When All Q Breaks Loose

By KarlieLucas2

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Hiro has finally recovered from breaking his ribs while trying to stop a mad bomber. Now that he's back in ac... More

Chapter One: Allow me to help
Chapter Two: Someone Has to Help
Chapter Three: Trying to Make Contact
Chapter Four: First Contact
Chapter Five: Welcome to Mi Casa!
Chapter Six: Agree or Disagree
Chapter Seven: Not Happy
Chapter Eight: Merely Surprised
Chapter Nine: Something Going On
Chapter Ten: Determined to Find Out
Chapter Eleven: What Were You Thinking?
Chapter Twelve: Suit Yourself
Chapter Thirteen: Don't See the Point
Chapter Fourteen: Don't Like the Sound of That
Chapter Fifteen: Find Hiro
Chapter Sixteen: State of Emergency
Chapter Seventeen: You Don't Look Fine
Chapter Eighteen: No Reason
Chapter Nineteen: Just A Dream
Chapter Twenty One: Good and Bad News
Chapter Twenty Two: You Must Be Mistaken
Chapter Twenty Three: Except For Hiro
Chapter Twenty Four: Go Looking
Chapter Twenty Five: Daddy
Chapter Twenty Six: Notice A Pattern
Chapter Twenty Seven: Don't Have That Much Time
Chapter Twenty Eight: You Know What This Means
Chapter Twenty Nine: You Awake In There?
Chapter Thirty: Absolutely Fascinating
Chapter Thirty One: I'm Right Here
Chapter Thirty Two: Working On A Strategy
Chapter Thirty Three: What's the Point?
Chapter Thirty Four: You're Going The Wrong Way
Chapter Thirty Five: Don't Give Up
Chapter Thirty Six: We'll Find Him
Chapter Thirty Seven: Hold On Tight
Chapter Thirty Eight: Begun To Suspect
Chapter Thirty Nine: Oh No
Chapter Forty: Unable To Determine A Cause
Chapter Forty One: I'm Sorry
Chapter Forty Two: Give Him the Best Chance
Chapter Forty Three: No Mistake
Chapter Forty Four: You're Wrong
Chapter Forty Five: How Dare You
Chapter Forty Six: Just Drop It
Chapter Forty Seven: Waiting
Chapter Forty Eight: Last Chance
Chapter Forty Nine: Goodbye

Chapter Twenty: What's Going On?

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By KarlieLucas2

Hiro leaned over Baymax's massive shoulder as he peered out at the city below. The robot stood on one of the many floating wind turbines that helped power the city. They'd often gone up to one or another of the massive machines to look for someone, or simply because they could. It was a nice place to get away from everything but still feel like a part of something. And it was one of the first places Baymax had taken him after their first test flight.

Carefully, Hiro adjusted his position on the robot's back. Even though the electromagnets were strong, he didn't want to take any chances. A fall from that height would likely end in death by suffocation or heart attack long before he hit the ground. If Baymax didn't catch him first. All the same, he didn't want to press his luck. He'd had too many close encounters already.

"Okay, buddy," Hiro called out. "Let's see if we can find him."

Baymax looked out over the city, executing the program that allowed him to scan every individual in the city almost all at the same time. All he had to do was match one of the people down below with the information stored in his memory. And since he'd scanned Q when they'd first met him, he felt confident he'd find the man with little trouble.

When his first sweep didn't produce anything, the robot turned to face the other end of the city. He had more success from that angle. "I have found Q," he announced as he pointed towards the far end of town.

Hiro squinted, as if he'd be able to see the man from their high vantage. "Details, Baymax," he reminded when he couldn't see anything outside of the towering shapes of buildings and the lower hints of the suburbs beyond.

Reminded that his companion couldn't see like he could, Baymax rattled off the location of their target. "You get that?" Hiro asked over his headset.

"Got it," Wasabi answered. "Heading there now."

Hiro nodded, even though he knew Wasabi couldn't see him. "Good. We'll be over there shortly." He settled back down into a somewhat hunkered position on the robot's back, making sure his electromagnets locked in place. "Okay, Baymax. Let's go."

The robot activated his thrusters and they were off.


Wasabi turned another corner, getting more annoyed the further from Fred's place they got. Empirical evidence only confirmed what he'd already discovered: Klingons made the worst backseat drivers on the planet. Even though he knew speed probably counted for something, he refused to go above the speed limit. Not to mention he made sure to use the appropriate turn signals, and stopped at every red light, even before it turned red.

