshot eyes. He had been crying, I think. Why? Because of Kate? He was so obviously trying to hide the emotions on his face. I sat up, facing him, and placed my hands on either side of his face.

"Who is Kate?" I asked, trying to keep the jealous and resentful tone at bay... it didn't work, and I could tell it didn't as comprehension flicked over his face.

"Tanya's sister." He answered honestly. I flinched at her name, and began rubbing my thumb along Edwards cheekbone as if to comfort him.

"You still talk to her?" I questioned.

"She's my friend." He answered. I wanted to ask why he walked away.

"Why were you crying?" I asked. He tensed up next to me, and I sighed. "You don't have to tell me."

"You just don't know the full story, I haven't told you.." he whispered.

"You mean about how she broke into your house and tried to kill you?" I said, growing annoyed that he was keeping this shit from me. "I'm aware."

"How?" He asked me with wide shocked eyes.

"It's called the internet, its this cool place where you type things you want to know and then you learn it!" I snapped, he flinched and moved back. I could see his eyes welling up again, but he simply nodded.

"Right." He breathed, and I could tell my attitude hurt him more. He moved to leave the tent and I grabbed his hand.

"No, Bella." He snapped, yanking his hand away. "I want to be alone."

"Alone?" I breathed.

"Yeah, alone, you know? Away from you." He said, gritting his teeth. "Need a further explanation? Try looking it up on the internet."

Then he was gone. I became aware of his absence immediately, and began to tear up. I'm such a bitch. He was obviously upset and I hurt him more. Wasn't it my job to comfort him? I felt the tears falling down my cheeks rapidly, and decided I had to get out of there. I just needed to walk.

I crawled out of the tent and looked around. Edward was actually gone. He actually left me. I took in a shattered breath and began walking, not bothering with a flashlight as I didn't want to alert the others I was going. I could see the four of them around the fire from where I was, and then I noticed Edward sitting with them, downing a beer. So much for wanting to be alone.

I was glad they couldn't see me from their spot, and i took off quickly, into the woods. I began sobbing as I walked. Hurt over everything, even though I knew I had no right to be.

I walked for what seemed like hours before I realized I had no idea where I was. I began trying to retrace my steps, but had no idea which way I'd come from.

I remembered learning once a while back that if you became lost, you should sit next to a tree and wait to be found. Let's test that out. I sat down at the base of the tree, with a heavy heart. Who knew when they would notice me missing? Edward probably wouldn't want to be near me at all tonight. It could be hours before he goes back to the tent to sleep. And what if he's to drunk to notice me gone? What if he doesn't even care? A whole new round of tears started as I grew afraid of being out here all night, and I was suddenly aware of how cold it actually was.

Fuck, I can't do this.

( -_^.^_- )

Edwards POV.

I felt like shit. I honestly did. What the hell kind of boyfriend just walks out on his girl like that? I had been sitting around the fire with the other four, drinking as much as Emmett would offer.

I was angry at her, though. What the hell was that snippy attitude about? She didn't seem remorseful of hurting me. I thought back to the look in her eyes as she grabbed my hand. Maybe she was a little rueful.. she didn't want me to leave her.. but I did.

My stomach twisted uncomfortably as my heart did a painful flip in my chest. I glanced up in the direction of our tent and noticed the shine of the flashlight was still there. So, she was still awake.

I've been out here for three hours. Maybe it's best I go see if I can't mend things with Bella. I hadn't noticed how buzzed I actually was until I got onto my feet, nodding to the other four and heading in the direction of the tent.

I stopped outside the door and paused, sighing weakly as I said her name, "Bella?" I called. Silence. I didn't want to just walk in in case she didn't want to see me. "Bella, please talk to me."

There was still silence.

"I'm sorry I left, okay? I'm sorry I got angry I'm just.. having a hard night and what you said and your attitude didn't help." Still nothing. I could feel my anger growing and I quickly unzipped the tent, no longer caring, and stuck my head inside.

