One Night

By RandomGabs

702K 22.4K 756

One night with her girl friends, one earth shattering kiss and off to a new job, where her boss is the guy sh... More

One Night
Fate Sucks
The Meetings
Pushed too Far
Battle of Words
Touching Submission
The Truth in the Lies
And The World Goes Boom!
A Past
Dinner ;)
Anniversary Surprise
Anniversary Weekend
Dinner for Four before we split.
Alexander's Turn
1 door shuts, 3 more open
A Night In
Blasts from the Past
A Phone Call
A Week Apart
A Week Apart (Pt. 2)
The Night Back
Me and My Broken Heart
Month 1
Month 2
Month 3
Month 4
He Came Back
After (pt 1)
After (pt 2)
After (pt 3)
After (pt. 4)
Coming for You
A Piece here, A Memory There
How The Grinch (Almost) Stole Christmas
Thinking Out Loud
AnnieMireya Theophilia James

Climbing out of the Rabbit Hole

17.1K 499 8
By RandomGabs

AN: Ok, I'm bored. So here's a chapter! I hope you enjoy! 

*Savanna's POV* 

To say that Josh waited on me hand and foot was an understatement. He wouldn't leave my apartment. He barely left my side and/or bed. I didn't mind really. It was nice having someone who cared this much (who wasn't Sam or Kate). He kept me warm, feeling loved and helped me out of the self pity hole that I had jumped into. He always reminded me how I was better off without Evan, how far I've come since him, and how good I was doing with out him. Josh was great. He ran and got me food, played nice with Sam, who was pretty pissed at him, but wouldn't tell me why, and treated me like a queen. 

Sunday night, while we were laying in bed, I realized that Christopher wasn't here, that I hadn't seen him since Friday. I turned and snuggled into Josh's chest. Hmmm, he smelled good. His arms tightened and I looked up. His blue eyes were bright in the dark and he smiled. 

"Hey, Sav," he hummed. I stretched up and kissed his scruff. He kissed the top of my head. "How are you doing, really? Don't give me any of that bull shit you gave Sam. I know when you're lying." 

I rolled my eyes. The entire weekend, I kept telling Sam, who then told Kate, that I was ok. I have had my melt down, but I'm coming back. I told her that Evan was nothing but a scar that needed to be covered up with some make up. And she believed me.

Josh, however, knew the truth. He'd seen me cry after he left. He'd seen me muttering to myself. He'd seen me when I was about to cut again. He'd seen me when I thought I was nothing. And he was the one to hug me close, he'd been the one to force himself in my conversation with myself, he'd been the one to take the scissors away. I sighed and looked at him, noticing the slightly dark circles, the scruff, the messy hair, the warmth of his arms, his body. 

"I'm ok," I said. "At least, I think so. I know that I let what he did affect me too easily. I let Christopher's story affect me too easily. I let Evan come too close to me. But, I think I'm ok." I smiled a small smile. He sighed, not believing me.

"I know that I'm not nothing, Josh. I realize everything you said was true: I am better off without him. If it hadn't been for him, I wouldn't be here in Houston, with my best friend, a good boyfriend and a good job. If it hadn't been for him, I would still be working my ass of in that pathetic town I lived in. But it was me who got me here. Sure he was the reason I left, started working, and moved, but I've become much stronger. I underestimated the hold he had on me, the hold I allowed him to have. And it's thanks  to you that I know all of this, Josh. You're amazing. Thank you so much." 

I hugged him tighter. I heard him sigh and he held me closer. He nustled his head into my hair. I rested my cheek on his chest. I could hear his heartbeat. 

"I'm here for you, always," he murmured. I smiled. 

"Yay," I said softly. He chuckled in response.

Going back to work had been Josh's idea. He told me that sitting in my apartment alone with my thoughts and Sam would be bad for me and Sam agreed with him. So to his urging and prodding, I got up, took a shower, and got dressed. He left while I was in the shower and Sam told me he was going to meet me back at work. I smiled and gave her a hug.

"Thank you," I whispered. "I'm so lucky to have you as my friend. I love ya, Sammy girl."

I pulled away. She had tears in her eyes and she wiped them away, scoffing.

"Shut up and get your ass to work," she said, more tears threatening to fall. She hated being emotional and don't get me started when it came to relationships. It just wasn't her forte. I smiled and nodded.

The walk to work was quick and I found myself worrying about running into Christopher. It seemed like after everything was said and done, he got the short end of the stick. I didn't know what I was going to say to him. I stepped into the building. Josh was waiting for me. He smiled when he saw me and took my hand. We stepped into the elevator. He gave me a tight hug and promised to come get me to  lunch before he had to get off. I sighed, feeling lonely without him but went up to my office.

The hustle and bustle around me was a nice distraction to the turmoil that had been my life for the past few days. I headed to my office, a small smile to those who greeted me on my way. I opened my door and took my seat at the computer.

I switched it on and checked my email. I had two submissions that I needed to look through but other than that I had nothing from Christopher. I decided to get started in the submissions he sent me.

An hour later, my phone rang.

"Savanna Blackwell, E.I.C," I answered.

"Hi, Savanna. It's Ashley," she said. Why was she calling? We usually didn't talk during the week. "I was just calling to let you know that Josh will no longer be my assistant. I was informed that he would be transferring to you again."

The smile that grew on my face just appeared. Chris had assigned him back to me. Why? Do you really care right now? You're getting  more time with Josh, my sassy half shushed. 

"Um, thank you for letting me know," I said, 'm y grin evident in my voice. She sighed.

