Things Happen | ✓

By Corabellina

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The last place Kendall Hanks thinks she will end up is in a foster home. Let alone with the filthy-rich Mason... More

Chapter One: Why me?
Chapter Two: Meeting the Masons
Chapter Three:Bikers & Apologies
Chapter Four: Curmouth High School
Chapter Five: Mission Impossible
Chapter Six: Q is for Questions
Chapter Seven: Threats
Chapter Eight: Auditions
Chapter Nine: The Party
Chapter Ten: The Date
Chapter Eleven: Explanations
Chapter Tweleve: Suprises
Chapter Thirteen: Secrets Revealed
Chapter Fourteen: Everyone Needs a Savior
Chapter Fifteen: Truth or Dare
Chapter Sixteen: Whip Cream Facials
Chapter Seventeen: White Lies & Alibis
Chapter Eighteen: Back Home
Chapter Nineteen: E.C.T.
Chapter Twenty: Rumors Suck
Chapter Twenty-One: The Rehearsal Ball
Chapter Twenty-Two: The Campaign Ball
Chapter Twenty-Three: The Drug Lord
Chapter Twenty-Four: The Great Escape
Chapter Twenty-Five: Surfing Struggles
Chapter Twenty-Six: Absentee's and Duets
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Auditions and Phone Calls
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Sophie Farnsworth
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Constellations
Chapter Thirty: Hospitals
Chapter Thirty-One: The Fight
Chapter Thirty-Two: Feels Like Loneliness
Chapter Thirty-Three: The Calm Before the Storm
Chapter Thirty-Four: The Letter
Chapter Thirty-Six: The Last Straw
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Numb the Pain (Will's PoV)
Chapter Thirty-Eight: On My Doorstep
Chapter Thirty-Nine: The Final Return
Chapter Forty: New Beginnings

Chapter Thirty-Five: Popcorn and M&Ms

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By Corabellina

The next hour was the most difficult time of my life. It took all my strength to remain seated during that interview. I felt sick to my stomach as I lied on live television about how amazing Mr. Mason is. When they asked me what I thought about his campaign, I just smiled and said, "Mr. Mason is the most generous and charitable man I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. I don't think there is anyone better for the job."

I felt so fake, but I still smiled as if nothing was wrong and gushed about how generous of a man he was for taking me in. As I lied, all I could think about was that he was using me. The man sitting next to me is using me and cheating on his wife. The man sitting next to me will be the next Governor of California, and he will get away with it. The man sitting next to me is a liar.

Somehow, I made it through the interview without messing anything up, but after it was finished, I was gone. I had no desire to linger. I didn't accept Mr. Mason's congratulations. Instead, I turned on my heel and left without saying goodbye.

I had to leave. That was the only thing I could think about once I made it to my room. I had to leave this place. Not Curmouth, but the Mason's Mansion. I felt trapped in the pristine corridors, and every inch of me was dying to get out. I couldn't stay in this cold mansion for much longer.

I quickly changed out of the black dress I was wearing, and put on shorts and a tee. Then I grabbed my phone and rushed out the door. When I made it to the car garage, I got into a Jeep instead of my usual Mercedes. Then I pressed down on the gas, leaving the Mason's Mansion far behind.

As I drove, I wasn't sure where I was going. I just went without cause. I think everyone needs to do that sometime: go without a destination. I turned up the radio, blasting the volume as I plowed down the unfamiliar roads. It helped me avoid thinking about my situation and focus on how loud everything was. I continued to drive until the sun began to set, marking the Saturday skies with strokes of pastel tones.

When I slammed on the breaks, I found myself in a familiar place. The Nature Center where Jack and I had our date laid out before me, the green trees crowding the entrance. It was the same place, but I felt like a different person.

I parked the Jeep and got out, walking along the trail. I trekked along the dirt paths quickly until I recognized the thin strip of trampled grass that marked the hidden trail to the meadow. Then I followed the path until I reached the meadow.

It still looked as beautiful as it had when Jack and I were there last week. The meadow was green and lush, dotted with bright flowers. The view of the ocean still took my breath away as I looked out upon it, watching the waves white cap. As I surveyed my surroundings, I could almost see Jack standing by my side like he did just one week ago.

