Obsession ( Yandere-ish! Yuki...

By ChloeGonzales9

260K 4.7K 2.3K

When a young girl gains a stalker , Prince Yuki Sohma, her world gets turned upside down for the worst. No on... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter four
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 ( 18+)
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen (+18)
( A/N)
Chapter Eighteen (18+)
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three ( 18+)
Attention all readers!
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
I'm sorry
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Filler # 1
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty-One
I need help

Chapter Sixteen

5.4K 107 34
By ChloeGonzales9

You gulped and bit lightly on your lip.

"I got you these. I hope you like them." He took another step towards you and held out the banquet of roses for you to take.

"What's going on here?" came a deep, cold voice. Yuki withdrew his banquet and stared apprehensively as a man gently stepped in front of his hime.

He assumed it was her brother. If it wasn't and this was some other guy...he didn't want to say what his actions might be. It would be something very...unpleasant.

Seth was inwardly cheering that it wasn't his date...instead it was some strange boy. He hadn't been listening to the conversation between this strange boy and his sister but something was up. He put up his serious facade as he gave the boy a once over with his eyes. Funny, the boy was...almost as good-looking as himself. He was very pretty to say the least and no doubt he probably had as many fangirls as he had. He could probably have any girl he wanted and yet here he was standing at his doorstep.

Quite the temptress his sister was becoming. She reeled in another beautiful guy to add to her collection.

Judging by the gifts in his hands and the day it would seem this gorgeous boy was bent on wooing his voluptuous baby sister. "Who are you?" He raised an eyebrow at him and flashed him an icy look.

Yuki's eyes narrowed at his attempt to scare him away from his hime. His resembleance to you was striking so this must be your brother. He mentally chuckled to himself. What was he thinking? You, cheating on him? It was a silly thought. This guy was a grown man! Silly, indeed.

Yuki prostrated himself respectably as to make a good impression. "It is an honor to finally meet you, as (name) has told me so much about you, Mr. (last name)."

'Like hell I have, you obsessive physco!' You screamed in your mind. Just who was he trying to fool? You had tried to keep him a secret from Seth and ward the fucker off on your own.

"She has? Hmm then (name) mind telling me who this is?" Seth looked back you. You met his gaze your eyes wavering a bit. You should definitely tell him. Right now in fact and have something done about it. Your eyes trailed down to the floor to stare at your shoes. You tried to move your lips but they wouldn't budge. Why couldn't you come out and say it?

You had been hiding behind the excuse that no one would beleive you, which was partly true. It would take some convincing but still that wasn't a legitimate excuse for anything. What then? Was it becuase secretly you were enjoying the attention he was lavishing on you? Everything he wrote, did, said to you was always so...intimate. No one had ever acknowldeged you in such a way before and it was intimidatng. You were usually so invisible to everyone.

You pressed a finger to your lips briefly, a light blush appearing. He kissed you too...and then somehow he had ended up naked. You had exaggerated a bit before when he kissed you it wasn't disgusting or wrong. It was just very surprising and kind of...nice. Besides you didn't know you could do...that with a tongue. And after seeing him naked you longer had any doubts about his manhood...as 'it' was clearly seen.



No, you didn't just think all of that.

Your first kiss was stolen and it was not 'nice'. Then deciding that he would french kiss after few seconds into it was even worse. You don't know anything about the guy except for his estranged obsession with you. He was a stalker, training to brainwash you into loving him. You would not give into this Stockholm syndrome.

You placed a hand on your brother's shoulder, pulling him behind you and took a step towards Yuki. You met his heated gaze and he was quite surprised you hadn't looked away after a few minutes.

That and you looked even angrier than before.

"Yuki..." Your voice was dripping with contempt and malice.

"Yes?" Yuki was giving you an innocent look and answered you with a soft tone.

"In case you didn't hear me the first time, I'll repeat for you. Stay the the hell away from me! I don't like you and I never will. Understand? I will never love you and if you come near me or if I ever find you at my house again rest assure I will personally kick your ass. If that doesn't work considering your skill, don't mistake me for a fool. I'll go to the police and inform everyone of what you've been doing to me. So what if some people don't beleive me? I'll still tell. I'm not your girlfriend, we are not in a relationship and for the record...I freakin' hate you!"

You took a tight grip of the doorknob and slammed the door in his face.

You leaned back on the door taking deep breaths. It felt good to get that off your chest.

Seth stared at you with worried eyes. What was going on here?

You chuckled lightly. That had been very satisfying to say the least, now with Yuki out the way you could go about with your normal life again.

"(Name) what's going on? What's this about the police getting involved? Did that boy do something to you...?" Seth eyes flashed dangeruosly.

You only chuckled again waving your hands about."It's nothing for you get upset over Seth. It's over now. I'm sure he'll take my wonderful speech to heart."

"(Name) you know you can tell me anything right? If this is what had been bothering you yesterday then-"

You walked behind him, placed your hands his shoulders and began to gently push him forward. "I'm telling you Seth don't worry. It nothing to get all serious about. Jeez stop worrying I can take care of myself."

"I don't know what's going on but I'm calling Hatori and you're getting a check-up. I swear if that boy did anything to you I'll-"

You blushed a bright red. "There is no need to drag Hatori into this. I assure you I'm fine."

He turned his head to the side as you began to lead him towards the back door. "Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure. It was just some guy who couldn't take a hint. He's had a crush on me for a while now. I turned him down but he's very persisitent."

A smile returned on Seth's lips. "See I told you were irrestible. In fact if you weren't my sister I'd-"

You glared. "Don't even finish that sentence. Just go pick up your date." You pushed him out the back the door.

He stumbled a bit before regaining his composure walking towards the car. He smiled and waved goodbye. You waved back a little before closing door.

You sighed before going back upstairs to your room. Yuki appearing at door, had ruined your plans. You could still go out and find Kyo but that confrontation with your stalker had given you a splitting headache. Maybe if you rested for a while it would go away.

So you decided on taking a little nap. You stripped yourself of your jacket and crawled into bed. You fluffed up your pillow and layed your head across it, the softness of it already taking the splitting headache away.

'I wonder if maybe I should go visit Akito and the others tommorow to make up for not coming to their dinner invite...' Your thoughts trailed off and you let out a soft yawn.

You fell fast asleep.

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