She wasn't here. Where the hell was she? I grabbed the flashlight quickly and ran back to the others.

"Bella's gone!" I cried as I neared them.

"What?" Rosalie gasped, jumping up.

"sh-sh-sh-she's just gone." I stuttered frantically, reaching up and gripping my hair.

"Are you sure she's not just gone to.. you know.. pee?" Alice asked.

"No, no, she's not, something's wrong." I explained. "She didn't even take a flashlight."

"I'll go check the spot where we, you know, relieve ourselves anyway." Alice said with a blush. Grabbing her flashlight and taking off in a certain direction towards the woods.

It was barely two minutes until she got back, but it felt like a lifetime.

"She's not there." Alice said, an ounce of the horror I was feeling in her voice.

Everyone quickly sprang to action, and we decided to stick together as we looked for her. My girl. She's gone. I couldn't help thinking the worst as we ran in the direction we came here, thinking maybe she went to the car to grab something she forgot. We were barely five minutes out, calling her name frantically, when we heard her quiet voice say my name.

"Bella?" I repeated, following the direction where I heard her voice.

"Edward." She was much closer now, i turned to my left and seen her. My beautiful, freezing girl. Laying in a fetal position under a tree.

I ran to her, glad everyone was there to light it up with their flashlights when I carelessly dropped mine to the ground.

I touched her freezing cold face before lifting her in my arms.

"I'm so sorry baby.." I whispered, clinging to her.

"Shh.." she muttered in her quiet, tired tone. "My fault."

We turned back and easily found our way to the campsite. I urged everyone to go on, promising i would take care of my Bella. And I would. I was a total idiot for what I'd done.

I went back to the tent we shared and carried her inside, remembering reading something about surviving in the cold a while back, I stripped down to my boxers, and then stripped Bella down to her under garments. I laid us both down and hauled her shivering frame to me, she was so cold, I flinched as I came in contact with her, but held her tight nonetheless. Rubbing her back, her arms, her legs, causing friction, until eventually her violent shivers stopped and there were soft snores coming from her tiny form. I continued rubbing her back, needing to feel her myself.

I can't believe I was such a jackass. I can't believe she ran off. I almost lost her, I could have! What if a wild animal had gotten to her ? Or she froze? What was I supposed to do then?

I couldn't sleep at all that night, I was wired, consciously aware of the girl I love laying next to me. I hadn't even realized the hours ticking by, until Bella began to stir in my arms.

I watched as she opened up her eyes, cautiously drawing patterns on her cheek.

"You found me." She whispered. "You went looking for me."

"Of course I did, I never would have given up until you were with me again." I whispered back, pressing my lips to her forehead.

She mumbled underneath me and raised her arms to wrap them tightly around my shoulders.

"I'm sorry," she breathed against my chest, "I was a bitch last night, it was just hurting me that you were keeping something so big from me."

"I never meant to hurt you, Bella." I pulled back, looking into her eyes as I pushed her hair behind her ear. "It's just a difficult time, the news didn't cover everything that happened, and I promise to tell you all about it, just not now, okay?"

"When?" She whispered, not meeting my eyes.

"When we go home, and are in private." I answered, leaning in to press a soft kiss to her lips.

"Will you also tell me what upset you last night when we get home?" She inquired.

"She's out." I said simply, watching the confusion flicker on Bella's face.

"What?" She asked.

"She's out on bail." I answered, comprehension flickered on her face before it was quickly replaced with anger.

"What the hell? She's out? Just like that? Does it not matter what she did to you?" She demanded.

"I guess not." I sighed.

"That was breaking and entering on top of aggravated assault and attempted murder, she should be locked up, permanently. The girl isn't stable." She ranted on, I began rubbing her back slowly, trying to comfort her.

I knew she was right , the reason I got so emotional last night was because of the trauma I face daily due to her actions, yet she's free now to live her life, like it never happened. Like it doesn't matter.