But now, Jack was gone. Maybe not forever, but he was absent from my life. This past week, he had forgotten about me and focused only on Tabitha. He became too busy for me, and it broke my heart. I knew that he meant well. He was only trying to protect Tabitha. But still, I needed him. I needed him so badly.

Between everything happening with Will, Mr. Mason, and the letter from the Foster Center, I really needed an anchor. Jack used to be my anchor, but now, he didn't seem to notice me anymore.

I walked to the middle of the field, then I collapsed. My eyes met the sky, and everything melted into one, huge mess. I wasn't sad. I wasn't angry. I was done.

Lately things felt so unbearable and messy. I should leave.

I should leave Curmouth and never look back. I closed my eyes, trying to picture living in Phoenix. It must be so sunny and hot. There would be sandy deserts and wide horizons. I pictured Jasmine Greenwald, who must have looked something like my mother with brown hair, fair skin, and emerald eyes. My mother...

I sat up, suddenly realizing something. My parents, Gram, everyone who left me, they were watching over me still. They were waiting for me to decide whether I would stay strong, or give up. I was either a victim, or a victor. My hand flew up subconsciously to the necklace that Jack had bought for me. Stay strong.

I wasn't going to leave Curmouth. Not without a fight. I was going to test everyone once more. I'd give it three days, maybe two. If things got worse, than I would be gone before anyone could realize what they did.

I looked back up at the sun, which was disappearing behind the ocean. Then I smiled.

Three days.


Day one out of three was already off to a bad start.

John had ditched me. Again.

It was the second consecutive Sunday that John had postponed our bonding day. It felt so wrong to miss another Sunday.

It felt like I hadn't seen him in forever. In reality, I saw him all the time, but we never talked anymore. It kind of broke me even further to think that our friendship was over.

For the longest time, I thought John was some sort of forbidden crush, but now I realize that he so was more than that. He was my best friend. And I couldn't lose him.

The worst part about the situation was that I wasn't losing him because he was still embarrassed about Zoey, I was losing him because he was forgetting about me before I was even gone. Just like the rest of the world, he was forgetting about Kendall Hanks.

When I asked Ms. Jameson where he was after breakfast, she told me that he was surfing with Zoey.

With her. He blew me off so he could be with her.

He was probably having more fun with her than he ever did with me. At least Zoey can actually surf, unlike me. He's probably breaking the rules of PDA all over the beach right now while I'm just sitting alone.

The whole thing upset me to the point where I just wanted to be with someone who would actually enjoy my presence. Anyone. I raked my mind for someone to call. Immediately, I thought of Jack.

I picked up my iPhone and found Jack's number in my favorites, pressing call without hesitation. I needed to talk with someone.

The phone rang, and just as I was beginning to think he wouldn't answer, Jack picked up the phone.


"Hey, Jack.", I replied instantaneously, a smile appearing on my face.

"Are you okay? Is everything alright?", He asked, his worry evident through the phone.

I blushed. He was probably worried because I called him instead of texting. Even though texting is probably less weird, I really wanted to hear his voice.

"No. Everything's fine. I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out today? We still don't know what song we're singing for the Showcase.", I answered, trying to sound nonchalant.

"I would but I'm keeping an eye on Tabitha. My dad is at the office and my mom is out running errands.", He said apologetically.

"Oh.", I said, feeling unsure. "Would it be okay if I just came over to your house?", I asked hopefully.

Jack hesitated. "I guess so. I mean, my parents have already met you, so sure. I'll have to text my mom though."

I exhaled in relief. "Yeah, yeah. Sounds good. Um, can you text me the address?"

"Yeah. Of course."

"Great. I'll see you soon, then.", I answered, feeling a little better.

"You will. Bye, Ken.", He replied.

"Bye Jack."

When I the line went dead, I bit my lip, my cheeks flushing. Jack was so great. No matter what, I could stay if he stayed with me.

Seconds later, my phone dinged, signaling a text from Jack. I smiled. It was his address.