For his part, Worf sat in the front passenger seat with his arms folded as he scowled. While he encouraged following rules, there were times were it was appropriate to disregard them. He thought now was one of those times. They had to find Q before he caused more problems.

"Coming up on Third Street," Wasabi reported over his headset. "Still don't see him." He looked from one side of the street to the other as he slowed down just a bit. It wouldn't do to accidentally hit one of the many cars lining the streets. He'd already replaced his small van at least twice. He didn't want to have to do it again. Insurance wasn't cheap, even if it wasn't his fault.

Static sounded over the headset as he hunkered over the steering wheel. "Got it. Take a left. He's somewhere down the next street," Wasabi repeated for Worf's benefit. Or maybe it was for his own. He did show some signs of distress, something Baymax would have commented on if he had been in the car with them.

Overhead, the cherry red figure hovered a good dozen meters in the air. It swooped towards the next block as Wasabi made the turn. And, making a wise move on his part, didn't mention anything about Wasabi's current mental condition.

"That's it," Hiro called over the radio. "Baymax says he should be within a fifty-meter radius of where you currently are."

Wasabi growled. "Can't Baymax be a bit more specific?" He scanned the sidewalks, as small as they were, for signs of the rogue space traveler.

"I am sorry," Baymax said over the headset. "Though I can detect his signature in the area, I am having trouble pinpointing an exact location."

More than a little frustrated, Wasabi found a parking space and pulled in. "We'll have to go on foot then," he decided as he undid his seat belt. "Come on," he called to his companion. "And don't forget to lock your door. This isn't the most savory part of town." Already he was making plans on finding a shower the moment they got back to the manor.

After a little more frustration on Wasabi's part, mostly because Worf didn't know how to work the locking mechanism, they were searching the area on foot. "You know you could always come down and help," the irate student huffed over his communicator. He was momentarily startled when the cherry red robot landed right in front of them. He had to take a step back to regain his composer. "How many times do I have to ask you not to do that!"

"S-sorry!" Hiro apologized as he clambered down from Baymax's back. "Baymax says he should be somewhere just up ahead. There's still something interfering with his sensor though so he's not one hundred percent sure."

Baymax turned towards the direction in question. "I believe he is inside one of the buildings."

Worf shouldered his way past the two students, heading towards the first building with an open door. A sign above the glass advertised something to do with vacuum repairs and sewing machines. He wasn't sure what all that meant but didn't pause to ask either. "Let's go," he urged.

Shrugging, Hiro instructed Baymax to fly to the roof of the building next door so he could keep scanning. That and it would be easier than trying to squish him through the slightly narrow doorway. It didn't help that his armor had become pretty icon and was starting to draw some attention. He instructed the robot to duck out of sight until further notice.

A bell chimed overhead as the three men entered the store. Judging from the merchandise, Hiro correctly guessed it was some kind of crafting boutique specializing in different kinds of sewing machines and related tech. And when he looked towards the back, he thought he saw a familiar mop of brown hair.

Hiro nudged Wasabi. "That's him," he said, indicating the man with a thrust of his chin.

The two strode to the back of the store. Out of the corner of his eye, Wasabi saw Worf following suit, only from the further end. They all converged on the man in question as he turned around, a question on his lips.

Q froze when he saw the three men staring at them. "Ah, yes," he said, then cleared his throat uncomfortably. "I was wondering when you'd catch up with me. But you must agree that it's hardly fair to keep me cooped up in such a drafty old house all the time."

"Wasabi resisted the urge to either face plant or do something similar. "Don't let Fred hear you call it that," he moaned. The house was anything but drafty, unless someone left a window open.

"Q," Worf said in a warning tone. He glared at a sales lady who had gone off for a moment only to return at that exact moment. The woman backed up hastily, retreating to the far corner near a door marked "employees only".

"What?" the man asked, his face a mask of disbelief. "How could you expect me to sit still when there's so much to explore! I was only trying to help!"

Wasabi shook his head, his expression less than friendly. "Sure you were." He took the man by one arm. "Let's go." He was more than ready to be done with this particular mission. He wasn't supposed to be a babysitter.

Q pouted, looking more than a little put out. "But I was just starting to have some fun! And that nice lady over there was explaining to me how this marvelous contraption works!" He pointed at one of the sewing machines that seemed capable of working without human guidance.

"Let's go," Worf said in a tone that brooked no arguments.

