My Immortal

De TarableTaralynn

24.9K 1.2K 466

Dean's a centuries old vampire who hates the monster he's become and others of his kind; which causes him to... Mais

Author's Note :)
In The Beginning
Uncovering Secrets
Meeting Him
Telling Him The Truth
Found Out
On The Run
Chosen One
Telling Him
Returning To Them
New Discoveries
Letting Them Help
A New Attack Plan
Hunting His Kind
Going To War
Learning Of His Past
The Search Continues
Figuring Things Out
Saving His Life And Mistakes Made
Getting Help
Break Out
Going Hunting
Countdown To War
A New Ally
Trusting Him
Training Day
Losing One Of The Family
Making Plans
Choosing To Fight
Ambushed And Taken
Finding A Way Out
Out Of Time
A New Ally And Home
Problems And A Change Of Plans
Moving And Keeping Things From Them
Stronger Together
Hurtful Words
An Attack And A New Ally
His Story!
The Truth And A New Enemy Revealed
Going On A Vamp Hunt!
Breaking Him
A Secret Meeting
A Deal Is Made!
A Secret Discovered!
An Uncertain Future
Breaking Down
Forgiveness And Coverups
The Truth And Fighting Each Other
A New Problem Appears
One Problem Solved
A Secret Mission
Fights And Nightmares
Trying To Save Rose
Nightmares Come To Life
Plans Coming Together
Plans Exposed
Plans Work Out For Once
Making Decisions
A New Offer Is Made
Finding Inner Strength
The Battle Within
Past Lies Uncovered
The Battle Begins
The Begining Of The End
One Step Closer To The End
The Battle Draws Closer
Family Reunion
A New Reign Begins
Author's Note

Coming Back Together

383 20 1
De TarableTaralynn

**With Dean**:

 After agreeing to take the kids with him, he needed to find a new car, so he looked around the street, but saw nothing he could use. Annoyed he was about to call Paige to come pick them up, but stopped as an old pickup truck turned down the street, driving towards them. As it neared, Dean noticed the driver was an elderly man, the truck slowed down and stopped in front of them, before the man rolled down the window.

 "You okay?" The man asked smiling.

 "Actually, we could use a ride." Dean said smiling.

 "A ride huh?" The man said, a little unsure, as he looked at Dean.

 "Please sir, can you help us get home? Our daddy just got us back from our mean mommy who took us from him. We...we just want to go home." Rose said crying, as she held onto Dean tightly.

 "Don't cry Angel, I'll give you a ride home." The man said smiling.

 "Thank you, sir." Rose said, as she wiped away her tears. "Let's go home daddy."

 Dean loaded his bike onto the truck, before they got in, he then gave the man the address and they left. The entire ride was awkward for Dean, while Rose slept on his shoulder; the baby now asleep in his arms, he was forced to lie to the old man, faking a back story about his fake family. When they arrived, Dean woke Rose up, before they thanked the man and got out. While Rose waited, holding Violet, Dean unloaded his bike, the man wished them luck, before he drove away.

 "You're something else kid!" Dean said smiling, as he hid his bike. "Who taught you how to lie like that?"

 "No one, I just learned that if I wanted something all I had to do to get it is cry! Trust me adults can't stand when kids cry!"

 "Good to know, just don't use it on me again, got it kiddo?" Dean said smiling, as he held his hand out to her.

 "Got it!" She agreed smiling, as she shook his hand.

 "Come on, let's go inside." Dean said sighing.

 "You live here?" Rose asked, as she starred at the house, a little creeped out.

 "Yep, it's only temporary though. Don't worry kiddo, it's not as creepy on the inside." Dean replied smiling.

 "I'm not scared or creeped out!" She lied, faking her bravery.

 "I never said you were." Dean said, as he led the way inside.

 They went into the house; Paige was upstairs with Grant, so Dean took the kids into the kitchen and got Rose something to eat; he made a safe, comfy bed on the floor for Violet, before he went upstairs to get Paige. He went to his room and stood in the doorway, trying to get her attention, without actually saying anything.

 "Paige, he's back!" Grant said frustrated, without even looking at him.

 "Imagine that, I'm back at my house and my room, what a surprise!" Dean said bitterly.

 "Dean, I thought you were out?" Paige asked, as she stood and looked at him.

 "I was and now I'm back! I need to talk to you alone kid!" Dean said.

 "If it's about the prophecy, we haven't..."

 "She'll be right back!" Dean said, cutting her off, as he grabbed her hand and drug her out of the room.

 He then dragged her downstairs, she tried to get free, but he held onto her tightly. Finally he brought her into the kitchen, before he let her go, annoyed she looked at him and demanded to know what was going on.

 "Dammit, what is going..." she began, but was cut off by Dean turning her around to see the kids. "Who are they and why are they here? Dean, what did you do?" She demanded angrily, as she looked at him.

 "They were attacked by Vamps, their parents were...I couldn't just leave them out there all alone!" Dean answered.

 "So, you brought them here? Dean, are you crazy?"