I wasted no time in leaving. In ten minutes, I was pulling up to his house and parking along the street.

Jack lived in a nice middle class suburban neighborhood. His house looked like a duplicate of the others, two stories tall, painted light blue, with a green lawn and one car garage. In fact, the only personalization was the weathered rope swing hanging from a big oak tree in the front yard. It looked like the classic American home.

I walked up the concrete walkway, and rang the doorbell. Seconds later, the white door swung open, revealing Jack.

He was wearing a simple gray V-neck and jeans. His kind ice blue eyes were tired, but he still smiled when he saw me.

"Hey, Ken. Come in.", He said, stepping to the side so I could enter.

"Hey Jack. Thanks for letting me come over.", I said, stepping into his house.

My eyes danced around the room. The front door led right into a space which looked like the living room. It wasn't anything fancy, but the room had character. Unlike the Mason's Mansion, this house had pictures hanging on the walls. It looked like a family actually lived there, and it reminded me of the times when I lived with my parents.

"I know it's not a mansion, but it's home.", Jack said, scratching the back of his neck.

I shook my head at him, giving him a reassuring smile. "It's perfect. Where's Tabitha?"

He closed the door, locking it behind him. "She's in her room sleeping. Upstairs."

"Is she doing okay?", I asked as Jack led me into the kitchen.

He frowned. "She's trying not to think about it, but I can tell she's hurting. I just wish I could do something to stop Stephen, you know? It's so unfair that he is getting out so soon.", He answered, gripping onto the granite countertop.

I nodded, looking at him sympathetically. "Yeah. But you're doing the best you can. At least you're here for her."

"I try.", He said, shrugging. "Do you want something to drink?"

"Water's good, thanks.", I answered.

As Jack grabbed a clear glass and began to fill it up with water, I couldn't help but check him out secretively. His eyelashes were so long, and his arms seemed so strong. Not to mention, his lips looked so kissable. I could practically taste them like I could in the meadow; warm and soft.

When he turned back toward me, I adverted my eyes, hoping I wasn't blushing too terribly. Luckily, he didn't seem to notice anything.

"So what do you want to do?", He asked, sliding the glass of water over to me.

I shrugged, taking a sip. "Whatever you want."

He smiled at me. "Wow, that's really helpful."

I laughed, rolling my eyes at him. "Shut up. I don't know. We could practice for the Showcase? Or just watch a movie?"

"Let's watch a movie and then we can talk about what song we'll sing during the movie.", He offered with a grin.

I nodded. "Sounds good. Do you have popcorn?"

He scoffed jokingly at my question. "Of course I have popcorn."

I laughed, putting my hands up in surrender. "I didn't know!"

He shook his head. "The movies are in the drawer under the TV if you want to pick one. I'll make the popcorn."

"Rodger that.", I answered, walking back into the living room, locating the movies.

As I flipped through the selection, I couldn't help but laugh. Jack only owned Disney movies. I'm not even joking. There was not a single disc that wasn't Disney.

"Hey Jack, not that I care, but do you only own Disney movies?", I asked Jack teasingly from the living room.

"Maybe?", He answered from the kitchen. I could practically hear him blushing.

I grinned. "I like it. It really shows your masculinity. So, Aladdin or Hercules?", I asked him playfully. I was leaning toward Aladdin, but I wasn't sure yet.

He hesitated for a moment. "Aladdin. Do you care if I put M&Ms in the popcorn?"

I smiled. We were just alike. "I love M&Ms in my popcorn.", I said with a grin.

I heard him laugh from the other side of the room. "Is this the part where I'm supposed to scream 'OMG, twins!' and jump up and down?"

I laughed. "Only if you're twelve and mentally insane?"

"Good, because I don't like to jump up and down.", He answered, appearing in the living room with a big bowl of popcorn with M&Ms in it.

I popped in the movie and sat down on the couch next to Jack. As the movie started, I grabbed some M&Ms and popcorn and stuffed my face.

"Hey, watch this.", Jack said, grabbing a piece of popcorn, throwing it in the air, and catching it in his mouth.