The delinquent man let his shoulders sag. "Fine. If you're going to put it like that. Let's go." He rolled his eyes as he passed Hiro. Wasabi and Worf held him on either side, just in case he got any ideas.

As he followed them out the door, the hairs on the back of Hiro's neck stood on end . It wasn't so much a feeling of them being watched. There weren't that many people outside now that Baymax was out of sight. But it was more like static electricity. He felt a faint buzzing begin around his ears that felt all too familiar and he regretted wearing the suit. "No," he whispered. "Not now."

A few curious pedestrians glanced their way; remarking on the characteristic armor Hiro and Wasabi wore. Maybe going in full gear had been a mistake, the boy thought, though the thought was short lived. Pain began to manifest around his chest, reminding him of his recently broken ribs. He couldn't let the masses see him like this. He'd be writhing on the ground soon if this kept up and there was no way he was going to do that in a public place.

Hiro searched for the nearest alley, knowing something bad was decidedly about to happen. He didn't know why, but he felt he needed to get out sight and quickly. Seeing an opening, he dashed towards it like an escaping ferret.

"Hey!" Wasabi called out as his friend made a mad dash for a gap between two buildings across the street. "Wait up!"

But Hiro didn't wait as he all but dived into the open space. "This can't be happening!" he said under his breath as he hurried halfway down the alley before he had to pause. His breath came in hurried pants and he leaned over to try and catch his breath. The pain was getting worse, his lungs constricting as if from some outside pressure. It almost felt like something was trying to squeeze him to death.

A dark shadow filled the entrance of the alley, moving to shroud the boy as he desperately fought for control. "Hiro?"

Hiro turned slightly to see who had entered behind him, his ears popping painfully with pressure. "Baymax?" He let out a gasp as more pain coursed through his body, reminding him even more of being shot in the chest. He curled in on himself as his knees gave out from underneath him, then fell to one side as he lost consciousness.


Wasabi couldn't help but stare as he entered the alley what could only be considered moments after Baymax did. It was a bit of a tight fit with the robot there, but he managed to squeeze past the armored marshmallow. Only to stop in shock. "What in the...?"

He blinked again, not sure he believed what he saw. It just wasn't possible. He felt sure he'd seen Hiro dash into this specific alley. The fact that Baymax was also there was more than confirmation. Despite that evidence, he found it really hard to believe what his eyes told him. He turned to look back at Baymax. "Is that who I think it is?"

Baymax leaned forward, blinking his eyes as if to adjust them. "Yes," he answered, scanning the area in front of him. "I do not understand how, but that is Hiro. There is no mistake."

Wasabi turned back to stare at the child-no, toddler in front of him. The child wore the same kind of armor Hiro did, only it had somehow shrunk to the much smaller size of the small body wearing it. And the mop of hair had thinned out ever so slightly with the decrease in size, though it was as unruly as ever under the helmet. But how was this even possible? It couldn't be real. He had to be hallucinating, regardless of what Baymax said.

"Let me go, you big oaf!" Q complained from the entrance of the alley. "I want to see what's going on!"

Wasabi turned once more to see Worf and Q starting into the alley. No doubt they were trying to figure out what had just happened as well. Chances were good they couldn't see far into the alley, thanks to Baymax's hulking frame. But that meant any curious pedestrians also couldn't see in. All the same, they needed to get out of there and fast. There were too many people there, which meant they'd be sure to draw a crowd sooner or later, though he suspected it would be sooner. They just had that kind of luck.

A faint wave of dizziness filled Wasabi as he glanced back at the miniature version of their leader, until he remembered how to breathe once more. Was that really Hiro? Even if Baymax thought it was? It wasn't scientifically-or any other way he could think of, honestly- possible."We need to get out of here," he said as he continued to stare, his eyes wide. "Right now." He could feel the start of a panic attack setting in. This situation was so far out of any expected norm that he was having a hard time keeping things together, even though part of him said he needed to do just that.

"If you desire to leave the area immediately, might I suggest flying?" Worf said as he moved a few steps closer to the unconscious baby.

Wasabi gave a nod. "Yeah." He still looked dazed as he motioned for everyone to follow him down the alley. He then turned and picked up mini Hiro, holding him almost like he was a ticking time bomb. "You got this," he told himself as he moved towards the far end of the alley where there was more room. "It's nothing to worry about. It's all perfectly normal. Nothing to it." At the very least, they could move behind the shops so no one could see them.