Bella's lips were suddenly on mine. I could tell she was putting all her strength behind it, and I easily returned the kiss, over powering her without even trying and rolling her over onto her back.

Suddenly, she turned her head away, gasping for breath for a moment, and I propped myself up on my arm, hovering over her as I watched her catch her breath. 

"I love you." She breathed.

"As I love you, always." I promised in a whisper, leaning in to press a gentle kiss to her lips. "and forever."

"Forever?" She asked, combing her fingers in my hair as she stared up at me, love being the only emotion I could possibly describe in her eyes.

"Forever." I promised again, rolling over onto my back and hauling her on top of me, her legs tucked in between mine, her arms tightly gripping my sides, as her head rested on my chest, over my heart.

I played with her hair silently, and we stayed in that position for a while, until her stomach growled. I started to chuckle when mine growled as well, twice as loud as hers, to her amusement.

"Lets go hunt for food to feed the monster in your belly." She joked.

"Hunt, hm?" I teased. "Will you do it for me while I watch? I bet you'd look adorable pouncing on a bag of

"That's not a very healthy breakfast." She pointed out.

"Technically it's not breakfast if I haven't slept yet." I told her. She smacked my chest.

"Why didn't you sleep?" She demanded.

"I was to busy worrying about my danger magnet girlfriend, you fruit." I sighed.

"Fruit sounds good!" She said quickly, moving up to dress quickly, stumbling and falling over a few times, before darting quickly out of the tent, leaving me time to slowly get dressed on my own, saddened by the sudden loss of having her in my arms as I began drowning in my own thoughts.

That didn't last long though, as my little lifeline came back, her arms loaded with different snacks, she sat them down in front of me and moved to sit next to me, opening up a container of assorted fruits and began picking exclusively at the watermelon and pineapple.

I lay back, resting my head on her lap, reaching up to steal a piece of her fruit. She smacked my hand away, before feeding me a piece of melon. I caught her finger between my teeth before she could pull away, and she grinned wickedly down at me. I released her a few minutes after, only because my stomach was growling, and I knew while Bella was delicious, I had to eat actual food.

Sitting back up, I grabbed a bag of chips, a red bag, and turned it around. Ketchup? Where could you even buy ketchup chips? They sound gross.

"Don't knock them til you try them." Bella said, smirking.

"Where did you get them?" I asked.

"My aunt travels a lot, she sends me snacks from around the world in the mail, and then video chats me and makes me try them all. Most of the snacks are gross. These chips are great." She replied.

"Which part did these come from?" I inquired as I opened the bag, I was assaulted with a strong smell, and had to turn the bag away from my nose. I was braving through this , though, I took out a small chip, covered in a red powder, and brought to to my lips, taking a small bite.

It wasn't as bad as I thought, it was quite delicious, actually, in a weird way. It was a bitter but salty taste. It definitely didn't taste like ketchup, but it tasted amazing.

"Canada." She told me.

"Did she send you anything else from Canada?" I asked, "these are great."

"Maple cookies, cans of pineapple crush, and a recipe. Also a note demanding I try poutine." She said.

"What's poutine?" I questioned. "Sounds nasty."

"It's French fries smothered in cheese and gravy." She shrugged.

"Sounds sickeningly good." I admitted.

"It was good, but you get so far in, and it's way to much." She admitted.

"Hm." I mumbled around another chip. "The recipe?"

"It was another French fry thing. Fries, dressing and gravy, which I must say was much better than the poutine."

"What kind of dressing?" I asked warily.

"It's like stuffing, bread crumbs, savoury, melted butter, salt, pepper, it's actually really good." She sighed. "I'll make it for you some time."

"Sounds good." I beamed at her, moving to kiss her lips. Once we were done snacking, Bella excused herself to go talk to Rosalie and Alice.

I laid back, waiting for her, before a wave of exhaustion crashed into me, coaxing me into a deep sleep, as the hours I missed finally caught up to me.

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