I rolled my eyes, hiding my amusement. "How impressive."

He grinned in response. "It really is. I bet you can't do it."

I accepted his challenge with a smile, grabbing a piece of popcorn, tossing it in the air, and then completely missing it. It fell limply to the floor, and Jack burst into a triumphant smile.

"Ha!", Jack said. "I was right."

I shook my head at him. "I'll get it. Just watch."

And thus began an endless amount of failures. Every single time I threw a piece of popcorn, I missed it, which only made Jack laugh a little harder.

Finally, I huffed, giving up completely.

Jack smiled, tossing a piece of popcorn and catching it with a grin. Again. "I told you it was impressive."

"Yeah, you should be on America's Got Talent.", I replied jokingly, eating an M&M that had fallen onto the couch.

He grinned at me. "Maybe I'll audition."

I shook my head at him in amusement. He was such a kid.

By the time Aladdin ended, Jack and I had barely watched a minute of it. We had been too preoccupied by talking and playing stupid games. It was more fun than watching a movie, though. It felt so nice for something not depressing to happen for once.

As the credits rolled, Jack stood up. "I'm going to go check on Tabitha.", He announced.

"Okay.", I replied, giving him a smile.

Once Jack left the room, my mind returned to my earlier thoughts from the meadow. While I was with Jack, I wanted to be in Curmouth. He made me want to stay. He made me forget about Jasmine Greenwald, and just want to curl into his arms and melt. It felt good to be able to laugh and not feel so weighed down. It felt good to be with him.

I wonder if he even knows about anything that has happened to me this past week. Surely the word has spread about that catastrophe between Amber Tate, Will, and myself. Probably not. Jack didn't seem like he knew about high school rumors or gossip. He never really liked Will, so he probably wouldn't pay attention to his sudden change anyway.

Although Jack seemed to acknowledge me while we were alone, I still couldn't forget about this past week. It felt like Jack had been ignoring me and devoting every moment of his life to Tabita. I understood her situation, but Jack still acted so off. I missed him and I needed him, especially if I was going to stay in Curmouth. I needed my anchor.

I had to say something about it. I had talk to Jack. When Monday rolls around, I would be forgotten again. The only reason that Jack was even acknowledging me now was because Tabitha was asleep. As soon as she's wakes up, Jack will be by her side again, and I will be left in the dust. I can't let that happen.

Jack returned moments later. "She's still sleeping. What do you want to do now?"

I bit my lip nervously. How was I supposed to bring this up? "Um, can we practice for the Showcase?", I asked.

He nodded. "Yeah, my guitar is in my room upstairs. Do you want to practice up there?"

I stood up, forcing a smile on my face. "Sounds great."

He led me up to his room where he opened the door. His walls were blue, just like he had mentioned when we played that game on our first date. I smiled at the memory.

The rest of Jack's room was normal and surprisingly neat for a teenage boy. He had a Queen-sized bed with black bedsheets, a desk on one side of the wall, a dresser, and a closet. He had a few guitars hanging on his wall along with a few medals from Science Fair and other certificates. Out of the corner of my eye, I even spotted a Star Wars poster.

I smiled. He was a geek. A cute, amazing geek.

"So, what song should we sing?", He asked, interrupting my thoughts.

I thought about it for a second, tapping my chin. "I have a few ideas. We could sing Say You Won't Let Go, Million Reasons, Let Her Go, Stay, i hate u, i love u, Little Do You Know, Cool Kids, and that's just to name a few."

He looked at me thoughtfully. "I think Stay would be pretty good. The one by Rihanna and Mikky Ekko, right?"

I nodded. "Yeah, the lyrics are divided pretty evenly. In the song they use piano, but you can match it with your guitar, right?"

"Yeah, it shouldn't be a problem. You want to try it now?", He offered, grabbing his guitar from off the wall.

"Sure. I'll get the lyrics on my phone.", I answered, pulling it up on Google.

"If you sing the chorus a few times, I'll be able to match the chords from pitch.", He said, pulling his guitar onto his lap and strumming it a few times.

"Okay. You ready?", I asked.

He nodded.