"Your heart rate has increased dramatically," Baymax observed as they came out of the back end of the alley. A few rusty railings slanted off of cracking concrete stairs and loading docks. But, other than that, the area was deserted, which suited the blade-wielding hero just fine.

Worf noted that Wasabi was visibly shaking from behind. "Would someone please tell me what is going on?" he requested in his usual gruff manner. "Who is that child you are holding? And what happened to Hiro?"

Wasabi turned, his face stricken as he held out the unconscious child, subconsciously bouncing him as he moved. "This! This is what's going on!"

The Klingon took a step back at the raw emotion he saw on the student's face. Then he looked down at the small figure in his arms. The infant looked very much like a younger version of Hiro, though there obviously had to be some kind of mistake. "I do not understand," he confessed.

Baymax moved forward. "Moments before this occurred, I detected an increase in the same type of energy we encountered at the Manor," he informed. "Perhaps that is what caused this unusual phenomenon."

"Are you suggesting Q's powers transformed Hiro into an infant?" Worf wasn't sure if he could believe this or not. But then he caught sight of Q out of the corner of his eye. Seeing a what could be described as a guilty look on the man's face, he turned to confront him full on. "This is your fault," he accused.

Q put his hands up as if to ward off a blow. "How is this my fault?" he complained. "I don't even have my powers! I'm mortal! Remember? Blame the universe if you must, but you can't blame me! I had nothing to do with this!"

Baymax moved to take Hiro from Wasabi's arms. Something told him the physicist was close to losing it and he didn't want to risk him dropping the boy. "Please try to remain calm," he said to the small group. "We will work this out." He just wasn't sure how. After all, it wasn't every day that an individual regressed drastically like this, and not just emotionally. His programming had nothing to fall back on given the circumstances. He would have to deal with things as they happened, knowing there was no database on the planet that could help with this situation.

"What are we going to tell the others?" Wasabi wondered as he put his head in his now empty hands, a headache forming behind his eyes.


Honey Lemon, GoGo, and Deanna had just returned to the manor when the counselor almost doubled over. The closest to her, Honey ran to support her, wondering if something else had happened to the counselor. "Are you okay?"

Deanna gasped as she clutched one hand against her brace. She shook her head to ward off any further questions while she tried to shut down her empathic senses. "Something's wrong," she finally stated. A sense of dizziness had filled her that she couldn't explain, along with something far more disturbing, which she couldn't shut out. She knew it wasn't coming from anything around her, though it was entirely possible she was feeling what another member of their group was.

GoGo's usual disinterested expression showed hints of concern. "Maybe we should take her to Baymax," she said. "Could be some kind of complication from the concussion."

But Troi shook her head. "It's not me," she said through clenched teeth. The pain was overwhelming and made her feel nauseous.

The chemist's eyes widened as she realized what was going on. "She's sensing someone else." She held the afflicted woman by her shoulders, partly to try and help her stay upright, but partly because worry filled her like a flood. That and she didn't want to further injure her arm by grabbing onto the wounded appendage. "Can you tell us what's happening?"

Deanna closed her eyes. "Pain. Pain and terrible fear." She shuddered as she finally managed to close off whatever connection she had. She shakily straightened under Honey's hands. "Something has gone terribly wrong."

"Do you know who?" GoGo couldn't help but ask. After the raw deal they'd had lately, chances were good it was one of their number. And though she had a basic idea of who it might be, she didn't want to entertain the idea. It almost felt like she'd be making it happen by expecting it.

Troi shook her head. "No." But with the connection closed, her heart returned to a more normal rate, though she still felt off from the event. "It's alright. I'm alright now." She straightened up even more, moving her free hand to her head to stave off the residual dizziness.

Honey reluctantly removed her hands. "We should go find the others. Maybe they know something about what's going on." She didn't remember hearing anything about a disaster in the area. The text she'd gotten at the park was one of those auto-texts social media sometimes sent out. It, too, had not revealed anything to worry about. But she couldn't help but feel, as Deanna did, that something bad had happened.

GoGo was ahead of her, though, as she sauntered up the stairs to the second level of the mansion. Both the library and their respective rooms were up there. Chances were good someone was still in one of those places. "Come on," she urged. "Let's go find out." If nothing else, they'd be able to confirm whether or not it had anything to do with one of their own.


