Warrior Cats: Forbidden love...

By WC_Firestorm

95.9K 3.2K 869

• • Slowly editing • • Meeting Him was different than meeting other toms. He makes her feel special like no... More

If you want to be in my story, read this page... -CLOSED-
Allegiances/Characters :
Chapter One (Edited)
Chapter Two (AniLovers)
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven (Chocorose and Icestorm18)
Chapter Eight (AniLovers)
Chapter Nine (Chocorose and Icestorm18)
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter Twenty-seven
Author's Note
Chapter Twenty-eight
Chapter Twenty-nine
Chapter Thirty-one
Chapter Thirty-two
Chapter Thirty-three
Chapter Thirty-four
Chapter Thirty-five
~!Important Author's Note about the incoming Updates!~
Chapter Thirty-six

Chapter Thirty

1.5K 95 16
By WC_Firestorm

Woo!!!! In less than 24 hours the minimum reads and votes required have burst over! Thank you guys for the votes and reads! Here's your reward—a new chapter of Forbidden Love ;3

Chapter 30


Once out of sight, Blazeheart shook his soaking, wet pelt. Water droplets sprinkled around him, hitting the snow covered ground. He was freezing. Blazeheart look around himself, looking for the familiar tree of his. 

Blazeheart ignored the coldness that swept around in his body, hoping to find his tree. He let out a sigh of relief when he notice the markings on the tree he made. 

Blazeheart mumbled something under his breath as a huge lump of snow hit him. He let out a cry of surprise as he felt the snow pile on him. Coldness swept through him once again. “Blazeheart!” Blazeheart tried to open his mouth to respond to the cat calling his name, but when he did, a mouthful of snow entered his mouth.

His jaw suddenly felt stiff, his tongue numb. Using his paws, Blazeheart summoned all his strength and bunched his muscles together, ignoring the snow that bunched up together like ice. As he pushed himself out of the snow, he heard a tiny squeal. 

“Oh, there you are,” Tawnyfur meowed. Blazeheart fell to his side, panting. His fur had huge clumps of ice and snow stuck to it and Blazeheart shivered when he felt the coldness swept underneath his thick layer of fur. 

“Are you okay?” Tawnyfur rubbed her side to Blazeheart’s side. He coughed out snow, sputtering every few seconds or so as Tawnyfur gently caress his belly with her paw. Blazeheart wanted to squirm away from her touch but he was too tired and cold to care. This time, and only this time, he will lie on Tawnyfur’s side for support. 

Blazeheart was afraid. With him weak and Tawnyfur a little sick with white-cough, they were easy-looking targets for predators and enemies. Blazeheart’s thoughts went to Owlfur. The dark brown tabby was exiled from SunClan just before Blazeheart went to see Firestorm.

He was sent by Sunstar to follow the former SunClan warrior, to make sure he left the territory. Once Blazeheart was sure Owlfur touched the outside of SunClan territory, he dash to the river, hoping to find Firestorm. 

He sent a prayer to StarClan, hoping she was alright. The blizzard was strong, and Blazeheart was scared something might’ve happened to the MistyClan Lead. He breath out a sigh of relief when he saw her. Firestorm was more beautiful then they last met.  

A few fox-lengths before Blazeheart and Tawnyfur entered camp, Tawnyfur stopped. Blazeheart paused, surprised. “What is it?” Tawnyfur look at him. “I know you don’t feel the same way as me, Blazeheart. I always knew. But I just wanted you to know now.. I really liked you, maybe even loved you. I think you know that already.”

“Tawnyfur..” Blazeheart started to meow, but Tawnyfur cut him off. “I can tell you like another she-cat, that’s one of the reasons why I am not going to..” She paused, looking embarrassed. “..flirt with you anymore.” 

Blazeheart blinked. “Thank you for understanding, Tawnyfur.” He meowed warmly. Tawnyfur dipped her head. “Can we be friends?” “Yes. We’re friends.” “Oh and I’m also sorry for being an annoying love-sick dove for the last couple of moons..” “It’s okay, Tawnyfur,” Blazeheart purred again. “I forgive you.” 

Together they walk into camp, Blazeheart resting against Tawnyfur’s side. They walked together to Brackenfur’s den, and every once in a while, a clan-mate would pad up towards them and congratulate them. When they do, Tawnyfur will politely say no.  

Blazeheart let out a soft purr as he settled on the mossy bedding Willowstripe made for him. Now that Tawnyfur’s out of the picture, it’s one less problem towards his forbidden relationship with Firestorm. 

∞             ∞            ∞

Blazeheart blinked at the surroundings around him. Bright, tall trees with silver leaves.. a slow-flowing river.. Blazeheart let out a small gasp. I’m in StarClan! Blazeheart scanned around once again. His eyes lock with a figure of a cat.

Blazeheart squinted at the figure, trying to make out the familiar-looking white she-cat in the distance. She had pale, gentle blue eyes and pale gray stripes slicing across her pelt. As the she-cat took a step forward, Blazeheart’s eyes widened and his jaw dropped.

Blazeheart didn’t need to wreck his brain once he met the she-cat’s gaze. He just said one word : “Cloudstorm?” 

CLIFFHANGER! DON'T KILL MEH~ Hehe sorry for that guys buuuuttt!! Cheeze is really busy ATM with all her projects and due to that, she might not be able to upload tomorrow or the day after that!! Cheeze is really sorry for this. :(

P.S. If you read Sunstar's History you will know who Cloudstorm is :D (Also if you read the previous chatper)

P.P.S. Hmm.. maybe if I get 9,75O reads and 285 votes, there will be an update soon? ;)

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