"Whatever. I just thought you should know," she snapped before hanging up. I shrugged and put the phone back on its base. I saved the page I was working on before I got up.

I can't believe Josh was coming back. I would see him all day again.  I grinned to myself as I turned to look out the window. The sun was shining on downtown Houston. Everything seemed to be ok.

I'm me again. Josh and I were good. He was my assistant again. I'm ok. Evan didn't take up on his promise to come back. I haven't seen Christopher all day. Things were good. Wait- I haven't seen Christopher. Was he avoiding me? I wanted to thank him at least for everything.

Thoughts of sending him an email vanished when I saw a familiar brunette, blue eyed man come from the elevator. I smiled and opened the door, leaning against it as he made his way towards me. I beamed as he hurried towards me, his blue eyes locked on mine. He opened his arms and engulfed me in his hug. I sighed. 

"Hey baby," he murmured, pressing his lips to my head. I giggled, tightening my grip on him. He laughed and pulled back a bit to kiss me gently. 

*Two Weeks Later* 

I leaned back, noticing how boring my day was without Josh. He had to leave. His mom was sick and his dad was out of town on a business trip. None of his siblings could come because they had lives and kids so it was hard to leave last minute. Josh promised he'd make it up to me before he left and made me promise to call at least once a day to let him know how things were going. He left about a day ago.

I checked the clock. It was around two. I should probably call him. I pulled out my phone and dialed his number. He answered on the second ring. 

"Hey, babe," he greeted, his voice an unwelcome reminder that he wasn't here with me. I sighed. 

"Hey, Joshie," I said. 

"How's work?" he asked. I groaned. 

"Boring. I miss having you around," I pouted. He laughed. 

"I know babe. My mom's almost better. I should be home in a day or so," he said. I smiled. 

"Promise?" I asked, my hopes rising. He laughed again. It was good to hear it, but I'd rather have the real thing. 

"I promise for as much as I can on a sick woman," he said. There was some noise in the background and he groaned. "My mom just threw up. I have to go. I'll call you." 

"Ew, and bye," I sang before I hung up. I put my phone in my bag before I turned to the screen. I had one more page to go through before I was finaly finished on this submission. I went through it quickly and sent the final edits to Christopher. 

Christopher. I hadn't seen him since.....well, I haven't seen him in a while. I sighed. Was he avoiding me? I mean before then, I couldn't get away from the guy. Now, I haven't seen or heard from him...Or Evan, now that I think about it. Did he have something to do about that? I let my mind go back to that night. 

Christopher watched as I fell into Josh's arms. His face was emotionless, but his eyes showed his struggle and pain. He wanted me to hold onto him. I half expected him to tell Josh to move and let him handle this, but he turned and walked away, mumbling, I'm going to find this asshole. I don't think that he even knew he said it. I wanted to tell him not to go, but it would be best for the both of us if he left. He stopped at the door, his eyes on me, the pain cutting through his faux demeanour. I turned into Josh's chest. 

I never even told him thank you, after everything he did. He should know. I sighed and I pulled up my email and started a fresh one l. I was going to send it to him. He needed to know that I knew that he was thankful for him, for his help. 

Mr. James,

I just want to thank you for everything you did a couple weeks ago. I appreciate you assigning Josh as my assistant again. I haven't heard again from Evan and I have a hunch you have something to do with that, so thank you. Just thank you for everything. 

Savanna Blackwell 

E.I.C Texas Publishing and Co.

I wanted to say soo much more but I couldn't find the words. I mean, how do you tell the man who you have feelings for and vice versa thank you for letting another man keep you. I don't think there's a nice, unawkward way to say that. After I finished typing, I waited for him to reply. When it became apparent that he was not going to reply, which was about an hour and a half later, I logged off the computer.

This ass. I knew he saw it.. He was online when I sent it. There's no way that he didn't see it. I got up and gathered my bag. He was going to hear this. I went to the elevator and stepped on. I waited to get up to his floor and I stormed out. I turned to his office and reached for the door. 

It was locked. I leaned forward, cupping my hand to the glass and peered in. The lights were off, but the sunlight streamed in. The desk was a mess. It looked like he left in a hurry. I sighed and turned around. 

Sara was standing there. I jumped, taking her in. She was wearing a white ruffled blouse and grey pants. Her blonde hair was up in a no-nonsence bun. She looked at me, her eyes silently judging me. I adjusted my shirt and looked her in the eye. 

"He's gone. He went home I think," she stated, her eyes looking me up and down. I nodded. 

"Thank you," I replied, starting to walk past her. She reached out and grabbed my elbow. 

"Can you go check on him? I'm worried about him," she said. I nodded. 

"Sure, I was just leaving anyway," I said. 

"Can I have your phone?" she asked. I gave her a questioning look. "It's so I can give you my number and his address." 

I nodded and gave it to her. She put both in and handed it back. 

"Please call me after you've spoken with him," she said, before turning and walking away. 

I didn't answer. I knew she would expect me to do as she said. She was my boss after all. I went back to the elevator and took it to the lobby. I walked through it and stepped outside. The humidity hit me first but I kept walking. I plugged his address in my GPS and I followed it to his condo. He was fifteen minutes away from me, by foot anyway. 

I opened the door to his complex and stepped inside, grateful for air conditioning. I took the elevator. He was on the top floor. There was no way I was going to take the stairs. I stepped out on his floor, suddenly nervous and shy about seeing. This was the first time I would see him since.....that night. It turns out his condo was the last one and I stepped up to the door. I wiped my hands on my pants. 

I knocked on his door. 

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