Wasabi felt like a nervous wreck as he wove his van through traffic. He'd forgotten how busy this section of town could be, mostly because he usually didn't go there during this time of day. Thankfully, he'd been sort of prepared. He'd had a change of clothes stashed in one of the hidden compartments of his van's floor. It was where his gear was now stored. Baymax's armor, unfortunately, was too big to fit and had to be covered up with a blanket from the same compartment. They'd stashed most of it in behind the back seat.

The physicist looked back in his rear view mirror as he waited for the light to turn green. He still couldn't believe it. Sure, Hiro could be a pain sometimes, but this was beyond ridiculous. And even though he'd taken some time to get changed, and to get Baymax out of his armor, the boy still slept. That couldn't be normal, though it had saved them the trouble of having to deal with that and returning to a more "normal" appearance at the same time.

But at least Worf had been willing to go after the necessary clothes in the back of his car. And they'd still been there, though it had taken the Klingon a bit of doing to find them. It had been a while since he'd last checked. They hadn't been necessary for some time. But he doubted driving around with Baymax in full armor would have been a good idea. The robot had already declared he deem it advisable to fly with someone who was practically an infant. Nor did he think the others would do well with the open flying style required to return to the manor on Baymax's back. That and Wasabi didn't trust either Q or Worf to drive his van back there either. Thankfully, once he'd shared his reasoning, the others had agreed.

"This is unreal," the physics student uttered under his breath.

Q sat in the very back, up next to parts of Baymax's armor that didn't fit behind the seat. Worf sat next to Baymax in the middle. The robot took up the space of two people. Since he was holding a rather tiny version of Hiro, Wasabi had thought it best for him to not deflate. But that meant the vinyl-covered robot wore the seat belt while he held the practically-an-infant Hiro in his arms like some kind of airbag or pumped up life preserver. This was so not right on so many levels.

The light turned green without Wasabi noticing and he almost jumped when the car behind him honked loudly. He put his foot to the gas pedal a lot harder than he'd intended, sending them shooting out into the intersection. Letting out a bit of a terrified scream, he pulled over at the first available moment so he could hyperventilate.

If Tadashi were alive, he'd kill me, he thought as he tried to control himself. Unfortunately, it wasn't working all that well.

Q stared out the window with a rather bored expression. "Are we there yet? I can't feel my backside anymore. Is it supposed to be this tight back here? Something's poking me."

"You will remain quiet," Worf admonished in a gruff tone. He didn't speak as loudly as he normally would, however, on account of the sleeping child next to him.

Baymax scanned the hero in the driver's seat. "Take deep breaths," he encouraged. "You are doing well, considering the circumstances."

Wasabi looked back with almost manic eyes. "How can you say that!? Hiro is a FREAKING INFANT! How is any of this okay?!" His seat belt twisted as he tried to get a better angle, almost strangling him. With a loud yell, he disengaged the belt so he could breathe once more. "Even the car is out to get me!"

Realizing Wasabi was headed to a full-out panic attack, Baymax leaned forward to make sure the car was not in gear. It wasn't, thankfully. Wasabi had put it in park, though the engine was still running. "Please try to remain calm," he insisted, still using his usual soothing voice. Wasabi's vitals were decidedly getting more erratic.

"Calm!? CALM!?" Wasabi all but yelled. 'YOU REMAIN CALM! I'M FREAKING OUT HERE!"

Q rolled his eyes. "We can clearly see that," he retorted. "Can we get going already? This is boring. No one likes to see a grown man throw a temper tantrum."

Worf turned to the sarcastic man. "That is enough," he admonished as he reached out with one hand and whacked Q on the head.

Even though it wasn't all that hard, Q recoiled, then put his hands to his face like he'd been deformed. "I can't believe you hit me! Look! I'm bleeding! I'm telling Picard!" He continued to hold his hand to his face, despite the lack of physical evidence suggesting Worf may have broken the skin. There was, however, a decent red mark where he'd made contact with the man's face.

"Enough!" Worf yelled. "Do you want to take this outside?"

Baymax turned his head to look at Worf; realizing things were decidedly getting out of hand. At this rate, they would begin to hurt each other in ways that might not easily be fixed. "Please desist from this behavior," he tried, but the two males nearest him ignored his words.

"Any time, Klingon," Q sneered. And then he tried to disengage his seat belt, only to fail.

Wasabi's eyes had gone wide at this point as he shook in his head. "JUST STOP! YOU'RE GOING TO WAKE HIRO!"

