The world need a hero

By Assassin25

29.8K 403 193

Ash competing in Kalos League. We join to him when he is final move in final match. What will happened after... More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
New book
New book 2
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Chapter 6

1.3K 19 17
By Assassin25

No.pov In break

Serena stood up and she left the stands. She went to find Aaron. He stepped out of the stadium when Serena found him. She weaved to him and she shouted. "Hey Aaron! Wait up!" Aaron and His Lucario stopped and he turned around. He smiled under his mask when he saw who shouted his name. He waved back and he said. „Hey Serena! What's up?" "My friends and me wanted to invite you to have lunch with us." She said with smile. He thought about some second and he replied. "Sorry Serena, but I have to train. Hmmm what about dinner? We can go to dinner together and you can introduce your friends." "Ok I'll ask them and we will meet in front of the Pokémon center." She said "ok see you at night" He said and he left stadium with his Lucario. Serena shouted after Aaron. "See you"! She went back her friends. When she arrived back she explained everything and they watched next battle.

After second match

"wow, Diantha real strong with her pokemon. I wonder may be she can defeat Aaron" said Calem. " next match Paul Vs Gary. What do you think who will win the next match?" asked Brock. "I think Paul will win." Said May, Dawn and Iris." I think Gary will win." Said Brock, Cilan, Calem, Serena, Max and Bonnie.

Every one turned back to the battlefield. When Steven began to shout excitedly. "Ladies and Gentleman! Our next trainers is Gary and Paul." The audience cheered and applauded. Both trainer and referee entered the battlefield which was a forest. The referee began to speak." It'll be a one-on-one battle! The winner will be determined when one side's Pokémon are unable to battle! Trainers, present your Pokémon!"

With that, Gary took the first move. "Paul, allow me to introduce my strongest Pokémon Blastoise I choose you!" he tossed his Poké ball in the air. When the ball opened, a light flashed. When the light dimmed, a turtle-looking Pokémon stood in front of him. The Pokémon was predominantly blue, he had brown carapace with two gray cannon. It took a battle stance and let out a mighty roar. Paul just smirked and he said." Electivire standby for battle!" the Pokémon was primarily yellow with a rather bulky body. It was tall, but showed little muscle, and yet, didn't look fat, just bulky. From its head, came two small Tesla coil-like antennas, sparks could be seen flying between them. It had black streaks running across its body and arms, while two black tails came from its tailbone. Its tails were tipped with red that matched its red eyes, which they glowed with anticipation and ferocity.

Pokémon stood in front of him and took a battle stance and let out a loud roar. The referee looked at both Pokémon, confirming that they were the ones that had been chosen. Satisfied with what he see, he raised the flags and yelled, "Let the battle begin!"

"I'll take the first move," Gary shouted. "Blastoise use Water Gun!" Blastoise aim to Electivire with hi two cannon, and change up.

Pathetic, as usual. Paul smirked, before calling out a counterattack, "Electivire, use Protect!" Electivire puts his paws together and a green shield appeared in front of him .The water gun speeded towards him until it met his shield, but no body injured

Paul called out the next move." Electivire, use Thunder!"

Gary gasp in horror. "Blastoise, get out of there!" she shouted. Blastoise barely evaded the attack. Before Gary could stop to think, he saw his opponent. "Ha! Big mistake Paul! Blastoise, Rapid spin!" Blastoise pulled his limbs and he began to spin around as it sent himself flying through the air towards his opponent.

Paul's smirk got bigger. "Quick Electivire, dodge it! After Thunder Punch " the electricity Pokémon jumped out and puts his paws up what is charge up with electricity.

He hit the Pokémon, as it was sent cascading towards the ground, while making contact with the floor of the field with a hard thud. Electivire; however, gently landed in front of Paul with some scratch.

Blastoise was desperately trying to get up. Gary was about to call out a command, but she was too late, Paul beaten her to it.

"Electivire, finish this with Thunder!" he said flatly. The yellow Pokémon began to spin around his hands and created an electricity around his body. He shot out the electricity

The lightning made its way over to Blastoise, slamming the already weak Pokémon into the wall, behind Gary. When the dust settled, the entire stadium could see that Blastoise wasn't getting up anytime soon.

"Blastoise is unable to battle, Electivire is the winner!" the referee announced.

Gary was shocked at what just happened. His plan was to intimidate Paul, but it didn't work. Hell, he didn't even flinch. He sighed and returns Blastoise back into his Poke ball.

In the stands

"wow it was good battle. Don't you thing?" Cilan asked to others. They agreed with Cilan. Brock said. "Yeah, next battle will be Max and after Bonnie. Good luck both of them" "Thank you" Max and Bonnie said confidently at one time.

Back in the battle filed

Both trainer met center of the battlefield. They shook hand and said one time." this was good battle." They turned around and leaved the stadium. "Ladies and Gentleman! The third winner is Paul. We will return the next match. In the meantime, I'll see you"

End of the chapter

Hire is the sixth chapter. I hope you like it. How much you like it read my pokemon battle. Please write down in the comment section

Tomorrow is not sure that i can update, but I'll try.

Please write comment what do you think this book and what should I change it?

Sorry for any grammar mistakes, but not English my first language.

Stay tuned next chapter!

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