I took a deep breath, beginning to sing the chorus.

"Not really sure how to feel about it
Something in the way you move
Makes me feel like I can't live without you
It takes me all the way
I want you to stay", I sang, closing my eyes. The lyrics seemed to flow off my lips so easily, and I loved the way it sounded. It would wow the college scouts from Julliard.

I looked at him, watching him adjust the chords. He really was talented with the guitar. It was crazy that he was good enough to adjust the chords just by the tune of the lyrics.

"Can you sing it again?", He asked.

I sang the chorus a few more times, until he got it tuned perfectly. Jack began to strum the chords in tune, matching up with the lyrics.

He looked up at me with a smile. "I think this will be perfect for the Showcase."

I nodded, my thoughts drifting back to Tabitha. I had to talk to Jack about it. I had to do it before I lost the courage or forgot.

"Do you want to sing it all the way through?", He asked, an excited glint in his eyes.

"Actually Jack, I was hoping that we could talk first?", I asked him nervously, biting my lip.

His excitement was replaced with concern. "Is there something wrong?

I sighed, dreading the words that had to be said. I couldn't let it go, I had to talk to him about it. "It's about us, Jack. I feel like you're dismissing me again.", I admitted.

"What do you mean?", He asked, setting his guitar down. "We just talked for three hours."

"I know. Not today, but during school. It's just, you've been ignoring me all week. You never talk to me anymore, or show up, or call. I feel like you've been leaving me behind. All you ever do is escort Tabitha everywhere and act like her unofficial bodyguard.", I explained.

Jack frowned, not liking where the conversation was headed. "It's just with Tabitha and Stephen, I've been on edge. He's getting out soon, and Tabitha is not stable."

I sighed. "Yeah, I know. I understand that Jack, I really do, but it's a bit much, don't you think. I mean, you never leave her alone and you never talk to me. I just, I've been missing you."

"Well I'm so sorry, Kendall. Next time my sister needs me, I'll just be at your beck and call because that's clearly so much more important.", He said sarcastically, his harsh tone surprising me. His eyes shone with anger; a look I did not like to see on him.

"I don't mean it like that Jack!", I said, exasperated. He was taking this the wrong way.

"Really, because it's selfish of you to think like that. I don't think you understand what is happening here. Tabitha needs me, and it's really inconsiderate of you to tell me to leave her. You haven't seen what I've seen, Kendall!"

"I just really like you, Jack. I don't want what we have to be ruined because you won't talk to me!", I explained pleadingly.

"Tabitha could kill herself, and you're worried about us? God, Kendall, there are things so much bigger than a stupid teenage relationship!", He shouted.

Stupid? Was he serious?

"You lurking around Tabitha is what is going to make her kill herself! Will you just leave her be and open your eyes, Jack! I need you!", I yelled, tears streaming down my cheeks.

Jack stood up, looking down at me with disgust. "I thought you were a better person. Just get out. We can talk about this when you realize what is really going on."

My heart shattered. No. This couldn't be happening. He was the only one I had left. He couldn't leave. He couldn't let me go.

"Jack?", I whimpered, my eyes begging him to change his mind.

"Just go Kendall.", He answered in a hard tone, his blue eyes refusing to look at me.

I looked up at him, begging him to look me in the eye one more time. But he didn't. Deep inside I knew what this meant for me. It meant that I was going leave Curmouth. I had to leave. There was no one left here. There was nothing left for me.

But before I left, I had to do something. I couldn't leave without some form of closure. On Monday I would confront him for the last time.

On Monday, I would leave my staying or leaving up to the person who started and ended it all: Will.

Hey guys! Happy #MachoMonday ! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Leave a comment if you did!

Here's the song Stay by Rihanna and Mikky Ekko :

Chapter Questions:

•Will Kendall stay or leave?

•Who is in the right: Kendall or Jack?

•Is Tabitha really okay?

What team do YOU ship?

•#Khon -Kendall and John

•#Kack -Kendall and Jack

•#Kill -Kendall and Will

Thank you so much for reading, gang! Don't forget to vote, comment, or add this book to your reading list!

Love, Cora

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