 "That's what people keep calling me! I know with everything that's going on, bringing them here wasn't the brightest thing I've ever done, but I couldn't just walk away." Dean explained sadly.

 "Wow Ambrose, you do have a heart! You're so cute Deanie!" She said teasing him, as she pinched his cheeks.

 "Get off me, you freak!" Dean said smiling, as they both laughed.

 "Hi, I'm Paige. I'm sorry about your parents sweetie." Paige said gently, as she went up to Rose.

 "Thanks, I'm Rose and this is my sister Violet. Are you Dean's girlfriend?" Rose asked smiling.

 "No!" Dean and Paige said together.

 "Are you a Vampire too?" Rose asked nervously.

 "No sweetie, I'm a human like you."

 "Paige, I think I..." Grant began, as he came into the room, but trailed off seeing the kids. "Oh, hello."

 "Hi!" Rose greeted him smiling. "Are you a Vamp..."

 "Did...did you need something Professor?" Paige said quickly, cutting Rose off.

 "Uh, yeah, I figured out the first sentence! Whose kids are those Paige and what did she call me?" Grant said confused.

 "You figured out the first sentence? That's awesome, show me!" She said, as she grabbed his arm and drug him out of the room.

 "Who's Professor Four-Eyes?" Rose asked, causing Dean to laugh.

 "He's supposed to be helping us figure something out. Do me a favor kiddo and don't talk about Vampires around him; around anyone actually, unless we say it's okay to!"

 "Okay." Rose said smiling. "Um, Dean?"


 "Violet needs to eat and she needs her diaper changed!"

 "Paige!" Dean yelled.

**Meanwhile With Roman And Seth**:

 After getting away from Vassago, Roman and Seth headed into town. They knew they could go home, it was safe there for now since Vassago believed they were still at the mausoleum. At least there they could shower, change and take care of their injuries, without worrying about anything or anyone. After a long, painful walk, they made it to their apartment building and managed to get to their apartment and inside without being seen.

 Once inside they went to the kitchen and found their toolbox and worked on getting the chains off their legs. When they were finally free, they took turns showering, fixing each other's wounds and changing into clean clothes. They then had something to eat and drink, before they packed some stuff and left the apartment. They decided to try and get a hold of Dean and find out where he is, so while Roman drove, Seth texted Dean.

 S+R- Dean, it's us! We got away from Vassago, where are you?

 P- Who is this?

 S+R- Seth and Roman!

 P- What? How do I know it's really you? Prove it!

 S+R- Okay, Roman met you at the Red Rooster bar and I...

 P- Wait, this isn't Dean!

 S+R- Then who the hell is this? Where's Dean dammit?

 P- Paige and he's with me, but I have his phone right now, he's busy.

 S+R- Paige?

 P- Yep! Now prove you're really Seth and Roman!

 S+R- Alright, when we were at the Exchange, before we were taken away, you told me that when we got out of this I owed you dinner and I promised you I would.

 P- It is you! Is Roman with you? Are you guys okay?

 S+R- Yeah, I'm with Ro and we're both beat the hell up, but we're alive!

 P- Okay, here's the address where we are! Can't wait to see you guys, we missed you!

 Paige gave Seth the address, he told Roman that Paige was with Dean and gave him the address; both were so relieved to know that Dean and Paige were safe and together. They couldn't wait to see them again, to hold them again, it's felt like forever since they've been with them. A half hour later they found the house and before Roman could park the car, Dean and Paige were running out of the house. They got out of the car and rushed to them, meeting them halfway, they held each other tightly, as they cried. A few minutes later they separated, Seth then hugged Dean and Roman hugged Paige.

 "I thought I'd never see you again baby!" Roman said quietly, as he hugged Dean again.

 "I wasn't going to stop until I got you two back!" Dean replied, holding him tight.

 "Okay, I have to know, how did you two become friends?" Seth asked smiling.

 "It's a long story, but we've become really close, right Ambrose?" Paige answered, as Dean agreed.

 "Yep, she's the little sister I never wanted!" Dean teased smiling, as they all laughed. "Come on, let's go inside."

 Roman and Seth grabbed their stuff from the car and went inside, as they did Grant came downstairs looking for Paige and Rose; carrying Violet, came out of the living room looking for Dean.

 "Who are they?" Roman asked confused.

 "This is Professor Grant!" Paige introduced them smiling. "And that's Rose and her sister Violet!"

 "This is Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins!" Dean added smiling too.

 "Are they staying here too?" Rose asked nervously.

 "Yeah kiddo, they're with us." Dean answered smiling. "They're good guys like us, I promise."

 "Did you need something Professor?"

 "Actually Paige, I do. I've almost made it through the second sentence, but I'm having a hard time figuring out a couple of the words."

 "Okay, let's go figure it out together then." Paige said smiling. "I'll see you in a few minutes." She said to Seth, before she kissed him and went upstairs with Grant.

 "Dean, we're tired." Rose said, as she yawned.

 "Okay come on kiddo, let's go upstairs." Dean said, as he took Violet from her and kissed Roman, before taking Rose's hand they went upstairs.


