
By Kweehnn

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Adeyemis' story continues. She yearns for another, though she knows that chapter has closed. With a new life... More

His Move
Not Done
Family time
All You've Ever Wanted
Non, et pourtant...
Men & I
A Little Birdy
Comfort For A Night
Lesson Learned

By Any Means Necessary

36 2 0
By Kweehnn

Hey guys here is Adeyemis "album" 


Celine was fuming, Adeyemi actually agreed to perform at award shows this year. This was supposed to be her year. She is the Beyonce of their times. A princess should stay in her lane. Now Celines performance was reduced and most of the attention would be on that fucking princess. Her fists clenched and she took deep breaths, at least she had the one thing Adeyemi wanted but couldn't have. Her doorbell rang and she rushed to the door. Jae stood on the other side with a slight smile.

"Hey." she said softly

"Hey." He replied

At least she'll get to be queen.

Jae couldn't sleep the night before. He kept listening to Adeyemis album. He kept watching it. He knew what songs were directed at him and which weren't. His mother also stated to a reporter that she was willing to meet with Celine within the week.  Adeyemi also had posted a hand written letter to her social media accounts that shook him up a little bit.

     I've said it before but I feel the need to say it again. Please don't push love away. You may have been made to believe that you don't deserve it, that you aren't worthy of having any person love you. Don't believe that. You are worthy. Get help. Speak to someone about this. Your thoughts about yourself are what's holding you back. Do something for yourself. Be selfish. Love him/her. Believe in your self. 

    I will always have a spot in my heart for you. I did wrong and so did you. We were on the same page but different paragraphs. You were always so ready and I was always hesitant. I heard she may be meeting your mother soon. I don't actually hope that it goes well but I know that even if it's not her you end up with, my place isn't beside you anymore. (Unless you want me back because I'm cool with that too.) Seriously, I hope you get treated how you want to be treated and I hope that you get all your big and beautiful heart desires. 
                          P.S I do have to meet her at some point so please tell her to address me properly. 

It was one thing to give her blessing so seriously to him in private but now everyone knew her words were not false. She was giving him up and trying to cope with that. Part of him was thankful and another part of him was saddened. Still he went to Celines apartment.  After they greeted each other he was let inside and she was pressed against him. She skin was warm, nothing compared to the burn he felt when Adeyemi was against him. But she was warm enough. He still swooped down and captured her lips with his own. He liked her enough. He didn't love her, he wasn't sure he ever could, but he didn't think he could go back to Adeyemi, it was too much. So he settled, he was going to settle. 

Celine crashed on top of him her panting hard. Jae sighed when she finally rolled off of him and onto her side of the bed. She curled up next to him. After a few moments of silence Celine spoke. 

" I'm meeting your mother tomorrow."

"Yes you are."

"Do you think she'll like me?"

"No." Jae replied honestly

Celine shot up "What?"

"She biased toward Adeyemi. You'd have to impress her in order to change her mind." Jae stated as he looked up at the ceiling.

Celine huffed. That whore was starting to get annoying. She laid back down. However nothing was going to stop her from marrying Jae. 


Celine looked at the queen nervously. They sat in the garden their feet tucked underneath them as they sat under the gazebo. 

"You must really love my son." The Queen said nonchalantly

Celine nodded "Yes,  I do."

"Of course why else would you be willing to marry him and help him raise a child you had no part in making?" The Queen said as she poured herself some tea.

Celine smiled confused "I'm sorry?"

"You didn't think you wouldn't have to help my son after he becomes king in looking after the crown prince, did you?"

Celina coughed "Well, I don't know how Adeyemi will feel about that."

"Princess Adeyemi will understand and thus will have extreme expectations of you, as will my son and I."

Celine shook her head. "What would I have to do? I'd just be his step mother."

The Queen sighed " Yes you'd be his step mother but you have the responsibility of looking after him as if you are his mother when on official duties with the royal family. If my son is busy and cannot correct a behavior you'd have to step in and try to do so yourself.  You'd ave to be the one to report his behavior back to his mother if Jaejeong cannot. That means you'd also have to have a civil relationship with the Princess. "

Celine held herself back from sighing heavily  "Isn't this a bit much your highness?"

The Queen gave her a shocked look " Oh my! Oh my! Look here, you are not just trying marry a regular citizen, he's the future King. You wouldn't be marrying into a family, you'd be marrying into a nation. "

Celine looked down as she was scolded and shifted slightly, he feet where beginning to get uncomfortable. The Queens eye ticked and she went into the right sleeve of her hanbok and pulled out her phone. She quickly dialed a number.

"Yeoboseyo?" Jaes deep voice filtered through the phone 

"This one won't do. She doesn't seem to care for helping you raise Junghwan on your end." His mother replied rapidly in Korean


" She keeps making excuses. Fine. You don't want Adeyemi back I'll live but- but this girl won't do. "

"Mom just give her one more chance. Take her with you to that luncheon tomorrow." He pleaded in their native tongue.

Celine looked between the Queen and the cellphone straining to understand what they were talking about. Everything was in a language she didn't understand.

"I won't. If I bring her there she'd just be embarrassed as will I,  Adeyemi would out shine her."

"Yemi, Is going to the event?" Jae asked his tone now curious

"Yes. The womens' luncheon is having speakers and we invited her and Ondina Obama to speak."

"Oh so she's not there as a princess." He said "Then Yemi won't outshine Celine."

"Your ex-lover is a princess who is seen in a very sweet light by the public. Your current lover is a singer who tries to be sexy but overdoes it far too often and has not taken it upon herself to conduct her own research on how to behave around royals. I'd be humilated on your behalf of going from Adeyemi to this thing."


"I made no mistakes in my wording." She said defiantly


"I'll telling her she's not going to cut it. Have a great day my son." She said before swiflty ending the call and looking back at Celine

" Um- Your Highne-"

"You won't do."


"Not for my son. Perhaps you are a nice girl, beautiful soul and all that but you won't last long in our world. No matter how driven you are you'll end up feeling like the dirt beneath my shoe. It's for the best that you both end things now.

Celine stared at her momentairly stunned then she took a sip of her tea. " He may have lost his chance however I believe it's in everyones best interest that he marries me."

The Queen raised a perfect brow. "And why is that?"

Celine put her tea cup down "It wont do well for your sons reputation to have two illegitimate children. Two have two children by two different women and was married to neither. Tsk. It doesn't seem right."

The queen scoffed " Because i'd rather die than have you as my daughter in law I'll take my chances."

"And what of Jaejeong?"

"How far along are you?"

"Two months."

"You  have time to abort it if you don't wish to be a single mother. Or we could take the child if you wish but my son is not marrying you just because your carrying his child."

Celine opened her mouth to speak.

"You can leave now. I detest that you tried to use the child as a way to ensure my sons marriage to you. You better hope I don't find that it's not his child." She spoke as she rose elegantly she shot Celine a look of distaste and turned away. Her long hanbok train, trailed behind her as she walked down the corridor that attached the gazebo to the east exit of the palace.

Celine gripped the hem of her skirt tightly. No matter what she was going to be queen.

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