Dear Diary: My Delinquent

By badbittyreads

24.6K 483 112

Dear Diary, At first he was broken. Wait no, then I was broken. Let me start over! *** Tessa's family adopte... More

Dear Diary: My Delinquint...Chap 1
Dear Diary: My Delinquint...Chap 2
Dear Diary: My Delinquint... Chap 3
Dear Diary: My Delinquent...Chap 4
Dear Diary: My Delinquen...Chap 5
Dear Diary: My Delinquint ...Chap 6
Dear Diary: My Delinquint...Chap 7
Dear Diary: My Delinquent...Chap 8
Dear Diary: My Delinquent...Chap 9
Dear Diary: My Delinquint...Chap 10
Dear Diary: My Delinquint...Chap 11
Dear Diary: My Delinquent...Chap 12
Dear Diary: My Delinquent... Chap 13
Dear Diary: My Delinquent...Chap 14
Dear Diary: My Delinquent...Chap 15
Dear Diary: My Delinquent...Chap 16
Dear Diary: My Delinquent...Chap 18
Dear Diary: My Delinquent...Chap 19
Dear Diary: My Delinquent...Chap 20
Dear Diary: My Delinquent...Chap 21
Dear Diary: My Delinquent...Chap 22
Dear Diary: My Delinquent...Chap 23
Dear Diary: My Delinquent...Chap 24
Dear Diary: My Delinquent...Chap 25
Dear Diary: My Delinquent...Chap 26
Dear Diary: My Delinquent...Chap 27
Extra Special Interview with the Delinquents
Dear Diary: My Delinquent...Epilogue
☆Angels Dont Die Easily☆

Dear Diary: My Delinquent...Chap 17

730 13 2
By badbittyreads

Dear diary,

It has been 2 days since the creepy text message popped up onto my cells screen. I have a really bad feeling who sent that to me. There was only one person who called me 'precious' when I was 14. Luke.



Its about time I explain who Luke is. Luke was my boyfriend when I was 13. His nickname for me was 'precious'. I never ever thought it had a double meaning. Sure, he was 16 when I was 14, but age was just a number. That's what I told myself.

When I asked him he simply replied, 'Its because your pure. Pure is precious.'

I was 14. I never even thought that pure meant virgin. He took it from me. Against my will.

The bastard even tried to make it seem consensus when we were in court.

That made me 15 now. And I am going to do everything in my power to make sure Colton doesn't find out about it for a long time. He's been through enough he doesn't need to deal with my stuff too.

I kept the text on my phone just in case though.

Another thought that's been on my mind is how is Luke out of jail? He was sentenced for 2 years. I would have to ask mom and dad.


A/N let's flash forward to when Tessa asks her parents what


"WHY THE HELL DID YOU NOT TELL ME?" I yelled through the house. I bursted into the living room where my parents were.

"Tessa, first of all you will not swear under this roof. Second of all keep your voice down your brother is in his room." My mom shook her head realizing that she said the 'b' word. A.K.A brother. Its kind of an messed up situation. But hot.

I lowered my voice this time. I did not want Colton hearing this. "When did Luke get out of jail?"

My parents both nervously glanced at each other. My dad sighed. "Last week."

I was shocked. No, I was in shock. Luke was out of jail last week and they didn't even bother telling me. Thanks mom and dad.

"Tessa? I think its time we tell your bro- I mean Colton what happened." She offered cautiously.

I most definitely didn't need to think about that answer. "No!" I snapped. "He doesn't need my problems on his shoulders." I wasn't sad. No, I was a little mad.

My mom and dad gave me a sympathetic look. I hated it. I hated that they look at me as their daughter that got raped when she was 13. I didn't need their sympathy.

When it first happened I was as fragile as a butterfly wing. One poke and I broke. I used to cry myself to sleep every night.

So there was no way I was telling Colton.

This time it was my dad who opened his mouth. "If you don't tell him then we will." My dad said sternly.

I was beyond pissed. How dare he? How dare he say that he will go and tell someone against my will? Especially when I specifically said 'not to tell Colton.'

I stormed off to my room and slammed my door shut. The noise rattled the house. I could hear my parents call Colton down.

I threw my lamp at the wall. I watched it shatter into pieces.

~#~Colton's POV~#~

I heard Stacy and Greg call me. I was too tired to get up but I did. I don't call Tessa's parents mom and dad. I call them by their real names. I always have.

I walked into the kitchen. Stacy and Greg were sitting at the table. I rose an eyebrow questionably

"Colton can you have a seat please." Who are you? The mayor? I sat down anyway.

"There's something about Tessa you should know." I heard a smash upstairs. Obviously coming from Tessa.

Why was she throwing stuff. Tessa never got that angry. "What." I didn't sound very friendly cause well they did wake me up and I was irritated that I had to talk to them instead of the love of my life.

"There's something that we should of told you awhile ago..."

~*~Tessa's POV~*~

My room was trashed. Sheets were ripped off the bed. My lamp was splattered all over. The desk that usually was put nicely in the corner of my room was upside down and not in the corner anymore. All the clothes out of my dresser are on the floor.

I knew they already told Colton. He's probably disgusted with me. He's probably thinking "wow how gross".

I locked myself in the washroom. And I feel like staying in there for a long time. I would starve if I had to.

My ears perked at the soft knock on my bathroom door. "Baby?" Colton's soft pained voice drifted into the bathroom.

Now the tears were flowing. "G-go a-away." I choked out. What I really wanted to say was "stay with me".

"Tessa open the door before I knock it down." He warned threateningly. When I didn't answer or make a move to open the door he tried again. "I'm not kidding Tess!"

There was a few bangs before the whole door fell to the floor. I was way back so it didn't touch me. Colton just walked over the for like he didn't just break my bathroom door down.

"Col-" He squished me into his chest and hushed me. I grabbed onto his long sleeved shirt like my life depended on it. I guess at this moment, it did.

He rubbed circles on my back. "Don't say anything. Just don't say anything." He soothed.

I wasn't going to anyway.




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