 After the kids and Grant were sleeping in their rooms, Dean, Roman, Seth and Paige sat together in the living room. They told Roman and Seth everything that's happened since Dean found her at the Exchange; both couldn't believe the way Paige bossed Dean around and she offered to give them tips on how to do it later.

 Even though Dean was so damn happy to have Roman and Seth back alive, he knew hell was going to break loose once Vassago found out they broke free. It would never be over until Vassago was dead and he knew the others wouldn't like that Dean was still going after him!

 "Dean, you okay baby?" Roman asked, noticing how quiet Dean was.

 "Yeah, I was just thinking about..."

 "Still going after Vassago?" Roman, Seth and Paige said together, cutting him off.

 "Okay, you three need to quit doing that! It's creepy dammit!" Dean said, as he stood.

 "Why go after him now Dean? Ro and Seth are safe and back with us, there's no reason to go after him!" Paige said.

 "You think Vassago's just going to surrender or go away because they escaped? He's going to be beyond pissed and hell's going to break loose! I'm the only one who can stop it from happening! I've watched my kind shed enough innocent blood dammit!" Dean said upset, before he walked out of the house.

 "Should...should we go after him?" Paige asked.

 "No, he needs to be alone right now." Roman answered sadly.

 "He's right though! Vassago's going to lose his shit when he realizes we're gone and he's not going to stop until all of us are dead!" Seth said sighing, as he ran his hands over his face. "We won't be free until Dean's family is gone!"

 "What do we do now?" Roman questioned.

 "Prepare for war!" Seth answered.


 After storming out of the house, Dean went for a walk around the yard, even though it was dark out, he could see clearly, as if it were daytime. He sighed, as he thought about taking his brothers, Paige and the kids and just run far away with them; start a new life somewhere. He knew that even if they did, Vassago would eventually find them no matter where they went. Besides, he couldn't just let them spill any more blood, he needed to stop them; even if that meant giving his own life to protect his loved ones!

 He decided to go back inside, but as he began walking to the house he suddenly got really dizzy; the same way he had when he touched Dante at the Exchange and when he touched Paige's hand at the church, he was mindlinking again! Who the hell was he doing it with and how was he doing it without touching the person? This time felt different though, more intense than the other times and he tried to fight against it, but he couldn't stop it and he fell to his knees, just as Roman came out of the house. Seeing Dean fall to his knees and grab his head, Roman freaked out and called his name, before he called to Seth and Paige. He ran to Dean, as Seth and Paige came outside, seeing them they raced to Dean too.

 "Dean baby, what's wrong?" Roman asked concerned, as they all knelt beside him.

 "What's going on?" Seth asked upset, as touched Dean's back. " he okay?"

 "I...I don't know! He won't answer me, it's like he doesn't even know we're here!" Roman answered scared.

 "Wait, I...I've seen him do this before! He did this to me when we went after the Elders!" Paige said, as she remembered what happened at the church and quickly told them what happened.

 Meanwhile Dean, wasn't with them, he was where whoever he was mindlinking with was. He could see and hear everything they did, but still had no idea who it was! He could feel the person's anger and hatred, as if they were his own and his hands clenched into fists without him realizing it, he squeezed his eyes shut tight. Nothing he saw at first gave him any kind of a hint as to who it was, all he could see was just trees and now graves...a cemetery, they were in a damn cemetery! Why the hell was this person at a cemetery? As the person angrily walked to the entrance of the cemetery, Dean froze, as he suddenly realized who he was mindlinked to...Vassago! He could see Vassago angrily talking to Keeper about Roman and Seth escaping, but before he could hear anything useful though, the mindlink ended and he was thrown back to his reality. He sucked in a deep breath, as if he had been under water, before he started coughing.

 "Dean baby, are you okay?" Roman asked, as he touched Dean's face gently.

 "I...I'm fine!" Dean answered, as he stood shakily. "I'm..."

 "Lying!" Roman, Seth and Paige said together, as they stood too.

 "Dammit Ambrose, stop lying! You've done this before, what's going on? Just tell us the truth please!" Paige demanded.

 "I...I'm fine dammit!" Dean said sighing, as he ran his hands over his face.

 "We didn't ask you if you were fine Dean, we asked what happened to you!" Seth said upset, as Roman and Paige agreed.

 "Please Dean, just tell us what happened!" Roman asked gently.

 "Okay, I'll tell you." Dean agreed sighing again. "Let's go back inside."

 They went inside to the living room, Roman and Dean sat together on the couch, while Seth and Paige were in the kitchen making them all coffee. Dean was still unsure about what happened and how it happened, he did know though that being able to mindlink with Vassago was going to give them a huge advantage in the battle. He just needed to learn how to control it, so he could use it when they really needed it. Everything centered around the damn prophecy, they needed to figure out what it said, their future depended on it! For now though it was time he came clean and told his loved ones everything, he no longer had to keep secrets, he wasn't alone anymore and it was time he realized that and let people...let his family help him.


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