His words seemed to give both men pause as they all looked towards the sleeping boy in Baymax's lap. Hiro's head had lulled to one side against Baymax's encompassing arms, which held him in place. Even the robot looked down at the sleeping child. And, despite the loud voices, the tot seemed oblivious to anything outside of the back of his eyelids.

Anything else any of them might have said was interrupted by a rather distinctive sound coming from the sidewalk. Well, more like from a gap between two stores, but close enough to count. All eyes turned that direction as a blue light seemed to flash from nowhere.

"Oh no," Wasabi whispered as he pressed his back against his seat. "Not again." He could feel his heart thudding in his chest and wondered just how much longer this could keep up before he really lost it and went into either a catatonic state or simply went crazy.

Worf stared at the pulsing light as something materialized. "What is going on?" He reached towards his hip for the phaser that wasn't there. Picard had insisted they be kept at the manor.

Baymax straightened as he realized what was going on. "It is the Doctor," he announced as he looked almost hopefully in the direction of the light.

No more than a second later, a blue box appeared where an open space had been before. The distinctive features left little doubt to the two Heroes as to its owner. The main question, however, was why was it there.

Feeling somewhat more like his usual self, more because even though it was impossible, the TARDIS was something at least familiar, Wasabi opened his door and walked around the van. He may think the Doctor an odd duck, with no sense of order, but he knew the man was good at fixing things. And if anyone could fix this, he felt sure the Doctor could.

Wasabi straightened his shirt as he strode up to the wooden box. Should he knock? Or should he just wait for the man inside to come out? He wasn't sure so he hesitated, hand halfway raised. He just hoped the others couldn't see just how badly he was shaking.

That's when the door opened and an unfamiliar face poked out. The man standing just inside the TARDIS had somewhat lighter hair than Wasabi had expected. That and the man's hair was also longer and swept towards the right side of his face, even though it came down to his eyes on one side. And his clothes were decidedly different as well. He still wore a suit jacket over a button down shirt, but they were different. And he wore a bow tie instead of a traditional one, with suspenders.

"Hello!" the man called out, almost right in Wasabi's face. "What do you want?"

Wasabi stared. He couldn't help it. This man was so unlike everything he'd come to accept as the Doctor that his brain didn't know how to deal with it. He pointed a shaky finger at the man. "You're not..." and then he swooned.

Seeing his companion go down, Worf exited the vehicle, ready to defend or do whatever else might be necessary. "Wasabi!" he called out as he rounded the van and knelt by the unconscious student's side.

The man in the TARDIS blinked at that and shook his head like a wet dog. "Wait. Wasabi? No. It can't be!" He all but leapt out of the box. The door closed behind him as he knelt on Wasabi's other side. "Is it really you? But if you're here, what happened to Amelia?"

Worf checked Wasabi's pulse before looking up at the strange man beside him. At least his heart was still beating. That was something. "Who are you?" he demanded.

The man seemed a bit taken back by that. "Who am I? Well, I'm the Doctor! Obviously." He gave a funny little quirk of his shoulders as he grinned like an impish child. "Who are you? What are you? I don't think I've encountered your species before. Definitely not human. And not a native of this planet either, if I'm any judge of species."

Before Worf could even answer his questions, the man had whipped out a small cylindrical device which lit up green on one end. He waved it around the Klingon, looking rather confused.

The small device made a funny humming noise, but Worf couldn't feel any ill effects coming from it. Nor did he sense any malicious intent. "I am Lieutenant Worf of the Star ship Enterprise. I am a Klingon."

But it seemed the Doctor had lost interest in the alien as he looked up and down the street as if he expected to see something completely different. "This is wrong, all wrong," he almost whined. "I was only supposed to take a quick turn around the moon and be back in Amelia's garden. She's probably still there, waiting for me with her little suitcase. Or was it a quick ride after I saved the planet once again? Oh bother. It's still all a jumble. I really can't wait for it to sort itself out."

The van door on the other side slid open as Baymax exited the vehicle, carefully carrying Hiro in his arms. He waddled forward, stopping a meter or two away from the TARDIS. "You are the Doctor?" he inquired with a tilt of his head. "Though you appear to have a similar genetic structure as the Doctor, your DNA is not the same. Are you related?"

The Doctor seemed to jump up like a cat leaping from one piece of furniture to another. "Baymax! Oh but it's been a long time! Didn't think you'd be seeing me again, did you? It's me! I'm the Doctor!" He held out his hands like he'd just said "Tadah!" instead of announcing he was a specific person.

Baymax tilted his head to the other side. "I do not understand," he finally admitted.

Then it dawned on the space traveling man. "Oh! Right! I guess it wouldn't, seeing as how I've changed faces again. But you didn't really know about that part, now did you?" He put one hand to his chin in thought. "Didn't expect that. Then again, I didn't expect for the Old Girl to send me gallivanting halfway across the planet either. Could be worse, I suppose. How do I explain this?"

At that moment, Wasabi came back to his senses, groaning as he shook his head and came to a sitting position. "I just had the strangest dream," he muttered, then realized he hadn't been dreaming as he looked up and still saw the TARDIS with another man standing in front of it.

"Do get up, Wasabi," the Doctor said as he moved to one side so the student could stand. "We're making a bit of a scene."

Worf resisted the urge to roll his eyes. "You are the one making a scene," he quipped. "And we still do not know what is going on."

"Right," the Doctor said, clapping his hands together. He still had that rather ridiculous looking grin on his face, one part crazy, two parts excitement. "I'm the Doctor, only not the Doctor you remember. See, my race has this fun little thing we call regeneration where when we're about to die, we can regenerate into a completely different person. Same Doctor, different body, though it does get mixed up a bit sometimes."

Wasabi didn't look totally convinced. "Okay," he said as he got to his feet with Worf's help. "If you're the Doctor, how did we meet?"

The man scratched at his head for a moment. "Hold on a second. It'll come back to me. Oh! Right!" He clapped his hands again. "It was at your friend's place. What's his name again? Fred? That's the one! My companion and I came to find someone who was affected by the alien entity in the area."

Wasabi's mouth fell open. "It is you!" He turned quickly turned to look in the van, only to realize Baymax had already exited the vehicle. "We need your help. Something terrible has happened to Hiro!"

"Eh? Something happened to Hiro?" the Doctor asked. "I thought it odd to see Baymax without him. But who's this little one he's holding?" He pulled out some glasses and peered at the sleeping toddler.

Baymax readjusted his grip on the sleeping youth. "This is Hiro," he supplied. "Something has changed his molecular structure, causing him to revert back to a younger age. Can you reverse it?"

Hearing that, the Doctor peered even closer at the sleeping boy. He pulled out his sonic screwdriver once more and waved it over the sleeping form. Then he straightened up with a bit of a flourish and pocketed the screwdriver and his glasses. "I'm afraid not. Nope. Nothing I can do."

Wasabi wasn't going to take no for an answer and got right up into the man's face. "What do you mean no? You were able to help him last time!"

"Can't," the Doctor said with a shrug. "Unless you find whatever did this, there's nothing I can do."

Q chose that moment to poke his head out of the van. "If you puny humans are finished gadding about, I'd like to go back to my prison," he retorted.

Seeing Q, the Doctor perked up. "Oh? Who's this?" He sauntered over to the car and gave the man inside a good look. "Not a bad hairline. Not sure about that nose, but still not a bad face." He then turned back to Wasabi. "Who is this man?"

Wasabi had to close his eyes to re-gather his mental stability. Things were decidedly going in a less than stellar direction. In fact, he wondered if things weren't getting worse. "Maybe we should just go back to the manor so we can sort this all out. There's a lot going on and I really don't want to talk about it where all these people can hear."

The far from subtle reminder brought several pedestrians and other curious individuals into the limelight. "Right," the Doctor said as he looked around. "Can't have that happening. I'll just step back into the TARDIS and you can drive everyone else to Fred's place in that... what was it called again?"

Wasabi clenched an impatient fist. "It's a car," he said through grit teeth. "Can we go now?"

Taking the hint, Worf returned to his side of the car and climbed it. Baymax also returned to his seat inside, making sure to buckle up before closing the door. The Doctor fiddled with the door of his TARDIS, trying to open it. He let out a huff when the door refused to budge. "On second thought, allow me to come with you." He slid into the front passenger seat while Wasabi climbed back behind the wheel.

"You know," the Doctor said as he looked around at the dashboard, "I think I remember driving something similar to this once. Think I can have another go?" He gave Wasabi a winning smile. But if he'd hoped to get behind the wheel again, he was disappointed.

"No," Wasabi said flatly as he put the car in gear. He couldn't help but wonder how he was going to explain all of this to the rest of the gang. With those thoughts in mind, he pulled back into traffic, heading back to the Manor.

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